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Document:Batley and Spen by-election: Palestine becomes potential dealbreakerAccording to Coral, Galloway is currently on 50/1 odds to win, compared to 2/1 for Leadbeater and 2/5 for Conservative candidate Ryan Stephenson. William Hill has the Conservatives on 1/3, Labour at 5/2 and the WPGB at 33/1.
Document:Behind the Greek DebtThe geoplitics underlying what is presented as a crisis of national indebtedness
Document:Being anti-war does not make us apologists for 'the enemy' or anyone elseI am proud to be an anti-war campaigner and I know there are many like me. I note that anti-war protesters in Russia are being lauded in the British media. I also support them and send them my full solidarity. The irony is that Putin will see them as the enemy within — just as our government (and loyal opposition) treats us.
Document:Ben Goldsmith and his "party people": Friends in low places"Just had a glimpse of Corbyn’s Britain. A birthday party for my sister-in-law in Notting Hill invaded and shut down by a vicious bottle-throwing hard Leftist crowd (from the Grenfell march), because they could."
Document:Big Pharma pushes Cure for Holocaust Denial SyndromeBig Pharma launches cure for 'Holocaust denial'
Document:BilderbergIn 1966 a small Dutch liberal magazine published an article on how the writers of another magazine were arrested for writing about the Bilderberg meetings. The article contains a general description of the Dutch Bilderberg cluster, and mentions two participants not in any of the official meeting lists, Theodoor E. E. H. Mathon and J. J. Oyevaar.
Document:Black Cube, the "Mossad" of Commercial SpyingMichael Drury, the former legal head of GCHQ, has set up in practice defending Russian oligarchs and bankers being chased by the main UK bank regulator (FCA) and the Serious Fraud Office: I wonder what he does for Black Cube?
Document:BlackRock Plots to Buy UkraineAs a result of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, BlackRock the most influential financial institution in the world, plans to cash in on the destruction of that country.
Document:Bloodbath in Odessa guided by interim rulers of UkraineThe 2 May massacre of anti-Kiev-Junta signature collectors in Odessa was planned, orchestrated and implemented by Junta acting president Olexandre Turchinov and his security establishment
Document:Bloody US-Directed Raid Destabilizes Philippine PoliticsAmerican fingerprints are all over a botched commando raid in the southern Philippines that left dozens dead and shocked the country.
Document:Bob Ainsworth on the subject of the melted cavalry manA simple guide to understanding politicians
Document:Boris Johnson in Downing Street for five years: what could possibly go wrong?All the cards are held by Boris Johnson because he has the answer to all the problems facing Britain. Save, perhaps, one: what could possibly go wrong for the Conservative-Brexit Government?
Document:Boris Johnson is a threat to democracy itselfWe can only hope that while most Conservative members want to live in a world where there is no spoon, enough voters prefer changing the real world in ways that enhance, rather than diminish, our democracy.
Document:Boris Johnson's first two priorities for post-Brexit BritainBoris Johnson has admitted what Brexit was for. He wants to control and constrain people. The market in labour will be constrained. And let’s not for a moment pretend that a Freeport supports markets: freeports are instead about permitting the free movement of capital beyond the control of the state and without the imposition of any taxes.
Document:Break the silence: a world war is beckoningThe risk that western sponsored events in Ukraine in Spring 2014 and persistent western lies about the situation, will lead to war with Russia
Document:Brexit is the villain in accidental death of the economyThe Brexit miscreants who conned the nation just carry on shamelessly, while their replacements, Rishi Sunak and co, take up the banner and Keir Starmer, once a noble remainer, offends his natural followers by ruling out rejoining the EU or even the single market.
Document:Bristol West CLP condemns suspension of CorbynLabour’s hierarchy has banned CLPs from debating or voting on Corbyn’s suspension or the EHRC report and some Regional Directors have blocked attempts to do so. It seems Bristol West members hold their democracy and their former party leader in too high a regard to toe the line.
Document:Britain - Incipient Fascist State
Document:Britain Bans Press TVThe story of the banning of Press TV from the UK Sky Platform channel 515 that you will not see covered in the commercially controlled media.
Document:Britain’s creeping cronyismThe culture of the Johnson government may be very different from that of Whitehall’s “permanent government”. But the two have one thing in common, lack of accountability and addiction to official secrecy.
Document:Britain’s delusions that it could take on the Taliban alone are ludicrous - what are our empire-nostalgic MPs smoking?The UK Parliament was recalled for an emergency debate over the Afghanistan/2021 withdraw. While the BBC focused on the divide between the sides of the house with their face mask wearing, Parliament was united against the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan. Most MPs are urging Boris Johnson to go back to Afghanistan, and take on the Taliban, alone if necessary.
Document:Britain’s secret stateBritain’s secret state and the need for whistle-blowing explained by 2003 Iraq War whistleblower Katherine Gun
Document:British 'spy' Le Mesurier was likely running away from someone before his deathA look at some of the irregularities regarding Le Mesurier's fatal fall. The author suggests he may have tried to jump across the street from the roof of his house in order to evade pursuit.
Document:British Interests in UkraineA forensic analysis of some of the British interests in Ukraine and - by inference, events leading up to and following the February 2014 coup
Document:British MPs won’t get to see ‘WitchHunt’ in the House of Commons – the very place it needs to be shownThe WitchHunt deserves to be widely seen. And it will be from Sunday 17th March 2019 when it goes online for free viewing.
Document:British double agent who murdered for the IRA
Document:British extremists are importing tactics from the US hard right. Their target? Family drag showsThe Institute for Strategic Dialogue has identified a new terror threat in this article published by Tim Squirrell, its head of communications, in the Guardian.
Document:British govt funded plan for censorship of factual NATO criticismLeaked documents reveal British intel contractor Zinc Network singled out The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal for online censorship, and seeks to redefine factual criticism of NATO as disinformation
Document:British military presence near Venezuela ‘extremely concerning’Britain’s recent history of catastrophic military interventions should rule out any UK participation in Donald Trump’s attempts to destabilise a democratically elected government in Venezuela.”
Document:Brussels Attack: Another Chapter in NATO's Gladio Strategy?Analysis of the 2016 Brussels Bombing from an experienced terror-sceptic.
Document:Bush angle to Reagan shooting still unresolved as Hinckley walksJohn Hinckley who shot and wounded President Reagan was released from a federal psychiatric facility on 5 August 2016 after being detained for 35 years. Hinckley's family were well known to the Bush family. Coincidence? Sure. Anything, after all, is possible.
Document:CIA Coordinates Nazis and JihadistsGlobal politics used to be a question of Right (Captalist) - v - Left (Socialist) - or so we were expected to believe. Today the dominant question is 'Side with Anglo-US-Nato or oppose it?' - with the full spectrum of Left-Right present in both camps.
Document:CIA Experiments on Children
Document:CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistan
Document:CIA Planned Coup
Document:CIA wanted to kill Lockerbie bomber before trialA report of William Chasey's allegation (after being diagnosed with incurable cancer) that CIA agents tried to convince him to plant homing devices on Megrahi and Fhimah as part of the plot to assassinate them before the Lockerbie trial.
Document:CIA-MI6 Intel Ops and SabotageIn 1957, joint plans by the CIA and MI6 to destabilize Syria by means of staged border incidents and special forces assassinations of key political figures were approved by UK PM Harold Macmillan and US President Eisenhower.
Document:COINTELPRO Revisited - Spying & Disruption
Document:COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the USThe varieties of COVID-19 in Iran and Italy have been sequenced and declared to have no part of the variety that infected China and must, by definition, have originated elsewhere.
Document:Call for US to give update on fourth Lockerbie suspectFormer Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill: "Britain and America know everything. I want the UK and US to be more open. Libya have offered up Abu Agila Masud. But Masud is smaller beer. The Lord Advocate should find out what progress is being made on bringing Abdullah Senussi to court."
Document:Canada PM Justin Trudeau’s government in crisis after minister quits over corruption probeA Canadian minister’s sudden resignation on 12 February 2019 turned vague allegations of interference in the criminal prosecution of an engineering giant into a deepening political crisis for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals.
Document:Canada Rejects Petition to Lift All Sanctions on VenezuelaWhile Canada chooses to speak of the “dire human rights and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela” – where there is none – it ignores, condones and rather endorses Saudi Arabia in the making of one of the worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen. That is the most vicious double standard that a “democratic” country can demonstrate.
Document:Canada Takes A Hostage: Free Meng WanzhouCanadians should be angry about these traitors isolating Canada from China, from Russia, from Iran and their great cultures, and condemning Canada to be nothing more than an outpost of the American empire. For traitors they are as they betray the Canadian people by serving the interests of the Americans and their war machine. Free Meng Wanzhou, for so long as she is held hostage, so are we all.
Document:Canada sanctions 40 Venezuelans with links to political, economic crisisForeign Minister Chrystia Freeland, MP for the Toronto district of University-Rosedale, said: "I have some Venezuelan Canadians living in my constituency and they have been really vocal … and have said our family, our friends, they need help and they're counting on Canada to speak up."
Document:Cancer of Corruption, Seeds of Destruction - The Monsanto GMO Whitewash
Document:Capitalism normalizes death: From COVID-19 to the threat of nuclear warThe total devaluation of human life, the indifference to mass death in the pandemic and the recklessness with which American capitalism is rushing into conflict with Russia, reflect the views and social character of the American ruling class. This parasitic oligarchy feasts upon the impoverishment and exploitation of the working population.
Document:Casualties of War
Document:Censoring Criticism of the hate group conceptadditions to the wikipedia 'Hate group' page by the author which were repeatedly deleted for no good reason
Document:Charles' Empire - the Royal Reset RiddleCharles and his ruling class collaborators have to dress up their insidious Great Reset agenda as “doing good”, as “philanthropy” or “conservation”, because they know that otherwise the rest of us would not go along with it.
Document:Charlie Hebdo déjà vúAn analysis of the Charlie Hebdo event of January 2015. It connects many dots linking it to a litany of similar outrages and exposing the essentially False flag nature of all of them.