Canada/Liberal Party

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Group.png Canada/Liberal Party  
(Political party)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Liberal Party of Canada Logo 2014.png

The Liberal Party of Canada is the oldest active federal political party in Canada. The party has dominated federal politics of Canada for much of its history, holding power for almost 70 years of the 20th century.[1][2] As a result, it has sometimes been referred to as Canada's "natural governing party".[3][4]

Under Justin Trudeau

Party activist Daniel Dickin, pointed out that under Party Leader Justin Trudeau (2013-), rigged "open nominations" became the norm. At least a half dozen[5] Liberal nominations have been rigged or tampered with through the direct intervention of Trudeau's office: mysteriously disqualifying candidates, changing nomination dates, paperwork going "missing," and using dirty "back-room" politics to ensure the leader's candidate is chosen at any cost. When Andrew Leslie was acclaimed as the Liberal candidate for Orleans, it had to happened with police enforcement[6] and despite hundreds of Liberals attending the meeting to show their support for another candidate (and former Trudeau leadership rival). It was clear from the beginning that Leslie was Trudeau's hand-picked favourite, and certainly wouldn't be stopped by pesky processes like "democracy."


Party Members

Marc LaLonde26 July 1929Canadian politician who attended the 1977 Bilderberg as Canada/Minister of National Health and Welfare
Gilles Lamontagne17 April 191914 June 2016Canadian politician who attended the 1983 Bilderberg. Lieutenant Governor of Quebec 1984-1990
Bill Morneau7 October 1962As Canadian Minister of Finance in March 2020 funded the "COVID-19 response"
Jane Philpott23 November 1960Canadian cabinet minister who was forced out by Justin Trudeau
Pascale St-Onge13 May 1977Canadian sports minister who wants to ban Russia and Belarus from the 2024 Olympics
Jody Wilson-Raybould23 March 1971Canadian cabinet minister who was forced out by Justin Trudeau
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