Document talk:Chemtrails - Proof and Purpose

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Revision as of 02:50, 17 August 2014 by Yuri Zephyros (talk | contribs)
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"Barium is a piezoelectric substance"

No, barium is a reactive metal. Possibly the author is thinking about barium titanate.

In the first paragraph: "As the operations intensified, NASA, aviation authorities, and military organisations responded to queries made by concerned citizens that the trails in question were merely condensation trails (contrails) generated by jets, which, they claimed, have always persisted and expanded in all temperatures, humidity levels, and altitudes." Can the author be contacted to provide a reference to his source for this statement? Compare that false statement with, for instance, the FAA/EPA/NASA Fact Sheet about condensation trails: Can we correct the statement in the article? Or do we just note that it is false here in Discussion, and provide the correct information. How about highlighting the bunk in the article, and providing correct information in a series of footnotes? Actually, the introduction (yellow box at the top) is not even a correct statement about the article - "climate engineering" is not mentioned in the article at all! --Yuri Zephyros (talk) 03:50, 17 August 2014 (IST)