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"Russian Propaganda""Russian Propaganda" is much talked about recently by NATO-aligned countries.
1981 Libyan hit squad scareAn imaginary "hit squad of terrorists" sent to Washington by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to assassinate President Reagan
2008 Counter-Terrorism advertising campaignA UK government program to ramp up fear of "terrorism" that was banned after public complaints.
2016 Brussels Bombing/Media manipulationFalse Belgian media reporting on the Mass murder in Brussels
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/War CrimesA list of War crimes and propaganda in this event.
9-11/Commission/ReportAn official narrative crafted to deceive the ignorant, which highlights the roles of Al Qaeda and the 19 hijackers.
AdvertisingUsed by corporations to try to increase or create people's desire to purchase their products
Ambassador News ServiceAlleged propaganda operation said to be affiliated with Brian Crozier and Peter Janke, both of the intelligence affiliated Institute for the Study of Conflict.
AstroturfingRolling out of fake grassroots movements
BBC/PropagandaThe BBC has been a tool of the UK deep state since its foundation in 1922.
Black propagandaType of propaganda misrepresented to be written by the enemy, often to discredit him.
British Briefing
British Information ServicesThe New York based information department of the British Consulate in New York
British Satellite NewsA semi covert propaganda operation funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
CENTCOM/Media outreach
Casus belliA pretext for war, typically a false flag attack
Central Office of InformationThe main UK government body dealing with official advertising and publicity
Committee on Public InformationCommittee to boost US public support for World War I.
Controlling the narrative
Corporate mediaThe corporate media refers to itself as 'mainstream' in an effort to marginalize so-called "alternative" media. While some instances (e.g. BBC) are not strictly commercial, all the corporate media is hierarchically structured, so a very small number of editors can censor or modify its output.
Defence Online Engagement Strategy
DistractionThe creation of attention-grabbing events to draw attention away from matters of importance
Document:Is Fukushima's nuclear nightmare over? Don’t count on itUpdate on the developing Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster and a good illustration of BBC use of "Experts" to present and give credibility to outrageous falsehoods in support of the "nothing to see here" propaganda of the nuclear industry.
Document:Leaked Karl Rove email
Document:Ukrainian soldiers' organs tradedAn apparent hoax about hacked correspondence between Donbass Battalion commander, Yulia Tymoshenko's lawyer and a German medical practitioner evidencing a burgeoning trade in the organs of Ukrainian soldiers
Dodgy DossierA concoction of lies which successfully eased the UK public's reluctance to enter the Iraq War - notwithstanding its exposure as lied by David Kelly.
EXPOSE NetworkA proposed multi-million pound consortium to "counter disinformation". Exposed in the 7th tranche of documents in the Integrity Initiative leak. The UK government declined to fund it.
East StratCom Task ForceThe EU's cold warriors 2.0
Epik data breachData breach in September 2021. Is Anonymous doing the job of the FBI for them because the facts aren't adding up.
File:Carter-Ruck Syria Report.pdfA text-book example of the how and why of demonising one's enemies. A widely reported shock-horror document is 'leaked' just prior to a conference, the outcome of which is regarded as crucial to Western global policy interests.
File:Report on Terrorism 2014.pdfA summary of global "terrorism" in 2014.
Hit piecesomething published with the intent to sway public opinion by presenting false information in a way that appears objective and honest.
IPCC Sixth Assessment ReportClimate catastrophe report published in August 2021.
Information DepartmentA successor to the Overseas Information Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Information Operation
Institute for Statecraft/Activities
Islamic Media UnitResponsible for managing news about British foreign policy in the UK
Islamic News/Jehad is Crap!
James BondHero image character used to promote the intelligence agencies
London Radio ServiceA semi covert propaganda run by the British government's Central Office of Information for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Media manipulationA series of techniques in which the CCM create an image or argument that favors their particular interests. It can be actual fakery and is a form of propaganda.
MemeOn the internet, an image plus accompanying text used to make a serious point, often humourously.
Mighty Wurlitzer
NATO/PropagandaNATO's propaganda has been systematic and organised. Its Operation Gladio staged false flag attacks intended to subvert the democratic process. In recent years it has been promoting Russophobia and talking of a Cold War 2.0.
Nayirah al-ṢabaḥA spectacular and effective stunt in a $10 million propaganda campaign orchestrated by the Kuwaiti government, which may well have swung the balance in what was a close congressional vote on the use of the US military against the Iraqi invasion.
News DepartmentResponsible for managing news about British foreign policy in the UK