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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Chris Donnelly gives his view on Current Russian Strategic Thinking". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 51 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Yongtu Long  + (Chief negotiator of China's accession to [[WTO]] in [[2001]]. Visitor to the [[2004 Bilderberg]].)
  • Peter Levene  + (Chief of Defence Procurement, then over to private banking.)
  • Lars Findsen  + (Chief of Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste)
  • Yves Bertrand  + (Chief of French police intelligence from 1992 to 2004. Said too much to media. Died of "cause unknown" in 2013.)
  • Lars Findsen  + (Chief of Politiets Efterretningstjeneste)
  • William Steiger  + (Chief of Staff at [[USAID]] from 2017 to 2021.)
  • Alice Victor  + (Chief of Staff for [[David Rockefeller]] who witnessed the Bilderbergs from 1991 to 1996.)
  • Jean-Pierre Jouyet  + (Chief of Staff of President of France 2014-17, attended the [[2008 Bilderberg]])
  • Joe Cahill  + (Chief of Staff of the PIRA)
  • Cheryl Mills  + (Chief of staff for [[Hillary Clinton]].)
  • Gale Allen  + (Chief of the Classification Review Division at the [[Central Intelligence Agency]].)
  • İlker Başbuğ  + (Chief of the General Staff of Turkey.)
  • Keith B. Alexander  + (Chief of the NSA, now infamous for his mendacious denials regarding the illegal mass surveillance of US citizens.)
  • Richard Moore  + (Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service ([[MI6]]))
  • Carla Provost  + (Chief of the [[United States Border Patrol]] from August 2018 through January 2020.)
  • Christopher Hope  + (Chief political correspondent at the British [[The Daily Telegraph]])
  • Ephraim Katzir  + (Chief scientist of the Israel Defense Department and President of Israel)
  • Alfredo Alcaino  + (Chile born [[Cercle]] visitor, deep state connected lawyer)
  • Carlos Prats  + (Chilean army leader who defended the constitution and President Allende. His resignation opened for the [[Chile/1973 coup d'état|September 11, 1973 coup]]. Assassinated in exile with bomb planted by the Chilean intelligence service.)
  • Mauricio Rojas  + (Chilean born Swedish politician. Attended the [[Bilderberg/1999|1999 Bilderberg meeting]] as leader of the neoliberal think tank [[Timbro]]. Prominent in immigrant integration questions for the Liberal Party.)
  • Izkia Siches  + (Chilean doctor prominent in [[corporate media]]Chilean doctor prominent in [[corporate media]] during the [[Covid-19 deep event]]. In 2022 appointed Minister of Interior and Public Security, the second most important in government after the President. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2021|WEF Young Global Leader 2021]] and fan of fellow YGL, New Zealand's [[Jacinda Ardern]].[[Jacinda Ardern]].)
  • Oscar Fanjul  + (Chilean economist with [[US deep state]] connections. [[Goldman Sachs]], [[CFR]], [[1990 Bilderberg]])
  • Eduardo Frei  + (Chilean ex-president poisoned by the secret police.)
  • Pablo Neruda  + (Chilean national poet and [[Nobel Prize in Literature|Nobel Prize winner]] who was poisoned by the secret police, possibly with participation of the [[CIA]], after the [[Chile/1973 coup d'état|1973 coup d'état]].)
  • Manuel Contreras  + (Chilean spymaster.)
  • Gonzalo Lira  + (Chilean–American novelist and film director residing in the [[Ukraine]] who was arrested twice by the [[SBU]].)
  • "Chinese interference in Canadian politics"  + (China is accused of interfering in the [[2019 Canadian federal election]] and the [[2021 Canadian federal election]])
  • Michael Yahuda  + (China scholar. Attended [[Bilderberg/1995]])
  • People's Bank of China  + (China's central bank.)
  • Wuhan Institute of Virology  + (China's only [[BSL4 facility]], which carries out "gain-of-function" research, including creation of [[transgenic]] novel coronaviruses by combining [[SARS]] with [[HIV]].)
  • Du Wei  + (Chinese Ambassador to Israel found dead in his Herziliya apartment in 2020.)
  • Yi Zhang  + (Chinese academic who has gone to numerous conferences expounding on the [[One Belt, One Road]] concept and Sino-European cooperation. Attended the [[2006 Bilderberg]].)
  • Carol Yu  + (Chinese broadcast journalist, columnist, television host and media executive. Selected a [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2018|Young Global Leader]] by the [[World Economic Forum]] in [[2018]].)
  • Jack Ma  + (Chinese business magnate and founder of [[Alibaba Group]]. [[WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/2001]]. On the Board of the [[World Economic Forum]].)
  • Johnny Chung  + (Chinese businessman involved in the financing of [[Bill Clinton]]'s election bid. Sentenced to probation and 3,000 hours.)
  • Zheng Zeguang  + (Chinese diplomat; posted in the [[UK]])
  • He Liu  + (Chinese economist/politician who attended the [[2014 Bilderberg]] and gave a "special address" at the [[2023 WEF AGM]])
  • Huawei  + (Chinese multinational telecommunications company. Not owned by the Western Money Trust.)
  • Li Qingsi  + (Chinese professor in American Studies)
  • George Gao  + (Chinese virologist and immunologist who participated in the notorious [[Event 201]] and the [[2021 Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise]])
  • Zhengli Shi  + (Chinese virologist whom [[Fauci]] funded to perform "[[gain-of-function]]" research on naturally occurring bat coronaviruses to increase their virulence.)
  • Yo-Yo Ma  + (Chinese-American celebrity cellist who is member of the [[WEF/Board of Trustees]], [[GLT/1993]])
  • Iris Chang  + (Chinese-American journalist, author of historical books and political activist. Suspicious "suicide".)
  • Jenny Kwan  + (Chinese-Canadian MP)
  • Victor Dzau  + (Chinese/US doctor, member of the [[Global Preparedness Monitoring Board]], [[very heavy WEF AGM habit]])
  • US-EU condemnation chorus  + (Chorus of condemnation from Anglo-US-NATO official sources and and media in response to the Russian humanitarian aid convoy crossing into Ukraine without official permission from the Kiev Junta.)
  • Colin McColl  + (Chosen "to give a more dynamic lead as someone prepared to instigate change.")
  • Xi Jinping  + (Chosen as President of the People's Republic of China in 2013)
  • Bernhard von Biesterfeld  + (Chosen by [[Józef Retinger]]. Resigned in the wake of the [[Lockheed/Bribery scandals]].)
  • Chris Busby/Research on The Health Risks of Radiation  + (Chris Busby's research suggest that establishment scientific models, which are admittedly old, may underestimate the risks of low level exposure to ionising radiation by several orders of magnitude. This page is largely by Busby himself.)
  • Document:Chris Donnelly CV Short  + (Chris Donnelly short CV)
  • Document:Chris Donnelly Paris Brussels May 2016 v2  + (Chris Donnelly talks to his French II connChris Donnelly talks to his French II connections. "They think our main target needs to be the parts of the political class and the security structures 'where the rot is'"... "As an independent NGO we can do things they can’t do and national governments can’t do"an’t do and national governments can’t do")
  • Nino Andreatta  + (Christian Democrats)
  • Nino Andreatta  + (Christian Democrats)
  • Nino Andreatta  + (Christian Democrats)
  • Andre Aumonier  + (Christian business leader, [[Bilderberg 1971]])
  • WorldNetDaily  + (Christian conservative news aggregation site)
  • Southern Baptist  + (Christian denomination based on conservative Southern United States social values)
  • Charles Mathias  + (Church Committee member, Bilderberg/Steering committee, 17 Bilderbergs)
  • Ernest Holloway Oldham  + (Cipher clerk in the British [[Foreign Office]])
  • Harold Cleveland  + (Citibank vice president, double Bilderberger)
  • 2024 United Kingdom riots  + (Cities and towns affected by the 2024 [[United Kingdom]] riots)
  • Document:How to identify CIA limited hangout operation  + (Citing the Pentagon Papers as an example, Tarpley suggests that both Wikileaks and the Snowden affair are limited hangout operations by the CIA.)
  • Al-Hasakah  + (City in Northeastern Syria per 2022 occupied by US puppet administration.)
  • San Diego  + (City in Southern [[California]] with large military presence.)
  • Dallas  + (City in [[Texas]] forever linked to the [[JFK/Assassination|assassination of JFK]] in [[1963]].)
  • Deir al-Zor  + (City in eastern Syria, scene of a 2018 US/NATO airstrike to aid jihadist rebels besieging it.)
  • Statewatch  + (Civil rights group)
  • Michel Sapin  + (Claimed in 2015 that it was necessary to "fight against the use of cash and anonymity in the French economy" since it facilitated "[[terrorism]]".)
  • Virginia Roberts  + (Claimed that she was employed as a sex slave to have sex with [[Prince Andrew]] by [[Jeffrey Epstein]]. Notoriously pictured with Prince Andrew and [[Ghislaine Maxwell]].)
  • Chauncey Holt  + (Claimed to be one of the "three tramps" photographed shortly after the assassination of President [[John F. Kennedy]])
  • Sacha Baron Cohen  + (Claiming to be a provocateur, he reinforces [[enemy images]] of groups the liberal establishment needs to [[dehumanize]] to attack: rednecks, Arabs, Eastern Europeans, Central Asians..)
  • Catholic University of Guayaquil  + (Claims to be the leading university in Ecuador)
  • University of Parma  + (Claims to be the oldest university in the world)
  • Document:Finders Keepers  + (Clear evidence of suppression of an investigation into a child trafficking ring with blatantly obvious ties to US military and intelligence organisations.)
  • Document:A new US puppet government for Ukraine  + (Clear, unambiguous confirmation that the UClear, unambiguous confirmation that the US runs the Ukrainian opposition and that what is going on in Ukraine in 2013-14 is US sponsored "Regime Change". This is how the US installs its puppet governments while feigning outrage at the terrorist violence it organises and provokes to do so".lence it organises and provokes to do so".)
  • Gary Webb  + (Clearly exposed the CIA's complicity in drug smuggling, simultaneously demonstrating the controlled nature of the US corporate media. He died from two [[gunshots]] to the head in 2004 which was ruled a [[suicide]])
  • Cleveland State University  + (Cleveland, Ohio public university.)
  • Colette Pichon Battle  + (Climate activist and lawyer; [[Obama Foundation Fellows/2019]])
  • IPCC Sixth Assessment Report  + (Climate catastrophe report published in August 2021.)
  • Sonia Medina  + (Climate change expert, [[WEF/Young Global Leaders/2014]])
  • John Schellnhuber  + (Climatologist who wants a human population below 1 billion. Influential in Papal encyclical [[Laudato Si']])
  • Derek Shearer  + (Clinton Family deep state operative)
  • Steve Bing  + (Clinton connected billionaire businessman who fell to his death in 2020.)
  • Document:Commentary on the 2017-02-02 SMOM Press Conference  + (Close analysis of the early February 2017 Close analysis of the early February 2017 Order of Malta press conference showing the evasions and outright lies of Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, including on his conflicts of interest with the members of a Papal Commission which exonerated and reinstated him, and with whom he is involved with the 120 million Swiss franc trust.ed with the 120 million Swiss franc trust.)
  • Alex Rosen  + (Close collaborator of [[J Edgar Hoover]]. Probably a major organizer of the [[Cointelpro]] program.)
  • Michael Elkins  + (Close connections to Israeli intelligence operations. Worked for the [[BBC]],[[CBS]] and [[Newsweek]]. The first journalist to report at the beginning of the Six-Day War, and a speaker at the 1979 JCIT.)
  • Vernon Jordan  + (Close friend of [[Bill Clinton]]. A member of the [[Bilderberg Steering committee]] who attended 34 [[Bilderberg meetings]].)
  • Conrad Gerber  + (Close friend of [[Ted Shackley]])
  • Alexander Stubb  + (Close to CIA-recruiter [[Valerie Plame]] during university days)
  • Alexander Stubb  + (Close to CIA-recruiter [[Valerie Plame]] during university days)
  • Alexander Stubb  + (Close to CIA-recruiter [[Valerie Plame]] during university days)
  • Alexander Stubb  + (Close to CIA-recruiter [[Valerie Plame]] during university days)
  • Tim Evans  + (Close to a number of Foundations, World Bank, WHO. Participated in at least two [[pandemic planning]] exercises in 2019: [[Event 201]] and [[A Spreading Plague]])
  • Daily Kos  + (Close to the Democratic Party power structure. Founded in 2002 by former CIA operative Markos Moulitsas)
  • Barry Rubin  + (Closely affiliated with the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, as well as Israeli think tanks.)
  • Netherlands/Deep state  + (Closely allied with the [[US Deep state]]Closely allied with the [[US Deep state]]. Leader and strange enabler (after banning it after [[World War II]]) of the EU-[[illegal drug trade]], run from [[Amsterdam]]. Known for [[Bernhard von Biesterfeld]] and his involvement in developing [[Bilderberg]] and the [[1001 club]], and a possible sex cult and [[crime syndicate]] surrounding the royal family. Since the [[2010s]] led by [[deep politician]]s and their consultants in [[NATO]] and [[EU]] institutes.[[EU]] institutes.)
  • Jack Kemp  + (Closely associated with the hawkish wing of the Republican Party.)
  • Erlangen Nuremberg University  + (Closely connected to the large engineering company [[Siemens]])
  • Remembrance Sunday  + (Closest Sunday to 11 November, which was the day that a final armistice was agreed between the belligerents of World War 1. Used more and more to promote further wars.)