Document talk:Green-Light for Greenwald: Government Duplicity or Government Duality?

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Revision as of 15:37, 15 December 2013 by Robin (talk | contribs) (Why I made that page...)
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Creating a page in the NS:Document with Form:Document

If a namespace is assigned a default form then clicking a red link with a proposed new page name will automatically invoke the form. However, if the form is assigned to a category, the system does not know which form - if any - to use until a category has been assigned - ie the page created. The only way to get around this appears to be to invoke the 'Form:Document' first, then put the proposed name in the sigle presented field. That's what I just did for this page - after deleting your near-blank one first. --Peter P (talk) 15:02, 15 December 2013 (GMT)

That's a neater way, but it's not the only way. I thought, as long as the page is in category:Doc, it'll offer me the "Edit with Form" option, so I made a dummy page in the right category and edited that. If the page hadn't been deleted, it would have worked. Firefox - usually good at remembering contents of text boxes submitted - somehow lost it this time. :( Robin (talk) 15:37, 15 December 2013 (GMT)