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Felipe Calderón8 August 1962Politician
Puppet leader
WEF/Global Leader for Tomorrow 1997. President of Mexico 2006-2012.
Jack Caravelli195231 October 2019USSpookSuspected US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University
Andrew Card10 May 1947Politician
John Chafee22 October 192224 October 1999USPoliticianAttended 4 Bilderbergs between 1979 to 1992
James Chandler15 August 193826 July 2022USAcademic
Elaine Chao26 March 1953
Michael Chertoff28 November 1953Israel
Deep state actor
A long-standing US Republican Party apparatchik and dual US/Israeli citizen who has held senior US legal and national security positions.
J. Rives Childs6 February 189315 July 1987USDiplomatAmerican diplomat who criticized the "immensely powerful Zionist lobby in the United States" in a 1977 speech.
Helen ChuWhistleblower
An expert in infectious diseases whom the CDC told to stop her tests for COVID-19 in January 2020.
Eric Ciaramella1986USWhistleblower
Not all whistleblowers are as genuine.
Richard Clarida18 May 1957USEconomistUS economist
Edmund Clark10 October 1947CanadaBankerCanadian banker, 8 Bilderbergs
Kristen Clarke1975USLawyerBiden Admin lawyer
Ray Cline4 June 191816 March 1996Spook
"Terror expert"
Senior CIA, spoke at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism
Charles Cogan11 January 192814 December 2017USSpookCIA officer, admitted the agency had “funded the worst fellows right from the start, long before the Iranian revolution and long before the Soviet invasion.”
Vittorio Colao3 October 1961ItalyBanker
Deep state functionary
Bilderberger Vodafone/CEO who was given charge of the Italian COVID Lockdown
Emilio Collado19109 February 1995USEconomist
Big oil, World Bank, Bilderberg Steering committee.
Richard Cooper14 June 193423 December 2020USAcademicAttended two Bilderbergs in the 1970s. Chairman of the National Intelligence Council in the 1990s.
Yvette Cooper20 March 1969UKPoliticianChair of the Home Affairs Select Committee
Lammot du Pont Copeland19 May 19051 July 1983USBusinessperson
Du Pont family
Part of the influential DuPont chemical family, activist for population control
Tom Cotton13 May 1977USSoldier
Deep state actor
The most Hawkish senator in US Congress. Elected, funded and guided by AIPAC, advocates war crimes, jailing kids and aunts for "corruption of blood". Tried very infamously to sabotage the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Esra Eczacıbaşı CoşkunTurkeyWEF-backed Turkish "Digital Transformation Coordinator"
Gregory Craig4 March 1945LawyerWhite House Counsel 2009-2010
Dan Crenshaw14 March 1984Soldier
Republican politician from Texas.
Ted Cruz22 December 1970PoliticianRan at the US/2016 Presidential election.
John Culver8 August 193227 December 2018USAuthor
US senator who attended the 1970 and 1972 Bilderbergs.
Bronson Cutting23 June 18886 May 1935Activist
Media executive
A US senator whose efforts to reform the banking system appeared to be gaining traction in 1934. He died in a plane crash in 1935.
Richard Darman10 May 194325 January 2008USDeep state functionary
A panelist of the session on The Public Sector And Economic Growth at the 1987 Bilderberg
Avi Davis3 September 1958December 2015JournalistFounded the American Freedom Alliance.
Christopher DeMuth5 August 1946USLawyer
President of the American Enterprise Institute.
Ron DeSantis14 September 1978Soldier
A frontrunner for the Republican Party Presidential nomination in 2024.
John Gunther Dean24 February 19266 June 2019USDiplomat
Frederic Adrian Delano10 September 186328 March 1953USBusinessperson
Douglas Dillon21 August 190910 January 2003USDiplomat
Deep state operative
Bilderberg, Brookings, Committee on the Present Danger, CFR, US/Secretary of the Treasury...
Jamie Dimon13 March 1956Banker
"The Most Admired Banker In The World", close to Epstein. Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1996. Since 2005 head of JPMorgan Chase
Viet Dinh22 February 1968USAcademic
As United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy a panelist for the discussion Have Civil Liberties Been Unnecessarily Eroded? at the 2002 Bilderberg. Chief architect of the USA PATRIOT Act and is a former member of the Board of Directors of News Corporation.
Shaun Donovan24 January 1966For President Obama's State of the Union address in 2010, Donovan served as the designated survivor.
Paul Douglas26 March 189224 September 1976USPolitician
US post-WW2 Senator. Liberal anti-communist and supporter of the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
İhsan Doğramacı3 April 191525 February 2010TurkeyAcademic
Turkish doctor and university administrator
Wickliffe Draper9 August 18911972Eugenics
William Draper15 January 1928USBusinesspersonformer President of the Export–Import Bank of the United States. He also led the highly strategic United Nations Development Programme, the biggest source of multilateral development grant assistance, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Both institution have a huge influence on policies in countries in the global south, an influence which he also made sure was used. Skull and Bones. Atlantic Council. His father was active in population control.
Eleanor Dulles1 June 189530 October 1996Author
Sister of the Dulles brothers; heavily involved with the reconstruction effort in Austria and Germany; "the Mother of Berlin"
Alan Duncan31 March 1957UKPolitician
Deep state operative
Called Julian Assange a “miserable little worm” in Parliament. UK visitor to Le Cercle. As UK Minister, Alan Duncan organised the oil blockade of Libya in 2011.
Arne Duncan6 November 1964USPoliticianEducational bureaucrat; United States Secretary of Education under 7 years of Obama.
John B. DunlopUSAcademic
Spooky US expert on Soviet Union and Russia, focusing on ethnic nationalist separatism.
Esther Dyson14 July 1951USBusinesspersonBillionaire investor
Nicholas Eberstadt20 December 1955USEconomist
Deep state actor
Involved in a lot of deep state think tanks and planning committees.
Karl Eikenberry10 November 1951USDiplomat
US soldier and Ambassador to Afghanistan
Stuart Eizenstat15 January 1943USDiplomat
Deep state operative
US lawyer/diplomat and possible deep state operative
Theodore Eliot24 January 19288 August 2019USDiplomatUS Ambassador to Afghanistan who attended 15 Bilderberg meetings.