TWA Flight 800

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Event.png TWA Flight 800 (plane crash) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
DateJuly 17, 1996
Exposed byKristina Borjesson, Henry F. Hughes
Interest ofJames Kallstrom
DescriptionA suspicious air crash, which occurred simultaneously with a live fire exercise being carried out by the US Navy.

Official Narrative

Press Conference

The film Shadows of Liberty includes footage of the FBI press conference at which an activist asked "Why is the navy involved in the recovery when they are a suspect?". By way of answer, the chairman just pointed at him and declared "Remove him!" and he was summarily manhandled out of the room by 4 or 5 suited men. The commercially-controlled media continued as if nothing had happened.

Initial investigation

Over 250 people said they saw something streaking toward the plane and then an explosion.[1]. Many believe that the cause of the crash was a surface-to-air missile attack.[2][3][4] The initial NTSB investigation concluded that the cause was likely criminal, so it passed control to the FBI, since the NTSB does not investigate criminal cases.[5] In the case of TWA 800, the FBI initiated a parallel criminal investigation alongside the NTSB's accident investigation.[6] The four-year NTSB investigation concluded on August 23, 2000, ending the most expensive air disaster investigation in United States history. It concluded that the crash was caused by a gas tank explosion.[7]


The wreckage is permanently stored in a custom-built NTSB facility in Ashburn, Virginia. The reconstructed aircraft is used to train accident investigators.[8][9]

Notable passengers

Some of the notable passengers on TWA 800 included:[10]

  • Pam Lychner, American crime victims' rights advocate
  • Rodolphe Mérieux, physician, son of Alain Mérieux, the president of the pharmaceutical company Merieux Laboratories which is the primary researcher in aids vaccines.
  • Charles Beatty, 50, senior systems engineer with the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, a Navy Research and Development Center
  • Charles H. "Hank" Gray, 47, president and chief operating officer of Midland Financial Group, Inc. (which has many ties to Arkansas)[11]
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  • National Transportation Safety Board. "The Investigative Process". Retrieved February 11, 2010.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
  • National Transportation Safety Board. "NTSB Board Meeting on TWA 800 August 22, 2000, Morning Session". Retrieved February 11, 2010.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
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