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Conservative PartyRuling political party of the United Kingdom
Control Risks1975A British "private security" company set up in 1975 by David Walker (SAS), comparable to Kroll Inc set up in New York in 1972
Council of Foreign Bondholders18681988British association by private holders of debt securities issued by foreign governments.
Coutts Bank1692British private bank with exclusive customer base
Crown Prosecution Service1986The principal public prosecuting authority, a non-ministerial UK government department that conducts (almost) all criminal prosecutions in England and Wales.
De Beers1888
Department for Communities and Local Government
Department for Transport
Department of Health and Social Care
Department of Trade and Industry
ESCP Europe1819Private business school
Equilibrium Gulf Limited3 December 2013
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1991
European Leadership Network2011Israel lobby group of nearly 300 past, present and future European leaders. Works to foster key ties between European and Israeli leaders, and empower friends of Israel across Europe.
Fabian Society1884According to itself, it aims to promote greater equality of power, wealth and opportunity, the value of collective action and public service, an accountable, tolerant and active democracy, citizenship, liberty and human rights, sustainable development, multilateral international cooperation
Foreign Desk Ltd1 July 2015
Foreign Policy Centre1998Think tank sponsored by deep state foundations
Forum World Features1965July 1975A London based CIA propaganda operation which operated as a professional news service from 1965 to 1975.
Forward Thinking"An organisation which claims to be working to solve the middle east crisis", with at least 3 senior staff of the Institute for Statecraft
Frontline Club2003A venue used by the Institute for Statecraft/Integrity Initiative. Founded by former military officer turned "independent" journalist.
Future Of Russia Foundation9 September 2002Largely UK company with a remarkable assortment of directors
G4S Secure Solutions2004A British/American multinational security services company with deep ties to the US government and military complex
Galton Institute1907British association to promote eugenics. Since the 1960s doing so by "by less obvious means".
General Medical Council1858A public body that controls the official register of medical practitioners in the UK
GlaxoSmithKlineDecember 2000
Global Disinformation Index
Green Party of England and WalesJuly 1990
Groucho Club1985British private members in London's Soho, for VIPs in the publishing, media, entertainment and arts industries. Heavy drug use, which was being filmed for blackmail purposes. Also sexual molestation allegations.
HM Customs
HSBC3 March 1865The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, one of the world's biggest banks
Hampton Grammar School1557 JLBoys' day school in Hampton, Greater London. One of the top school rowing clubs in the country.
Her Majesty's Revenue and CustomsA non-ministerial department of the UK Government responsible for the collection of taxes, the payment of some forms of state support, and the administration of other regulatory regimes including the national minimum wage.
High Court of Justice1 November 1875First instance with all high value and high importance civil law (non-criminal) cases in England, and also has a supervisory jurisdiction over all subordinate courts and tribunals.
ITV22 September 1955British state media. Main rival of the BBC.
Imperial Chemical Industries
Imperial College London1907A UK college, highly funded by the Gates Foundation, which played a central part in the COVID-19 deep event by creating hysterical spreading models
Index on Censorship
Institute for Statecraft23 November 200615 August 2023The UK MoD/FCO funded group that ran the ironically named Integrity Initiative, exposed in 2018 by 'Anonymous' as an organ of the UK/Deep state
Institute for Statecraft/Tor teamAn unidentified subgroup of the Institute for Statecraft
Institute for War and Peace ReportingOctober 1950
Institute of Economic Affairs1955
Inter-Alpha Group of Banks1971A banking cartel created in 1971 by six banks in the European Community, directed from London by Sir Jacob Rothschild
International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence2008
International Institute for Strategic StudiesNovember 1958"A Chatham House for Defence."
International Maritime Organization1959
International Tribunal of Natural Justice14 February 2015A self-appointed people's court to investigate VIPaedophile claims. It videos its hearings and posts them on YouTube.
Istok Associates18 March 2010
Jewish Leadership Council2003
Joint Services Intelligence Organisation