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Assar Lindbeck economist who attended the 1984 Bilderberg
Julian Lindley-French a mng rwt scns shareUK Deep state operative. Senior fellow at the Institute for Statecraft and directed their "Strategic Partnerships" project. Chatham House
Walter Lippmann US journalism who coined the phrase "Cold War".
Seymour Lipset neoconservative sociologist who attended the 1970 Bilderberg conference, and was a member of several intelligence-connected groups such as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya, Committee for the Free World and Committee on the Present Danger.
Andrew Liveris Chair and CEO, member of the Australian Covid task force
Neil Livingstone
R. K. Lochner Kohl's interpreter
R. H. Bruce Lockhart byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=R.H.+BRUCE+LOCKHART&search-alias=books&field-author=R.H.+BRUCE+LOCKHART&sort=relevancerank
Mike Lofgren publicist of the deep state who doesn't challenge the official narrative of 9/11.
Siro Lombardini economist who attended the 1973 Bilderberg meeting.
Basil Kellett Long
Trevor Loudon byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Mr.+Trevor+Loudon&search-alias=books&field-author=Mr.+Trevor+Loudon&sort=relevancerankFounder of Keywiki and Campaign for a Soviet-Free New Zealand
Clare Boothe Luce
Geir Lundestad historian who wrote obsequious thesis on how the U.S. became a military empire "by invitation" - so no surprise he became Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute. Attended the 2005 Bilderberg.
Kenny MacAskill
Ian MacGregor businessman chaired British Steel Corporation 1980-83, National Coal Board 1983-86
Roy MacLaren Bilderberg visits spanning 27 years, Canadian politician
David MacMichael byline sr ebooks 3?ie=UTF8&text=David+MacMichael&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=David+MacMichael&sort=relevancerankCIA whistleblower who went public with information that the Reagan Administration was planning a coup d’état against the Nicaraguan government.
Margaret MacMillan multi-Bilderberger historian
Graeme MacQueen academic and 9-11 dissident who participated in the 9/11 Consensus Panel.
Alistair MacWillson director of Cambridge Analytica
Martin McGartland tc 2 0?qid=1491395610&sr=1-2-ent
Jim Macgregor byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Jim+Macgregor&search-alias=books&field-author=Jim+Macgregor&sort=relevancerank
Annie Machon quit together with fellow MI5 whistleblower David Shayler in 1996/7 to expose details of various illegal actions by the organisation. She is currently a political activist working to help other whistleblowers.
Neil Mackay journalist allegedly pro-independence, but seems to align very closely with the narrative from UK deep state.
Compton Mackenzie 1932 memoirs was the first time the Secret Intelligence Service was mentioned in print. The book was immediately withdrawn and all remaining copies were destroyed.
Victor Madeira UK academic who has focused on Russian espionage. A member of the IfS and the II.
Wayne Madsen MadsenAmerican online investigative journalist, author and columnist specializing in intelligence and international affairs.
Shiraz Maher writer and commentator on "radicalisation" who attended the 2015 Bilderberg. Reported in March 2020 that he had a tough time recovering from a mild case of COVID-19.
Thomas Mahnken Hopkins SAIS professor and also Integrity Initiative's US cluster
Norman Mailer
Ernst Majonica byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Ernst+Majonica&search-alias=books&field-author=Ernst+Majonica&sort=relevancerankGerman politician, part of the US-led effort to get rid of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.
Henry Makow"Conspiracy theorist" and the inventor of the boardgame Scruples.
Noel Malcolm
Scott Malcomson CFR "political-risk and communications consultant"
Irshad Manji 2005. WEF/Young Global Leaders 2006, Muslim du jour in the 2000s.
Paul Manning
Preston Manning"Father of modern-day Canadian Conservatism", and founder of the green conservative movement. Attended Bilderberg 1998 as Leader of the Opposition.
David Mantik byline sr ebooks 1?ie=UTF8&text=David+W.+Mantik&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=David+W.+Mantik&sort=relevancerankAn assistant professor of physics and researcher into the JFK assassination
Victor Marchetti
Ferdinand Marcos tc 2 0?qid=1511389551&sr=1-2-ent
Serif Mardin byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Serif+Mardin&search-alias=books&field-author=Serif+Mardin&sort=relevancerankThe "doyen of Turkish sociology"
Eric Margolis MargolisUS/Canadian journalist who touches on deep subjects
Georgi Markov Bulgarian dissident writer who assassinated in 1978
John Marks state department official.
Stephen Marris of Thirty, Bilderberg 1988
Jim Marrs for 9/11 Truth who taught a class on the JFK assassination at the University of Texas at Arlington for 30 years.
Andrew Gavin Marshall sb noss?url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=Andrew+Gavin+MarshallGeopolitical writer based in Montreal, Canada
Charles Burton Marshall Elliott protegé who became member of policy planning staff at the State Department. Wrote a paper entitled The Berlin Crisis for the 1959 Bilderberg
Philip Marshall CIA pilot who published two popular and insightful books on 9-11. He was found shot dead with his children.