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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Meyssan's prediction that pervasive online censorship is coming". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 51 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Max Kohnstamm  + (Member of the [[Bilderberg Advisory Committee]], visited the Bilderberg 28 times. European chair of the [[CFR]])
  • Matthias Naß  + (Member of the [[Bilderberg steering committee]]; participated in every conference 1997-2012)
  • Walter Huddleston  + (Member of the [[Church Committee]], lost Senate seat in 1985 election.)
  • James David Zellerbach  + (Member of the [[Committee on the Present Danger]], US deep state functionary?)
  • Denmark  + (Member of the [[EU]], [[NATO]].)
  • Bruce Jones  + (Member of the [[II]]'s [[Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Journalists|UK journalist cluster]])
  • James Sherr  + (Member of the [[Institute for Statecraft]], [[Chatham House]], [[RUSI Director]])
  • Josh Arnold-Foster  + (Member of the [[Institute for Statecraft]]. Posts include "[[special adviser]]" to the [[UK defence secretary]].)
  • Helena Bennett  + (Member of the [[Institute for Statecraft]] in 2018.)
  • Marieluise Beck  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Germany|German Integrity Initiative]] who led the German Green party to a highly militaristic stance)
  • Jacopo Iacoboni  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • James Ball  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • Alina Mosendz  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]] and [[StopFake]])
  • Craig Oliphant  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]]'s Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Inner Core)
  • Roy Hargraves  + (Member of the [[Interpen]], involved in training members of the [[anti-Castro]] groups funded by the [[Central Intelligence Agency]]. Maybe involved in the [[assassination of John F. Kennedy]].)
  • Patrick Duncan  + (Member of the [[Milner Group/Inner Circle]], sixth [[Governor-General of South Africa]])
  • Bruce George  + (Member of the [[Privy Council]] since 2001, MICC connected MP)
  • Lynn Forester de Rothschild  + (Member of the [[Rothschild family]] and leading member of [[deep state]] networks)
  • George Hickey  + (Member of the [[Secret Service]] who was in follow-up car, directly behind the presidential limousine, when [[Kennedy assassination|President John F. Kennedy was shot]] in 1963.)
  • Neil McLean  + (Member of the [[Special Operations Executive]] in [[World War II]] who attended several meetings of [[Le Cercle]] during the [[1980s]].)
  • John Perry Barlow  + (Member of the [[drug]]Member of the [[drug]]-promoting music band [[Grateful Dead]] and a founding member of the [[Electronic Frontier Foundation]] - and with strong ties to [[CIA]]. He may also have been involved in the conceptual origin that spawned CIA-connected entities such as [[Facebook]].[[Facebook]].)
  • Josef Korbel  + (Member of the exile government)
  • Committee on the Present Danger/Members  + (Members of Committee on the Present Danger, all four iterations)
  • Atlantic Council/Board  + (Members of the Atlantic Council Board of Directors and International Advisory Board per 2020)
  • Council on Foreign Relations/Members  + (Members of the Council on Foreign Relations per 2019)
  • Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3  + (Members of the Council on Foreign Relations per 2019)
  • Council on Foreign Relations/Members 2  + (Members of the Council on Foreign Relations per 2019, part 2)
  • Document:Only a failing US empire would be so blind as to cheer Netanyahu and his genocide  + (Members of the [[US Congress]]Members of the [[US Congress]] roared “[[USA]]!” to their satrap from [[Israel]], just as Roman senators once roared “Glory!” to generals whose victories they assumed would continue forever. Every empire falls. Its collapse becomes inevitable once its rulers lose all sense of how absurd and abhorrent they have absurd and abhorrent they have become.)
  • File:Spycatcher.pdf  + (Memoirs of former senior MI5 officer Peter Wright.)
  • Amnesia  + (Memory failure)
  • Per Hysing-Dahl  + (Mentioned as possible defense minister in 1981, at time of Bilderberg meeting. Instead appointed President of the Norwegian Parliament (Storting))
  • Memory hole  + (Mentioned in [[Nineteen Eighty-Four]] as a tool of [[censorship]], now used metaphorically to describe the fate of unpalatable truths.)
  • Bob Denard  + (Mercenary who performed various jobs in support of [[Françafrique]] — France's sphere of influence in its former colonies in Africa — for [[Jacques Foccart]] and President [[Charles de Gaulle]]. Also for [[MI6]] and [[CIA]].)
  • Elon Musk  + (Merged into Paypal)
  • University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology  + (Merged to the [[University of Manchester]] in 2004.)
  • Jérôme Heldring  + (Merged with NRC Handelsblad in 1970)
  • Meritocracy  + (Meritocracy literally means that those who have earned merit through achievement are legitimized to exercise power. There is a circularity in this definition, for what merit could be greater than that of belonging to the possessing and ruling class?)
  • Signal Messenger  + (Messaging service funded by the CIA, and about just as untrustable.)
  • WhatsApp  + (Messaging service owned by Facebook, and about just as untrustable.)
  •  + (Meta search engine)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster  + (Metastases from the [[IfS]]/[[II]]. Covert cells with a single leader, been used to exert clandestine influence from the London HQ, for example to promote particular opinions or to smear people it deems undesirable.)
  • Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary  + (Methodist seminary)
  • Metrojet Flight 9268  + (Metrojet Flight 9268 disappeared from radar at 31,000 feet, exploded and crashed killing everyone on board.)
  • Rodrigo Pérez-Alonso González  + (Mexican Green politician with interest in digital transformation)
  • Salomon Chertorivski Woldenberg  + (Mexican Health Minister. Selected a [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2014|Young Global Leader]] by the [[World Economic Forum]] in 2014.)
  • María Teresa Marú Mejía  + (Mexican Member of Parliament who reportedly died from [[COVID]].)
  • Alicia Bárcena Ibarra  + (Mexican biologist at the United Nations)
  • Francisco Ortiz Franco  + (Mexican journalist assassinated within months of starting to write about [[drug trafficking]].)
  • Jorge Díaz Serrano  + (Mexican politician, and fraudster who did business with [[George H. W. Bush]])
  • José López Portillo  + (Mexican president who put country in unpayable debt trap. Later revealed to be CIA collaborator. Also escalated the [[supranational deep state]] drug trafficking.)
  • On the Contrary  + (Michael Hoffman's revisionist history web site and blog. Scrupulously researched Gentile scholarship on all matters Judaic)
  • Document:What We Need to Learn From TE Lawrence  + (Michael Korda's introduction to his book "Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia", a biography of TE Lawrence)
  • Ferris State University  + (Michigan university)
  • Nathan Myhrvold  + (Microsoft CTO who [[flew the Lolita express]] and whose name features in [[Epstein's black book]])
  • Craig Mundie  + (Microsoft. Bilderberg Steering committee member.)
  • Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio  + (Microwave-based auditory effect weapon.)
  • Deep state actor  + (Mid level deep state operatives, organised by [[deep politicians]], handle [[deep state functionaries]].)
  • University of Kansas  + (Mid-western university with significant research activity)
  • Robert Hunter  + (Middle East Affairs)
  • Jordan  + (Middle Eastern kingdom.)
  • Missouri State University  + (Midwestern University)
  • Bradley University  + (Midwestern private university)
  • University of Northern Iowa  + (Midwestern university)
  • Olivier Combe  + (Might have supervised the surveillance of the brothers [[Said Kouachi]] and [[Cherif Kouachi]], the [[ON]] shooters in the [[2015]] [[Charlie Hebdo attacks]]. Later convicted for possession of pedophile images but "incomprehensibly" acquitted of rape.)
  • Ralph Nader  + (Might possibly be something very rare, a politician who is not corrupt!)
  • Document:The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez  + (Mike Whitney interviews [[Eva Golinger]] and discusses persuasive evidence that Venezuelan president [[Hugo Chavez]] did not die from a naturally occuring cancer in 2013)
  • Mil SitRep for MH17 area  + (Military Situation report for the MH17 area)
  • Richard Clutterbuck  + (Military academic equaling political dissent with political violence, and political violence with terrorism.)
  • Special forces  + (Military activities conducted by specially designated, organized, selected, trained, and equipped forces.)
  • Robin Sage  + (Military exercise)
  • Military  + (Military groups, generally hierarchical in nature, often controlled by nation states, are organisations that specialise in using violence to achieve political ends of their masters.)
  • Arthur W. Radford  + (Military hardliner with Asia first strategy)
  • Hew Strachan  + (Military historian with an active interest in the amount of UK defence spending. [[Institute for Statecraft]] advisor.)
  • Harry Soyster  + (Military intelligence leader in a number of central operations; [[Panama|Panama 89]], [[Lockerbie]], [[First Gulf War]])
  • Jacques Isnard  + (Military intelligence officer and defense columnist at ''[[Le Monde]]'')
  • Wilton Persons  + (Military officer who was the [[White House Chief of Staff]] to President [[Dwight D. Eisenhower]])
  • George Olmsted  + (Military officer, spook and insurance executive.)
  • Soldier  + (Military personnel are at the very center of deep state activities.)
  • Centre for Societal Security  + (Military program at the [[Swedish Defence University]], designed to indoctrinate "[[society's key actors]]" in following the [[official narrative]] in "security" matters.)
  • Ed Kronenburg  + (Military service)
  • 2014 Ukraine coup/ATO map 16 JUL 2014  + (Military situation in Donbass at 16 JUL 2014)
  • Janice Kephart  + (Military-industrial "expert" peddling [[biometric]] solutions to the US government. Formerly was a counsel to the [[9-11 Commission]].)
  • Parsons Corporation  + (Military-industrial complex construction company. Had people at 2020 censorship conference.)
  • Raytheon  + (Military-industrial complex.)
  • John Rood  + (Military-industrial complex. Responsible for the implementation of the 2018 National Defense Strategy worldwide.)
  • Donald C. Winter  + (Military-industrial-complex lobbyist who foisted nuclear submarines on Australia in 2021)
  • Randall Larsen  + (Military/Homeland Security WMD expert.)
  • Report of Junta using civilian planes as cover  + (Militia Soldier - Elena, from Sloviansk tells of Ukrainian fighter planes using civilian airliners as cover prior to attacking the city)
  • Vera Daves de Sousa  + (Millennial finance minister of [[Angola]]; [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2021]])
  • Bearer bond  + (Million dollar notes? Very useful when smuggling/money-laundering etc.)
  • Ernest-Antoine Seillière  + (Millionaire French businessman, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Le Siècle)
  • Christoph Blocher  + (Millionaire Swiss politician, businessman who attended the [[2009 Bilderberg]])
  • Mind control/Child Abuse  + (Mind Control aims to gain domination over the victim by making them cede their autonomy to the controlling person or group. Children are especially vulnerable to spiritual, emotional, physical and sexual abuse.)
  • Mind control  + (Mind Control aims to gain domination over Mind Control aims to gain domination over the victim by making them cede their autonomy to the controlling person or group. Methods include lying, isolation, manipulation, indoctrination, electroshock, operant conditioning, coding / programming and "brainwashing"., coding / programming and "brainwashing".)
  • Katanga  + (Mineral-rich province of the [[Democratic Republic of the Congo]])
  • South Dakota School of Mines  + (Mining and engineering school)
  • Kevin Harrington  + (Minion of [[Peter Thiel]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/2024]])
  • Max Streibl  + (Minister President of Bavaria,resigned because of corruption)
  • Bill Hayden  + (Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade from 1983 to 1988)
  • Per Westerberg  + (Minister for Industry and Trade from 1991 to 1994. Speaker of the Swedish Parliament 2006-2014.)