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9-11/Commission/ReportAn official narrative crafted to deceive the ignorant, which highlights the roles of Al Qaeda and the 19 hijackers.
Document:2017 Report into Malteser InternationalA leaked official Knights of Malta report by an independent commission of experts looking into questionable activities of the Knights' main German-based medical and emergency relief service operating worldwide under the name Malteser International. It shows conclusively that Malteser has consistently violated Catholic teaching, under the responsbility of Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager during his long tenure as Grand Hospitaller.
Document:All Roads Lead to Dark Winter
Document:An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018
Document:Antidote to Privatisation is Public Ownership"The report recommends progressive taxation and democratisation of corporations, so that they serve the interests of communities and people rather than just shareholders and executives. It recommends that essential industries, such as energy, be brought into public ownership. It shows that there is very little cost associated with bringing energy, and other essential industries, into public ownership."
Document:BBC report on the 2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack
Document:Background to the Simulation SeminarsBackground to and observation of two war Simulation Seminars
Document:Beverfoerde ReportA leaked, explosive confidential report written by Baron von Beverfoerde to the Council of the German Association, based on his extensive interviews with Cardinal Patron Raymond Burke.
Document:Blogs and Military Information Strategy
Document:Brzezinski's Black Room Report to president CarterUS National Security Advisor Brzezinski's plans for regime change in Iran, including many methods and covert tactics that are familiar 40 years later.
Document:Caritas Pro Vitae Gradu TrustA leaked memorandum by Marc Odendall on the mysterious 120 million Swiss franc trust that has been central to the Order of Malta's 2016/17 Constitutional crisis and power/money grab. Both the Knights of Malta and the Vatican have been working in the shadows to get their hands on shares of this money of "anonymous" (and highly suspect) origin.
Document:Chris Donnelly Paris Brussels May 2016 v2Chris Donnelly talks to his French II connections. "They think our main target needs to be the parts of the political class and the security structures 'where the rot is'"... "As an independent NGO we can do things they can’t do and national governments can’t do"
Document:Collateral Damage 911How 9/11 buried "the biggest financial crimes in history". An analysis of the highly complex web of US/UK covert operations and criminal banking activities going back to WW2, suggesting Western complicity in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent looting of Soviet industry. The ostensible settlement/roll-over for these instruments were dated through September 2001 and would have clinched several high-level criminal investigations had they been allowed to settle normally.
Document:Combatting Russian DisinformationA truly astonishing II document, with a lot of dirty methods. It is written by an established covert French propaganda network, spreading more than a 1000 stories a month, offering to work for II. "our ability to publish articles across hundreds of credible media outlets means that any campaign we undertake will have far more sway than the content published only on state-sponsored outlets RT and Sputnik, and their local few allies."
Document:Communism by the Front DoorAccount of an early morning raid by eight police officers on the author's home where she lives alone and which was followed by questioning and detention in custody until the evening, when she was released under the terms of her pre-existing police bail.
Document:Covert Action in Chile, 1963-73A Church committee report of the hearings before them to study governmental operations with respect to intelligence activities of the United States Senate. A very thorough, but lengthy, investigation into CIA activity in Chile. Includes numerous instances of media manipulation and propaganda in the millions of dollars.
Document:Ed Wilson's RevengeAn example of how plausible deniability worked for the CIA - their 3rd most senior CIA official produces an affidavit that they had had no dealings with Edwin Wilson since 1971. Although legions of insiders knew this was a lie, the court accepted it. Finally exposed as a lie almost 20 years later, all those who lied in court are given immunity.
Document:Framing Russian meddling in the Catalan questionAn example of Projection by the Integrity Initiative. The Moncloa operation shows that the group itself has been involved in subverting the Spanish political process. This document accuses Russia of involvment in the Catalonia independence question.
Document:Human Rights Record of the United States in 2013A report on the Human rights record of the USA through 2013. An official publication of the government of the Peoples Republic of China. A response to the hypocricy of the US government in publishing similar reports on 200 countries and excluding itself - Clearly the US considers itself exempt in such matters.
Document:Human Rights in the USA