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Page nameStartedURLDescription
Dissident VoiceMarch 1999"A radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and justice".
Dogpile1996https://www.dogpile.comAlternative search engine
Dollar Vigilante2009
Dorset Eye
Double Down News
Drudgereport.com1995 as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
DuckDuckGohttps://duckduckgo.comA search engine that claims not to track its users, and which does not appear to be censoring this site as much as Google
Ecosia2009"Green" search engine
Educate Yourself medicines site named as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
Encyclopedia Dramatica10 December 2004 Page"Wikipedia's evil twin"
Energy Round Table
Epik2009 web hosting company.
Ethnopolitics Online2009http://EthnopoliticsOnline.comRussian language website
EveripediaDecember 2014 online encyclopaedia which uses blockchain.
Everybody Hates Charlie
EverybodyWiki2017 wiki that keeps articles which are deleted by Wikipedia
Evolve Politics Independent News & Media For The Awakened Generation
ExaroSeptember 2011
Executive Intelligence Review1974
F-Droid29 September 2010https://f-droid.orgAn open source alternative to Google's Playstore
Films For Actionhttp://FilmsForAction.orgA provider of inspiring videos. Named as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
Focal Point Publications10 January 1998 personal website and blog of British historian David Irving
Foreign Policy Journal20 September 2008 critical analysis of U.S. foreign policy outside of the standard framework offered by political officials and the mainstream corporate media.
Fort Russ2014https://www.fort-russ.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
From The Wildernesshttp://www.fromthewilderness.comA very highly respected alternative news source, now defunct.
Full Fact "fact checker" which was active in promoting the official narrative about the COVID-19 jabs
Funding the Future
GB News13 June 2021's newest news channel.
Gab15 August 2016 is a social networking service with a strict free speech approach for which it is criticized in corporate media.
Gangster Governmenthttp://www.GangsterGovernment.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
Gawker2002http://gawker.comA formerly highly popular website which helped expose The Deep State. In 2014 it published 3 important exposes by Mark Gorton. In 2015 it published parts of Epstein's black book. Closed in 2016 by harassment lawsuits.
Geoengineering Watch
Geopolitics & Empire censored by Western corporate/governments for Covid-19 coverage and other deep state subjects.
Germar Rudolf/Website
Gettr2021 "free-speech" platform, connected to Donald Trump, has strong censorship from the start.
Gigablast2002https://gigablast.comAn open source search engine written in over 500,00o lines of C/C++. In 2019, Martin Wells warned against using the code.
GlasnostGone which Victor Madeira suggested in 2018 the Institute for Statecraft include as an associate and partner organisation.
Global Listening Project
Global Research9 September 2001http://www.globalresearch.caA research and media organization based in Montreal, Canada, and highly recommended source of independent news
Globalterroralert.comMarch 2004
Golem XIV - Thoughts8 September 2011 single man blog commenting on UK and world politics with emphasis on finance.
GreatGameIndia website on international affairs, often writing on deep state topics.
Guido Fawkes4 September 2004 political blog
Guido Preparata's web sitehttp://www.guidopreparata.comGuido Preparata's website.
Guns And Butter website of Bonnie Faulkner's radio show.
Hang The Bankershttps://hangthebankers.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.