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Robert Kagan26 September 1958Co-founder of the Project for the New American Century
Otto Kahn21 February 186729 March 1934
Jodi Kantor21 April 1975WEF/Young Global Leaders 2005. Her 2017 report on Harvey Weinstein was the starting point of the MeToo movement.
Moshe Katsav5 December 1945
Mike Katz
Rita Katz1963
Peter Keisler13 October 1960
David Kimche14 February 19288 March 2010Mossad spymaster
Henry Kissinger27 May 192329 November 2023US deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Ed Koch12 December 19241 February 2013Mayor of New York City from 1978 to 1989.
Sami Kohen192818 October 2021Turkish journalist who attended the 2009 Bilderberg
Ted Koppel8 February 1940
Oliver Koppell15 December 1940Former New York Attorney General.
Daniel KorskiApril 1977British spook now dabbling in transforming the health sector
Charles Krauthammer13 March 195021 June 2018Single Bilderberger Washington Conference on International Terrorism visitor
Bill Kristol23 December 1952Hawkish neonconservatice
Irving Kristol22 January 192018 September 2009"The Godfather of Neoconservatism"
Jules B. Kroll18 May 1941Founder of the deep state Kroll Inc.
Alan Krueger17 September 196016 March 2019Alan Krueger reportedly killed himself in March 2019, in spite of having a new book due out in June.
Jared Kushner10 January 1981Son-in-law of Donald Trump, suspected US deep state operative
Jenny Kwan1967Chinese-Canadian MP
Anthony Lake2 April 1939Spooky WEF acadmic
Walter Laqueur26 May 192130 September 2018German-Jewish (later American) historian professor of History and "terror expert" who attended the 1981 Colloquium on Clandestine Collection
Melvin Lasky20 January 192019 May 2004US journalist, intellectual, with suspected CIA ties
Ronald Lauder26 February 1944Former US Ambassador to Austria, "the principle force behind the privatization of the WTC", Jewish power broker. As of 2020 promoting internet censorship to prevent "hate crime".
Frank Lautenberg23 January 19243 June 2013United States Senator from New Jersey
Dominic Lawson17 December 1956British editor exposed as a MI6 media asset. Married to Rosa Monckton, a close friend of deep state actor and sexual blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein since the early 1980s
Berel Lazar19 May 1964Chief Rabbi of Russia and confident of Russian President Vladimir Putin
Michael Ledeen1 August 1941"Washington's neoconservative guru", Bilderberg, Le Cercle...
Thomas H. Lee27 March 194423 February 2023US businessman friend of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Gunshot to the head.
Louis J. Lefkowitz3 July 190420 June 1996The longest serving New York Attorney General. Plenty of licensing corruption on his watch.
Mark Leibler1943Tax lawyer who is one of the leaders of the Australian Zionist lobby through the billionaire-funded Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council. While "not not well known to most Australians", his influence "far exceeds his public profile", and he has developed and sustained close relationships with senior Australian politicians.
Pierre Lellouche3 May 1951French politician
Edward H. Levi26 June 19117 March 2000
Lev Leviev30 July 1956Israeli billionaire supporter of the Hasidic movement
Joseph J. Levin1943US lawyer who founded the Southern Poverty Law Center
Michael Levy11 July 1944
Daniel Lewin14 May 197011 September 2001Billionaire Sayeret Matkal agent fatally involved in 9-11.
Bernard Lewis31 May 191619 May 2018Spooky academic who attended the 1979 and 2002 Bilderbergs, as well as the Washington Conference on International Terrorism.
Ivan Lewis4 March 1967
Scooter Libby22 August 1950
Seymour Lipset18 March 192231 December 2006US neoconservative sociologist who attended the 1970 Bilderberg conference, and was a member of several intelligence-connected groups such as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya, Committee for the Free World and Committee on the Present Danger.
Dahlia LithwickJournalist writing about U.S. legal and Supreme Court issues for corporate media
Lord Levy11 July 1944
Frank Lowy22 October 1930
Edward Luttwak4 November 1942Neoconservative military strategist, author of Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook
Bernard-Henri Lévy5 November 1948A French 'philosopher' who has created an intellectual alibi for every US/NATO intervention since the 1980s. Lévy is also a militant supporter and apologist for Zionism and the Israeli state.
Maurice Lévy18 February 1942Leader of Publicis Groupe,the world's third largest advertising and communications group for 30 years. Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. Le Siècle. French Association of Private Enterprises. Compagnie financière Edmond de Rothschild. Deutsche Bank.
Gerhard Löwenthal8 December 19226 December 2002German deep state operative
Gideon Markuszower27 October 1977PVV MP, publicly mentioned in 2010 by the AIVD for "sharing information and being under the influence of the Mossad". Was elected MP for Geert Wilders his senate fraction in 2015.