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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Arch espionage insider who founded his own intelligence agency". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 51 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Deplatforming  + (Anti-[[free speech]] concept. A part of [[censorship]], particularly on [[social media]].)
  • Ben Turok  + (Anti-apartheid activist)
  • Winnie Mandela  + (Anti-apartheid activist and politician. Sentenced to jail in political trial.)
  • Steve Biko  + (Anti-apartheid activist who after his death in police custody became an icon for the movement.)
  • Jay Naidoo  + (Anti-apartheid trade union leader, then Minister responsible for the Reconstruction and Development Programme in the first post-apartheid cabinet of President [[Nelson Mandela]])
  • Anti-communism  + (Anti-communism has been the driving force behind a large amount of activities registered in Wikispooks, including activities of [[intelligence services]], funding of activities, and motivation for deep state groups and individual [[deep state operators]].)
  • National Committee for a Free Europe  + (Anti-communist CIA front organization funding exiles to covertly destabilize [[Soviet Bloc]] countries.)
  • Lee Edwards  + (Anti-communist advisor for Nixon and others. Cercle attendee.)
  • Clinton Golden  + (Anti-communist labor union leader. Double Bilderberger)
  • Adbusters  + (Anti-consumerist NGO which somewhat inadvertently kicked off the [[Occupy movement]] in 2011)
  • Operation Underground Railroad  + (Anti-sex trafficking NGO)
  •  + (Antiwar news and viewpoints since 1995; has moved closer to official narratives over the years)
  • First shoot-down reports appear  + (Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine's interior minister, accuses DPR Militia of shooting down the plane with a 'Buk' SAM.)
  • Maurice Bishop seen speaking to Oswald  + (Antonio Veciana travels to Dallas for a meeting with Maurice Bishop (a.k.a. David Atlee Philips). In the lobby of the Southland building, Veciana sees Bishop speaking to a man Veciana later identifies as Lee Harvey Oswald. ref. Last Investigation, p 141)
  • Antonov 26 19 blue downed  + (Antonov 26 transport plane of the Ukrainian Air Force crashed near Izvaryne)
  • Medical device  + (Any device intended to be used for medical purposes.)
  • Armscor  + (Apartheid South Africa arms production an procurement company. Major node for SA and Western deep state activities.)
  • Rand Afrikaans University  + (Apartheid deep politician [[Gerrit Viljoen]] was first rector.)
  • STTEP  + (Apartheid-era SADF personnel working throughout Africa)
  • Four Reconnaissance Regiment  + (Apartheid-era special forces unit of the [[South African Defence Force]], specialising in amphibious operations.)
  • J. D. Vance  + (Apparent front man for [[Peter Thiel]] and the [[Paypal Mafia]].)
  • "Joint Terrorism Task Force"  + (Apparently busy drumming up business trying to incite "terrorism". They seem to work mostly with low IQ, easily led types.)
  • Guantanamo Bay detention camp/Prisoners' appeals in Washington courts  + (Appeals in Washington courts of Guantanamo prisoners)
  • Document:Hillary Clinton Did It  + (Appearing as a witness in [[John Durham]]Appearing as a witness in [[John Durham]]’s trial of [[Michael Sussmann]], [[Hillary Clinton]]’s [[US/2016 Presidential Election|2016 campaign]] manager, [[Robby Mook]], says she personally approved a plan to give a false [[Steele dossier|'Trump, Russia']] claim to the news media.eele dossier|'Trump, Russia']] claim to the news media.)
  • MacOS  + (Apple's closed source [[operating system]] that GNU terms "malware".)
  • Hadja Lahbib  + (Appointed [[Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs]] in July 2022)
  • Jane Fraser  + (Appointed [[CEO of Citigroup]] in March 2021.)
  • Neal Wolin  + (Appointed [[Chairperson of the Intelligence Oversight Board]], in 2015, was [[US/Secretary of the Treasury]] for 34 days)
  • Elisa Ferreira  + (Appointed [[European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms]] by [[Ursula von der Leyen]] in December 2019. In 2020 was helping to fight Covid with emergency spending)
  • Patrick Pouyanné  + (Appointed [[Total/CEO|CEO]] of [[Total]] following the bizarre death of [[Christophe de Margerie]] (a fellow Bilderberger) in Moscow.)
  • Margaret Thatcher  + (Appointed after [[Le Cercle]]'s intervention, possibly through the [[Shield]] committee.)
  • Inger Andersen  + (Appointed after her third [[WEF AGM]])
  • Erik Solheim  + (Appointed after his second [[WEF AGM]]. Reports that he stepped down "after deep reflection and in close consultation with the [[UN/SG|Secretary-General]]" in 2018.)
  • Hasan Cemal  + (Appointed after the [[1980 Turkish coup d'état]]. Attended the [[2004 Bilderberg conference]].)
  • Miguel Ángel Ballesteros  + (Appointed after the [[Integrity Initiative]] successfully raise concern about the appointment of [[Pedro Baños]].)
  • Miguel Ángel Ballesteros  + (Appointed as [[Spain/Department/Homeland Security/Director|director]] of the [[Spanish Department of Homeland Security]] after the [[Integrity Initiative]]'s [[Operation Moncloa]].)
  • William Casey  + (Appointed as a reward for his work on the Nixon campaign.<sup id="cite_ref-fof_1-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-fof-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Dick White  + (Appointed as something of a snub to SIS)
  • Weldon Kennedy  + (Appointed by Freeh just after the FBI's OKC "investigation".)
  • Wayne Budd  + (Appointed by [[George H. W. Bush]] to serve as Associate Attorney General.)
  • Amos Yadlin  + (Appointed director of [[Israel Defence Intelligence]] in 2006.)
  • William Casey  + (Appointed during the republican primaries.<sup id="cite_ref-fof_1-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-fof-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Boris Tadić  + (Appointed to [[Serbian President]] after the [[Integrity Initiative]] had "expand[ed] his horizons" during a visit to London.)
  • John Durham  + (Appointed to review the [[Dirty dossier]])
  • Giovanni De Lorenzo  + (Appointed with the help of the CIA)
  • Lyman Kirkpatrick  + (Appointment date slightly uncertain)
  • Julie Gerberding  + (Approved [[Merck]] vaccine [[Gardasil]] as CDC Director, salary $172,000. Then made around $25 million from stock sales when working for Merck.)
  • Lyman Lemnitzer  + (Approved the now infamous [[Operation Northwoods]])
  • Ali Soufan  + (Arab-speaking FBI agent who was involved in a number of high-profile anti-terrorism cases)
  • Chad  + (Arabic and French speaking desert nation in [[North Africa]]. Formerly part of the [[French Empire]], Chad has seen instability in recent years.)
  • Brian Crozier  + (Arch espionage insider who founded his own intelligence agency)
  • Daniel Pipes  + (Arch-Zionist and neoconservative intellectual and commentator)
  • Justin Welby  + (Archbishop of Canterbury from 2013)
  • Francis Spellman  + (Archbishop of New York 1939-1967 and protector of [[Ivan Illich]].)
  • George Pell  + (Archbishop with friends in high places)
  • Karl Bendetsen  + (Architect of the [[internment of Japanese Americans]] during [[World War II]]. [[1971 Bilderberg]])
  • File:Deagel 2025  + (Archive of the 2025 population forecast)
  • Svalbard  + (Arctic archipelago of high strategic importance)
  • Document:The Time to Negotiate Peace in Ukraine Is NOW  + (Are things in [[Ukraine]] getting worse? Yes, for both sides. This is precisely the right time to give peace a chance.)
  • Tendring District Council  + (Area in Essex, England)
  • Adrian Salbuchi  + (Argeninian political analyst, writer and commentator)
  • Martín Varsavsky  + (Argentine businessman based in Spain who founded several companies worldwide.)
  • Martín Guzmán  + (Argentinean Minister of Economy during the [[Covid-lockdowns]] and debt restructuring. Selected [[WEF/YGL]]. Close to many projects of [[George Soros]].)
  • Luis María Otero Monsegur  + (Argentinian banker who attended the [[1970 Cercle meeting in Washington DC]])
  • Alberto Nisman  + (Argentinian lawyer and CIA/Mossad collaborator who was murdered the day before delivering report on the [[1994 car bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires]].)
  • Eugenio Burzaco  + (Argentinian politically connected spook with a large amount of dodgy dealings. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2006|WEF Young Global Leader 2006]])
  • Cristina Kirchner  + (Argentinian vice president; former first lady and former president)
  • Elias Davidsson  + (Argued that the US deep state organized the events of September 11th, 2001.)
  • Document:Armed and Dangerous  + (Arguments about whether ministers should resign are not the main point of the Scott Report, says Paul Foot. The real dynamite is in the connection between government and the arms industry - and the level of deception involved)
  • American Continental Corporation  + (Arizona company involved in the [[Savings and loan fraud]] through its chairman [[Charles Keating]].)
  • Jackson Stephens  + (Arkansas oilman and investment banker. Through his company and Worthen Bank, were key financial backers and fundraisers for [[Bill Clinton]] during his Presidential election in 1992.)
  • Libyan Islamic Fighting Group  + (Armed insurgent group in [[Libya]] backed to the hilt by [[Britain]] for many years.)
  • Armed Forces  + (Armies of people with guns and swords and Armies of people with guns and swords and [[bombs]] were often send throughout history to defend old men's property against other old men for often purely selfish reasons. Nowadays, this has become easier, with the amount of humans with better health, the increased world population and the variety of weapons.rld population and the variety of weapons.)
  • Paul Sjeklocha  + (Arms dealer in contact with [[Monique Garnier-Lançon]])
  • Manucher Ghorbanifar  + (Arms dealer and central figure in the [[Iran-Contra Affair]].)
  • Rolf Graage  + (Arms dealer, Le Cercle...)
  • Arms for Libya  + (Around 20 tonnes of C-4 plastic explosive,Around 20 tonnes of C-4 plastic explosive, training in bomb making, together with thousands of rifles, handguns & other weapons sold by a CIA operative to [[Muammar Gaddaffi]]'s Libya in the late [[1970s]] - early 1980s. Then "the biggest [[arms-dealing case]] in U.S. history", still lacking its own page on [[Wikipedia]] as of 2020.[[Wikipedia]] as of 2020.)
  • Philip Habib  + (Arranged for the dumping of President [[Ferdinand Marcos]].)
  • George Meany  + (Arranged the merger with the CIO)
  • Adrian Aispuro  + (Arrested in 2023, heavily armed and with fake [[U.S. Marshal]] credentials and demanded to be taken to the [[2024 US presidential candidate]] [[Robert F. Kennedy Jr]]. Corporate media were not interested.)
  • Willem Matser  + (Arrested in February 2003.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Salvador Guersson Smecke  + (Arrested in connection with the [[2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack]], then released without charge. Was reported to be an IDF Colonel.)
  • Kenneth Trentadue  + (Arrested in connection with the [[Oklahoma City bombing]] then died in jail. His brother suspected a case of mistaken identity.)
  • Frédéric Pierucci  + (Arrested in the US)
  • Document:Who Was Yuri Bezmenov  + (Article about Yuri Bezmenov by Mark Hackard)
  • Operation Paradise Falls  + (Article uploaded by the Wikispooks user CovertCalifornia)
  • Deep Black Lies  + (Articles and ebooks by David Guyatt)
  • Activist Teacher Blog  + (Articles and entries about activist teaching and radical pedagogy, edited by Denis G. Rancourt.)
  • Christopher Bollyn's Web site  + (Articles, publications and commentary by Christopher Bollyn, including most of his output originally published in 'The American Freepress' and elsewhere since 2001.)
  • Infectious clone  + (Artificially created homogenous copies of a single RNA virion, usable as a bioweapon creating symptoms of acute respiratory distress)
  • Hafizullah Amin  + (As Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Afghanistan))
  • Maurice Bridgeman  + (As Anglo-Persian Oil Company)
  • Leslie Gelb  + (As Assistant Secretary of State)
  • Norman Schwarzkopf  + (As CENTCOM commander led 1990-91 [[Gulf War]]; Le Cercle)
  • Björn Lundvall  + (As CEO of [[LM Ericsson]], a part of the [[Wallenberg Sphere]], Lundvall also represented the Wallenberg family as a member of the [[Bilderberg Steering committee]].)
  • Bill Morneau  + (As Canadian Minister of Finance in March 2020 funded the "[[COVID-19 response]]")
  • Hafizullah Amin  + (As Chairman of the Revolutionary Council)
  • David Norquist  + (As Comptroller, he oversaw DoD's first-ever department-wide [[audit]] of $2.7 trillion in assets, which involved over 1,000 outside auditors and discovered "major flaws" but no "major cases of fraud or abuse.")
  • Huntington D. Sheldon  + (As Director of the [[Office of Current Intelligence]], Sheldon briefed three Presidents with the became the [[President's Daily Brief]])
  • Albert Edward  + (As Edward VII)
  • Stella Kyriakides  + (As European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety she was responsible for buying rushed vaccines for tens of billions. At the same time, payments of 4 million euros were put into a family account, allegedly by her husband.)