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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "US nuclear whistleblower". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Anna Zetchus Smith  + (US filmmaker interested in "[[conspiracy theories]]")
  • Dylan Avery  + (US filmmaker who made ''Loose Change'')
  • Britt Harris  + (US financier)
  • Joseph Dodge  + (US financier and economic advisor who worked on the financial restructuring of Germany after [[World War II]]. Attended the 3rd and 4th Bilderbergs)
  • Willard Butcher  + (US financier at [[Chase Manhattan Bank]], reporting to CEO [[David Rockefeller]].)
  • Alan Greenberg  + (US financier who [[flew the Lolita Express]])
  • Donald Cook  + (US financier who attended the [[1965 Bilderberg]] when he was a candidate for [[Secretary of the Treasury]]. President [[LBJ]] though he was “the smartest man in the country”.)
  • Howard Petersen  + (US financier who negotiated the conclusion of the 1960-62 [[General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]] for the [[JFK administration]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/1965]].)
  • George Russell  + (US financier who pioneered the business of [[pension fund]] consulting)
  • Anthony Scaramucci  + (US financier, [[White House Director of Communications]] for 10 days in July 2017. Regular at [[WEF AGM]]s)
  • William Collins Whitney  + (US finanicer and politician of the John Whitney family)
  • CIA/Torture  + (US foreign policy has made extensive use of torture since at least the 1960s, and continues to do so. Only since 9/11 has it been more or less openly admitted and have moves been made to try to secure legal justification.)
  • Frederick Payne  + (US former Senator)
  • John M. Keane  + (US four star general who did "alarmingly little while the [9-11] attacks were underway." Four Bilderbergs, starting in 2005.)
  • Phi Delta Theta  + (US fraternity)
  • Sonia Arrison  + (US futurist author and opponent of any paper evidence in [[electronic voting]]. Attended the [[2010 Bilderberg]])
  • Peter Schwartz  + (US futurist who attended the [[Lock Step]] event)
  • George Patton  + (US general who died in a [[car crash]]. Officially, an accident.)
  • CDC  + (US government agency. According to the official narrative charged with preventing disease outbreaks)
  • International Center for Journalists  + (US government funded organization to promote and finance a network of reliable journalists worldwide.)
  • Michael Gfoeller  + (US government insider, Bilderberg, Chertoff Group...)
  • USAID  + (US govt organization to provide "international development", including funding of [[Ecohealth Alliance]]. Called "CIA's little sister".)
  • Matt DeHart  + (US hacker who claimed to have received documents about the CIA's role in the [[2001 Anthrax attacks]]. Later arrested for [[child pornography]].)
  • Jeremy Hammond  + (US hacker who was convicted to 10 years jail for hacking [[Stratfor]] and passing some of their data to [[Wikileaks]]. It soon was revealed he had been given the information necessary for the hack from an [[FBI informant]].)
  • Bob Jones University  + (US hard-line religious college)
  • Partners In Health  + (US health care NGO with deep state ties.)
  • Marc Mezvinsky  + (US hedge fund manager who married into the [[Clinton family]])
  • Harry Elmer Barnes  + (US historian)
  • Stephen Lendman  + (US independent journalist and analyst)
  • Joseph Irwin Miller  + (US industrialist and architecture patron.)
  • Marshall Plan  + (US initiative enacted in [[1948]] to provide foreign aid to post-war [[Western Europe]] that has reached mythological status in [[transatlantic]] circles. If one looks at the details, it becomes far less impressive in achieving its stated objectives.)
  • National Underwater Reconnaissance Office  + (US intelligence agency with very low profile)
  • Mark Cunningham  + (US intelligence worker specializing in creating and promoting NGOs for regime changes.)
  • Tim Hwang  + (US internet [[businessman]] who attended the [[2018 Bilderberg]] aged 26, maybe the 4th youngest of all time.)
  • Angus Mackenzie  + (US investigative journalist particularly interested in the covert activities of the [[Central Intelligence Agency]].)
  • Jake Tapper  + (US journalist)
  • Harrison Salisbury  + (US journalist)
  • Dan Cohen  + (US journalist)
  • Nile Bowie  + (US journalist based in [[Singapore]].)
  • William Arkin  + (US journalist close to the [[Pentagon]])
  • George Krimsky  + (US journalist that was part of Cold War propaganda apparatus)
  • Lester Reingold  + (US journalist who attended [[Operation Dark Winter]]. Guest lecturer in the graduate writing program at [[Johns Hopkins University]])
  • John Newhouse  + (US journalist who attended the [[1967 Bilderberg|1967]], [[1973 Bilderberg|1973]] and [[1978 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Andrea Mitchell  + (US journalist who attended the [[2002 Bilderberg]]. Wife of [[Alan Greenspan]].)
  • Michael Barone  + (US journalist who attended the [[2007 Bilderberg]])
  • Jefferson Morley  + (US journalist who founded of [[The Deep State Blog]])
  • George Eliason  + (US journalist who has reported from the Donbass area where he lives. Port-scanned the [[PropOrNot]] website)
  • Jamelle Bouie  + (US journalist who has written extensively on racial politics.)
  • Hal Hendrix  + (US journalist who was a [[media asset]] for the [[CIA]].)
  • Paul Klebnikov  + (US journalist who was shot dead for his reporting in Russia.)
  • Ralph McGill  + (US journalist who wrote against racial segregation. Attended the [[1957 February Bilderberg]])
  • Arthur E. Rowse  + (US journalist who wrote an article about [[Gladio]] in Italy.)
  • Jim Hoagland  + (US journalist whose Deep state connections include the [[CFR]], [[Hoover Institution]], [[Institute for Strategic Dialogue]] and 4 visits to the [[Bilderberg]])
  • Charlie Rose  + (US journalist whose break came after he was hired by fellow multi-Bilderberger, [[Bill Moyers]])
  • Seth Kantor  + (US journalist with press entourage when [[JFK]] was assassinated in [[Dallas]], spent years investigating [[Jack Ruby]])
  • Gideon Rose  + (US journalist, WEF regular)
  • James Fallows  + (US journalist, [[ACG Young Leaders 1977]], [[CFR]], First [[Bilderberg in 2018]] aged 69)
  • Lesley Stahl  + (US journalist, [[CFR]], [[Bilderberg 1989]] and [[Bilderberg 1997|1997]])
  • Max Blumenthal  + (US journalist, blogger, film maker whom the ''[[Times Of Israel]]'' tagged an "anti-[[zionist]]")
  • Melvin Lasky  + (US journalist, intellectual, with suspected [[CIA]] ties)
  • Paul Gigot  + (US journalist. 6 Bilderbergs)
  • Cyrus Sulzberger  + (US journalist. A member of the family that owned ''[[The New York Times]]''. In 1977 Exposed as a [[CIA]] media asset. Attended the [[Bilderberg/1959|1959]] and [[Bilderberg/1975|1975]] Bilderberg meetings.)
  • Lewis Lapham  + (US journalist. Editor of ''[[Harper's Magazine]]''. Attended the [[1973 Bilderberg]])
  • Flora Lewis  + (US journalist. [[Trilateral Commission]]. Tri-[[Bilderberg]])
  • Antonin Scalia  + (US judge)
  • Esther Salas  + (US judge on a case involving Deutsche Bank. Son and husband reportedly shot by a "[[lone nut]]".)
  • Thomas Selby Ellis III  + (US judge who ruled that the [[NSA]] were not to be held legally accountable for their [[PRISM]] project)
  • Lee Pressman  + (US labor attorney and earlier a US government functionary, alleged to have been a spy for Soviet intelligence during the mid-1930s.)
  • Lane Kirkland  + (US labor leader ([[AFL-CIO/President]] for over 15 years) who spoke at the [[Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism]] on "Terrorism and the Gulag". [[Bilderberg]], [[Le Cercle]], [[CFR]], ...)
  • Gene Viernes  + (US labor leader assassinated by [[Ferdinand Marcos]], under surveillance by [[U.S. Naval Intelligence]].)
  • Andrew Stern  + (US labor leader who attended [[Bilderberg/2017]].)
  • David McDonald  + (US labor leader who attended the [[February 1957 Bilderberg]])
  • Jimmy Hoffa  + (US labor leader whose disappearance may be related to the [[JFK Assassination]])
  • Squire Patton Boggs  + (US law firm and lobbyist with many deep state operatives)
  • Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act  + (US law to allow civil claims in the US justice system against a foreign state for injuries, death, or damages from an act of international "[[terrorism]]")
  • Franklin Williams  + (US lawyer)
  • Preet Bharara  + (US lawyer)
  • Brian Hook  + (US lawyer)
  • Robert Strauss  + (US lawyer and deep state operative)
  • Stephen Burns  + (US lawyer and former [[chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission]].)
  • John Vorys  + (US lawyer and politician)
  • Kelly Ayotte  + (US lawyer and politician, [[Attorney General of New Hampshire]] 2004-2009)
  • John Sullivan  + (US lawyer diplomat)
  • Robert Altman  + (US lawyer involved in the [[Bank of Credit and Commerce International]]. Friends with [[the Clintons]] for decades)
  • William Quandt  + (US lawyer on the ''Middle East: Political Fallout And Future Prospects'' panel at the [[1991 Bilderberg]].)
  • John Foster Dulles  + (US lawyer turned [[deep politician]], brother of [[Allen Dulles]])
  • Paul Mellon  + (US lawyer who [[flew on Epstein's plane]])
  • Frank Keating  + (US lawyer who attended [[Operation Dark Winter]] as [[Governor of Oklahoma]], a job he also held at the time of the [[Oklahoma City bombing]])
  • Ty Clevenger  + (US lawyer who has issued a lot of FOIA requests for information of relevance to the [[US Deep state]])
  • Salmon Levinson  + (US lawyer who originated and publicized the “outlawry of war” movement in the United States. Later assisted in drafting the [[Kellogg-Briand Pact]].)
  • Kurt Haskell  + (US lawyer who overheard a 3rd party get the underwear bomber boarded on the plane ''without a [[passport]]'', and incident which he says "fundamentally changed his life".)
  • John Sherman Cooper  + (US lawyer who refused to sign the draft of the [[Warren Commission]] Report until a qualifying statement was inserted.)
  • Bernard Fensterwald  + (US lawyer who was involved in cases relating to deep events in the US.)
  • Benjamin Payton  + (US lawyer who won an apology from the United States government, delivered by US President Bill Clinton in 1997, for the federal government’s [[Tuskegee syphilis experiment]].)
  • Jon Kyl  + (US lawyer whom [[Sibel Edmonds]] named as one of her "[[Dirty Dozen]]")
  • Saxby Chambliss  + (US lawyer with [[Deep State]] connections)
  • John Ferguson  + (US lawyer, attended the first Bilderberg and 7 others in the 1950s. US Ambassador to Morocco 1962-64)
  • Evan Bayh  + (US lawyer, lobbyist, and politician)
  • Kenneth Roth  + (US lawyer, serial [[WEF AGM]] and [[MSC]] visitor)
  • Stuart Eizenstat  + (US lawyer/diplomat and possible deep state operative)
  • Grand Jury  + (US legal concept. Because the targets of the grand jury or their lawyers have no right to appear before a grand jury unless they are invited, a running joke in the legal profession that a grand jury could "indict a ham sandwich" if the prosecutor asked.)
  • The Atlantic  + (US liberal establishment magazine owned by billionaires.)
  • Empower America  + (US libertarian advocacy group. Funded by the Koch brothers.)
  • Christopher Dodd  + (US lobbyist, lawyer and politician. MPAA CEO)
  • Albert Stubblebine  + (US major general who publicly dissented from the [[9-11 Official narrative]])
  • David Mahoney  + (US marketing executive who attended the [[1981 Bilderberg|1981]]US marketing executive who attended the [[1981 Bilderberg|1981]] to [[1984 Bilderberg]]s. "Tall and trim, he moved among society's elite and was friends with [[Henry A. Kissinger]], [[Vernon E. Jordan Jr.]] and [[Barbara Walters]]. He was reported to have advised Presidents [[Richard M. Nixon]], [[Jimmy Carter]] and [[Ronald Reagan]]".[[Ronald Reagan]]".)
  • San Bernardino shooting  + (US mass shooting in 2015, soon after the similar spree of [[mass murder in Paris]])
  • Gardner Cowles  + (US media mogul)
  • NDAA 2017  + (US military budget 2017)
  • Christine Wormuth  + (US military bureaucrat who helped prepare the ground for more aggressive posture on [[Russia]] and [[China]].)
  • Operation Warp Speed  + (US military enforced project nominally inspired by [[COVID-19]])
  • Richard Case Nagell  + (US military officer who, according to [[Dick Russell]]'s biography of him, claimed to have had foreknowledge of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy)
  • Michael Flynn  + (US military spook)
  • Thomas Jones  + (US military-industrial businessman who attended the [[1966 Bilderberg|1966]] and the [[1987 Bilderberg]]s.)
  • Amo Houghton  + (US multi-millionaire politician. Attended the [[1972 Bilderberg]] as CEO of family company [[Corning]], on the verge of becoming world's leading manufacturer of optical fiber.)
  • J. Ward Keener  + (US multinational business executive who went to the [[1968 Bilderberg]])
  • William Leahy  + (US naval officer and ambassador to [[Vichy France]] from 1940 to 1942.)
  • Robert Pirie  + (US navy officer and official, revolving door.)
  • Randy Scheunemann  + (US neocon foreign policy advisor to presidential candidate [[John McCain]].)
  • Seymour Lipset  + (US neoconservative sociologist who attendeUS neoconservative sociologist who attended the [[1970 Bilderberg conference]], and was a member of several intelligence-connected groups such as the [[American Committee for Peace in Chechnya]], [[Committee for the Free World]] and [[Committee on the Present Danger]].[[Committee on the Present Danger]].)
  • Martha Farah  + (US neuroscientist who attended the [[2008 Bilderberg]].)
  • Tampa Bay Times  + (US newspaper owned by the [[Poynter Institute]])
  • New York Post  + (US newspaper part of Rupert Murdoch empire)
  • Gregory Jaczko  + (US nuclear bureaucrat taking safety concerns too seriously, forced to resign by nuclear lobby.)
  • Donald Hornig  + (US nuclear detonators scientist and presidential science advisor)
  • Bing West  + (US officer and author specializing in rosy depictions of successful [[counterinsurgency]]. [[Bilderberg/2010]])
  • Colin Powell  + (US officer and politician heavily involvedUS officer and politician heavily involved in the deep state [[Iran-contra]] affair. He is particularly remembered for his dramatic lies in the [[UN Security Council]] before the [[2003 Iraq War|US invasion of Iraq in 2003]], claiming Iraq was in [[Iraq/WMD|possession of weapons of mass destruction]].[[Iraq/WMD|possession of weapons of mass destruction]].)
  • Raymond Roe  + (US officer in attendance at the [[1981 Bilderberg]], probably as aide to [[Bernard Rogers]], [[Supreme Allied Commander Europe]])
  • Robert Bowman  + (US officer turned peace activist and 911 skeptic.)
  • Shayna Steinger  + (US official who issues visas to 12 of the 19 official culprits of 9/11.)
  • Frank Luntz  + (US opinion shaper)
  • Brian Bogart  + (US peace activist.)
  • Rebecca Goldstein  + (US philosopher and author who attended her first Bilderberg in 2018.)
  • Margaret Hamburg  + (US physician and expert in pandemic preparedness. Board of the [[Council on Foreign Relations]].[[Operation Dark Winter]], [[Clade X]], [[GAVI]], [[CFR]], [[Wellcome Trust]],[[Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation]], [[Rockefeller Foundation]])
  • John Barrasso  + (US physician and politician, multiple visits to the [[MSC]])
  • Rashid Buttar  + (US physician targeted for censorship and hUS physician targeted for censorship and harassment as one of the "Disinformation Dozen" by the [[Center for Countering Digital Hate]] and the [[US government]] during the [[Covid deep event]]. Died prematurely in 2023, shortly after a CNN interview where he claimed he had been [[poisoned]].[[poisoned]].)
  • Arthur Miller  + (US playwright blacklisted by Hollywood)
  • Ted Gunderson  + (US policeman supposedly turned dissident who gave confusing revelations)
  • Daniel Mitrione  + (US policeman turned spook who taught torture techniques to police in South America.)
  • Jen Psaki  + (US political advisor and White House press secretary)
  • George Will  + (US political commentator, spoke at the [[Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism]] on "Calculating the Public Interest".)
  • Lester Thurow  + (US political economist and supporter of governmental involvement in the direction of the economy who attended [[Bilderberg/1977]].)
  • Gale McGee  + (US politician)
  • John Brademas  + (US politician)
  • Robert Killian  + (US politician)
  • Cornelius Gallagher  + (US politician)
  • Cory Booker  + (US politician)
  • Tom Perriello  + (US politician)
  • Barney Frank  + (US politician)
  • Fred Brown  + (US politician)
  • Don Edwards  + (US politician)
  • Stephen Lynch  + (US politician)
  • Pramila Jayapal  + (US politician)
  • Dante Fascell  + (US politician "well known for his links with the CIA" who was part of the creation of the [[NED]], to openly finance foreign private organizations that until then had been financed secretly by the [[CIA]]. He attended [[Bilderberg/1970]].)
  • Kari Lake  + (US politician aligned with Trump)
  • Mike Johnson  + (US politician and [[Speaker of the United States House of Representatives|Speaker of the House of Representatives]].)
  • Joseph Rhodes  + (US politician and activist)
  • John Hickenlooper  + (US politician and businessman)
  • Alan Cranston  + (US politician and journalist)
  • Peter Frelinghuysen  + (US politician and lawyer)
  • Mitt Romney  + (US politician businessman)
  • Roy Blunt  + (US politician implicated in corruption by [[Sibel Edmonds]].)
  • Allard Lowenstein  + (US politician supportive of a reinvestigation of the RFK Assassination. Assassinated)
  • Ron Paul  + (US politician who "almost certainly never was a totally independent player")
  • James Inhofe  + (US politician who "sold large amounts of stock shortly before the public was largely aware of the severity of the coronavirus situation". Attended the [[MSC 2019]])
  • Steven Symms  + (US politician who attended [[Le Cercle]] in 1984 in [[South Africa]] with his first wife, [[Frances Stockdale Symms]].)
  • Mark Warner  + (US politician who attended many [[deep state milieux]])
  • Mike Monroney  + (US politician who attended two early Bilderbergs)
  • John LaFalce  + (US politician who crafted legislation that became the [[Financial Services Modernization Act]] of 1999, often cited as a cause of the 2007 [[Global Financial Crisis]]. [[Bilderberg 2002]].)
  • Rick Scott  + (US politician who narrowly avoided indictment for health-care fraud. Won governor election by cheating.)
  • James Abourezk  + (US politician who opposed illegal activities by the CIA)
  • Mike Gravel  + (US politician who read the [[Pentagon Papers]] into the US Congressional record and publicly criticised the 9-11/Official narrative)
  • Oscar Callaway  + (US politician who said that J. P. Morgan and others were buying up newspapers.)
  • Howard Dean  + (US politician whose 2004 campaign was involved in the 2006 [[Mexico DC-9 drug bust]].)
  • Anthony Weiner  + (US politician with broken career after caught sexting teenagers.)
  • James A. Johnson  + (US politician, Bilderberg Steering committee, various [[USDS]] connections)
  • Trent Lott  + (US politician, [[WEF AGM 2007]])
  • Eric Cantor  + (US politician, multiple [[WEF meetings]])
  • Dick Gephardt  + (US politician-lobbyist)
  • John Porter  + (US politician. [[Brookings Institution]], [[RAND Corporation]], [[National Institutes of Health]].)
  • Daniel Yankelovich  + (US pollster)
  • Paul Douglas  + (US post-WW2 Senator. Liberal anti-communist and supporter of the [[Marshall Plan]], the [[Truman Doctrine]], and the [[North Atlantic Treaty Organization]].)
  • Tulsi Gabbard  + (US presidential candidate running on peace anti-war platform, who in March 2020 suspended her campaign in favour of warmonger [[Joe Biden]].)
  • Babar Ahmad  + (US pressure had Babar Ahmad arrested and hUS pressure had Babar Ahmad arrested and held for 10 years in UK, although he had broken no UK law. He was beaten up by UK police in 2003. A petition signed by 149,388 people did not prevent his [[extradition]] to US - with no evidence of wrong doing provided - a country where it is likely he has been [[torture]]d.[[torture]]d.)
  • Bernard Berelson  + (US propagandist and [[deep state functionary]])
  • Arch Puddington  + (US propagandist responsible for defining who is 'free' in the world.)
  • Eric Bovim  + (US propagandist who worked for [[Avisa Partners]])
  • South Vietnam  + (US puppet state and location for most of the [[Vietnam War]])
  • Document:US Ambassador to Hungary: Overthrow Assad, Let in Refugees, and Fight Russia...or Else!  + (US requirements of it's European vassals illustrated by the speech of US Ambassador to Hungary, [[Colleen Bell]] to the Foreign affairs committee of the Hungarian parliament.)
  • Rex Bradford  + (US researcher who founded ''[[History Matters]]'' to facilitate distribution of documents about the [[JFK Assassination]].)
  • Michael Corbin  + (US researcher who hosted the radio shows ''4acloserlook'' and the ''ParaNet Continuum'', interviewing guests such as [[Gary Webb]] and [[Indira Singh]] etc. Died in 2008, aged 53.)
  • Warren Spector  + (US role-playing and video game designer, [[flew on the Lolita Express]])
  • Philip K. Dick  + (US science fiction writer concerned with the nature of reality, perception, human nature, and identity.)
  • Gordon MacDonald  + (US scientist with deep state connections who attended the [[1971 Bilderberg]])
  • Robert Lansing  + (US secretary of state 1915-1920)
  • American Foreign Policy Council  + (US semiofficial think tank publishing plans to destroy Russia, disguised as "forecasts".)
  • Hugh Scott  + (US senator who attended 2 Bilderbergs)
  • John Culver  + (US senator who attended the [[1970 Bilderberg|1970]] and [[1972 Bilderberg]]s.)
  • Mark Udall  + (US senator who publicly criticised the [[CIA torture]] programme.)
  • Walter Cutler  + (US senior diplomat. His career postings hints at close cooperation with the intelligence services and deep state interests.)
  • David Cote  + (US single Bilderberger millionaire businessman)
  • William Schnitzler  + (US single Bilderberger who was Secretary-Treasurer in the union [[AFL–CIO]].)
  • Joel Pritchard  + (US socially liberal Republican politician)
  • Nathan Glazer  + (US sociologist)
  • Karl Eikenberry  + (US soldier and Ambassador to Afghanistan)
  • James Arthur Lewis  + (US soldier and mercenary and member of [[Interpen]].)
  • Graves Erskine  + (US soldier picked in 1953 to head up the [[Office of Special Operations]] for the [[US Deep State]].)
  • Duncan Chaplin Lee  + (US soviet spook)
  • Richard Betts  + (US spook)
  • Charles Viar  + (US spook and author)
  • Robert van Roijen Jr.  + (US spook and board member of [[KuwAm]], the parent company of [[World Trade Center]] security company [[Stratesec]], with a noteworthy "deep-state U.S. intelligence background.")
  • William Macomber  + (US spook and diplomat.)
  • Colleen Graffy  + (US spook and propagandist)
  • Michael Posner  + (US spook promoting deep state agendas using the human rights angle)
  • Waldo Dubberstein  + (US spook shot in the head after becoming entangled in [[Edwin Wilson]])
  • Carmel Offie  + (US spook who helped reorganized Italy and Germany after World War 2.)
  • William Bader  + (US spook who in 1967 brought to Congressional attention that the "[[Gulf of Tonkin Incident]]" was a fraud perpetrated by [[Defense Secretary]] [[Robert McNamara]] as a [[casus belli]] for the [[Vietnam War]])
  • Charles Duelfer  + (US spook who led post-war whitewash of lie of "[[Iraqi WMDs]]".)
  • James H. Taylor  + (US spook who was [[Inspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency]] then [[Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency|Executive Director]]. He retired in 1991, saying he "needed to find something useful for my life.")
  • Paul Bethel  + (US spook who worked closely with anti-Castro exiles including [[Alpha 66]].)
  • Paul Goble  + (US spook working on ethnic and nationality questions in Eastern Europe)
  • Meyer Bernstein  + (US spook working under [[labor cover|cover]] as union leader.)
  • Karen Donfried  + (US spook, German Marshall Fund President 2014-2021)
  • Elizabeth Economy  + (US spook, WEF)
  • Richard H. Giza  + (US spook, [[DIA]])
  • Pete Buttigieg  + (US spook, [[Rhodes Scholar]], [[US/2020 Presidential election/Candidate]])
  • Michael A. Aquino  + (US spook, psyop specialist, satanist)
  • Frank Gregory Ford  + (US spook. Claimed foreknowledge of [[911]] and having discovered caches of Iraqi WMDs after [[2003 Iraq war|2003 invasion]]. Then whistleblower on torture in Iraq who was right away put in mental institution.)
  • Jen Easterly  + (US spook. Morgan Stanley, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. [[Bilderberg 2022]].)
  • Alina Romanowski  + (US spook/diplomat with long experience in [[counterterrorism]].)
  • Walter Levy  + (US spooky economist, headed the petroleum section of the [[Office of Strategic Services]])
  • Jeffrey Gedmin  + (US spooky/hawkish neoconservative academic)
  • Alpha Delta Phi  + (US student society run out of [[Hamilton College]])
  • Ramon Cortines  + (US superintendant of school systems)
  • Discovery Institute  + (US think tank and conservative political lobbying organization.)
  • Marshall I. Goldman  + (US think-tanker studying the economy of the [[Soviet Union]] and [[Russia]].)
  • Richard Trumka  + (US union leader who died a week after supporting [[mandatory vaccination]] as [[president of the AFL-CIO]].)
  • United States invasion of Panama  + (US war of aggression in 1989)
  • American Free Press  + (US weekly newspaper founded in 2001 which helped expose [[the Bilderberg]].)
  • Nina Burleigh  + (US writer and investigative journalist.)
  • Randolph Bourne  + (US writer best known for the phrase "war is the health of the state", that laments the success of governments in arrogating authority and resources during conflicts.)
  • Anthony Lewis  + (US writer for the [[New York Times]]. According to [[Chomsky]] "as far to the critical extreme as you can find" allowed in the corporate media [[Overton window]].)
  • Meg Greenfield  + (US writer who attended the [[Bilderberg/1978|1978]] and [[1982 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Al Seckel  + (US writer, husband of [[Isabel Maxwell]], who was "found at the bottom of a cliff". Attended the [[2011 WEF AGM]].)
  • Roger Hertog  + (US-Israeli millionaire, "the one man who has, far more than anyone else, financially enabled the [[neoconservative]] movement to exist")
  • Operation Condor  + (US-backed campaign of assassination and terrorisation carried out in [[South America]].)
  • Masih Alinejad  + (US-based regime change activist who has advocated for [[Israeli]] military attacks on her former country of [[Iran]]. Received $305,000 from the US government for her work at [[Voice of America]], the US state broadcaster, between 2015 and 2019.)
  • Paul Channon  + (US-born UK politician who attended and was involved in the [[Arms-to-Iraq]] deal together with fellow [[Cercle]] members [[Jonathan Aitken]] and [[Alan Clark]].)
  • Thomas Varvitsiotis  + (US-educated Greek PR-executive who attended the [[2008 Bilderberg]])
  • Angelos Canellopoulos  + (US-educated Greek businessman who attended the [[1984 Bilderberg meeting]].)