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==Martin Bormann - NAZI in Exile==
By Paul Manning - 1981
|description=A deep history of transnational corporate ownership networks originating from the fascist junction of state and economic power in Germany before and during WWII
|authors=Paul Manning
|subjects=Martin Bormann, Red House meeting, Corporate power, Ratline
|comment=More than the story of Bormann this book presents a deep history of transnational corporate ownership networks originating from the fascist junction of state and economic power in Germany before and during [[WWII]]. It details how real ownership is obfuscated and power concentrated through anonymous bearer bonds, holding companies, undercover banking machinations and agents. It shows that corporate power overshadows political power. Secrecy and corruption prevents expropriation and enables business in sensitive areas such as collaboration between [[Nazi]] and [[Jewish]] bankers/services.
ISBN 0-8184-0309-8
Rare official documents, the author's eyewitness account as WWII reporter and his personal access to high ranking officials makes the book an invaluable historic source. It suggests that the official data analysed in [[:File:The Network of Global Corporate Control.pdf]] is just the tip of an iceberg.
A worldwide internet search for a physical copy of the book for sale turns up maybe a dozen copies at most (July 2010) - starting from around £70 ! - that tells its own story. There remain powerful interests that do not wish its contents to be widely disseminated.
Apart from those of [[Hugh Trevor-Roper]], the English [[historian]] and former intelligence officer and [[Russia]]n investigator [[Lev Bezymenski]], this is the best known and most thoroughly researched of books claiming that [[Martin Bormann]] did ''not'' die in April 1945.
===From the Preface to the original 1981 edition===
===From the Preface to the original 1981 edition===
DID THE WORLD EVER REALLY KNOW MARTIN Bormann? A man of indescribably vast power and the sole trustee of Hitler’s secrets after May 1, 1945, in the Berlin bunker, Bormann continues to be the most controversial, perplexing figure of our times. There are those who wish him dead and continue to claim he is; for were he to emerge, it would embarrass the governments that assisted in his escape, the industrial and financial leaders who benefited from his acumen and transferred their capital to neutral nations in the closing days of World War II, and the businessmen of four continents who profited from the 750 corporations he established throughout the world as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries of the United States and
DID THE WORLD EVER REALLY KNOW [[Martin Bormann|MARTIN BORMANN]]? A man of indescribably vast power and the sole trustee of [[Hitler]]’s secrets after May 1, 1945, in the Berlin bunker, Bormann continues to be the most controversial, perplexing figure of our times. There are those who wish him dead and continue to claim he is; for were he to emerge, it would embarrass the governments that assisted in his escape, the industrial and financial leaders who benefited from his acumen and transferred their capital to neutral nations in the closing days of [[World War II]], and the businessmen of four continents who profited from the 750 corporations he established throughout the world as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries of the United States and
p. 146
    Orvis A. Schmidt, director of Foreign Funds Control of the
U.S. Treasury Department, shook his head when he described
the German flight capital operation in 1945:
    “The network of trade, industrial, and cartel organizations
has been streamlined and intermeshed, not only organizationally
but also by what has been officially described as ‘personnel
union.’ Legal authority to operate this organizational machinery
has been vested in the concerns that have majority capacity in
the key industries, such as those producing iron and steel, coal,
and basic chemicals. These concerns have been deliberately
welded together by exchanges of stock to the point where a
handful of men can make policy and other decisions that affect
us all.”
    Every U.S. company of consequence had its representative in uniform,
as technical advisor or officer, as did the British.
    Flora Lewis, writing
from Paris in the New York Times of August 28, 1972, told of
her conversation with a French publisher:
“It would not be possible to trace ownership of corporations and
the power structure as in the United States. ‘They’ would not
permit it. ‘They’ would find a way to hound and torture anyone
who tried,” commented the publisher.
    “They” seem to be a fairly small group of people who know
each other, but many are not at all known to the public. “They”
move in and out of government jobs, but public service apparently
serves to win private promotion rather than the other way around.
    The Government “control” that practically everyone mentions
cannot be traced through stock holdings, regulatory agencies, public
decisions. It seems to function through a maze of personal contacts
and tacit understandings. [...] “This hidden control of
government and corporations has produced a general unease in
    West Germany’s economic power structure is fueled by a
two-tier system: the corporations and individuals who publicly
represent the products that are common household names
around the world, and the secretive groups operating in the
background as holding companies and who pull the threads of
power in overseas corporations established during the Bormann
tenure in the Third Reich.
    As explained to me, “These threads
are like the strands of a spider’s web and no one knows where
they lead-except the inner circle of the Bormann organization
in South America.”
    While Germany’s bankers were collectively responsible for the
financing of Hitler’s war effort, the dean of them all is [[Hermann_Abs|Hermann
Josef Abs]]. Money was his life, and his astuteness in banking and
international financial manipulations enabled Deutsche Bank to
serve as leader in fueling the ambitions and accomplishments of
Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann.
    His dominance was retained
when the Federal Republic of Germany picked itself up from
the ashes; he was still there as chairman of Deutsche Bank, direc-
tor of I.G. Farben, and of such others as Daimler-Benz and the
giant electrical conglomerate, Siemens. [[Hermann_Abs|Abs]] became a financial
advisor to the first West German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer,
and was a welcome visitor in the Federal Chancellery under Mr.
Adenauer’s successors, Ludwig Erhard and Kurt George Kiesinger.
“Bormann would rather be with rich Jews than poor Nazis.”
===Amazon review by John C Sanders===
===Amazon review by John C Sanders===
Anticipating the defeat of the Third Reich, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information. An organizational genius and the real power behind Hitler, Bormann, known as the "Brown Eminence", successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a "Reich in Exile" in the years following the war. With remnants of the SS as an enforcement arm, former Gestapo chief General Heinrich Mueller as security director, the 750 corporations as a base of economic power and the willing silence and cooperation of the Western Allies, Bormann guided his organization to a position of consummate power. One banker quoted by Manning termed the Bormann Organization, the "world's most important accumulation of money power under one control in history". Controlling Germany's major corporations, the Federal Republic itself and much of Latin America, the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States. Paul Manning has written the definitive text on the Bormann Organization.
Anticipating the defeat of the [[Third Reich]], Reichsleiter Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information. An organizational genius and the real power behind Hitler, Bormann, known as the "Brown Eminence", successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a "Reich in Exile" in the years following the war. With remnants of the SS as an enforcement arm, former Gestapo chief General [[Heinrich Mueller]] as security director, the 750 corporations as a base of economic power and the willing silence and cooperation of the Western Allies, Bormann guided his organization to a position of consummate power. One banker quoted by Manning termed the Bormann Organization, the "world's most important accumulation of money power under one control in history". Controlling Germany's major corporations, the Federal Republic itself and much of [[Latin America]], the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States. Paul Manning has written the definitive text on the Bormann Organization.
Manning worked with CBS radio during World War II in London as a member of the elite Edward R. Murrow/Walter Cronkite team. As part of his coverage duties, he was the only member actually allowed to fly on U.S. Air Force missions as a fully functional crew member. Having qualified as a gunner, his flights included B-17 missions with the 8th Air Force over Germany and several B-29 missions to Japan. On behalf of CBS, he broadcasted the surrenders of Japan and Germany. In 1948, along with fifteen other distinguished war correspondents, he was awarded a medal for his reporting of the unconditional surrender of the Germans at Rheims. After the war Manning continued his journalistic profession and also served as a speechwriter for Nelson Rockefeller.
Manning worked with [[CBS radio]] during World War II in London as a member of the elite Edward R. Murrow/Walter Cronkite team. As part of his coverage duties, he was the only member actually allowed to fly on U.S. Air Force missions as a fully functional crew member. Having qualified as a gunner, his flights included B-17 missions with the 8th Air Force over Germany and several B-29 missions to Japan. On behalf of CBS, he broadcasted the surrenders of [[Japan]] and [[Germany]]. In 1948, along with fifteen other distinguished war correspondents, he was awarded a medal for his reporting of the unconditional surrender of the Germans at Rheims. After the war Manning continued his journalistic profession and also served as a speechwriter for [[Nelson Rockefeller]].
Several decades after WWII, Manning stumbled across the U.S. military CSDIC (Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centers) interviews of members of German industrial and banking magnates in the US National Archives. Aghast at the findings, Manning set out to write a book about the secret machinations of Nazi money laundering. Unknown to Manning, the manuscript was a stake in the heart of former CIA director Allen Dulles (brother of Allan Dulles) who represented many German interests on both sides of the Atlantic during the 1930's and 40's through his law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell with offices in New York and Berlin. Upon the German surrender, Dulles was instrumental in quietly recruiting Hitler's chief intelligence officer General Reinhard Gehlen and many of his key operatives. They were brought to Fort Hunt, Virginia and folded into the American O.S.S. which was converted into the C.I.A. with enactment under Truman of NSC-68 in 1948. Gehlen remained covertly in full U.S. employ until returning to head the German BND in the fifties.
Several decades after WWII, Manning stumbled across the U.S. military CSDIC ([[Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centers]]) interviews of members of German industrial and banking magnates in the US National Archives. Aghast at the findings, Manning set out to write a book about the secret machinations of [[Nazi]] [[money laundering]]. Unknown to Manning, the manuscript was a stake in the heart of former [[CIA director]] [[Allen Dulles]] (brother of [[John Foster Dulles]]) who represented many German interests on both sides of the Atlantic during the 1930's and 40's through his law firm of [[Sullivan and Cromwell]] with offices in New York and Berlin. Upon the German surrender, Dulles was instrumental in quietly recruiting Hitler's chief intelligence officer General [[Reinhard Gehlen]] and many of his key operatives. They were brought to Fort Hunt, Virginia and folded into the American O.S.S. which was converted into the C.I.A. with enactment under [[Truman]] of NSC-68 in 1948. Gehlen remained covertly in full U.S. employ until returning to head the German [[BND]] in the fifties.
Concerned over public exposure of Manning's investigation, Dulles volunteered to "help" the unsuspecting Manning with his manuscript, and sent him on a carefully orchestrated wild goose chase, searching for Martin Bormann in South America. Without knowing that he had been deliberately sidetracked, Manning wrote a forward to his book personally thanking Allen Dulles for his assurance that "I was on the right track" and "should keep going." In actuality, Dulles' assistance was aimed at sending Manning and his manuscript into obscurity to avoid disclosure of the transfer and protection of Nazi money.
Concerned over public exposure of Manning's investigation, Dulles volunteered to "help" the unsuspecting Manning with his manuscript, and sent him on a carefully orchestrated wild goose chase, searching for Martin Bormann in South America. Without knowing that he had been deliberately sidetracked, Manning wrote a forward to his book personally thanking Allen Dulles for his assurance that "I was on the right track" and "should keep going." In actuality, Dulles' assistance was aimed at sending Manning and his manuscript into obscurity to avoid disclosure of the transfer and protection of Nazi money.
Through its connections with major American corporations, the Bormann group successfully pressured publisher after publisher to decline Manning's manuscript. Of particular significance in the suppression of Manning's book was the Thyssen family.(patriarch Fritz Thyssen was Hitler's earliest and most prominent backer among German industrialists) His grandson, Count Zichy-Thyssen, who controlled Thyssen Steel from his base in Argentina, let it be known it would be very much appreciated if American publishers "stayed away" from the Manning text.
Through its connections with major American corporations, the Bormann group successfully pressured publisher after publisher to decline Manning's manuscript. Of particular significance in the suppression of Manning's book was the Thyssen family. (Patriarch [[Fritz Thyssen]] was Hitler's earliest and most prominent backer among German industrialists) His grandson, [[Count Zichy-Thyssen]], who controlled Thyssen Steel from his base in Argentina, let it be known it would be very much appreciated if American publishers "stayed away" from the Manning text.
Manning finally found a home for the book at the maverick publishing house Lyle Stuart. In retaliation, the head of the publishing house had his legs broken the week the book was released and reviews of the book were blocked in major newspaper markets and mainstream publications. In 1993, after another decade of intense research, Manning's son Jerry, was senselessly and inexplicably murdered. Based on information garnered from his contacts in the intelligence community, Manning concluded the killing was in retaliation for his continued work and intent to publish a follow-up book, "In Search of Martin Bormann". The death of his son devastated Manning and stymied completion of the 2nd book. He died shortly after in 1995.
Manning finally found a home for the book at the maverick publishing house [[Lyle Stuart]]. In retaliation, the head of the publishing house had his legs broken the week the book was released and reviews of the book were blocked in major newspaper markets and mainstream publications. In 1993, after another decade of intense research, Manning's son [[Jerry Manning|Jerry]], was senselessly and inexplicably [[murder]]ed. Based on information garnered from his contacts in the intelligence community, Manning concluded the killing was in retaliation for his continued work and intent to publish a follow-up book, "In Search of Martin Bormann". The death of his son devastated Manning and stymied completion of the 2nd book. He died shortly after in 1995.
In December 1998, California-based researcher and broadcaster Dave Emory conducted a live, on-air radio interview ... with Manning's surviving son, Peter, concerning the Bormann flight capital organization and his father's work in bringing its activities to light. Peter movingly recounted the difficulties his family experienced as a result of his father's work on the book. In addition to surveillance and harassment, the family experienced economic and mental hardship as a result of deliberate efforts by elements hostile to its message. For obvious reasons, copies of this book were assiduously removed from market and have, for some time, been unobtainable. This landmark work nonetheless remains the unvarnished truth regarding Germany's post-war economic rebirth and lays the groundwork for understanding its current bid for dominance in manufacturing, banking and most importantly, publishing. "Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile" is without peer in detail, accuracy and courage in probing the most important and successfully concealed story of the twentieth century. Mandatory reading.  
In December 1998, California-based researcher and broadcaster Dave Emory conducted a live, on-air radio interview ... with Manning's surviving son, Peter, concerning the Bormann flight capital organization and his father's work in bringing its activities to light. Peter movingly recounted the difficulties his family experienced as a result of his father's work on the book. In addition to surveillance and harassment, the family experienced economic and mental hardship as a result of deliberate efforts by elements hostile to its message. For obvious reasons, copies of this book were assiduously removed from market and have, for some time, been unobtainable. This landmark work nonetheless remains the unvarnished truth regarding Germany's post-war economic rebirth and lays the groundwork for understanding its current bid for dominance in manufacturing, banking and most importantly, publishing. "Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile" is without peer in detail, accuracy and courage in probing the most important and successfully concealed story of the twentieth century. Mandatory reading.  
Line 34: Line 119:
===BCfm Politics Show linking this to John Ainsworth-Davis' Op JB book===
===BCfm Politics Show linking this to John Ainsworth-Davis' Op JB book===
Sad to say it has become impossible to add information about this sensitive individual to Wikipedia without entry's being mutilated and deleted within the hour. In December 2014 Tony Gosling's Friday Politics Show on Bristol Community FM aired the first public clip of the author of Op JB, John Ainsworth Davis. This 1996 book <ref>http://www.amazon.co.uk/Op-JB-Christopher-Creighton/dp/0684817861/</ref> complements the Manning book by filling in the details of Bormann's journey from Berlin to Britain before he made it to South America and perhaps at some point in the future might merit its own Wikispooks entry.
Sad to say it has become impossible to add information about this sensitive individual to [[Wikipedia]] without entry's being mutilated and deleted within the hour. In December 2014 [[Tony Gosling]]'s Friday Politics Show on Bristol Community FM aired the first public clip of the author of ''[[Op JB]]'', [[John Ainsworth Davis]], a book which complements the Manning book by filling in the details of Bormann's journey from Berlin to Britain before he made it to [[South America]].<ref>[http://www.amazon.co.uk/Op-JB-Christopher-Creighton/dp/0684817861/</ref>
Op JB had to be written under a pen name (Christopher Creighton) because of the Official Secrets Act and purports to be the story of the MI6 raid to Berlin in 1945 to snatch Bormann along with those all important keys to the buried Nazi loot. The raid was organised by Ian Fleming and Desmond Morton with the backing of King George VI and Winston Churchill and Lord Mountbatten. Ainsworth-Davis published facsimiles of letters endorsing his story from Fleming and Churchill in Op JB. Apart from reading the excellently written Op JB by Christopher Creighton, a viewing of this radio show and YouTube video 'MI6 Wartime Spy John Ainsworth-Davis: we smuggled Martin Bormann out of Berlin from under Russian noses'<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miJ4IH4MGC0</ref> should bring one up to speed on this rather earth-shattering tale.  
Op JB had to be written under a pen name (Christopher Creighton) because of the [[Official Secrets Act]] and purports to be the story of the [[MI6]] raid to Berlin in 1945 to snatch Bormann along with those all important keys to the buried Nazi loot. The raid was organised by [[Ian Fleming]] and [[Desmond Morton]] with the backing of [[King George VI]] (whose brother [[Edward VIII]] was a devout Nazi supporter), [[Winston Churchill]] and Lord Mountbatten. Ainsworth-Davis published facsimiles of letters endorsing his story from Fleming and Churchill in Op JB. A letter of endorsement from Lord Mountbatten is in another book by [[Greg Hallett]] and Buenos Aires based British journalist [[Laurence De Mello]] (aka. Ami de Creighton): ''[[The Final Mountbatten Report]]<ref>http://www.amazon.co.uk/Final-Mountbatten-Report-Chancellor-Hallett/dp/098522780X/</ref>
Winston Churchill doing a deal with the Nazis in 1944/5? Whatever next! Well, thriller writer, historical novelist and Cabinet War Rooms Deception planner Dennis Wheatley did say in his 1970s book 'The Devil and All His Works' that he believed Churchill may well have been a member of the Illuminati!
===WikiSpooks Comment===
A worldwide internet search for a physical copy of the book for sale turns up maybe a dozen copies at most (July 2010) - starting from around £70 ! - that tells its own story. There remain powerful interests that do not wish its contents to be widely disseminated.
Apart from those of Hugh Trevor-Roper, the English historian and former intelligence officer and Russian investigator Lev Bezymenski, this is the best known and most thoroughly researched of books claiming that Martin Bormann did NOT die in April 1945.
The official narrative has it that he died whilst trying to escape the encirclement of Berlin by the Red Army on 30 April 1945. It rests largely on the testimony of Arthur Axeman, leader of the Hitler Youth and one of his companions on the break out attempt. He later claimed that he found Bormann's body after they went in separate directions and he was forced to double-back by a Red Army patrol.  Soviet Lt. Gen. Konstantin Telegin recalls his men bringing him Bormann's diary. There were persistent reports of sightings from Munich to various South American locations over subsequent decades. In 1998 genetic tests on a scull by the German authorities apparently confirmed it was that of Martin Bormann but.....
Apart from reading the excellently written Op JB by Christopher Creighton, a viewing of this radio show and YouTube video 'MI6 Wartime Spy John Ainsworth-Davis: We smuggled Martin Bormann out of Berlin from under Russian noses' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miJ4IH4MGC0 should bring one up to speed on this earth-shattering tale.
Winston Churchill doing a deal with the Nazis in 1944/5? Whatever next! Well, thriller writer, historical novelist and Cabinet War Rooms Deception planner [[Dennis Wheatley]] did say in his [[1970s]] book 'The Devil and All His Works' that he believed Churchill may well have been a member of the [[Illuminati]]!
[[Category:World War II]]
[[Category:War Criminals]]

Revision as of 10:23, 10 February 2022

A deep history of transnational corporate ownership networks originating from the fascist junction of state and economic power in Germany before and during WWII

Disclaimer (#3)Document.png book  by Paul Manning dated 1981
ISBN: 0-8184-0309-8
Subjects: Martin Bormann, Red House meeting, Corporate power, Ratline
Source: Unknown

Wikispooks Comment

More than the story of Bormann this book presents a deep history of transnational corporate ownership networks originating from the fascist junction of state and economic power in Germany before and during WWII. It details how real ownership is obfuscated and power concentrated through anonymous bearer bonds, holding companies, undercover banking machinations and agents. It shows that corporate power overshadows political power. Secrecy and corruption prevents expropriation and enables business in sensitive areas such as collaboration between Nazi and Jewish bankers/services.

Rare official documents, the author's eyewitness account as WWII reporter and his personal access to high ranking officials makes the book an invaluable historic source. It suggests that the official data analysed in File:The Network of Global Corporate Control.pdf is just the tip of an iceberg.

A worldwide internet search for a physical copy of the book for sale turns up maybe a dozen copies at most (July 2010) - starting from around £70 ! - that tells its own story. There remain powerful interests that do not wish its contents to be widely disseminated.

Apart from those of Hugh Trevor-Roper, the English historian and former intelligence officer and Russian investigator Lev Bezymenski, this is the best known and most thoroughly researched of books claiming that Martin Bormann did not die in April 1945.

★ Start a Discussion about this document

From the Preface to the original 1981 edition

DID THE WORLD EVER REALLY KNOW MARTIN BORMANN? A man of indescribably vast power and the sole trustee of Hitler’s secrets after May 1, 1945, in the Berlin bunker, Bormann continues to be the most controversial, perplexing figure of our times. There are those who wish him dead and continue to claim he is; for were he to emerge, it would embarrass the governments that assisted in his escape, the industrial and financial leaders who benefited from his acumen and transferred their capital to neutral nations in the closing days of World War II, and the businessmen of four continents who profited from the 750 corporations he established throughout the world as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries of the United States and Europe.


p. 146
   Orvis A. Schmidt, director of Foreign Funds Control of the
U.S. Treasury Department, shook his head when he described
the German flight capital operation in 1945:
   “The network of trade, industrial, and cartel organizations
has been streamlined and intermeshed, not only organizationally
but also by what has been officially described as ‘personnel
union.’ Legal authority to operate this organizational machinery
has been vested in the concerns that have majority capacity in
the key industries, such as those producing iron and steel, coal,
and basic chemicals. These concerns have been deliberately
welded together by exchanges of stock to the point where a
handful of men can make policy and other decisions that affect
us all.”

   Every U.S. company of consequence had its representative in uniform, 
as technical advisor or officer, as did the British.

   Flora Lewis, writing
from Paris in the New York Times of August 28, 1972, told of
her conversation with a French publisher:
“It would not be possible to trace ownership of corporations and
the power structure as in the United States. ‘They’ would not
permit it. ‘They’ would find a way to hound and torture anyone
who tried,” commented the publisher.
   “They” seem to be a fairly small group of people who know
each other, but many are not at all known to the public. “They”
move in and out of government jobs, but public service apparently
serves to win private promotion rather than the other way around.
   The Government “control” that practically everyone mentions
cannot be traced through stock holdings, regulatory agencies, public
decisions. It seems to function through a maze of personal contacts
and tacit understandings. [...] “This hidden control of
government and corporations has produced a general unease in

   West Germany’s economic power structure is fueled by a
two-tier system: the corporations and individuals who publicly
represent the products that are common household names
around the world, and the secretive groups operating in the
background as holding companies and who pull the threads of
power in overseas corporations established during the Bormann
tenure in the Third Reich. 
   As explained to me, “These threads
are like the strands of a spider’s web and no one knows where
they lead-except the inner circle of the Bormann organization
in South America.”

   While Germany’s bankers were collectively responsible for the
financing of Hitler’s war effort, the dean of them all is Hermann
 Josef Abs. Money was his life, and his astuteness in banking and
international financial manipulations enabled Deutsche Bank to
serve as leader in fueling the ambitions and accomplishments of
Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann. 
   His dominance was retained
when the Federal Republic of Germany picked itself up from
the ashes; he was still there as chairman of Deutsche Bank, direc-
tor of I.G. Farben, and of such others as Daimler-Benz and the
giant electrical conglomerate, Siemens. Abs became a financial
advisor to the first West German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer,
and was a welcome visitor in the Federal Chancellery under Mr.
Adenauer’s successors, Ludwig Erhard and Kurt George Kiesinger. 

“Bormann would rather be with rich Jews than poor Nazis.”

Amazon review by John C Sanders

Anticipating the defeat of the Third Reich, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information. An organizational genius and the real power behind Hitler, Bormann, known as the "Brown Eminence", successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a "Reich in Exile" in the years following the war. With remnants of the SS as an enforcement arm, former Gestapo chief General Heinrich Mueller as security director, the 750 corporations as a base of economic power and the willing silence and cooperation of the Western Allies, Bormann guided his organization to a position of consummate power. One banker quoted by Manning termed the Bormann Organization, the "world's most important accumulation of money power under one control in history". Controlling Germany's major corporations, the Federal Republic itself and much of Latin America, the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States. Paul Manning has written the definitive text on the Bormann Organization.

Manning worked with CBS radio during World War II in London as a member of the elite Edward R. Murrow/Walter Cronkite team. As part of his coverage duties, he was the only member actually allowed to fly on U.S. Air Force missions as a fully functional crew member. Having qualified as a gunner, his flights included B-17 missions with the 8th Air Force over Germany and several B-29 missions to Japan. On behalf of CBS, he broadcasted the surrenders of Japan and Germany. In 1948, along with fifteen other distinguished war correspondents, he was awarded a medal for his reporting of the unconditional surrender of the Germans at Rheims. After the war Manning continued his journalistic profession and also served as a speechwriter for Nelson Rockefeller.

Several decades after WWII, Manning stumbled across the U.S. military CSDIC (Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centers) interviews of members of German industrial and banking magnates in the US National Archives. Aghast at the findings, Manning set out to write a book about the secret machinations of Nazi money laundering. Unknown to Manning, the manuscript was a stake in the heart of former CIA director Allen Dulles (brother of John Foster Dulles) who represented many German interests on both sides of the Atlantic during the 1930's and 40's through his law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell with offices in New York and Berlin. Upon the German surrender, Dulles was instrumental in quietly recruiting Hitler's chief intelligence officer General Reinhard Gehlen and many of his key operatives. They were brought to Fort Hunt, Virginia and folded into the American O.S.S. which was converted into the C.I.A. with enactment under Truman of NSC-68 in 1948. Gehlen remained covertly in full U.S. employ until returning to head the German BND in the fifties.

Concerned over public exposure of Manning's investigation, Dulles volunteered to "help" the unsuspecting Manning with his manuscript, and sent him on a carefully orchestrated wild goose chase, searching for Martin Bormann in South America. Without knowing that he had been deliberately sidetracked, Manning wrote a forward to his book personally thanking Allen Dulles for his assurance that "I was on the right track" and "should keep going." In actuality, Dulles' assistance was aimed at sending Manning and his manuscript into obscurity to avoid disclosure of the transfer and protection of Nazi money.

Through its connections with major American corporations, the Bormann group successfully pressured publisher after publisher to decline Manning's manuscript. Of particular significance in the suppression of Manning's book was the Thyssen family. (Patriarch Fritz Thyssen was Hitler's earliest and most prominent backer among German industrialists) His grandson, Count Zichy-Thyssen, who controlled Thyssen Steel from his base in Argentina, let it be known it would be very much appreciated if American publishers "stayed away" from the Manning text.

Manning finally found a home for the book at the maverick publishing house Lyle Stuart. In retaliation, the head of the publishing house had his legs broken the week the book was released and reviews of the book were blocked in major newspaper markets and mainstream publications. In 1993, after another decade of intense research, Manning's son Jerry, was senselessly and inexplicably murdered. Based on information garnered from his contacts in the intelligence community, Manning concluded the killing was in retaliation for his continued work and intent to publish a follow-up book, "In Search of Martin Bormann". The death of his son devastated Manning and stymied completion of the 2nd book. He died shortly after in 1995.

In December 1998, California-based researcher and broadcaster Dave Emory conducted a live, on-air radio interview ... with Manning's surviving son, Peter, concerning the Bormann flight capital organization and his father's work in bringing its activities to light. Peter movingly recounted the difficulties his family experienced as a result of his father's work on the book. In addition to surveillance and harassment, the family experienced economic and mental hardship as a result of deliberate efforts by elements hostile to its message. For obvious reasons, copies of this book were assiduously removed from market and have, for some time, been unobtainable. This landmark work nonetheless remains the unvarnished truth regarding Germany's post-war economic rebirth and lays the groundwork for understanding its current bid for dominance in manufacturing, banking and most importantly, publishing. "Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile" is without peer in detail, accuracy and courage in probing the most important and successfully concealed story of the twentieth century. Mandatory reading.

Amazon Review by Phillip M Rose

As Paul Manning was writing this book, Martin Bormann was still alive, but had been eclipsed by the younger members of his organization. Now, over twenty-five years later, we should still not think of the Bormann Capital Flight project in the past tense. Bormann and Mueller are gone, but the Bormann economic and political network survives and thrives after having supplanted the USA as the dominant player in the post-WWII global economy. While this book is a history, it should also be considered as key to understanding the current global economic and political scene. Modern economic globalization is not a recent phenomenon -- the Germans, along with cooperating American and British businesses, basically invented globalization as we know it today in the aftermath of WWI and the Versailles Treaty. Prescott Bush, grandfather to the currently seated president, was one of those businessmen involved in financing German industry.

I found the first five chapters, detailing the foundation of the Bormann Capital Flight network in 1944, a little dry. However, Manning was laying the important groundwork for the exciting story that came after the fall of Berlin and Bormann's escape. Once I reached Chapter 6, I could hardly put the book down until I finished it.

The excellent Amazon review by John C. Sanders covers both the author and the book very well. Mr. Saunders mentions the story behind the book, which I found as fascinating as the book itself. This story lends credence to the fact that the Bormann network persists in our time. You can read about it and listen to a very moving interview with Paul Manning's surviving son, Peter Manning, by doing an Internet search on this book's title, and then looking for links to Spitfirelist and Dave Emory. Mr. Emory did two half hour interviews with Peter Manning. In the first one Mr. Manning was a rather laconic interview subject, probably owing to the emotions that arose when he was being interviewed. He opened up considerably in the second interview, revealing details of the hardships the Manning family suffered due to the publication of this book.

This book is long out of print, and is likely to remain so for some time, probably owing in no small part to the difficulties faced by the original publisher, Lyle Stuart. When copies become available, they are usually priced at $100 or more. Fortunately, the Manning family, in their desire to have the book distributed as widely as possible, has authorised a freely available version of the book which you can easily find by following the links above.

BCfm Politics Show linking this to John Ainsworth-Davis' Op JB book

Sad to say it has become impossible to add information about this sensitive individual to Wikipedia without entry's being mutilated and deleted within the hour. In December 2014 Tony Gosling's Friday Politics Show on Bristol Community FM aired the first public clip of the author of Op JB, John Ainsworth Davis, a book which complements the Manning book by filling in the details of Bormann's journey from Berlin to Britain before he made it to South America.[1] Op JB had to be written under a pen name (Christopher Creighton) because of the Official Secrets Act and purports to be the story of the MI6 raid to Berlin in 1945 to snatch Bormann along with those all important keys to the buried Nazi loot. The raid was organised by Ian Fleming and Desmond Morton with the backing of King George VI (whose brother Edward VIII was a devout Nazi supporter), Winston Churchill and Lord Mountbatten. Ainsworth-Davis published facsimiles of letters endorsing his story from Fleming and Churchill in Op JB. A letter of endorsement from Lord Mountbatten is in another book by Greg Hallett and Buenos Aires based British journalist Laurence De Mello (aka. Ami de Creighton): The Final Mountbatten Report[2]

Apart from reading the excellently written Op JB by Christopher Creighton, a viewing of this radio show and YouTube video 'MI6 Wartime Spy John Ainsworth-Davis: We smuggled Martin Bormann out of Berlin from under Russian noses' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miJ4IH4MGC0 should bring one up to speed on this earth-shattering tale. Winston Churchill doing a deal with the Nazis in 1944/5? Whatever next! Well, thriller writer, historical novelist and Cabinet War Rooms Deception planner Dennis Wheatley did say in his 1970s book 'The Devil and All His Works' that he believed Churchill may well have been a member of the Illuminati!

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