"Hate symbols"

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Concept.png "Hate symbols" 
(enemy image)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
OK sign.jpg
In 2019, the ok sign became a "hate symbol".
A term created by the ADL. An enemy image mobilised to facilitate legal restriction of free speech.

Since 2000 the ADL has maintained a lists of "hate symbols". The list on the group's website included icons, gestures and numbers (for example, 12, 13, 14 & 28). The ADL was criticised in 2019 after adding the American Sign language symbol for "OK" to its list. The ADL claimed that the gesture was "in some circles as a sincere expression of white supremacy".[1]

Media coverage

The corporate media reports ADL propaganda as fact. Apparently the OK sign is white supremacy.[2]

Cancel culture could now attack unsuspecting people for using said emoji. Anyone using the emoji can now be called alt-right.

A bowl haircut and the Pepe the Frog meme are also considered symbols of hate by the ADL.


Wikipedia has an article listing hate symbols according to the ADL.

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