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Operation BootstrapBetween 1930 and 1970, around one third of all women in the US territory of Puerto Rico were sterilized
Operation Fast and Furious
Operation Snow WhiteReligious cult breaks into 100s of international government buildings to remove their own names, is not banned.
Paul Wellstone/AssassinationA crash officially recorded as an accident, but which several researchers consider to have been a covert assassination.
PewDiePie ADL controversyThe ADL's attempt to destroy the world's most recognised YouTuber. There are still a number of theories to what really happened behind the scenes.
Pittsburgh synagogue shootingUS 2018 mass shooting
ProhibitionThe banning of drinkable alcohol (ethanol). This served multiple hypocritical purposes, much like the later "war on drugs". High on the list, as usual, were the private interests of the small clique who arranged it.
RFK/AssassinationThe assassination of Robert Kennedy, who had resolved to bring to track down and prosecute the killers of him brother, JFK, once he had himself become president.
Roswell IncidentA crash reported in US media in the 1940s of a military or weather balloon. Witnesses, including military personnel later reported they were told to stay quiet and lie, as the "objects" retrieved appeared to be from extraterrestrial origin.
Savings and loan fraud"The largest theft in the history of the world", carried out in broad daylight, with legislative assistance. So many US politicians were directly or indirectly involved, that it was never properly exposed and efforts are ongoing to try to hide the fact that it was no mere accident.
TWA Croatian Hijacking
The Collapse of Europe ConferenceAn openly Islamophobic conference in California, that may have been designed to promote Islamophobia in Europe as part of the "War On Terror".
The New DealPopulist social reform package enacted by Franklin D. Roosevelt against the opposition of the Money Trust
US/2020 Presidential election/Iowa DNC CaucusesMore proof that voting is a rigged joke.
Underwear bombingA successful engineer supposedly turns "extremist", joins Al-Qaeda and boards a plane with a professional made bomb in his underwear without a passport. His handler has never been found.
United Airlines Flight 553A plane crash which ended the life of the wife of E. Howard Hunt, suspected by some to have been an assassination.
Vigilant Guard 17March 2017 military exercise held in Georgia, practicing "any sort of catastrophic event". Also coinciding with Atlanta bridge collapse.
Vince Foster/Premature deathA widely disputed death of a Clinton confidante, heavily censored online, including by Wikipedia.
Waco siegeA 51-day siege which "tired and frustrated" the FBI negotiators after which the FBI burned down the compound.
Wakefield standoffA standoff between an anti-government militia and the police, in July 2021 in Wakefield, Massachusetts.
Washington Conference on International TerrorismA key conference in establishing the "War On Terror", 5 years after the seminal Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism
Workshop on Identifying and Combating Disinformation in Big Data