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Page nameDescription
Mind control/Child AbuseMind Control aims to gain domination over the victim by making them cede their autonomy to the controlling person or group. Children are especially vulnerable to spiritual, emotional, physical and sexual abuse.
Minimum wage
Open bordersa part of Globalisation
Operation Garden PlotZersetzung of the 1968 peace movement
OptogeneticsA biological technique that involves the use of light to control neurons;A Virtual Reality System for Controlling Living Cells
Phobia inductionManipulative technique to foster suggestibility and a physical stress reaction
Phoenix ProgramA clandestine CIA research project into the use of terror as a means of social control. Techhniques from South East Asia, were later developed in Latin America
PrisonBuilding where people who have violated the law can be sentenced to. Rich people evade this place. Politicians, too..... Bankers, yes central bankers too. Unlike in Monopoly, people aren't thrown into prison by random would think. Interestingly enough, in the 2000s that has proved to be the least of a prosecuted person's concerns.
PsychiatryDiscipline devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorder, can often be just a reinforcement of the prejudices of the era. Open for power abuse since there are less legal safeguards.
Punitive PsychiatryDiscipline devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorder, can often be just a reinforcement of the prejudices of the era. Open for power abuse since there are less legal safeguards.
Quarantinea restriction on the movement of people, animals and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests.
SWATThe use of extreme violence by police, which has effectively normalised the use of military equipment and methods
School"The reproductive organ of the consumer society", coming to resemble prisons more and more closely, especially in USA, where attempts have been made to criminalize those who feed the hungry or comfort the afflicted.
SlaverySlavery is the most blatant of abusive relationships. Slaves are denied rights and freedoms, most notably the freedom to escape the relationship. They are de facto, if not de jure, property of their masters.
Social credit systemA system of reward and punishment mechanisms for the government to control its citizens.
Social credit system/ChinaA system of reward and punishment mechanisms for the Chinese government to control its citizens.
Social engineeringThe calculated influencing of society on a large scale, often over a long term.
Social isolationA state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society. Encouraged by the PTB.
Soft power
Strategy of tensionAn umbrella term used for long series of covert operations by governments aimed at stressing, destabilising or unsettling target populations or states. First used in Italy to describe Operation Gladio bombings.
TelevisionA tool of 20th century commercially-controlled media, now used as a tool of mass surveillance.
The PedophocracyA term coined by David McGowan, who claims that the abuse of children forms a part of the habits of control of the ruling elite.
Urban planning
War on Drugs/Preparation
Web browser/Fingerprinta unique set of attributes that making internet users identifiable