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Document:A new Sykes-Picot Agreement
Document:A new integration project for EurasiaThe Russian prime minister and prospective 3rd term president a makes the case for 'multi-polarity' as a superior form or world governance
Document:A new turf war with Strasbourg pushes Warsaw further down the road towards Polexit from the EUWill the schism between Poland and the European Union over legal differences eventually lead to "Polexit"?
Document:A warning from CanadaControversial politically incorrect opinion on the LGTB Rights movement and the effects on the adopted children of homosexual-couple parents
Document:Absolute folly for Britain to get involved in SyriaTory MP Johnny Mercer, a former soldier, has demanded: “Britain must come to Syria’s aid” and condemned those who oppose “military intervention”.
Document:Activism on trial: The Elbit Eight and Palestine solidarityEight activists are on trial this week at London’s Snaresbrook Crown Court for disrupting a lethal link in Israel’s military supply chain within the UK. Over the next six weeks, the Elbit Eight will fight in court to prove that Elbit Systems is guilty, and they are not.
Document:Aerial combat
Document:Afghanistan is not about youNeocon MPs are concerned about the Afghanistan/2021 withdraw. The only problem is that they only care about themselves, and thereby show us the narcissism of Western intervention.
Document:After Mossad Targeted Soleimani, Trump Pulled the TriggerDonald Trump has now fulfilled the wishes of Mossad. After proclaiming his intention to end America’s “stupid endless wars,” the president has effectively declared war on the largest country in the region in solidarity with Israel, the most unpopular country in the Middle East.
Document:After Yugoslavia, Ukraine?Telling parallels and juxtapositions between the 2013-14 rioting in Ukraine and the dissolution of Yugoslavia
Document:Al Qaeda - the Database
Document:Alice in WonderlandA slightly off-beat and idiosyncratic but gentle introduction to a subject which - for most people, most of the time - is safely relegated to the realm of fictional horror, ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' or similar mental pigeon-hole, so that life can proceed 'as normal'.
Document:Ambush of Russian Bomber Was Guided by US ReconnaissanceInterview with a Russian military expert and specialist in Russian Military Space Forces about the November 2015 shoot down of a Russian military jet by Turkish F16 fighter over Syria
Document:America's non-compliance
Document:American Pie: The Real Story Behind ‘The NHS Crisis’The Tory Government and NHS England continue their drive to complete the major steps of converting our tax-based model to a US-modelled public/private enterprise as speedily as possible, with Brexit providing a blanket diversion from what they are doing.
Document:Amnesty International: Imperialist ToolEffectively, Amnesty International and AIUSA function as tools for the imperialist, colonial and genocidal policies of the United States, Britain, and Israel.
Document:Ampiric MyopiaAn examination of unfolding events in Ukraine and the role of the media, informed by the philosophical approach of Linguistic determinism
Document:An Inconvenient Patriot
Document:An indy Russian ‘Alpha R’ film wonders if Biden would push the red button
Document:Anatomy of War Crimes TrialsTranscription of a presentation made to the "World Public Forum" - a project of the Rhodes Forum - on the utter criminality of the UN International Tribunals system with particular reference to the author's personal experience of both the ICTY and the ICTR
Document:Anatomy of a Scandal: Israel Crucifies Corbyn"Tom Watson has it backward: the 'eternal shame and embarrassment' come when Labour, swallowing whatever pride it has left, meekly submits to being harassed and blackmailed by a foreign power and its vulgar propagandists. Jeremy Corbyn, it seems, is gearing up to do just that. Chalk one up for Goebbels."
Document:Andrew Feinstein confirms GE candidacy vs StarmerConstituency resident Andrew Feinstein, who served as an MP in Nelson Mandela's government, will stand in Holborn and St Pancras at the 2024 General Election
Document:Anonymous Surpasses Wikileaks
Document:Another Chemical Weapon False Flag on the Eve of Peace Talks in BrusselsThe Khan Sheikoun gas attack in Idlib province, like that in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta in 2013, can be a very useful means of propaganda
Document:Another Word for Holocaust
Document:Anti-semitism is cover for a much deeper divide in Britain's Labour partyParadoxically, the Labour breakaway group may have inadvertently exposed the weakness of its hand. The eight MPs have indicated that they will not run in by-elections, and for good reason: it is highly unlikely they would stand a chance of winning in any of their current constituencies outside the Labour Party.
Document:Appleby launches legal action against ICIJ’s UK partners"This is a potentially dangerous moment for free expression in Britain" – Gerard Ryle
Document:Arabs Beware the Small States OptionA succinct introduction to proposals, widely canvassed among Western Elites but otherwise largely suppressed, to impose a new political settlement on the entire Middle East involving the re-ordering of its national borders along sectarian lines. These proposals represent the increasingly dominant leitmotif of 21st century Globalist driven Middle-Eastern policy.
Document:Ariel Sharon - War is PeaceA review of how the western corporate media reported on the legacy of Ariel Sharon following his death in early January 2014, together with evidence of the unreported reality.
Document:Armed and DangerousArguments about whether ministers should resign are not the main point of the Scott Report, says Paul Foot. The real dynamite is in the connection between government and the arms industry - and the level of deception involved
Document:Arsen Avakov interview 5 September 2014Commentary on a Ukraine TV Interview with Oligarch and Ukraine Junta Interior Minister Arsen Avakov just after his government had agreed to a cease-fire in the civil war.
Document:Asil Nadir: another victim of the arms-to-Iraq conspiracy?Commentary on evidence suggesting that Asil Nadir is the victim of a gross miscarriage of justice in furtherance of the continued high-level cover-up of the 'Arms-to-Iraq' scandal through the 1980's
Document:Assange Judge is 40-year "good friend" of Minister who orchestrated his arrestJulian Assange’s fate lies in the hands of an Appeal Judge who is a close friend of Sir Alan Duncan - the former Foreign Office minister who called Assange a “miserable little worm” in Parliament
Document:Assange ruling a dangerous precedent for journalists and British justiceAnd yet despite all this, the English High Court ruled on 10 December 2021 that it was satisfied with “assurances” that Assange’s wellbeing would be protected were he extradited to the United States. British judges may be persuaded by those assurances. Many others, including Assange, will not be.
Document:Austerity has brought anguish and hardship – that is why I am fighting Richmond Park for LabourLabour's Christian Wolmar aims to replace Tory Zac Goldsmith as MP for Richmond Park
Document:Australia - The Forgotten CoupThe November 1975 dismissal of duly elected Australian Prime minister Gough Whitlam by Queen Elizabeth's governor general Sir John Kerr. And Australians STILL think they live in an independent democratic country
Document:BBC BombastAn authoritative run-down on BBC News as a model propaganda mouthpiece for the dominant establishment narrative of UK foreign policy initiatives and involvements abroad. The article provides startling chapter and verse on a number of recent examples
Document:BBC Panorama Investigation Into Labour Antisemitism Omitted Key Evidence and Parts of Labour’s ResponseThe fact that the Labour Party is now settling libel cases brought by both John Ware and the Labour 'whistleblowers' is remarkable, not least because there is meant to be an ongoing internal inquiry into the leaked internal report, whose findings have now effectively been prejudged. But I’ve been told this will cost the party close to half a million in damages and costs.
Document:Bandar ibn IsraelThe collusion of Saudi Arabia's Bandar bin Sultan with Israel in acts of terrorist violence in the Middle East through 2013.
Document:Bangkok Blast - Who the Liars Say Did It, Says it AllAnalysis of the 18 August terrorist bombing in Bangkok illustrating western media (especially the BBC) bias by omission of major salient points
Document:Batley and Spen by-election: Palestine becomes potential dealbreakerAccording to Coral, Galloway is currently on 50/1 odds to win, compared to 2/1 for Leadbeater and 2/5 for Conservative candidate Ryan Stephenson. William Hill has the Conservatives on 1/3, Labour at 5/2 and the WPGB at 33/1.
Document:Behind the Greek DebtThe geoplitics underlying what is presented as a crisis of national indebtedness
Document:Being anti-war does not make us apologists for 'the enemy' or anyone elseI am proud to be an anti-war campaigner and I know there are many like me. I note that anti-war protesters in Russia are being lauded in the British media. I also support them and send them my full solidarity. The irony is that Putin will see them as the enemy within — just as our government (and loyal opposition) treats us.
Document:Ben Goldsmith and his "party people": Friends in low places"Just had a glimpse of Corbyn’s Britain. A birthday party for my sister-in-law in Notting Hill invaded and shut down by a vicious bottle-throwing hard Leftist crowd (from the Grenfell march), because they could."
Document:Big Pharma pushes Cure for Holocaust Denial SyndromeBig Pharma launches cure for 'Holocaust denial'
Document:BilderbergIn 1966 a small Dutch liberal magazine published an article on how the writers of another magazine were arrested for writing about the Bilderberg meetings. The article contains a general description of the Dutch Bilderberg cluster, and mentions two participants not in any of the official meeting lists, Theodoor E. E. H. Mathon and J. J. Oyevaar.
Document:Black Cube, the "Mossad" of Commercial SpyingMichael Drury, the former legal head of GCHQ, has set up in practice defending Russian oligarchs and bankers being chased by the main UK bank regulator (FCA) and the Serious Fraud Office: I wonder what he does for Black Cube?
Document:BlackRock Plots to Buy UkraineAs a result of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, BlackRock the most influential financial institution in the world, plans to cash in on the destruction of that country.
Document:Bloodbath in Odessa guided by interim rulers of UkraineThe 2 May massacre of anti-Kiev-Junta signature collectors in Odessa was planned, orchestrated and implemented by Junta acting president Olexandre Turchinov and his security establishment
Document:Bloody US-Directed Raid Destabilizes Philippine PoliticsAmerican fingerprints are all over a botched commando raid in the southern Philippines that left dozens dead and shocked the country.