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"Social distancing"Part of the COVID-19 social change which stated that close human contact must be avoided, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It never had any scientific backing.
"War on Terror"The campaign, launched by the USA under the Presidency of George W. Bush with the support of the UK, and most NATO members (at least formally) and other Western-aligned countries. Nominally a response to the events of 11 September 2001, its stated objective is the elimination of so called 'terrorist organisations', it was in fact conceived long before by a group of terrorist experts, including his father and the groundwork laid at a 1979 conference in Jerusalem as a propaganda term used to legitimise wars of aggression and a scare tactic.
Agenda 2030A UN plan to achieve what they term "sustainable development" by 2030.
Algorithm manipulationWhere algorithms on Social media are used in order to promote the Official narrative.
AlienationKeeping the populace alienated is a goal of the Deep State.
Anti-Terrorist HotlineA line for members of the public to report suspicion of "terrorism"
CBDCBlockchain hosted replacement for cash, run by central banks
COVID-19/LegislationMany nation states have passed legislation rapidly advancing a police state with a titular connection to the coronavirus.
COVID-19/LockdownNominally caused by a desire to save human life by slowing the spread of COVID-19, the near global campaign to institute lockdowns can also be interpreted as a global power grab by the supranational deep state.
COVID-19/Zero CovidPolicy during Covid-19 to have no cases of a flu-like disease, which (as history has shown) proved impossible. Heavily enforced by China when many other countries already abandoned the policy within a year or 2. Its scientific need has never been proven.
Civil unrest/Preparation
Climate lockdownPreventative measure to mitigate climate change?
Cyberterrorism/PreparationPreparation for Cyberterrorism includes stepping up internet surveillance of the general public and censorship.
DemoralisationKeeping the populace demoralised is a goal of the Deep State.
Divide and rule
Dumbing downThe purported phenomenon whereby people are adapting to modern life by being progressively less intellectually capable than their forebears.
FearA mental state which is not only unpleasant but demonstrably damaging to body and mind. Its has been used since antiquity for purposes of social control. In the 21st century, this is increasingly centered on the "war on terror" and "extremism" narratives.
GaslightingPlaying tricks on others and telling them they must be imagining things.
Green Industrial Revolutionpreventing climate change?
Gun control
Hollywood/Predictive programmingA subtle form of [[psychological conditioning]] provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them more likely as "natural progressions".<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Hübsche families
ID2020Electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity
Internet/CensorshipRemoving things from the internet has become a high priority for those who seek to contain knowledge and shape ideas. This is done under a range of covers, notably the "war on terror".
Land ownership
Mass surveillanceWholesale surveillance of the citizenry is the new normal, introduced under the smokescreen of the "war on terror". In the "art of warfare" surveillance is taught as a preparatory act for more invasive measures such as the suspension of habeas corpus (i.e. the Patriot Act) or other covert operations.
MilitarisationThe mentality, methods and tools of the military are increasingly being applied across society
Mind controlMind Control aims to gain domination over the victim by making them cede their autonomy to the controlling person or group. Methods include lying, isolation, manipulation, indoctrination, electroshock, operant conditioning, coding / programming and "brainwashing".
Mind control/Child AbuseMind Control aims to gain domination over the victim by making them cede their autonomy to the controlling person or group. Children are especially vulnerable to spiritual, emotional, physical and sexual abuse.
Minimum wage
Open bordersa part of Globalisation
Operation Garden PlotZersetzung of the 1968 peace movement
OptogeneticsA biological technique that involves the use of light to control neurons;A Virtual Reality System for Controlling Living Cells
Phobia inductionManipulative technique to foster suggestibility and a physical stress reaction
Phoenix ProgramA clandestine CIA research project into the use of terror as a means of social control. Techhniques from South East Asia, were later developed in Latin America
PrisonBuilding where people who have violated the law can be sentenced to. Rich people evade this place. Politicians, too..... Bankers, yes central bankers too. Unlike in Monopoly, people aren't thrown into prison by random would think. Interestingly enough, in the 2000s that has proved to be the least of a prosecuted person's concerns.
PsychiatryDiscipline devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorder, can often be just a reinforcement of the prejudices of the era. Open for power abuse since there are less legal safeguards.
Punitive PsychiatryDiscipline devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorder, can often be just a reinforcement of the prejudices of the era. Open for power abuse since there are less legal safeguards.
Quarantinea restriction on the movement of people, animals and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests.
SWATThe use of extreme violence by police, which has effectively normalised the use of military equipment and methods
School"The reproductive organ of the consumer society", coming to resemble prisons more and more closely, especially in USA, where attempts have been made to criminalize those who feed the hungry or comfort the afflicted.
SlaverySlavery is the most blatant of abusive relationships. Slaves are denied rights and freedoms, most notably the freedom to escape the relationship. They are de facto, if not de jure, property of their masters.
Social credit systemA system of reward and punishment mechanisms for the government to control its citizens.
Social credit system/ChinaA system of reward and punishment mechanisms for the Chinese government to control its citizens.
Social engineeringThe calculated influencing of society on a large scale, often over a long term.
Social isolationA state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society. Encouraged by the PTB.