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Gianni AgnelliItalian industrialist, 37 Bilderbergs
Paul AllaireBilderberg Steering Committee member and board of the Council on Foreign Relations who headed Rank Xerox
Otto Wolff von AmerongenBilderberg Advisory Committee member, deep politician
Dwayne AndreasLarge political donor to both major US parties.
Beatrix ArmgardFormer Dutch Queen. Survived 2009 Queen's Day Attack. In 1962 became the first woman to attend a Bilderberg meeting. Kicked a very heavy Bilderberg habit in 2015.
Bernard ArnaultFrench billionaire businessman, the richest person in the world as of August 2021. Attended the 1992 Bilderberg
George BallUS deep politician who attended all 40 Bilderberg meetings up to his death, he helped make key decisions about post-WW2 Europe.
Percy BarnevikBilderberg Steering committee member in the Wallenberg Sphere
Antonio BarretoPortuguese politician
Lloyd Bentsen5 time Bilderberger US Treasury Secretary
Christoph BertramGerman journalist with a heavy Bilderberg habit
Ernst van der BeugelDutch deep politician, 34 Bilderbergs, on both the Advisory & Steering committees
Selahattin BeyazitOne of the biggest industrialists in Turkey and member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Kurt BiedenkopfWest German politician "parachuted" into the former East Germany to lead the state of Saxony.
Carl BildtSwedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
James BillingtonBilderberger academic
Conrad BlackFraudulent Bilderberg steering committee member
Birgit BreuelGerman politician, 6 times Bilderberger. Became president of the Treuhandanstalt, the state-organized looting of former East German assets, after the assassination of her predecessor Detlev Rohwedder
Leon Brittanformer European Commissioner
Pierre BérégovoyA former French Prime Minister who supposedly committed suicide.
Roberto CarneiroUS anthropologist. Curator of the American Museum of Natural History.
Peter CarringtonUK Deep politician. Bilderberg chairman. President of the Pilgrims Society. Secretary General of NATO. Chairman of the UK Conservative Party. Busy guy.
John ChafeeAttended 4 Bilderbergs between 1979 to 1992
Bertrand CollombConnected French businessman. 13 Bilderbergs.
Kenneth DamEconomist who was US Deputy Secretary of State, with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Étienne DavignonBelgian deep politician, EU commissioner, Bilderberg chairman, Egmont Institute president
Robert DayBilderberg billionaire businessman. Brookings Institution.President's Intelligence Advisory Board.
Aage DeleuranDanish quad Bilderberger editor
Arthur DunkelDirector-General of the World Trade Organization for over 12 years. 5 Bilderbergs
Theodore EliotUS Ambassador to Afghanistan who attended 15 Bilderberg meetings.
William EsreyTelecom exec who attended 3 Bilderbergs from 1989 to 1992
Rodrigo de Rato FigaredoBilderberg 1992, 1994, 2005 and 2007, embezzler, money laundering, IMF managing director, Panama Papers
Loïk le Floch-PrigentFrench dodgy Bilderberg businessman
Francisco Pinto Balsemao
John GalvinSACEUR, Attended the Bilderberg meetings yearly from 1988 to 1993. During his time as SACEUR many stay-behind networks in Europe were allegedly dismantled.
David GergenWhite House insider since the 1970s. Two Bilderbergs in the 1990s. Operation Dark Winter
John GoossensBelgacom/CEO who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1990s. Died at 57
Ronald GriersonSpooky financier/businessman
Brian GriffithsUK politician, adviser to Margaret Thatcher. Goldman Sachs
Bengt GustafssonBilderberg Steering Committee, Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces
Emre GönensayTechnocrat who privatized the Turkish economy, then Turkish Foreign Minister.
Philip HabibUS diplomat who died aged 72 of a cardiac arrhythmia the day after the 1992 Bilderberg where he was a panelist on Whither The United States?
Victor HalberstadtA professor of economics, with a minimal Wikipedia page, who has attended all Bilderberg meetings since 1975.
Denis HealeyBilderberg Steering committee member, who attended 23 Bilderberg meetings.
Karen HouseUS Corporate Media controller who attended the 1982, 1988, and 1992 Bilderbergs.
Westye HøeghPresident of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association, Bilderberg Steering committee
Jaakko IloniemiBilderberg Steering committee, Finnish Ambassador to the US
Philippe JaffréFrench Deep state connected businessman who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the early 1990s.
Peter JankowitschOne of the closest collaborators of Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, ex-Bilderberg Steering committee
Vernon JordanClose friend of Bill Clinton. A member of the Bilderberg Steering committee who attended 34 Bilderberg meetings.