Morning Star

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The Morning Star is a left-wing British daily newspaper with a focus on social, political and trade union issues.

The paper was founded in 1930 as the Daily Worker by the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB). In 1945, ownership was transferred from the CPGB to an independent readers' co-operative, and it remains wholly owned by its readers. The Daily Worker was renamed the Morning Star in 1966. The paper describes its editorial stance as in line with Britain's Road to Socialism, the programme of the CPGB.[1]


Documents sourced from Morning Star

TitleTypeSubject(s)Publication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:BBC's biased and inaccurate reporting of anti-semitism allegations towards Jeremy CorbynLetter"Antisemitism"
Jeremy Corbyn
John Reith
Margaret Hodge
Tony Hall
Jewish Voice for Labour
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
Fran Unsworth
7 August 2018Pamela Blakelock"We regret that the BBC has failed to comply with its own codes with regard to impartiality and accuracy. Given the gravity of allegations of anti-semitism, the role performed by the BBC is all the more critical if it is to live up to Reithian principles of informing the public."
Document:Being anti-war does not make us apologists for 'the enemy' or anyone elseArticleNATO
Vladimir Putin
Boris Johnson
Stop the War Coalition
Keir Starmer
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
28 February 2022Lindsey GermanI am proud to be an anti-war campaigner and I know there are many like me. I note that anti-war protesters in Russia are being lauded in the British media. I also support them and send them my full solidarity. The irony is that Putin will see them as the enemy within — just as our government (and loyal opposition) treats us.
Document:British military presence near Venezuela ‘extremely concerning’ArticleVenezuela
Theresa May
Stop the War Coalition
Donald Trump
Nicolás Maduro
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign
British Army Training Support Unit Belize
5 February 2019Phil MillerBritain’s recent history of catastrophic military interventions should rule out any UK participation in Donald Trump’s attempts to destabilise a democratically elected government in Venezuela.”
Document:Fears over conflicts of interest at top of watchdog probing Labour anti-semitismArticleCampaign Against Antisemitism
Andrew Feinstein
Equality and Human Rights Commission
David Isaac
Rebecca Hilsenrath
Antony Lerman
Conflict of interest
16 July 2019Phil MillerSo why would the EHRC decide to investigate Labour for anti-semitism, when the polls showed it had actually dropped, and not probe the Conservatives or UKIP, whose members displayed Islamophobia?
Document:Labour councillor demands refund from party after leaked report exposed sabotage of CorbynArticleLabour Party
Tom Watson
Iain McNicol
Len McCluskey
Unite the Union
Sarah-Jane McDonough
UK/General election/2017
16 April 2020Lamiat SabinSarah-Jane McDonough's demand for a refund came after Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey claimed that attempts by the "Senior Management Team" to sabotage Labour’s chances in the UK/2017 General Election could have broken electoral law.
Document:Spiteful misogynistic bullying of Diane Abbott and left-wing staff laid out in internal party reportArticleDiane Abbott
Iain McNicol
Katy Clark
Emilie Oldknow
Karie Murphy
13 April 2020Lamiat SabinLabour General Secretary Iain McNicol, Executive Director for Elections Patrick Heneghan, and Mr McNicol’s office manager Tracey Allen mocked Diane Abbott and insinuated that she had faked illness towards the end of the 2017 General Election campaign.
Document:There is no future for Labour in bureaucratic centrismArticle"Climate change"
Joe Biden
Labour Party
Jeremy Corbyn
Bernie Sanders
Social Democratic Party
Keir Starmer
US/Democratic Party
11 November 2020Ian LaveryWhilst many in the media and party establishments are keen to turn back the clock to the bureaucratic centrism, progressives energised on both sides of the Atlantic, whether by Corbyn or Sanders, will define our future politics.
Document:Whatever happened to ‘due process’?Article"Antisemitism"
Labour Party
Jeremy Corbyn
Keir Starmer
Governance and Legal Unit
21 November 2020Hilary WiseStarmer’s reaction suggests he will continue to pursue a course which he somehow sees as politically expedient. History tells us it risks leading the party into the most dangerous kind of authoritarianism.
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  1. "Britain's Road to Socialism, the Communist Party of Britain programme ... underlies our paper's editorial stance." People's Press Printing Society Annual Report 2009.
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