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Hi everyone,

My name is Hector and im am from Chile. I was born in 1989 in Santiago de Chile where my father worked as a dentist and my mother was a teacher. I am the second child and oldest son of my four siblings. After highschool i aquired a bachelors degree in Information Technology with focus in IT-Security but during my time at universty i joined a poltical group were i wrote articles and designed pamphlets for protests etc. The focus of this group was writing about the Pinochet regime trough giving the victims a voice and exposing the full extent of Pinochets crimes to the public. I also wrote about the old establishmeht who still held a lot of power in the country and who tried to silence the voice of young students who had hopes and dreams of a better and just future for everyone by using extreme violence. We also gave native tribes a voice and tried to put their problems into the focus of the pulbic eye. During that time i read a lot about history and politcs, especially about the middle east, since my mothers origin is from the levante area(Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq). I worked in the Telecommunnication sector for a few years and then decided to pursue a masters degree which is why i moved to Germany now.