Document:CFR Membership 1993

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Membership Lists


  • David Rockefeller, Chairman Emeritus
    Peter G. Peterson, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations
    58 E. 68th St. New York, NY 10021
    Phone (212) 734-0400
    Fax (212) 861-1789
  • Paul Volker, North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission
    345 E. 46 St. New York, NY 10017
    Phone (212) 661-1180
  • President of the United States of America
    William Clinton -- CFR, TC, BB
  • Asst. Sec. for Administration, United Nations
    Dick Thornburgh -- CFR
  • National Security Advisor
    Anthony Lake -- CFR
  • Vice President of the United States of America
    Albert Gore, Jr. -- CFR
  • Secretary Of State
    Warren Christopher -- CFR
  • Secretary Of Defense
    Lee Aspin (Deceased)-- CFR
  • Chairman Joint Chiefs Of Staff
    Colin L. Powell -- CFR
  • Director Central Intelligence Agency
    James Woolsey -- CFR
  • Chairman, Council of Economics Advisors
    Laura Tyson -- CFR
  • Treasury Secretary
    Lloyd Bentsen -- Former CFR, BB
  • Secretary of Interior
    Bruce Babbitt -- CFR
  • Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
    Henry Cisneros -- CFR
  • Secretary of Health & Human Services
    Donna Shalala -- CFR, TC


Sandra Day O'Connor, Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court -- CFR
Steve G. Breyer, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit, Boston -- CFR
Ruth B. Ginsburg, U.S. Court Of Appeals, Wash., DC Circuit -- CFR
Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash., DC Circuit -- CFR


John Norton Moore, Chairman -- CFR
Elspeth Davies Rostow, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Samuel W. Lewis, President -- CFR
John Richardson, Counselor -- CFR
David Little, Senior Scholar -- CFR
William R. Kintner, Director -- CFR
W. Scott Thompson, Director -- CFR


Gary R. Edson, Chief of Staff & Counselor -- CFR
Joshua Bolten, General Counsel -- CFR
Daniel M. Price, Dep. General Counsel -- CFR


Roger Altman, Deputy Sec. -- CFR
Robert R. Glauber, Under Sec., Finance -- CFR
David C. Mulford, Under Sec., Intntl Affairs -- CFR
Robert M. Bestani, Dep Asst Sec., Intntl. Monetary Affairs -- CFR
J. French Hill, Dep. Asst. Sec., Corp Finance -- CFR
John M. Niehuss, Dep. Asst. Sec., Intntl. Monetary Affairs -- CFR


Joshua Lederberg, V. Chmn Adv. Counc. -- CFR
John H. Gibbons, Director -- CFR
Lewis M. Branscomb, Adv. Council -- CFR


James M. Strock, Asst. Adm., Enforcement And Compliance -- CFR


Leonard H. Robinson, Jr., President -- CFR


George Stephanopoulos, Director, Communications -- CFR
Willian J. Crowe, Chief Foreign Intelligence Advisory Bd. -- CFR
Nancy Soderberg, Staff Director, National Secuity Council -- CFR
Samuel R. Berger, Deputy Advisor, National Security -- CFR
W. Bowman Cutter, Deputy Assistant, National Economic Council -- CFR


Alice Rivlin, Deputy Director -- CFR


John D. Macomber, President & Chairman -- CFR
Eugene K. Lawson, 1st VP & Vice Chairman -- CFR
Rita M. Rodriguez, Director -- CFR
Hart Fessenden, General Council -- CFR


William R. Graham, Jr., Science Advisor to President & Director -- CFR


James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn. Trust Fund Board -- CFR
Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst. Librarian National Programs -- CFR


Frank H. T. Rhodes, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR
James B. Holderman, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR
D. Allen Bromley, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR


Thomas Graham, Jr., General Council -- CFR
William Schneier, Chmn., General Advisory Council -- CFR
Richard Burt, Negotiator On Strategic Defense Arms -- CFR
David Smith, Negotiator, Defense & Space -- CFR


William W. Schwarzer, Director -- CFR


Madeleine Albright, UN Amabassador -- CFR
Clifton Wharton, Jr., Deputy Sec. -- CFR
Lynn Davis, Under Sec. for International Security Affairs -- CFR, TC
Brandon H. Grove, Dir. of Foreign Service Institute -- CFR
H. Allen Holms, Asst. Sec., Bureau Of Politico-Military Affairs -- CFR
John H. Kelly, Asst. Sec., Near East-South Asian Affairs -- CFR
Alexander F. Watson, Deputy Rep., United Nations -- CFR
Jonathan Moore, UN Mission -- CFR
Joseph Verner Reed, Chief of Protocol -- CFR
Dennis B. Ross, Director, Policy Planning Staff -- CFR
Edward Perkins, Dir. of Personnel -- CFR
Abraham David Sofaer, Legal Advisor -- CFR
Peter Tanoff, Under Sec. for Political Affairs -- CFR, TC
Brian Atwood, Under Sec. For Management -- CFR
Joan E. Spero, Under Sec. Eco. & Ag. Affairs -- CFR
George E. Moose, Asst. Sec. African Affairs -- CFR
Winston Lord, Asst. Sec., East Asian & Pacific Affairs -- CFR, TC
Stephen A. Oxman, Asst. Sec., European Affairs -- CFR
Timothy E. Wirth, Counselor -- CFR


Strobe Talbott (Special Advisor For CIS) -- CFR
Thomas R. Pickering (Russia) -- CFR
Morton I. Abramowitz (Turkey) -- CFR
Michael H. Armacost (Japan) -- CFR
Shirly Temple Black (Czechoslovakia) -- CFR
Julia Chang Bloch (Nepal) -- CFR
Henry E. Catto, Jr. (Great Britain) -- CFR
Frances Cook (Camaroon) -- CFR
Edward P. Djerejian (Syria) -- CFR
Geoge E. Moose (Senegal) -- CFR
John D. Negroponte (Mexico) -- CFR
Edward N. Ney (Canada) -- CFR
Robert B. Oakley (Pakistan) -- CFR
Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr. (Tunisia) -- CFR
Christopher H. Phillips (Brunei) -- CFR
Nicholas Platt (Phillipines) -- CFR
James W. Spain (Maldives & Sri Lanka) -- CFR
Terence A. Todman (Argentina) -- CFR
Frank G. Wisner II (Egypt) -- CFR
Warren Zimmerman (Yugoslavia) -- CFR


David L. Boren (D-OK) -- CFR
William Bradley (D-NJ) -- CFR
John H. Chafee (R-RI) -- CFR, TC
William S. Cohen (R-ME) -- CFR, TC
Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT) -- CFR
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) -- TC
Bob Graham (D-FL) -- CFR
Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) -- CFR
George J. MiTChell (D-ME) -- CFR
Claiborne Pell (D-RI) -- CFR
Larry Pressler (R-SD) -- CFR
Charles S. Robb (D-VA) -- CFR, TC
John D. Rockefeller, IV (D-WV) -- CFR, TC
William Roth, Jr. (R-DE) -- CFR, TC


Howard L. Berman (D-CA) -- CFR
Thomas S. Foley (D-WA) -- CFR
Sam Gejdenson (D-CT) -- CFR
Richard A. Gephardt (D-MO) -- CFR
Newton L. Gingrich (R-GA) -- CFR
Lee H. Hamilton (D-IN) -- TC
Amory Houghton, Jr. (R-NY) -- CFR
Nancy Lee Johnson (R-CT) -- CFR
Jim Leach (R-IA) -- TC
John Lewis (D-GA) -- CFR
Robert T. Matsui (D-CA) -- CFR
Dave K. Mccurdy (D-OK) -- CFR
Eleanor Homes Norton (D-DC) -- CFR
Thomas El Petri (R-WI) -- CFR
Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) -- TC
Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo (D-PR) -- CFR
Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) -- CFR
Peter Smith (R-VT) -- CFR
Olympia J. Snow (R-ME) -- CFR
John M. Spratt (D-SC) -- CFR
Louis Stokes (D-OH) -- CFR


Alan Greenspan, ChairmaN -- CFR, TC
E. Gerald Corrigan, V. Chmn./Pres. NY Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR
Richard N. Cooper, Chmn. Boston Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR
Sam Y. Cross, Manager, Foreign Open Market Acct. -- CFR
Robert F. Erburu, Chmn. San Francisco Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR
Robert P. Forrestal, Pres. Atlanta Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR
Bobby R. Inman, Chmn., Dallas Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR, TC
Robert H. Knight, Esq. -- CFR
Steven Muller -- CFR
John R. Opel -- CFR
Anthony M. Solomon -- CFR, TC
Edwin M. Truman, Staff Dir. International Finance -- CFR
Cyrus R. Vance -- CFR
Paul Volcker -- CFR, TC


Chase Manhattan Corp.

Thomas G. Labrecque, Chairman & CEO -- CFR, TC
Robert R. Douglass, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Willard C. BuTCher, Dir. -- CFR
Richard W. Lyman, Dir. -- CFR
Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir. -- CFR
David T. Mclaughlin, Dir. -- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. -- CFR
Henry B. Schacht, Dir. -- CFR

Chemical Bank

Walter V. Shipley, Chairman -- CFR
Robert J. Callander, President -- CFR
William C. Pierce, Executive Officer -- CFR
Randolph W. Bromery, Dir. -- CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir. -- CFR
George V. Grune, Dir. -- CFR
Helen L. Kaplan, Dir. -- CFR
Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir. -- CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Dir. -- CFR
Richard D. Wood, Dir. -- CFR


John S. Reed. Chairman -- CFR
William R. Rhodes, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Richard S. Braddock, President -- CFR
John M. DeuTCh, Dir. -- CFR
Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., Dir -- CFR
C. Peter Mccolough, Dir. -- CFR
Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir. -- CFR
Franklin A. Thomas, Dir. -- CFR
First City Bancorp, Texas:
A. Robert Abboud, CEO -- CFR

Morgan Guaranty

Lewis T. Preston, Chairman -- CFR

Bankers Trust New York Corporation

Charles S. Stanford, Jr., Chairman -- CFR
Alfred Brittain III, Dir. -- CFR
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Dir -- CFR
Richard L. Gelb, Dir. -- CFR
Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir. -- CFR

First National Bank of Chicago

Barry F. Sullivan -- TC

Manufacturers Hanover Directors

Cyrus Vance -- CFR
G. Robert Durham -- CFR
George B. Munroe -- CFR
Marina V. N. Whitman -- CFR, TC
Charles J. Pilliod, Jr. -- CFR

Bank America

Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir. -- CFR
Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr., Dir. -- CFR
Ruben F. Mettler, Dir. -- CFR

Securities & Exchange Commission

Michael D. Mann, Dir. International Affairs -- CFR


Jay Mazur, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union -- CFR, TC
Jack Sheinkman, Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union -- CFR
Albert Shanker, Pres., American Federation Of Teachers -- CFR, TC
Glen E. Watts, Communication Of Workers Of America -- CFR, TC


Department Of Defense

Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR
Frank G. Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR
Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec., International Security Affairs -- CFR
Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR
W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec., Europe & NATO -- CFR
Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR
Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Defense Research & Engineering -- CFR
Andrew W. Marshall, Dir., Net Assessment -- CFR
Michael P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR
Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR
Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR

Allied Supreme Commanders

1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR
1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR
1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR
1956-63 Norstad -- CFR
1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR
1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR
1974-79 Haig -- CFR
1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC

Superintendents of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point

1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR
1963-66 Lampert -- CFR
1966-68 Bennett -- CFR
1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR
1974-77 Berry -- CFR
1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1991

Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF -- CFR
Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC -- CFR
Col. Jack B. Wood, USA -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1992

Col. David M. Mize, USMC -- CFR
Col. John P. Rose, USA -- CFR

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chairman -- CFR
Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army -- CFR
Gen. John T. Chain, Co Sac -- CFR
Gen. Merril A. Mcpeak, Co Pac AF -- CFR
Lt. Gen. George L. Butler, Dir. Strategic Plans & Policy -- CFR
Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ. -- CFR
Lt. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, AF Inspector General -- CFR

Secretaries of Defense

1957-59 Mcelroy -- CFR
1959-61 Gates -- CFR
1961-68 McNamara -- CFR, TC
1969-73 Laird -- CFR
1973-75 Richardson -- CFR, TC
1975-77 Rumsfeld -- CFR
1977-80 Brown -- CFR, TC
1980-88 Weinberger -- CFR, TC
1988- Carlucci -- CFR
1988- Cheney -- CFR

Additional Military

Mg R.C. Bowman -- CFR
Bg F. Brown -- CFR
Lt Col W. Clark -- CFR
Adm Wm. Crowe -- CFR
Col P. M. Dawkins -- CFR
V. Adm. Thor Hanson -- CFR
Col W. Hauser -- CFR
Maj R. Kimmitt -- CFR
Gen W. Knowlton -- CFR
V. Adm J. Lee -- CFR
Col D. Mead -- CFR
Mg Jack Merritt -- CFR
Gen E. Meyer -- CFR
Col Wm. E. Odom -- CFR
Col L. Olvey -- CFR
Col Geo. K. Osborn -- CFR
Mg J. Pustay -- CFR
Lg E.L. Rowny -- CFR
Capt Gary Sick -- CFR
Mg De Witt Smith -- CFR
Bg Perry Smith -- CFR
Ltg Wm. Y. Smith -- CFR
Col W. Taylor -- CFR
Adm S. Turner -- CFR
Mg J. Welch -- CFR
Gen J. Wickham -- CFR



Laurence A. Tisch, CEO -- CFR
Roswell Gilpatric -- CFR
James Houghton -- CFR, TC
Henry Schacht -- CFR, TC
Dan Rather -- CFR
Richard Hottelet -- CFR
Frank Stanton -- CFR


John F. Welch, CEO -- CFR
Jane Pfeiffer -- CFR
Lester Crystal -- CFR, TC
R.W. Sonnenfeidt -- CFR, TC
John Petty -- CFR
Tom Brokaw -- CFR
David Brinkley -- CFR
John Chancellor -- CFR
Marvin Kalb -- CFR
Irving R. Levine -- CFR
Herbert Schlosser -- CFR
Peter G. Peterson -- CFR
John Sawhill -- CFR


Thomas S. Murphy, CEO -- CFR
Barbara Walters -- CFR
John Connor -- CFR
Diane Sawyer -- CFR
John Scall -- CFR ====Public Broadcast Service====Robert Mcneil -- CFR
Jim Lehrer -- CFR
C. Hunter-Gault -- CFR
Hodding Carter III -- CFR
Daniel Schorr -- CFR

Associated Press

Stanley Swinton -- CFR
Harold Anderson -- CFR
Katharine Graham -- CFR, TC


Michael Posner -- CFR

Baltimore Sun

Henry Trewhitt -- CFR

Washington Times

Arnaud De Borchgrave -- CFR

Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street)

Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres. -- CFR

Cable News Network

W. Thomas Johnson, Pres. -- TC
Daniel Schorr -- CFR

U.S. News & World Report

David Gergen -- TC

New York Times Co

Richard Gelb -- CFR
William Scranton -- CFR, TC
John F. Akers, Dir. -- CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir. -- CFR
George B. Munroe, Dir. -- CFR
Donald M. Stewart, Dir. -- CFR
Cyrus R. Vance, Dir. -- CFR
A.M. Rosenthal -- CFR
Seymour Topping -- CFR
James Greenfield -- CFR
Max Frankel -- CFR
Jack Rosenthal -- CFR
John Oakes -- CFR
Harrison Salisbury -- CFR
H.L. Smith -- CFR
Steven Rattner -- CFR
Richard Burt -- CFR
Flora Lewis -- CFR

Time, Inc

Ralph Davidson -- CFR
Donal M. Wilson -- CFR
Henry Grunwald -- CFR
Alexander Heard -- CFR
Sol Linowitz -- CFR
Thomas Watson, Jr. -- CFR
Strobe Talbott -- CFR

Newsweek/Washington Post

Katharine Graham -- CFR
N. Deb. Katzenbach -- CFR
Robert Christopher -- CFR
Osborne Elliot -- CFR
Phillip Geyelin -- CFR
Murry Marder -- CFR
Maynard Parker -- CFR
George Will -- CFR, TC
Robert Kaiser -- CFR
Meg Greenfield -- CFR
Walter Pincus -- CFR
Murray Gart -- CFR
Peter Osnos -- CFR
Don Oberdorfer -- CFR

Dow Jones & Co (Wall Street Journal)

Richard Wood -- CFR
Robert Bartley -- CFR, TC
Karen House -- CFR

National Review

Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. -- CFR

Readers Digest

George V. Grune, CEO -- CFR
William G. Bowen, Dir. -- CFR

Syndicated Columnists

Geogia Anne Geyer -- CFR
Ben J. Wattenberg -- CFR


Exxon Corporation

Lawrence G. Rawl, Chairman -- CFR
Lee R. Raymond, President -- CFR, TC
Jack G. Clarke, Sr., Vice President -- CFR
Randolph W. Bromery, Dir. -- CFR
D. Wayne Calloway, Dir. -- CFR


Alfred C. Decrane,Jr., Chairman -- CFR
John Brademas, Dir. -- CFR, TC
Willard C. BuTCher, Dir. -- CFR
William J. Crowe, Jr., Dir. -- CFR, TC
John K. Mckinley, Dir. -- CFR
Thomas S. Murphy, Dir. -- CFR
Atlantic Richfield-Arco:
Hannah H. Gray, Dir. -- CFR
Donal M. Kendall,Dir. -- CFR, TC
Henry Wendt, Dir. -- TC

Shell Oil Co

Frank H. Richardson, CEO -- CFR
Rand V. Araskog, Dir. -- CFR, TC

Mobil Corp.

Allan E. Murray, Chairman & President -- CFR, TC
Lewis M. Branscomb, Dir. -- CFR
Samuel C. Johnson, Dir. -- TC
Helene L. Kaplan, Dir. -- CFR
Charles S. Sanford, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

Tenneco, Inc.

James L. Ketelsen, Chairman -- CFR
W. Michael Blumenthal, Dir. -- CFR
Joseph J. Sisco, Dir. -- CFR


General Motors Corp.

Marina V.N. Whitman, VP -- CFR, TC
Anne L. Armstrong, Dir. -- CFR
Marvin L. Goldberger, Dir. -- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. -- CFR
Dennis Weatherstone, Dir. -- CFR
Leon H. Sullivan, Dir. -- CFR
Thomas H. Wyman, Dir. -- CFR

Ford Motor Company

Clifton R. Wharton, Dir. -- CFR
Roberto C. Goizueta, Dir. -- CFR

GE/NBC Corp.

John F. Welch, Jr. Chairman -- CFR
David C. Jones -- CFR
Lewis T. Preston -- CFR
Frank H.T. Rhodes -- CFR
Walter B. Wriston -- CFR

Deere & Co

Hans W. Becherer, Chairman/CEO -- CFR


John F. Akers, Chairman -- CFR
C. Michael Armstrong, Sr. VP -- CFR


William S. Norman, Executive VP -- CFR


Robert E. Allen, Chairman & CEO -- CFR
Randall L. Tobias, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Dir. -- CFR
Juanita M. Kreps, Dir. -- CFR
Donald F. Mchenry, Dir. -- CFR
Henry B. Schacht, Dir. -- CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Dir. -- CFR
Franklin A. Thamas, Dir. -- CFR
Rawleigh Warner, Jr., Dir. -- CFR
Thomas H. Wyman, Dir. -- CFR

Chrysler Corp.

Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Dir. -- CFR
Peter A. Magowan, Dir. -- CFR

American Express Co.

James D. Robinson,Ceo -- CFR
Joan Edelman Spero -- TC
Anne L. Armstrong -- CFR
William G. Bowen -- CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr. -- CFR
Richard M. Furlaud -- CFR
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. -- CFR, TC
Henry A. Kissinger -- CFR, TC
Frank P. Popoff -- CFR
Robert V. Roosa -- CFR
Joseph H. Williams -- CFR


Richard D. Wood, CEO, Eli Lily & Co -- CFR
Richard M. Furlaud, CEO, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co -- CFR
Frank Peter Popoff, CEO, Dow Chemical Co. -- CFR
Charles Peter McColough, Chmn Ex. Comm, Xerox -- CFR
Rozanne L. Ridgewar, Dir., 3M, RJR Nabisco, Union Carbide -- CFR
Ruben F. Mettler, Former CEO, TRW, Inc. -- CFR
Henry B. Schacht, CEO, Cummins Engines -- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., CEO, Pfizer, Inc. -- CFR
Rand V. Araskog, CEO, ITT Corp. -- CFR, TC
W. Michael Blumenthal, Chairman, Unisys Corp. -- CFR
Joseph John Sisco, Dir., Geico, Raytheon, Gillette -- CFR
J.Fred Bucy, Former Pres, CEO, Texas Instruments -- CFR
Paul A. Allaire, Chairman, CEO, Xerox Corp. -- TC
Dwayne O. Andreas, Chairman, CEO, Archer Midland Daniels -- TC
James E. Burke, Chairman, CEO Em., Johnson & Johnson -- TC
D. Wayne Calloway, Chairman, CEO, Pepsico -- TC
Frank C. Carlucci, Vice Chmn., The Carlyle Group -- TC
Lynn E. Davis, VP, Dir., Rand Corp -- TC
Stephen Friedman, Sr., VP, Co-Chairman, Goldman, Sachs -- TC
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Chairman, CEO, RJR Nabisco -- TC
Joseph T. Gorman, Chairman, Pres, CEO, TRW Inc. -- TC
Maurice R. Greenberg, Chairman, CEO, American International Group -- TC
Robert D. Hass, Chairman, CEO, Levi Strauss -- TC
David J. Hennigar, Chairman, Crownx, Vice Chairman, Crown Life -- TC
Robert D. Hormats, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Int. -- TC
James R. Houghton, Chairman, CEO, Corning Inc. -- TC
Donald R. Keough, President, CEO, The Coca Cola Co. -- TC
Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Assoc. -- TC
Whitney Macmillan, Chairman, CEO, Cargill, Inc. -- TC
Robert S. McNamara, Former President, The World Bank -- TC
William D. Ruckershaus, Chairman, CEO, Browning-Ferris Ind. -- TC
David Stockman, Gen Partner, The Blackstone Group -- CFR
Henry Wendt, Chmn, Smith Kline Beecham -- TC


University Professors:
Graham Allison, Prof. Of Gov., Harvard Univ. -- TC
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Prof., Johns Hopkins -- TC
Gerald L. Curtis, Prof. Poli Sci, Columbia Univ. -- TC
Martin S. Feldstein, Prof. Econ, Harvard Univ. -- TC
Richard N. Gardner, Prof. Law, Columbia Univ. -- TC
Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Prof. Int'l Affairs, Harvard Univ. -- TC
Robert D. Putnam, Prof. Politics, Havard Univ. -- TC
Henry Rosovsky, Prof. Harvard Univ. -- TC
Geoge P. Shultz, Hon. Fellow, Stanford Univ. -- TC
Lester C. Thorow, Dean, Sloan School if Mgmt., MIT -- TC
Paul Volcker, Prof. Int'l Econ., Princeton Univ -- TC
College & University Presidents:
Robert H. Edwards, Bowdoin College -- CFR
Vartan Gregorian, Brown University -- CFR
Hanna Holbom Gray, University of Chicago -- CFR
Joseph S. Murphy, City Univ. of NY -- CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Columbia Univ. -- CFR
Frank H.T. Rhodes, Cornell University -- CFR
James T. Laney, Emory University -- CFR
Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, Fordham Univ. -- CFR
Thomas Ehrlich, Indiana Univ. -- CFR
Steven Muller, Johns Hopkins Univ. -- CFR
Alice S. Iichman, Sarah Lawrence College -- CFR
Edward T. Foote, II, University Of Miami -- CFR
S. Frederick Starr, Oberlin College -- CFR, TC
Joseph Duffey, Chans., Univ. Of Mass. -- CFR
John M. DeuTCh, Institute Professor, MIT -- CFR, TC
Lester C. Thurow, Dean, Sloan Sch., MIT -- CFR
Bernard Harleston, City College of NY -- CFR
John Brademus, New York University -- CFR, TC
Wesley W. Posvar, University of Pittsburg -- CFR
Harold T. Shapiro, Princeton University -- CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Chmn, Rice University -- CFR
Dennis O'Brien, Univ. Of Rochester -- CFR
David Baltimore, Rockefeller University -- CFR
Donald Dennedy, Stanford University -- CFR
Richard Wall Lyman, Pres. Em., Stanford -- CFR
Hans M. Mark, Chancellor, Univ. of Texas -- CFR
Robert H. Donaldson, Univ. of Tulsa -- CFR
Stephen J. Trachtenberg, George Washington Univ. -- CFR
William H. Danforth, Washington University, St. Louis -- CFR
John D. Wilson, Washington & Lee University -- CFR
Nannerl O. Keohane, Wellesley University -- CFR


  1. The United States Government Manual 1991/92, Office of the Federal Register - National Archives and Records Administration.
  2. Standard And Poor's Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives 1991
  3. Annual Report 1991/92, The Council On Foreign Relations, Pratt House, New York City