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Page nameBornDiedSummaryDescription
European Central Bank/PresidentCentral banker
Antonio Fazio11 October 1936Central bankerAn Italian central banker who resigned as Governor of the Bank of Italy amid controversy.
Stanley Fischer15 October 1943Economist
Central banker
Israeli/US central banker and quad Bilderberger
Ralph Flanders28 September 188019 February 1970Politician
Central banker
Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston who attended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s.
Jacob Frenkel8 February 1943Economist
Central banker
Serial WEF AGM, Bank of Israel/Governor 1991-2000, CFR
François Villeroy de Galhau24 February 1959Central bankerGovernor of the Bank of France since 2015.
Robert Garner189413 December 1975Central banker
Working for the World Bank, he focused on financing of development programs. He attended the 1956 Bilderberg, where several of the topics concerned the relationship between the West and the Third World.
Timothy Geithner18 August 1961Central bankerMulti-Bilderberg central banker
Nail Gidel19092 March 1981Central bankerAttended the 1959 Bilderberg as Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Svein Gjedrem25 January 1950Economist
Central banker
Attended the 2003 Bilderberg as Central Bank Governor of Norway
Jean Godeaux3 July 192227 April 2009Economist
Civil servant
Central banker
Belgian delegation to the IMF, then Banque Lambert and Governor of the National Bank of Belgium
Ilan Goldfajn12 March 1966Economist
Central banker
Installed as central bank governor by the Michel Temer government.
Sylvie Goulard6 December 1964Politician
Central banker
French politician who attended the 2016 Bilderberg. Deputy Governor of the Bank of France since 2018
Governor of the Central Bank of TurkeyCentral banker
Maurice Greenberg4 May 1925Central banker
Deep state operative
US deep state operative
Alan Greenspan6 March 1926Central banker
Deep state operative
US DSO who was Chairman of the Federal Reserve 1987-2006
Guillaume Guindey19 June 190911 March 1989Central bankerQuad Bilderberg BIS General Manager. Marshall Plan. Advised General de Gaulle to repatriate the French gold reserve from the United States.
Luis de Guindos16 January 1960Politician
Central banker
Double Bilderberg Vice President of the European Central Bank
Camille Gutt14 November 18847 June 1971Central bankerFirst Managing Director of the IMF
William Harding5 May 18647 April 1930Central bankerUS central banker. Chairman of the Federal Reserve 1916-1922
E. Roland Harriman24 December 189516 February 1978Central bankerwell connected Bonesman banker
Lars Heikensten13 September 1950Economist
Central banker
Swedish central banker and Nobel Foundation
Philipp Hildebrand19 July 1963Central bankerBIS, IMF, Quit as Swiss National Bank/Chair after details of his wife's currency trades emerged. Later vice chair of BlackRock.
Erik Hoffmeyer25 December 192421 August 2016Academic
Central banker
Danish academic and central bank governor for 29 years who attended the 1982 Bilderberg
Marius Holtrop2 November 19021 April 1988Economist
Central banker
Central banker. Worked for Shell in the 1930s. Was part of the commission that exposed Prince Bernhard's Lockheed Bribery Affair
Seppo Honkapohja7 March 1951Academic
Central banker
Finnish economist
Sirkka Hämäläinen8 May 1939Central bankerAttended the 1994 Bilderberg as Governor of Bank of Finland. Trilateral Commission.
Stefan Ingves23 May 1953Economist
Central banker
Governor of Sveriges Riksbank, the central bank of Sweden
Gunnar Jahn10 January 188331 January 1971Economist
Central banker
Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and Norwegian Central Bank
Pierre Jay4 May 187024 November 1949Central bankerFirst chairman of the New York Federal Reserve in 1913
Theunis Willem de Jongh1913Economist
Central banker
Internationally well connected South African banker in Apartheid era
Louka Katseli20 April 1952Economist
Central banker
Greek economist and central banker who attended the 1984 Bilderberg aged 32.
Lesetja Kganyago7 October 1965Economist
Central banker
Attended multiple WEF AGMs as Governor of the South African Reserve Bank
Malcolm KnightCentral bankerAttended WEF meetings as BIS General Manager
Rolf Kullberg3 October 19303 September 2007Central bankerGovernor of the Bank of Finland responsible the country's worst recession in the early 1990s.
Philippe Lagayette16 June 1943Central bankerFrench central banker who spoke on What Should Be Done For Eastern Europe? at the 1992 Bilderberg.
Alexandre Lamfalussy26 April 19299 May 2015Economist
Central banker
BIS manager, First President of the European Monetary Institute, 4 Bilderbergs
Philip Lane27 August 1969Economist
Central banker
Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland. Since 2019 Chief Economist at the European Central Bank
Jacques de Larosière12 November 1929Civil servant
Central banker
French former central banker and public official. Managing Director of the IMF and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Group of Thirty. Attended the 1982 Bilderberg meeting.
René Larre19151999Central bankerAttended the 1974 Bilderberg as General Manager of the BIS
Robin Leigh-Pemberton5 January 192724 November 2013Economist
Central banker
Governor of the Bank of England from 1983 to 1993.
Erkki Liikanen19 September 1950Central bankerFinnish central banker, European Commissioner who was mooted as candidate for President of the European Central Bank in 2019
John Lipsky19 February 1947Economist
Central banker
Single Bilderberger. Briefly acted as Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
Philip Lowe1961Economist
Central banker
Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Bruce MacLaury1931Central banker7 Bilderbergs, Federal Resereve, President of the Brookings Institution
Gill Marcus10 August 1949Central bankerThe first woman Governor of the South African Reserve Bank
Preston Martin5 December 192330 May 2007Central bankerAmerican economist and banker who was the 12th vice chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1982 to 1986.
Guillermo Ortiz Martínez21 July 1948Central bankerGovernor of the Bank of Mexico 1998-2009
John J. McCloy31 March 189511 March 1989Diplomat
Deep politician
Central banker
US deep politician, Warren Commission, CFR Chair for 17 years, President of the World Bank ...
Donato Menichella23 January 189623 July 1984Central banker