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Group.png United States  
(Country, OligarchySourcewatch Spartacus WikiquoteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
USA orthographic.svg
Great Seal of the United States (obverse).svg
Capital cityWashington DC
LocationNorth America
TypeUnited Nations Members.svg nation state
Subgroups•  Executive Office of the President of the United States
•  Supreme Court of the United States
• Seal of the United States Congress.svg United States Congress
•  United States Department of Agriculture
•  United States Department of Commerce
•  United States Department of Defense
•  United States Department of Energy
•  United States Department of Education
•  United States Department of Health and Human Services
•  United States Department of Homeland Security
•  United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
•  United States Department of Labor
•  United States Department of Justice
•  United States Department of State
•  United States Department of the Interior
•  United States Department of the Treasury
•  United States Department of Transportation
•  United States Department of Veterans Affairs
•  Central Intelligence Agency
•  Commodity Futures Trading Commission
•  Environmental Protection Agency
•  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
•  Federal Communications Commission
•  Federal Election Commission
•  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
•  Federal Maritime Commission
•  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
•  Consumer Product Safety Commission
•  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
•  Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
•  Federal Trade Commission
•  General Services Administration
•  International Trade Commission
•  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
•  National Archives and Records Administration
•  National Credit Union Administration
•  National Labor Relations Board
•  National Transportation Safety Board
•  Nuclear Regulatory Commission
•  National Science Foundation
•  Securities and Exchange Commission
•  Postal Regulatory Commission
•  Selective Service System
•  Small Business Administration
•  Social Security Administration
•  Surface Transportation Board
•  United States Postal Service
•  Government Accountability Office
•  United States Office of Special Counsel
Interest ofBilderberg/1992, Claude Julien, King family, Pritzker family
Member ofAPEC, AUKUS, G-20, Global Counter Terrorism Forum, International Energy Agency, NATO, OECD, Pacific Community, UKUSA, UN/SC
Founder ofNonprofit 501(c)
Sponsored by2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Subpage"US/National security"
US/1876 Presidential election
US/1936 Presidential election
US/1940 Presidential election
US/1952 Presidential Election
US/1960 Presidential Election
US/1964 Presidential Election
US/1968 Presidential election
US/1972 Presidential Election
US/1976 Presidential Election
US/1980 Presidential Election
US/1984 Presidential Election
US/1988 Presidential election
US/1992 Presidential election
US/2000 Presidential Election
US/2004 Presidential Election
US/2008 Presidential election
US/2012 Presidential election
US/2016 Presidential Election
US/2020 Presidential election
US/2024 Presidential election
US/Air Force
US/Army Command and General Staff College
US/Assassinations since 1945
US/Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division
US/Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division
US/Assistant Secretary of Commerce
US/Assistant Secretary of State
US/Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
US/Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy Human Rights and Labor
US/Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security
US/Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
US/Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
US/Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research
US/Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations
US/Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs
US/Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
US/Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs
US/Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs
US/Atomic Energy Commission
US/Attorney General
US/Bombing campaigns since 1945
US/Chamber of Commerce
US/Chief Justice
US/Coast Guard
US/Coordinator for Counterterrorism
US/Coordinator for Sanctions Policy
US/Customs and Border Protection
US/Cyber Command
US/Deep state
US/Democratic Party
US/Deputy Attorney General
US/Deputy National Security Advisor
US/Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN
US/Deputy Secretary of Commerce
US/Deputy Secretary of Defense
US/Deputy Secretary of State
US/Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
US/Director of Policy Planning
US/Efforts to Suppress Democracy since 1945
US/Federal Reserve
US/Foreign policy
US/Forest Service
US/Freedom of Information Act
US/Green Party
US/Homeland Security Advisor
US/Legal System
US/Marine Corps
US/Marshals Service
US/National Security Advisor
US/National Security Council
US/Naval Research Laboratory
US/Nuclear weapons
US/Office of Special Counsel
US/Park Police
US/Permanent Representative to the UN
US/Police state
US/Postal Service
US/Postmaster General
US/Presidential Election
US/Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
US/Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
US/Republican Party
US/Secret Service
US/Secretary of Commerce
US/Secretary of Defense
US/Secretary of Health Education and Welfare
US/Secretary of Labor
US/Secretary of State
US/Secretary of the Interior
US/Secretary of the Navy
US/Secretary of the Treasury
US/Solicitor General
US/Space Force
US/Special Envoy for Northern Ireland
US/Special Envoy for the Middle East
US/Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
US/Sponsored Regime-change efforts since 1945
US/Strategic Command
US/Supreme Court
US/Surgeon General
US/Trade Representative
US/Under Secretary of Commerce
US/Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
US/Undersecretary of State
US/Vice President
The United States is the single biggest military spender in the world, with a higher 2020 expenditure than the next ten countries combined. Its infrastructure has been described to be in disrepair since the late 1980s.

The United States is a nation state in North America, bordering Canada and Mexico. A 2014 scientific study (the only one to date)[1] concluded that the US is an oligarchy, notwithstanding democratic window-dressing, which was actually backed in verbatim by former president Jimmy Carter[2]. A 2017 poll found that the biggest fear of US citizens was "corrupt government officials".[3] A 2018 poll revealed that most US citizens were aware that the government was controlled by the group referred to here as the "US deep state".[4]

Official Narrative

Full article: US Deep State
The Deep State is Real, Here's Why it Matters

The USA ("Home of the brave... land of the free") is democratic country, with a duly elected leadership which governs from Washington DC and represents the wishes of the people of he USA. Anything you may read or hear about the US Deep state is "fake news". i.e. "There is no American Deep State... it just looks like there is."[5]

Foreign Policy

Full article: US/Foreign policy

US Foreign policy is an altruistic activity designed to promote global wellbeing. The "war on terror" is designed to rid the world of "terrorism" and "failed states", which necessitate the rollback of civil liberties and increasing use of measures such as torture, "targeted killings" and universal surveillance to keep the population safe.


How The U.S. Stole the Middle East

UN Laws

The US was one of the two countries to vote against labeling food as a human right at the UN. The draft also expressed alarm that the number of people lacking access to adequate food rose by 320 million to 2.4 billion in 2020 – nearly one-third of the world's population. The US still refused to even sign it in 2021, during the height of the Covid Lockdown. The only other country was Israel.[6]

The US is also the only country to not have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.[7]

Deep State

Full article: Rated 5/5 US/Deep state

Deep State forces have had a major influence in US politics since as least the mid 19th century. The JFK Assassination was a seminally important event in the evolution of the modern US deep state. This fused a working alliance of businessmen, deep politicians and other criminals into a group that Mark Gorton calls "the cabal". This group has controlled almost all subsequent US presidents. During the 1970s, this was outsourced to avoid congressional scrutiny. Under the leadership of George H. W. Bush, it become the supranational deep state.

Awareness of corruption

Full article: US/Corruption
RepresentUs Channel.

In 2014, 75% of Americans perceived corruption in the US government as "widespread", up from 66% in 2009.[8] Policies such as civil asset forfeiture have been widely criticised even from within the government.[9]


US society has been subject to the attention of social engineers.


"The United States is practically the only developed country in the world that doesn't require companies to give their workers time off... Many American workers must keep on working through public holidays, and vacation days often go unused."



Full article: US/Police
US-Police state.jpg

Police State

Full article: US/Police state

As the "war on terrorism" progresses, with the associated extrajudicial detentions, torture and assassinations, a range of commentators are increasingly coming to see the USA as a de facto police state.[11][12][13][14] The US imprisons more of its population, both as a percentage and in absolute terms, than any other nation.


Both the physical and mental health of US citizens seems to be in decline, with unprecedented levels of chronic illnesses being reported, especially among millenials.[15]

Drug use

Use of opioid pain killers is widespread in USA; in 2011, an estimated 4 million people in the United States used opioids recreationally or were dependent on them[16] and drug overdose has become now the leading cause of death for US residents under the age of 50.[17] As of December 2017, the USA was the only country apart from the New Zealand that allow prescription drug companies to advertise on television.[18] In 2017, around 1/8 of the US population were reportedly addicted to alcohol.[19]


COVID-19 has been in the United States.


Arms Production

The US sold more weapons from 2012-2016, ahead of fellow permanent members of the UN Security Council, Russia, China and the France.[20]

US military

Full article: US/Military

The United States military is one of the biggest polluters on earth.[21][22]


Events carried out

2003 Iraq WarIraqA war for oil carried out after "Operation Mass Appeal" an MI6-backed propaganda campaign.
2011 Attacks on LibyaLibya"Perhaps one of the most egregious examples of US military aggression and lawlessness in recent memory", carried out under a pretext of "humanitarian intervention".
2024 Yemen airstrikesYemenAn ongoing attack on Yemen
Afghanistan/2021 withdrawalAfghanistanThe end of the US–led NATO occupation of Afghanistan
Evacuation from AfghanistanAfghanistanThe evacuation of foreigners from Afghanistan, one of the largest airlifts in history
France/Assassinations since 1945
Manhattan ProjectA top secret project to develop nuclear weapons for use in WW2
Plan JB 355A 1941 plan for dozens or hundreds of US bombers with American crews masked by Chinese markings to bombing Japanese cities
US/Assassinations since 1945The list is very incomplete....
Vietnam WarVietnam
The Vietnam War was a proxy war lead by US that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from December 1956 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. Millions of people were killed, mostly Vietnamese. JFK was assassinated soon after declaring his intent to withdraw US troops. The war helped the CIA to refine its methods of illegal drug trafficking, torture and the like.


A Document by US

TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
File:Hw-80-2.pdfagreement1 November 1945UKUSAThe 1945 draft UK-USA agreement


A Quote by US

2021“In a blunt opening statement before the talks in private, Mr Anthony Blinken said the US would "discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion of our allies". "Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability," he said. In response, Mr Yang Jiechi accused Washington of using its military might and financial supremacy to suppress other countries. "It abuses so-called notions of national security to obstruct normal trade exchanges, and incite some countries to attack China," he added. Mr Yang said human rights in the US were at a low point, with black Americans being "slaughtered".”March 2021BBC



Page nameDescription
US/CongressThe House and Senate of the US located in Washington D.C make up US Congress. Congress in the US pass, discuss laws and have dozens of other tasks that often get mis(used) by special interest groups and their deep lobbying.
US/Department/The TreasuryUS GOV Department, links to Goldman Sachs


Related Quotations

2021“In a blunt opening statement before the talks in private, Mr Anthony Blinken said the US would "discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion of our allies". "Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability," he said. In response, Mr Yang Jiechi accused Washington of using its military might and financial supremacy to suppress other countries. "It abuses so-called notions of national security to obstruct normal trade exchanges, and incite some countries to attack China," he added. Mr Yang said human rights in the US were at a low point, with black Americans being "slaughtered".”China
March 2021
Stef Blok“Give me one example of a multi-ethnic or multicultural society, where the original inhabitants are still living... and where they live in coexistence. I can't think of one. Don't say Australia or the US as the natives there have been exterminated.”Stef Blok2018
Al Capone“This American system of ours ... call it Americanism, call it capitalism, call it what you like, gives to each and every one of us a great opportunity if we only seize it with both hands and make the most of it.”Al Capone1930
George Carlin“It's the old American Double Standard, ya know: Say one thing, do something' different. And of course, this country is founded on the double standard, that's our history! We were founded on a very basic double standard: This country was founded by slave owners who wanted to be free. Am I right? A group of slave owners who wanted to be free! So they killed a lot of white English people, in order to continue owning their black African people, so they could wipe out of the rest of the red Indian people, so they move west and steal the rest of the land from the brown Mexican people, giving them a place to take off and drop their nuclear weapons on the yellow Japanese people. You know what the motto of this country ought to be? "You give us a color, we'll wipe it out!"”George Carlin
George Carlin“Living in this country, you're bound to know, every time you're exposed to advertising, you realize once again that America's leading industry, America's most profitable business is still: the manufacture, packaging, distribution and marketing of bullshit. High-quality, grade-A, prime-cut, pure, American bullshit. And the sad part is, is that most people seem to have been indoctrinated to believe that bullshit only comes from certain places, certain sources: advertising, politics, salesmen – not true. Bullshit is everywhere. Bullshit is rampant. Parents are full of shit, teachers are full of shit, clergymen are full of shit, and law enforcement people are full...of...shit – this entire country. This entire country is completely full of shit, and always has been. From the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution to the Star-Spangled Banner, it's still nothing more than one big steaming pile of red, white and blue, all-American bullshit. Because, think of how we started. Think of that. This country was founded by a group of slave-owners who told us all men are created equal. Oh yeah, all men, except for Indians and niggers and women, right? I always like to use that authentic American language. This was a small group of unelected, white, male, land-holding, slave-owners who also suggested their class be the only one allowed to vote. Now, that is what's known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit. And I think Americans really show their ignorance when they say they want their politicians to be honest. What are these fuckin' cretins talking about? If honesty were suddenly introduced into American life, the whole system would collapse! No one would know what to do! Honesty would fuck this country up!”George Carlin
Jimmy Carter“Nowadays, because of the unwarranted invasion of Iraq by Bush and Blair, which was a completely unjust adventure based on misleading statements, and the lack of any effort to resolve the Palestinian issue, [there is] massive Islamic condemnation of the United States. (...) (American media organisations), have been cowed, because they didn't want to be unpatriotic. There has been a lack of inquisitive journalism. In fact, it's hard to think of a major medium in the United States that has been objective and fair and balanced, and critical when criticism was deserved”Jimmy Carter2004
China“The US believes a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that was shot down over its territory is part of a wider fleet that has spanned five continents.

"The United States was not the only target of this broader programme," Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. He added that the US had shared information gathered from the balloon debris with dozens of other countries. China has denied the balloon was being used for spying purposes, and says it was a weather device blown astray. US officials have described the balloon as being about 200 ft (60m) tall, with the payload portion comparable in size to regional airliners and weighing hundreds - or potentially thousands - of pounds. Its presence in US airspace set off a diplomatic crisis and prompted Secretary Blinken to immediately call off a trip to China - the first such high level US-China meeting there in years. It was later shot down by a US fighter jet off the eastern coast.

Citing unnamed officials, the Washington Post reported that the US believes the suspected surveillance balloon project was being operated from China's coastal Hainan province and targeted countries including Japan, India, Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines.”
DEA/Infiltration“Allegations surrounding a U.S. investigation that may have involved laundering money for Mexican drug cartels are causing concern on both sides of the border.

In Mexico, lawmakers say they are furious and are demanding an investigation. In the United States, a congressman is broadening the oversight of a previous inquiry to include the most recent allegations.

Felipe Gonzalez, a federal senator with Mexico’s ruling PAN party, says they will demand an investigation to determine whether the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration allowed its agents to launder money, possibly even on Mexican soil, as part of an investigation into the inner workings of Mexican drug cartel”
Rafael Romo6 December 2011
Johnny Depp“America is dumb, it's like a dumb puppy that has big teeth that can bite and hurt you,”Johnny Depp2003
Mark Gorton“I am dedicated to recovering the good America that lives within the hearts of most Americans. Only when we recognize the errors of the past, can we see many of those same flaws in our society today and work to fix them.”Mark Gorton2013
MLK“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world : My own Government.”MLK9 November 1967
Peter McCullough“I’m deeply worried concerned regarding the future of America and also deeply afraid of loss of freedom of speech and of scientific discourse.”Peter McCullough2021
Peter McCullough“Americans are going to bear the brunt of what invariably is going to be a failed mass vaccination program that will go down as one of the most deadly, one of the most injurious and costly in human history.”Peter McCullough
Peggy Noonan“I have come to wonder if we don’t have what amounts to a deep state within the outer state in the U.S. — a deep state consisting of our intelligence and security agencies, which are so vast and far-flung in their efforts that they themselves don’t fully know who’s in charge and what everyone else is doing.”Peggy Noonan28 October 2013
Manuel Noriega“He was a pawn in an international game that was way bigger than him and he certainly paid dearly," said Barbara Trent, a filmmaker who directed "The Panama Deception," a 1992 documentary about the U.S. invasion.

"He was a small-time player catapulted to international fame by the U.S. government and the media to drum up support for a ruthless invasion," Trent added. Working with the CIA Noriega ruled Panama from 1983 to 1989. Before and during that time, he worked with multiple U.S. intelligence agencies who agreed to ignore allegations that he was a drug trafficker in exchange for a staunch anti-communist ally in Central America during the height of the Cold War. Noriega was paid handsomely for his help, about $10,000 per month at one point, according to John Dinges, author of "Our Man in Panama: How General Noriega Used the United States and Made Millions in Drugs and Arms (1990)."

"The relationship with the CIA and the Pentagon was quite intense in the early '80s," Dinges told ABC News. "He was considered an important asset, and everyone in the documents I've read spoke very highly of him. He was trusted to the extent that you trust someone who is a paid intelligence asset.”
Manuel Noriega
ABC News
Kaelyn Forde
Arend Oetker“The USA is governed by 200 families to whom we want to have good relations [...]”Arend Oetker2002
Michael Oppenheimer“The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialisation we have in the U.S. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.”Michael Oppenheimer
Michael RuppertIt’s organized crime. All you do is you call the Republicans the Genoveses and you call the Democrats the Gambinos. The people at the top, they treat it like a crap game. It’s their crap game, like they’re making lots of money. Occasionally, somebody at the table shoots each other, but the moment anything threatens their crap game, they all unite to protect it. ... They’re both controlled by the same financial, economic and corporate interests.”Michael Ruppert
SDS“The United States, while announcing record levels of foreign military sales, effectively pulled the plug on the international arms trade treaty being negotiated at the UN in July 2012, despite at least ninety countries wanting to sign up to an adequate, if not inspiring draft text.”Andrew Feinstein9 August 2012
SDS/Activities“The United States, while announcing record levels of foreign military sales, effectively pulled the plug on the internernational arms trade treaty being negotiated at the UN in July 2012, despite at least ninety countries wanting to sign up to an adequate, if not inspiring draft text”Andrew Feinstein9 August 2012
Social media“Social media manipulation was pioneered by Israel in 2009, during its Gaza offensive, not by Russia and China. The UK and the US both have had online "psychological operations" for years. Calling out some actors but giving others a free pass does little to address the problem.”Clare Daly10 December 2021
The Twitter Files“After the 2016 upsets of Brexit and the election of Trump, however, the establishment soured on free speech. Both events were seen as undermining NATO, and both were blamed on foreign influence on social media—specifically Russia. The U.S. and UK governments in particular saw the need to identify and purge Russian influence operations online and set up a government–private apparatus to do so.”Peter Svab
The Epoch Times
17 January 2023
Hunter S. ThompsonAmerica... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable”Hunter S. Thompson
US/Deep state“I join with those who assess the decay of the so-called Pax Americana into ever widening arms build-ups and military violence, in the light of the very similar decay a century ago of the so-called Pax Brittanica. We need to rescind policies that are as visibly detrimental to America and the world today as they were to Britain then. The problem is that Amnerican institutions are again in the grip of collective mania, as they were in the Palmer raids of 1919 and the McCarthy persecutions of the early 1950s. People outside government must work for a redirection of the U.S. government away from mania and illegality, like the awakening that ends the McCarthy era. But to regain control of politics, Americans must learn to understand and cope with the dark forces of the deep state. America, I try to suggest at the end [of The American Deep State] has like Britain far more to contribute to the world than violent power.”Peter Dale Scott2015
Henk Vredeling“I'm also a little bit against the NATO in the way that it's a fremdkörper. It's de facto America. We should view cases more independently.”Henk Vredeling1985



1-3-30 PlanA Rockefeller Foundation sponsored large scale surveillance proposal and simulation. Held April 2020
1910 Jekyll Island meetingA secret meeting at Jekyll Island, attended by six men who conspired to privatise the US money system for control of the "money trust".
1981 Libyan hit squad scareAn imaginary "hit squad of terrorists" sent to Washington by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to assassinate President Reagan
1993 World Trade Center bombingA bomb attack on the World Trade Center which several authors have suggested was not a surprise to the FBI. A confidential CIA internal survey reportedly concluded that it was "partly culpable".
2010 Times Square car bombing attemptAmateurish terrorist attack stated to be by Faisal Shahzad. Judging from from track history, FBI agent provocateur involvement always worth keeping in mind.
2016 Orlando nightclub shooting2016 mass shooting at gay nightclub in Florida
2022 Brooklyn Subway Shooting
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Premature deathPremature deaths of mostly Russian businessman during and around when the Russian invasion commenced. There may be Ukrainian and others as well. As the list grows, it appears the men are being targeted in dozens of western countries as well.
9-11A complex and spectacular set of events in New York and Washington. The US government was quick to blame Al Qaeda, though no evidence of guilt was presented and there is much suspicion about what Al Qaeda really is. In the USA 9-11 assisted the Patriot Act's roll back of civil liberties, the stepping up of domestic surveillance and the financial advancement of the military industrial complex. Abroad 9-11 helped launched wars on Iraq and Afghanistan that had been planned long before.
9-11/E-4BAn E-4B was spotted over the White house and the Pentagon on 9/11. The official narrative for more than a decade was not to talk about it, although it was reported on CNN and video, photos and eye witnesses do exist. Later declassification did prove the basic fact that the plane was present.
American Airlines Flight 587A catastrophic plane crash in New York City exactly two months and one day after 9-11.
American Civil WarThe Start of US World dominations, the Civil war saw capitalists fight capitalists in a war over tax, slavery and the question how big and kind of an imperial force the US should become on the North American continent.
Arms for LibyaAround 20 tonnes of C-4 plastic explosive, training in bomb making, together with thousands of rifles, handguns & other weapons sold by a CIA operative to Muammar Gaddaffi's Libya in the late 1970s - early 1980s. Then "the biggest arms-dealing case in U.S. history", still lacking its own page on Wikipedia as of 2020.
Atlanta sex trafficking operationA sex trafficking operation in Atlanta.
Atlantic StormA scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack. Recommended militarization, vaccination and stockpiling drugs. Held January 2005.
Attempted Coup of the Libertarian Party of New HampshireAn event in June 2021.
Bilderberg/1957 FebruaryThe earliest ever Bilderberg in the year, number 5, was also first one outside Europe.
Bilderberg/1964A year after this meeting, the post of GATT/Director-General was set up, and given Eric Wyndham White, who attended the '64 meeting. Several subsequent holders have been Bilderberg insiders, only 2 are not known to have attended the group.
Bilderberg/1971The 20th Bilderberg, 89 guests
Bilderberg/1978The 26th Bilderberg, held in the US
Bilderberg/1985The 33rd Bilderberg, held in Canada
Bilderberg/199038th Bilderberg meeting, 119 guests
Bilderberg/1997The 45th Bilderberg meeting
Bilderberg/2002The 50th Bilderberg, held at Chantilly, Virginia.
Bilderberg/2008The 56th Bilderberg, Chantilly, Virginia, 139 guests
Bilderberg/2012The 58th Bilderberg, in Chantilly, Virginia. Unusually just 4 years after an earlier Bilderberg meeting there.
Bilderberg/2017The 65th Bilderberg Meeting
Bilderberg/2022The 68th Bilderberg Meeting, held in Washington DC, after an unprecedented two year hiatus during which a lot of the Bilderberg regulars were busy managing COVID-19
Boston Marathon bombingsA suspicious bombing with an even more suspicious attempt at a clean up - including the murder of Ibragim Todashev while in police custody.
Cheney LoopholeA 'get out of jail free card' for the Fracking industry, to permit them to poison the US drinking water.
Colgan Air Flight 3407A plane crash which killed a prominent 9-11 truther, Beverly Eckert who refused to accept money from the 9-11/Compensation fund and instead pursued justice in the legal system.
Crimson ContagionAn U.S. nationwide exercise in how to handle an influenza pandemic. Held January to August 2019
Culture warA culture war is a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices.
Deepwater HorizonAn ecologically disastrous oil spill
Event 201A Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security/World Economic Forum/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored large scale simulation of a global coronavirus pandemic predicting an apocalyptic outcome. Held October 2019.
Flint water crisisA mass poisoning in Flint Michigan
Foster child drug trialsNational Institutes of Health and Big Pharma force fed experimental pharmaceuticals to infants, toddlers, children and teenagers in New York and elsewhere in the United States.
Gamergate controversyFree Speech battle of the 2010s
Great DepressionA huge impoverishment of the US citizens, resulting from market manipulations by The Money Trust
Gretchen Whitmer/Kidnapping plotThe "unsuccessful plot" in 2020 to overthrow the Michigan government arranged by the FBI.
J. D. Tippit/MurderAn accessory murder to the JFK assassination
JFK/AssassinationThe assassination of US President John F. Kennedy was the seminal deep political event of modern times, perhaps even more than 9-11. Both were done by the same group. Subsequently the group assassinated RFK, MLK and many others to try to contain the truth.
Le Cercle/1968 (New York)The first meeting of Le Cercle in America. End date uncertain
Le Cercle/1970 (Washington)Exact dates uncertain
Le Cercle/1973 (Washington)Exact dates uncertain
Le Cercle/1977 (Washington)Detailed in a diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks in 2009.
Le Cercle/1978 (Washington)Includes the 12 December
Le Cercle/1979 (Washington)start/end dates uncertain
Le Cercle/1980 (Washington)Detailed in a telegram to the South African Embassy in Madrid that was posted to the internet in 2017.
Le Cercle/1982 (Washington)
... further results


Groups Headquartered Here

7th floor group17 February 2017A set of USDOJ officials who met at the top of the US State Department to control information. Termed by the FBI a "shadow government". Ignored by corporate media. Wikipedia removed its coverage of the group.
AIPAC3 January 1963A lobby which has somewhere between a lot of influence and "total control" over the US Government.
Abt Associates1965For-profit research firm founded that contracts for governments and private entities. The company researches and administers deep state agendas, and has an extensive history of working with the CIA.
Advance Publications1922
Adventium Labs
Albert Einstein Institution1983Spooky think tank specializing in the study of "nonviolence as a form of warfare." Has nothing to do with pacifism: "It is all about seizing political power or denying it to others".
Allen & Company1922A very discreet banking company that arranges the annual Sun Valley Conference. A front for key globalist interests.
Amazon1994A monopoly/cartel online retailer with deep state connections.
American Committee for Peace in ChechnyaA group of neocon warmongers showing a touching concern for the Russian separatist province of Chechnya.
American Foreign Policy Council1982US semiofficial think tank publishing plans to destroy Russia, disguised as "forecasts".
American Swiss Foundation1945More than 1,400 US and Swiss future leaders have been selected to participate in it Young Leaders program since 1990.
American University24 February 1893One of the top five feeder schools to the U.S. Foreign Service, Congressional staff, and the CIA
Americans for Democratic Action1947The "activist organization of Cold War liberalism."
Amnesty International USAUS division of Amnesty International
Anti-Defamation League1913
Arizona State University1885Home of the McCain Institute
Associated Press1846Very important hub of corporate media
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment19185 December 1933A leading organization working for the repeal of prohibition in the United States, and apparently controlled by the DuPont family.
Ball State University1918Public university in Indiana
Bank of America1956Second biggest bank in the US
Bard College1860Liberal arts college in New York State from 2021 funded by Open Society Foundations
Baylor University1845Oldest continuously operating university in Texas
Bear Stearns1 May 1923March 2008Defunct American bank
BloombergMedia empire owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg.
Bradley University1897Midwestern private university
Brandeis University1948Strong liberal arts focus, closely connected to the Jewish community
Brigham Young University187599 percent of the students are Mormons
Brown UniversityIvy League, major deep state hub
Bryn Mawr College1885A private women's liberal arts college
Burson Cohn & Wolfe1953"When evil needs public relations, evil has Burson-Marsteller on speed dial."
CACI1962Major MIC contractor; torture in Abu Ghraib. Often referred to as “Colonels and Captains, Inc.” to indicate the frequent revolving door of senior military personnel in the company. The company also has strong Israeli ties.
CDC1 July 1946US government agency. According to the official narrative charged with preventing disease outbreaks
CNN"Deep State TV network and master of fake news", experienced a precipitous decline in popularity since about 2019
California Club1888"The people who own Los Angeles belong to the California Club."
Calvin College1876A private Christian (Calvinist) university
Canisius College1870Jesuit college in Buffalo,New York State
Carlyle Group1987A "private global investment firm" with around 1400 employees which has become the world's second largest private capital firm. Close connections to the deep state are suspected.
Carnegie Corporation1911Established by Andrew Carnegie in 1911, with large grants especially to form the education sector. Lots of grants to "security" think tanks too.
Case Western Reserve University1826Important research university with significant government ties
CenTrust Bank19342 February 1990Controlled by Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Drug money laundering etc...
Center for International Private Enterprise1983
Center for Islamic Pluralism20042021U.S.-based "moderate Muslim" think tank set up by Daniel Pipes and Zionist activist Stephen Schwartz. Defunct since 2021.
Center for Naval Analyses1942
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise
Central Washington University1891Small regional Washington State university
Chabad Lubavitch1775A Hasidic movement of Orthodox Judaism
Chaminade University of Honolulu1955Catholic university with 66% Asian/Pacific Islander students
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation1926
Chicago Police Department
... further results


Employees on Wikispooks

George W. BushUS/President20 January 200120 January 2009Front man for the US deep state led by his father.
George H. W. BushUS/President20 January 198920 January 1993"Embarked on a massive criminal romp"...
George H. W. BushUS/Vice President20 January 198120 January 1989
Jimmy CarterUS/President20 January 197720 January 1981A relatively enlightened presidency, although he was unable to restrain the US Deep state.
Bill ClintonUS/President20 January 199320 January 2001Senior member of the US deep state. Impeached for purjury.
Calvin CoolidgeUS/President2 August 19234 March 1929
Calvin CoolidgeUS Vice President4 March 19212 August 1923
Dwight EisenhowerUS/President20 January 195320 January 1961Was unable to restrain the rise of the military-intelligence complex, but warned people about it in his farewell address.
Gerald FordUS/President9 August 197420 January 1977Webster Tarpley notes that Gerald Ford's administration, brought about by the Watergate coup, was the first big career break for many of the political "heavies" that we are "plagued with" up to today.
Warren HardingUS/President4 March 19212 August 1923Died under suspicious circumstances
Herbert HooverUS/President4 March 19294 March 1933
JFKUS/President20 January 196122 November 1963In his brief presidency, Kennedy's independent attitude upset a lot of people in the establishment.
Lyndon JohnsonUS/President22 November 196320 January 1969An ambitious psychopath who is generally agreed to have played a significant or possibly leading role in organising the assassination of JFK. He established the Warren Commission to cover up the JFK assassination. He reversed JFK's decision to reduce troop numbers in Vietnam and instead escalated the war.
Lyndon JohnsonUS Vice President20 January 196122 November 1963Suspected to have blackmailed his way into the vice presidency so he could become president when JFK was assassinated.
Richard NixonUS/President20 January 19699 August 1974Nixon resigned in the wake of the Watergate coup. The public were heavily misinformed about this, but knowing what he was up against, Nixon decided not to challenge the cabal which removed him from power. The first act of his successor was to pardon him from future legal action, thus effectively preventing legal action and permanently blackening his name.
Barack ObamaUS/President20 January 200920 January 2017Promised "change you can believe in", and although the US public believed in it, no change was forthcoming.
Ronald ReaganUS/President20 January 198120 January 1989Front man for the US Deep State run by his VP, George H. W. Bush
Franklin D. RooseveltUS/President4 March 193312 April 1945
Harry S. TrumanUS/President12 April 194520 January 1953Against his better judgement, he was persuaded to create the CIA, something he later came to regret.
Woodrow WilsonUS/President4 March 19134 March 1921Controlled by The Monet Trust through Edward Mandell House, who had no official position in government but lived at the White House.


Citizens of US on Wikispooks

'Destiny'12 December 1988Started as video streamer, now is known for debating people.
'Lionel'26 August 1958
'Somebitchtoldme'US based researcher
'reallygraceful'American Youtuber with an interest in secret societies and mystery religions.
Aaliyah16 January 197925 August 2001American celebrity who was killed in a plane crash just as her career was starting.
David Aaron21 August 1938Deep state connected diplomat. Attended Bilderberg 1977 as Deputy National Security Advisor.
Latoya AbbottEvent 201 participant; her innovative methods increased vaccine uptake in hospital workers
Ziad Abdelnour3 December 1960A neoconservative financier who was disciplined by the SEC.
Marina Abramović30 November 1946Serbian performance artist who invited John and Tony Podesta to her "spirit cooking"
Morton Abramowitz20 January 1933A key player in determining recent U.S. foreign policy.
Elliott Abrams24 January 1948A deep politician heavily involved in the Iran-Contra affair, given a pardon by George H. W. Bush
Robert Abrams4 July 1938New York State Attorney General 1979-1993
Stacey Abrams9 December 1973Up-and-coming American politician in the Democratic Party. Marshall Memorial Fellow
Sasha Abramsky4 April 1972UK born journalist resident in US
Bella Abzug24 July 192031 March 1998US Congresswoman who campaigned to expose the US deep state
Dean Acheson11 April 189312 October 1971US deep state operative who was the 51st Secretary of State
Theodore Achilles29 December 19058 April 1986Very closely connected to the creation NATO
Alexander Acosta16 January 1969The US lawyer whose approval of a plea deal with Jeffrey Epstein avoided a public trial after being told that “Epstein was above his pay grade.”
Jerome Adams22 September 1974Donald Trump's Surgeon General
Clara Leach Adams-Ender11 July 1939American former army officer; Council on Foreign Relations/Members
Kenneth Adelman9 June 1946Neocon deep state operative US/Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations for 4 years
Wally Adeyemo20 May 1981Blackrock's man in the US government. Attended the 2022 Bilderberg as United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.
Stephen Adler1955editor-in-chief of Reuters, the source of most news, since 2011.
Mnar AdleyFounder, CEO and editor in chief of MintPress News
Ben Affleck15 August 1972American actor and filmmaker shilling for the CIA.
Gary AguirreAn SEC whistleblower
Salman Ahmed
Roger Ailes15 May 194018 May 2017Established Fox Television in 1996 with Rupert Murdoch.
Fouad Ajami18 September 194522 June 2014Triple Bilderberg "terror expert"
George Akerlof17 June 1940American economist married to Janet Yellen. Was given the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
Alfredo Alcaino10 January 19262018Chile born Cercle visitor, deep state connected lawyer
Nelson Aldrich6 November 184116 April 1915US Deep state operative, member of The Money Trust, attended the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting
Christopher AlexanderSpooky American marketing and communications executive
Keith B. Alexander2 December 1951Chief of the NSA, now infamous for his mendacious denials regarding the illegal mass surveillance of US citizens.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali13 November 1969
Ken Alibek1950Soviet biological warfare administrative management expert who defected to the United States.
Masih Alinejad11 September 1976US-based regime change activist who has advocated for Israeli military attacks on her former country of Iran. Received $305,000 from the US government for her work at Voice of America, the US state broadcaster, between 2015 and 2019.
Paul Allaire21 July 193824 February 2019Bilderberg Steering Committee member and board of the Council on Foreign Relations who headed Rank Xerox
Gale Allen19232015Chief of the Classification Review Division at the Central Intelligence Agency.
Gary Allen2 August 193629 November 1986US author of None Dare Call It Conspiracy, proposing that US big business and the left are in the same front.
John Allen15 December 1953A Retired US Marine Corps 4 star General
Richard Allen1 January 1936US National Security Advisor, Cercle, Iran-Contra...
Terry AllenWriter for In These Times who claimed that "We should be sounding the alarm over endless war being waged in our name, not conspiracy theories."
Randolph Alles1954American law enforcement officer and government official.
Graham Allison23 March 1940Attended the Bilderberg in 2007 after a 33 year break. First attended, as a speaker, in 1970, aged 30. Multiple deep state connections.
Colin Allred15 April 1983American politician, lawyer, and former professional football player. As of September 2021, Allred had voted in line with Joe Biden's stated position 100% of the time.
Joseph Alsop10 October 191028 August 1989Influential journalist very close to the CIA
Robert Altman23 February 19473 February 2021US lawyer involved in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Friends with the Clintons for decades
Roger Altman2 April 1946US Banker, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Sam Altman22 April 1985Young visitor to the 2016 Bilderberg, Elon Musk liaison, CEO of OpenAI and former CEO of Reddit.
... further results


2022 Russian invasion of UkraineIn a new episode of Cold War 2.0 Russia forcefully halted NATO expansion by invading Ukraine, with financial support of China. Although the EU and US denounced the "war crimes" as multiple cities were bombed, several countries opted less severe sanctions to keep importing diamonds and luxury goods and gas (and their loaned money) from Russia, seemingly creating a new iron curtain in Eastern Europe.


Events Participated in

1980s Afghan war24 December 197915 February 1989AfghanistanAnother episode of the Soviet Union and US imploding a third world country from inside by fuelling a civil war with weapon smuggling. Afghanistan has yet to recover.
July 2021 Gulf of Oman incident29 July 202129 July 2021Incident in July 2021
Operation Cyclone19791992AfghanistanThe first time the CIA officially met Osama Bin Laden, they deemed him part of the hero movement to protect the world against Soviet influence. In Operation Cyclone, the CIA funded him and allowed entire cities to become death traps with the narrative of giving Soviets their own Vietnam.
Spanish-American War21 April 189813 August 1898


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A document sourced from US

TitleTypeSubject(s)Publication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Covert Action in Chile, 1963-73reportCIA
Operation Mockingbird
Chile/1973 coup
1976Church CommitteeA Church committee report of the hearings before them to study governmental operations with respect to intelligence activities of the United States Senate. A very thorough, but lengthy, investigation into CIA activity in Chile. Includes numerous instances of media manipulation and propaganda in the millions of dollars.
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  16. Advancing Access to Addiction Medications: Implications for Opioid Addiction Treatment, Report III: FDA Approved Medications for the Treatment of Opiate Dependence: Literature Reviews on Effectiveness & Cost- Effectiveness, Treatment Research Institute page 41