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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "A vast, one of a kind, multi-language, multi-editor encyclopaedia". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Document:Defending the UN Charter by Use of the Veto  + (A timeline summary of political/diplomatic events leading to the Russia/China veto of the February 2012 UNSC resolution on Syria.)
  • City of London  + (A tiny part of central London not fully subject to the authority of parliament.)
  • Coincidence theory  + (A tongue in cheek suggestion by Michael Parenti. It suggests that no conspiracy is necessary, things repeatedly happen by chance in ways that magically maintain the interests of the very wealthy, year after year.)
  • Document:The slandering of a Russian “Elon Musk”  + (A tongue-in-cheek analysis of strange goings-on in the Russian Drone design and manufacturing industry; but with a hard edge to it which plausibly suggests Isaeli-Mossad shenanigans)
  • Document:Navalny, Ukraine and the West  + (A tongue-in-cheek, mildly satirical commenA tongue-in-cheek, mildly satirical commentary on the latest "Vladimir Putin poisoned my cat" [[Novichok]] nonsense emanating from the Westerm media over the September 2020 hospitalisation of Russian 'opposition politician' and Western super-hero [[Alexei Navalny]][[Alexei Navalny]])
  • Television  + (A tool of [[20th century]] [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]], now used as a tool of [[mass surveillance]].)
  • Smartphone  + (A tool of [[mass surveillance]])
  • "Conspiracy mindset"  + (A tool of [[the deep state]] to undermine opposition. Anyone who believes in high level corruption (holds "[[conspiracy beliefs]]") is assumed to be mentally abnormal and deficient, although the majority of the population do so.)
  • Woodrow Wilson  + (A tool of the US deep state.)
  • Achnacarry Agreement  + (A top secret 1928 agreement to form an oil [[cartel]] of all the major oil producers of the time)
  • Manhattan Project  + (A top secret project to develop [[nuclear weapons]] for use in WW2)
  • Low Traffic Neighbourhood  + (A top-down scheme implemented to reduce through-traffic in residential areas through the use of filtered permeability and traffic calming.)
  • Third rail topic  + (A topic that is not to be touched.)
  • Mount Allison University  + (A total of 55 [[Rhodes Scholarships]], the highest per capita of any Canadian university.)
  • Tor Moursund  + (A towering figure in Norwegian banking from the 1960s until his death in 1996. Attended the [[Bilderberg/1981|1981]] and [[Bilderberg/1982|1982 Bilderberg]] meetings.)
  • British Bankers' Association  + (A trade association for bankers which was working with the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Oslo Commerce School  + (A traditional mercantile high school in "the best part" of Oslo.)
  • June 2009 Washington Metro train collision  + (A train accident which some consider a murder, since it eliminated a high ranking witness to the events of [[9-11]].)
  • Operation Paperclip  + (A transfer of top German scientists to USA.)
  • Ottawa Treaty  + (A treaty to ban [[land mine]]s.)
  • "Islamic terrorism"  + (A trenchant [[enemy image]], reinforced by the clandestine arming and training of groups under [[Operation Gladio/B]])
  • Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission  + (A tribunal to address the 2003 invasion ofA tribunal to address the 2003 invasion of Iraq and associated abuses. Its verdict:- the UK/US/NATO establishment is guilty of war crimes. So far the criminals remain at large — but are staying out of Malaysia, the country in which the tribunal was carried out.try in which the tribunal was carried out.)
  • Document:Post Trip Report Euan Grant  + (A trip report by Euan Grant)
  • Triple agent  + (A triple agent is a spy who pretends to be a double agent for one side, while they are truthfully a double agent for the other side.)
  • Document:Combatting Russian Disinformation  + (A truly astonishing II document, with a loA truly astonishing II document, with a lot of dirty methods. It is written by an established covert French propaganda network, spreading more than a 1000 stories a month, offering to work for II. "our ability to publish articles across hundreds of credible media outlets means that any campaign we undertake will have far more sway than the content published only on state-sponsored outlets RT and Sputnik, and their local few allies." and Sputnik, and their local few allies.")
  • Courage Foundation  + (A trust for fundraising the legal defence of individuals such as whistleblowers and journalists.)
  • Antibiotic  + (A type of drugs intended to kill bacterial infections.)
  • Antidepressant  + (A type of drugs prescribed to sufferers of [[depression]])
  • Bond  + (A type of security under which the issuer (debtor) owes the holder (creditor) a debt, and is obliged to repay over a specified amount of time.)
  • Electromagnetic Pulse  + (A type of weapon where a large amount of electric and magnetic energy is released - often by mobile device such as car or missile - on a smaller scale than a nuclear weapon. Its effects can be devastating for electronic devices.)
  • Democratic Unionist Party  + (A unionist (protestant, pro-UK) political party in [[Northern Ireland]])
  • Rod Thornton  + (A university lecturer who fired after he published a paper about his university's mistreatment of a Muslim students under the "war on terror" pretext.)
  • University of California  + (A university system in California. The Irvine campus mandated [[Covid-19 vaccination]] in 2021.)
  • Yellowcake  + (A uranium concentrate powder obtained as an intermediate step in the processing of uranium ores, sought as a raw material for production of nuclear weapons.)
  • Document:US media, politicians mobilize against Sochi Olympics  + (A useful analysis of the orchestrated campaign of vilification against Russia and its president coincident with the run-up to the Sochi winter Olympics.)
  • Document:The Labour Party turns on the Israel Lobby  + (A useful analysis of the paranoia of the Jewish-dominated British Establishment and its media at the prospect of the Labour Party being led by someone who is not 'de-rigeur' subservient to the Israel Lobby)
  • File:TheGasChamberOfSherlockHolmes.pdf  + (A useful and readable non-technical review of the evidence for the alleged extensive use of homicidal gas chambers by Germany during WWII.)
  • User:Robin  + (A useful closer look at this increasingly important topic.)
  • User:Robin  + (A useful closer look at this increasingly important topic.)
  • User:Robin  + (A useful glossary which explains some of [[Peter Dale Scott]]'s terminology - which has been highly influential in writing this site. A useful adjunct to the [[Project:Glossary]].)
  • Document:How Russia betrayed America  + (A useful mirror image of the Anglo-US-Nato official narrative about Russia)
  • Thought experiment  + (A useful philosophical argument; whereby ideas are thought through in order to reach a hypothetical conclusion.)
  • Document:The War on Conspiracy Realists Continues  + (A useful run-down on the Orwellian absurdity of recently announced UK government measures to 'combat extremism' which in practice mean to make life difficult for people who effectively question the [[Official Narrative]] on the [[War on Terror]])
  • Opinion poll  + (A useful survey method)
  • RNA Vaccine  + (A vaccine based on changing the human RNA. The concept has long been of high military interest.)
  • Vaccine  + (A vaccine is a biological preparation intended to provide active acquired immunity to a particular disease.)
  • Grassy knoll  + (A vantage point used by one or more of the [[JFK assassination]] team.)
  • Clinton body count  + (A variety of lists showing a large number of persons who have met their demise in suspicious circumstances, often execution-style, who appear to have some connection to the Clintons.)
  • Mitrokhin Archive  + (A vast number of handwritten notes allegedly smuggled out of KGB archives by defector [[Vasili Mitrokhin]], but possibly a British intelligence disinformation operation.)
  • Black Op Radio  + (A vast source of audio material about [[conspiracies]] in general and the [[JFK Assassination]] in particular.)
 (A vast, one of a kind, multi-language, multi-editor encyclopaedia)
  • Wikipedia  + (A vast, one of a kind, multi-language, multi-editor encyclopaedia.)
  • Frontline Club  + (A venue used by the [[Institute for Statecraft]]/[[Integrity Initiative]]. Founded by former military officer turned "independent" journalist.)
  • Canada/Genocide  + (A very dark chapter of Canada's history whA very dark chapter of Canada's history which was chanced upon and the determinedly exposed by Rev. Kevin Annett. For well over a century, Native Canadians were abused, infected with smallpox or TB, forcibly sterilised and sometimes flat out murdered in a climate of impunity. The Canadian government issued a formal apology for the episode in 2008, though it also announced that while some compensation payments would be made, the genocide would go made, the genocide would go unpunished.)
  • Jerry Sullivan  + (A very experienced retired soldier and current [[Department of State]]-officer named part of the Dutch Cluster for the [[II]] of the [[IfS]].)
  • From The Wilderness  + (A very highly respected alternative news source, now defunct.)
  • Phillips Exeter Academy  + (A very large number of CIA and deep state operatives have attended this school.)
  • The Pilgrims Society  + (A very low profile group that has been in operation for over a century and has Elizabeth Regina as its patron. Members include ministers, diplomats, CEOs and others. Who knows what this "dining society" discusses over dinner?...)
  • User:Robin  + (A very short page, but one with many links to [[deep events]] in which CCTV footage was unavailable, lost or falsified.)
  • Making Intelligence Smarter  + (A very spooky [[Council on Foreign Relations]] task force recommending among other things continued large budgets and overturning bans on [[CIA]] members [[journalistic cover|posing as journalists]] and members of the clergy in covert operations overseas.)
  • 9-11/WTC7/Destruction/Censorship  + (A very telling omission by the corporate media, lasting for several years, that totally suppressed mention of the complete (forewarned) collapse of WTC7. Note that the 911 originally neglected to give an account of this unprecedented event.)
  • Alex Jones  + (A very vocal and popular radio show host who occasionally has predicted deep events. Although having a very loyal fan base, several researchers have called him a [[spook]].)
  • Center for American Progress  + (A very well funded US [[think tank]] and advocacy organization closely aligned with the Democratic Party establishment.)
  • Document:Ukraine: One ‘Regime Change’ Too Many?  + (A veteran CIA analyst's take on the US-NATO regime change push in the Ukraine)
  • Alisha Owen  + (A victim of the [[Franklin child prostitution ring]] who served 4½ years for [[perjury]] after blowing the whistle on the group)
  • Vimeo  + (A video sharing platform.)
  • Monkeypox  + (A virus found in the 1950s in monkeys. TheA virus found in the 1950s in monkeys. The lurid exaggerations in the corporate media presentation of Monkeypox have many similarities to [[Covid-19]]. The symptoms are remarkably similar to one of the main side effects of [[COVID-19/Vaccine|Covid-19 jabs]].[[COVID-19/Vaccine|Covid-19 jabs]].)
  • Marburg virus  + (A virus presented by corporate media in 20A virus presented by corporate media in 2021 as the next big thing, despite only a handful of deaths since 2005. Super-deadly but apparently now with asymptomatic infection (i.e no symptoms) that can be detected with a [[PCR test]]. May be cover for vaccine injuries.[[PCR test]]. May be cover for vaccine injuries.)
  • Swine flu (H1N1)  + (A virus that was massively promoted as becA virus that was massively promoted as becoming a deadly pandemic for about 20 months on corporate media, from January 2009 to August 2010. Was declared a pandemic by WHO, with governments making big purchases for vaccines, only to throw them away, as the flu was deemed more damaging world wide.e flu was deemed more damaging world wide.)
  • JMWAVE  + (A vital CIA station in the development of the conspiracy to assassinate [[JFK]], and therefore in the development of the modern day [[US Deep state]].)
  • Rockefeller family  + (A vital family in the [[US Deep state]], since the days of [[The Money Trust]])
  • The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies  + (A vital, mostly overlooked [[Dutch]]A vital, mostly overlooked [[Dutch]] think-tank operating in the parliamentary quarter of [[The Hague]]. One of the biggest data centres working closely with multiple Dutch ministries. The prolific alliance of founders make its ties to the [[Dutch Deep state]] and [[Military-industrial complex]] highly plausible.[[Military-industrial complex]] highly plausible.)
  • Denis Voronenkov  + (A vocal critic of [[Vladimir Putin]]. Assassinated in 2017.)
  • Sijbren de Jong  + (A vocal strategic analyst for the [[IfS]], vitally helped with the set-up of the Dutch Cluster of the [[II|II]] with his employer and the [[Dutch MOD|Dutch MOD]].)
  • Blackballing  + (A voting procedure used for secret ballots)
  • 2003 Iraq War  + (A war for oil carried out after "[[Operation Mass Appeal]]" an MI6-backed propaganda campaign.)
  • Yemen  + (A war torn country in the [[Middle East]])
  • Gulf War  + (A war used by the US to effectively cow the Saudis into submission and bolster US military domination of the Gulf region.)
  • Brave New World  + (A warning - or a manual?)
  • James W. McCord  + (A watergate burglar, CIA, FBI)
  • Polarising perspective  + (A way of framing the debates that effectively hinders consensus and promotes disharmony.)
  • Land mine  + (A weapon which is semi-buried in the ground until activated, e.g. by someone stepping on them.)
  • Epik  + (A web hosting company.)
  • AltCensored  + (A website archiving material [[censored by YouTube]])
  • Conspiracy Dossiers  + (A website dedicated to investigations of important information regarding supranational parapolitics and the dark events surrounding it.)
  • CAVDEF  + (A website dedicated to voter fraud and serial killers.)
  • Reclaim The Net  + (A website focused on daily news about censorship in the United States and worldwide.)
  • Crimes of Britain  + (A website focused on exposing the crimes of the UK)
  • Spy Culture  + (A website focused on the intersection of the intelligence agencies and the entertainment industries.)
  • Wikipediocracy  + (A website for discussion and criticism of Wikipedia.)
  • Counterterrorism Blog  + (A website hosting numerous rightwing terrorism experts.)
  • Islamic News  + (A website set up to entrap Islamists by posing as a Jihadi site)
  • Leak site  + (A website to promote the leaking of information.)
  • The Free Thought Project  + (A website which publishes "conversations about the promotion of [[liberty]] and the daunting task of [[government accountability]]." Negatively reviewed by "[[fact-checker]]" [[Snopes]].)
  • Rogue Media Labs  + (A website which republished all the [[Integrity Initiative Leak]] documents)
  • 2001 Anthrax attacks  + (A week after [[9/11]]A week after [[9/11]], weaponised anthrax spores was sent from a US lab to media offices and to two U.S. Senators who were obstructing the rollback of [[civil liberties]]. A $100M [[FBI]] investigation concluded that posthumously blamed a "[[lone nut]]" researcher. In 2015, the FBI head of the investigation sued the [[US Attorney General]] alleging that exculpating evidence had been exculpating evidence had been withheld.)
  • Ed Gullion  + (A week after he arrived in Zaire, [[Dag Hammarskjöld]]'s plane crashed.)
  • Wagner Group  + (A well known ruthless [[private military contractor]]. Its founders were involved in a chaotic coup in [[2023]].)
  • Document:Battleground Ukraine  + (A wide ranging analysis of the 2013-2014 situation in Ukraine, its antecedents and consequences from the perspective of a senior Russian academic)
  • Document:Holy Smoke and Mirrors  + (A wide ranging overview into the history of the modern supranational deep state, with an emphasis on overall connections and interactions of groups and people, rather than on particular events and dates.)
  • Document:US holds world record for the killing of innocent civilians  + (A wide-ranging interview with Prof. John MA wide-ranging interview with Prof. John McMurtry that pulls no punches about the moral bankruptcy of the US globalising elite and its accomplices, allies and self-serving lackies. It covers the US [[War on Terror]] project, its military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the [[9-11]] attacks.[[9-11]] attacks.)