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A Group Headquartered HereDescription
CrisisCastBritish company with close ties to the military providing realistic crisis actors.
Crown AgentsAn “Emanation of the Crown” deserving of further scrutiny
De Montfort Universitypublic university in the city of Leicester, England
Democracy Institute
Edinburgh AcademyIndependent school in Edinburgh, Scotland, opened in 1824.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Leadership NetworkIsrael lobby group of nearly 300 past, present and future European leaders. Works to foster key ties between European and Israeli leaders, and empower friends of Israel across Europe.
Fabian SocietyAccording to itself, it aims to promote greater equality of power, wealth and opportunity, the value of collective action and public service, an accountable, tolerant and active democracy, citizenship, liberty and human rights, sustainable development, multilateral international cooperation
Financial Services Authority
Foreign Policy CentreThink tank sponsored by deep state foundations
Forum World FeaturesA London based CIA propaganda operation which operated as a professional news service from 1965 to 1975.
Forward Thinking"An organisation which claims to be working to solve the middle east crisis", with at least 3 senior staff of the Institute for Statecraft
Frontline ClubA venue used by the Institute for Statecraft/Integrity Initiative. Founded by former military officer turned "independent" journalist.
G4S Secure SolutionsA British/American multinational security services company with deep ties to the US government and military complex
George Watson's CollegeFirst in Scotland and 29th in the UK for the number of the nation's leading people produced.
Global Disinformation Index
Greater Manchester Police
Group 4 Falck
HSBCThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, one of the world's biggest banks
Henry Jackson SocietyA British neocon political action committee supported by key US neocons and by two of David Cameron's closest advisers.
ITVBritish state media. Main rival of the BBC.
Imperial Chemical Industries
Imperial College LondonA UK college, highly funded by the Gates Foundation, which played a central part in the COVID-19 deep event by creating hysterical spreading models
Independent SAGE
Index on Censorship
Institute for Statecraft/Tor teamAn unidentified subgroup of the Institute for Statecraft
Institute of Economic Affairs
International Institute for Strategic Studies"A Chatham House for Defence."
International Maritime Organization
International Tribunal of Natural JusticeA self-appointed people's court to investigate VIPaedophile claims. It videos its hearings and posts them on YouTube.
Istok AssociatesA "corporate intelligence and investigations consultancy" run by Neil Barnett.
Jewish Leadership Council
Joint Services Intelligence Organisation
King's College LondonUniversity college closely linked to the British military and intelligence community, and similar spooks overseas.
King's College SchoolOne of the highest academically performing schools in the UK
Labour Party Irish SocietyCollective body of Labour Party members of Irish birth or descent.
Legatum Institute
Liverpool John Moores UniversityPolytechnic university in Liverpool
Lloyds of London
London Business School
London Guildhall UniversityUniversity in the United Kingdom from 1992, when the City of London Polytechnic was awarded university status, until 2002
London Metropolitan UniversityPublic university in London, England
London School of EconomicsUniversity in London, England.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineMany members of this School is at the center of the COVID-19 psy-op.
London South Bank UniversityPublic university in South London, England.
LonrhoBritish mining company
Loughborough UniversityOpened a Department of Politics, International Relations and European Studies in 2003.
Malvern College
Media Defence