Wikipedia:Pan Am Flight 103 bombing investigation

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Alan Feraday Alan Feraday
WpIcon32.png Pan Am Flight 103 bombing investigation

Gaps  The Wikipedia page on Alan Feraday was deleted in March 2009, in spite of his evidence having been crucual in obtaining the conviction of Abdelbasset Ali Al-Megrahi for the Lockerbie bombing. There are 3 references to him in the 'Pan Am Flight 103 bombing investigation' article. The last mentions him having been discredited in other forensic cases but the information is buried in masses of unrelated detail

The Wikispooks article focuses on the demonstrable unreliability of forensic evidence provided by Alan Feraday

Related Wikispooks Pages

Category:Lockerbie Category:Lockerbie - A list of all the files, articles and documents connected to the Lockbie bombing

Additional Information