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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "UNESCO Director-General". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Patricia Hewitt  + (UK minister who was [[National Council for Civil Liberties]] in the 1970s)
  • Christine Hodgson  + (UK multi-executive)
  • Phil Collins  + (UK musician mentioned in [[Jeffrey Epstein's black book]].)
  • Andrew Rosthorn  + (UK news reporter who also writes for [[Lobster Magazine]].)
  • Maurice Tugwell  + (UK officer who headed the black [[propaganda]] Information Policy unit in Northern Ireland 1971-73)
  • Eric Drake  + (UK oil executive invited to the [[1973 Bilderberg]])
  • Bertrand Russell  + (UK philosopher and pacifist)
  • Christopher Hitchens  + (UK polemicist)
  • Merseyside Police  + (UK police force in Merseyside)
  • National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit  + (UK police intelligence agency interested in "[[extremism]]")
  • David Gilbertson  + (UK policeman who joined the [[Institute for Statecraft]] in his returement. [[Director of the Active Change Foundation]] from 2015-2017)
  • Philip Gould  + (UK political adviser who attended the [[2003 Bilderberg]])
  • Portland Communications  + (UK political consultancy and PR agency)
  • Douglas Jay  + (UK politician)
  • Enoch Powell  + (UK politician)
  • Alan Beith  + (UK politician)
  • Shirley Williams  + (UK politician)
  • Robert Goodwill  + (UK politician)
  • Frank Dobson  + (UK politician)
  • Adam Butler  + (UK politician)
  • Hugh Bayley  + (UK politician)
  • Charles Clarke  + (UK politician)
  • Kenneth Baker  + (UK politician)
  • Liam Fox  + (UK politician)
  • Roy Jenkins  + (UK politician)
  • David Miliband  + (UK politician)
  • Gavin Williamson  + (UK politician)
  • Jeremy Thorpe  + (UK politician)
  • George Foulkes  + (UK politician)
  • John Horam  + (UK politician)
  • Tim Farron  + (UK politician and [[Leader of the Liberal Democrats]] 2015-2017. Member of [[Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China]].)
  • Ben Bradshaw  + (UK politician and a member of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • Edward du Cann  + (UK politician and businessman, chairman of [[Lonrho]])
  • Nicholas Soames  + (UK politician and businessman.)
  • John Cockroft  + (UK politician and financial journalist. Board of the [[European Movement]] (UK) 1973-74. Attended [[1971 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Grant Shapps  + (UK politician behind numerous dubious online businesses. By 2022 became UK [[Home Secretary]] and [[Defence Secretary]] before leaving Parliament in 2024.)
  • Peter Hain  + (UK politician on the [[House of Lords/COVID-19 Committee]])
  • Nicky Morgan  + (UK politician on the [[House of Lords/COVID-19 Committee]])
  • John Biggs-Davison  + (UK politician who attended [[Le Cercle]])
  • Greg Hands  + (UK politician who attended [[Le Cercle]] in Washington in 2018.)
  • David Lidington  + (UK politician who attended [[Le Cercle]].)
  • Stuart Holland  + (UK politician who attended the [[1970 Bilderberg]] aged 30)
  • David Owen  + (UK politician who attended the [[1973 Bilderberg|1973]], [[1982 Bilderberg|1982]] and [[1993 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Christopher Soames  + (UK politician who attended the [[1981/Bilderberg|1981]] and [[1982 Bilderberg]])
  • Nigel Lawson  + (UK politician who attended the [[1982 Bilderberg]] as [[Secretary of State for Energy]] and then was [[Chancellor of the Exchequer]] for 6 years, [[1990 Bilderberg]].)
  • Ken Livingstone  + (UK politician who attended the [[WEF 2008 AGM]] as [[Mayor of London]])
  • David Ivor Young  + (UK politician who attended two Bilderbergs in the 1980s)
  • Iain Macleod  + (UK politician who died suddenly a month into his job as [[Chancellor of the Exchequer]].)
  • Michael Heseltine  + (UK politician who signed the first tranche of the [[Al-Yamamah arms deal]])
  • Glenys Kinnock  + (UK politician wife of [[Neil Kinnock]])
  • Dick Taverne  + (UK politician with deep state connections)
  • Alistair Burt  + (UK politician with deep state connections)
  • Reginald Maudling  + (UK politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Ed Vaizey  + (UK politician, Merton College Oxford, Henry Jackson Society, NewsGuard/Advisory Board, Notting Hill Set)
  • Alun Gwynne Jones  + (UK politician, [[Cercle]] visitor, the only person who spoke more than once at the [[JCIT]])
  • Greg Clark  + (UK politician, [[WEF/Global Future Council/Cities of Tomorrow]])
  • Brian Griffiths  + (UK politician, adviser to Margaret Thatcher. Goldman Sachs)
  • Diane Abbott  + (UK politician, close ally of [[Jeremy Corbyn]])
  • Alistair Darling  + (UK politician, governance of Chatham House)
  • Ed Balls  + (UK politician. 7 Bilderbergs)
  • Jenny Tonge  + (UK politician. Long-standing critic of Israel and vocal supporter Palestinians, which led to the predictable accusations of antisemitism and to her eventual suspension from the Liberal Democrat group in the Lords in 2012)
  • Roy Hattersley  + (UK politician. [[1970 Bilderberg]])
  • Jonathan Harmsworth  + (UK press baron)
  • University of Buckingham  + (UK private University. Its ethos is influeUK private University. Its ethos is influenced by [[libertarian]] ideas and the [[free-market]] [[Institute of Economic Affairs]]. Scholars from the University of Buckingham appear regularly in the UK media offering expertise in [[terrorism]] related matters.[[terrorism]] related matters.)
  • Richmond The American International University in London  + (UK private university giving US degrees)
  • Bruce Anderson  + (UK pro-torture [[spooky]] journalist, [[Le Cercle]], attended a "[[terrorism]]" related conference chaired by [[Harold Elletson]] in 2009.)
  • Frank Mitchell  + (UK propagandist, headed the news division of the [[British Information Services]] in New York 1947-1952)
  • Jack Dellal  + (UK property developer, Le Cercle)
  • Serco  + (UK provider of public services in six sectors: Health, Transport, Justice, Immigration, Defence, and Citizens Services.)
  • Zuby  + (UK rapper critical of the official narrative about Covid-19.)
  • John Kingman  + (UK revolving door banker/civil servant. [[Trilateral Commission]].)
  • Charles Mountbatten-Windsor  + (UK royal whose first wife documented her anxiety, two years before she died in a car crash, that he would have her killed in a faked car crash.)
  • Onora O'Neill  + (UK second generation Bilderberger, academic)
  • Edwin Plowden  + (UK senior civil servant involved in implementing the [[Marshall Plan]]. Friend of [[Jean Monnet]], who worked to bring Britain into an [[European community]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/1961]].)
  • Edwin Bramall  + (UK senior officer accused by [[Carl Beech]] of being part of an organised ring of [[UK/VIPaedophile]]s.)
  • John Keswick  + (UK single Bilderberger businessman [[Jardine Matheson]]/[[SOE]])
  • Henry Tiarks  + (UK single Bilderberger financier of [[Schroders]] bank dynasty. Son of central banker and deep state actor [[Frank Tiarks]]. Attended the [[1958 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Tom Boardman  + (UK soldier politician banker who attended the [[1986 Bilderberg]])
  • Hamish de Bretton-Gordon  + (UK soldier turned businessman and author)
  • Ren Kapur  + (UK soldier/businesswoman on a list of "patriots" of the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Alan Riley  + (UK solicitor/academic who worked for the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • John Williams  + (UK spindoctor who was head of PR for three successive [[UK Foreign Secretaries]] at the [[FCO]] and wrote the first draft of the infamous "[[Dodgy Dossier]]")
  • Jon Day  + (UK spook)
  • Nigel Inkster  + (UK spook into [[carbon trading]])
  • John Gerson  + (UK spook turned oil executive)
  • James Rusbridger  + (UK spook who died under suspicious circumstances. Officially a [[suicide]] during sex game.)
  • Colin Wallace  + (UK spook who exposed [[Clockwork Orange]] and the [[Kincora Boys' Home]]. Wrongfully imprisoned for 10 years for manslaughter. Released after ''[[Spycatcher]]'' confirmed his claims, prompting a judicial review.)
  • George Jellicoe  + (UK spook who founded [[Hakluyt & Company Ltd]].)
  • Percy Cradock  + (UK spook, [[Chairman of the UK Joint Intelligence Committee]], [[Bilderberg 1992]], [[Le Cercle]])
  • Isaiah Berlin  + (UK spook, [[Milner Group/Outer Circle]])
  • Nick Day  + (UK spook, head of [[Diligence]] named in [[Epstein's black book]])
  • John Harvey-Jones  + (UK spook, media operative and businessman. Participated in the 1983 foundation meeting of [[European Round Table of Industrialists]])
  • John Baker-White  + (UK spooky politician & propagandist)
  • Nicholas Stern  + (UK suspected deep state functionary. [[Chief Economist of the World Bank]] 2000 - 2003, regular at [[WEF AGM]]s)
  • Joe Gormley  + (UK trade union leader who reportedly was a Special branch informant)
  • Tom Williamson  + (UK trade unionist who attended the first and fourth Bilderbergs)
  • Cranfield University  + (UK university "at the forefront of the defence and security field.")
  • Keele University  + (UK university which pressured scientist researching aluminium toxicity to quit for fear of offending from big funders.)
  • University of Southampton  + (UK university with significant research activities)
  • Shiraz Maher  + (UK writer and commentator on "[[radicalisation]]" who attended the [[2015 Bilderberg]]. Reported in March 2020 that he had a tough time recovering from a mild case of [[COVID-19]].)
  • Iain Davis  + (UK writer and researcher with a background in journalism and health care. Published ''Pseudopandemic'' in June 2021)
  • UK/General election/2024  + (UK's [[2024]] election.)
  • Border Force  + (UK's border enforcement agency)
  • Mohamed Al-Fayed  + (UK-Egyptian businessman with ties to [[Adnan Khashoggi]]. After the the death of his son [[Dodi Fayed]] and [[Diana Spencer]], he claimed that the car crash was orchestrated by [[MI6]] on the instructions of [[Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh]].)
  • Trevor Asserson  + (UK-Israeli solicitor running CameraUK, an organisation set up to pressurise the [[BBC]] into producing news coverage more favourable to Israel.)
  • Fazze  + (UK-based [[PR agency]] with alleged Russian connections, which promoted [[misinformation]] about the [[COVID-19/Vaccine]].)
  • Roger Savory  + (UK/Canadian Iranologist who attended the [[1979 Bilderberg meeting]], where one of the topics was ''The Implications Of Instability In The Middle East And Africa For The Western World''. [[Special Operations Executive]] during [[WW2]].)
  • Ben Wallace  + (UK/Defence Secretary 2019 - 2023)
  • Christiane Amanpour  + (UK/Iranian journalist on CNN, uncritically promoted [[COVID-19 vaccine]] uptake)
  • Walter Monckton  + (UK/Minister of Defence 1955-56)
  • Alexander Trotman  + (UK/US businessman. Attended [[Bilderberg 1996]] as CEO of [[Ford Motor Company]].)
  • David Campbell Bannerman  + (UKIP MEP)
  • UN/CTED  + (UN "counter-terrorist" group actively engaged in [[internet censorship|censorship]] of what it terms "[[extremist]]" material)
  • UN GA vote on Crimea  + (UN General Assembly adopts resolution calling upon states not to recognize changes in status of Crimea region)
  • Francesca Albanese  + (UN Rapporteur Francesca Albanese isn't related to Australian PM [[Anthony Albanese]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • UNSCR 2166 requires truce  + (UN Security Council adopts resolution 2166 which, among other things requires a cessation of military action within 20 Km of the crash site)
  • Joseph Cannataci  + (UN Special Rapporteur on Privacy who described the UK [[universal surveillance]] legislation as "worse than scary".)
  • UNRWA  + (UN [[IGO]] for Palestinians.)
  • Filippo Grandi  + (UN bureaucrat, [[WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1999]])
  • UNIFIL  + (UN force in Lebanon which also functions an an excellent recruitment ground for [[Mossad]].)
  • Phillip Corwin  + (UN official including during the war in [[Bosnia]] in 1995.)
  • Andrew Cordier  + (UN official who facilitated the coup against [[Patrice Lumumba]]. [[Bilderberg/1962]]. Later President of Columbia University.)
  • Scott Ritter  + (UN weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, who exposed the lies about Saddam's WMDs.)
  • Kemal Derviş  + (UNDP administrator, 4 times Bilderberger, Brookings)
  • Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights  + (UNESCO Declaration stating that "Any preveUNESCO Declaration stating that "Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice."reason without disadvantage or prejudice.")
 (UNESCO Director-General)
  • Philippe Lazzarini  + (UNRWA diplomat)
  • United Nations Transition Assistance Group  + (UNTAG was established by the UN Security Council to facilitate the transition to independence of Namibia, which had been illegally occupied for decades by apartheid South Africa.)
  • Claire Sterling  + (US "[[terror expert]]" who promoted the "[[War on Terror]]")
  • Ted Turner  + (US "liberal" media mogul and zealous financier of projects designed to lower the world's population.)
  • J. Bowyer Bell  + (US "terrorism expert", painter and and art critic)
  • Chagos Archipelago  + (US & UK operated black site in the Indian Ocean. Plays a mysterious role in vanishing of [[Malaysia Airlines Flight 370]].)
  • Boston Consulting Group  + (US 'market driven' strategic advisory company)
  • Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act  + (US 1986 sanctions against apartheid [[South Africa]])
  • Pittsburgh synagogue shooting  + (US 2018 mass shooting)
  • Michael Klare  + (US Academic writing about [[U.S. defense policy]], oil as an instrument of national policy, the [[arms trade]] and [[Peak oil]].)
  • John Vogt  + (US Air Force officer with extensive work fUS Air Force officer with extensive work for the [[Joint Chiefs of Staff]] and the bombing of [[Vietnam]], who attended the [[1971 Bilderberg meeting]]. After retirement, part of [[Team B]], a rigged intelligence analyst group to inflate the Soviet threat.nalyst group to inflate the Soviet threat.)
  • Steve Bigelow  + (US Air Force whistleblower who exposed [[MICC corruption]].)
  • Chuck Horner  + (US Air force general pushing for expansion into space)
  • Walworth Barbour  + (US Ambassador to Israel for 12 years)
  • Richard Henry Jones  + (US Ambassador to Israel, Kuwait and Lebanon. Deputy Executive Director of the [[International Energy Agency]].)
  • Martin Indyk  + (US Ambassador to Israel, Vice president of [[Brookings]], Founded the [[Washington Institute for Near East Policy]])
  • R. Nicholas Burns  + (US Ambassador to NATO 2001-2005, plenty of other [[deep state]] connected roles)
  • Geoffrey Pyatt  + (US Ambassador to Ukraine during the 2014 Maidan regime change)
  • Kristen Silverberg  + (US Ambassador to the EU 2008-2009)
  • John Brinkerhoff  + (US Army Colonel notable for his role in planning the [[REX-84]] martial law exercise, along with Lieutenant-Colonel [[Oliver North]]. Some have linked him to 9/11.)
  • Daniel Davis  + (US Army Colonel who wrote assessment in 2012 that the Afghan war has been a disaster and the military’s top brass has not leveled with the American public about just how badly it’s been going.)
  • In the Dark  + (US Army War College exercise looking into a catastrophic failure of the electrical grid and electronic devices due to EMP or solar storm. Held September 2010.)
  • Paul Freeman  + (US Army general who was Commander in Chief, United States Army Europe from 1962 to 1965.)
  • James Pohl  + (US Army judge at the [[Guantanamo military commission]] who "conspired with the prosecution to destroy evidence relevant to defending the accused architect of the [[9/11 attacks]]".)
  • Nuland & Pyatt visit Maidan  + (US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt visit protestors on Independence Square in Kiev)
  • Frank Nash  + (US Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, who went to one Bilderberg. Died 10 months later of a [[heart attack]], aged 47.)
  • Roger Altman  + (US Banker, Bilderberg Steering Committee)
  • Roger Altman  + (US Banker, Bilderberg Steering Committee)
  • Peter Weinberg  + (US Bilderberg banker businessman)
  • Sidney Taurel  + (US Bilderberger businessman with long career in Big Pharma [[Eli Lilly]]. Member of [[Homeland Security Advisory Council]].)
  • Daniel Yergin  + (US Bilderberger economist)
  • Jason Furman  + (US Bilderberger economist)
  • Bill Richardson  + (US Bilderberger who went to [[Myanmar]] in 2021 "to speed the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines from the COVAX facility to Myanmar and to help mitigate a possible fourth wave of COVID-19.")
  • John W. Snow  + (US Business leader and Secretary of the Treasury)
  • Ira Wallach  + (US Businessman and co-founder of the [[EastWest Institute]].)
  • Wayne Lee Berman  + (US Businessman with deep political connections.)
  • E. Michael Jones  + (US Catholic writer, former professor, media commentator and the editor of Culture Wars magazine.)
  • James Bindenagel  + (US Chargé d'affaires to Germany from 1996 to 1997,)
  • George Shultz  + (US Cold warrior who attended the 1984 [[Washington Conference on International Terrorism]])
  • Francis Keppel  + (US Commissioner of Education, single Bilderberg)
  • Thomas J. Curry  + (US Comptroller of the Currency 2012-2017)
  • Brian Mast  + (US Congressman who wore Israeli military uniform on Capitol Hill)
  • Bella Abzug  + (US Congresswoman who campaigned to expose the [[US deep state]])
  • Emily Miller  + (US Conservative journalist and graduate of the [[Walsh School of Foreign Service]])
  • Karen House  + (US Corporate Media controller who attended the [[Bilderberg/1982|1982]], [[Bilderberg/1988|1988]], and [[1992 Bilderberg]]s.)
  • Alan Greenspan  + (US DSO who was [[Chairman of the Federal Reserve]] 1987-2006)
  • James Baker  + (US DSO, many deep state connections from the [[Atlantic Council]] to the [[US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce]])
  • Lawrence Summers  + (US Deep State actor "I've always thought that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted")
  • Gerald Ford  + (US Deep State functionary who was made [[US President]] by [[The Cabal]] after they removed [[Richard Nixon]] with the [[Watergate Coup]])
  • J. Edgar Hoover  + (US Deep politician whose position as long time FBI head allowed him to make extensive use of [[sexual blackmail]].)
  • Tracy Barnes  + (US Deep state actor involved in the [[Bay of Pigs]])
  • Robert McNamara  + (US Deep state actor, War criminal, Defense secretary, World Bank president, Brookings, CFR...)
  • James R. Jones  + (US Deep state connected diplomat)
  • Chester A. Nagle  + (US Deep state operative, CIA, member of [[Task Group Alpha]], an associate of [[Ted Shackley]])
  • Nelson Aldrich  + (US Deep state operative, member of [[The Money Trust]], attended the [[1910 Jekyll Island meeting]])
  • Ron Silver  + (US Deep state operative.)
  • Josh Earnest  + (US Democratic Party worker, Press Secretary under [[Barack Obama]].)
  • Mazie Hirono  + (US Democratic politician)
  • Gabrielle Giffords  + (US Democratic politician [[2011 Tucson shooting|survived assassination attempt in 2011]]. Resigned from office, but still in Democratic party leadership.)
  • James M. Cole  + (US Deputy Attorney General 2010-2015 under [[Barack Obama]]. Protected [[opioid]] producers.)
  • William Lynn  + (US Deputy Secretary of Defense, 2009-11, [[Bilderberg 2012]])
  • Jacob Walles  + (US Diplomat specialising in the Arab-Israeli conflict and Middle-Eastern affairs)
  • File:FIFA-indictment.pdf  + (US District Court of New York indictment against 14 senior officials of the Swiss-based world football governing body FIFA)
  • Karl Wycoff  + (US DoD contractor whose employers have included the [[NSA]] and [[US Cybercommand]])
  • William Ruckelshaus  + (US Environmental Protection Agency leader, then lobbyist for [[Monsanto]].)
  • Hotchkiss School  + (US Establishment boarding school.)
  • US/Department/The Treasury  + (US GOV Department, links to Goldman Sachs)
  • Bernard Rogers  + (US General, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, attended 6 Bilderbergs in the 1980s)
  • Document:Global Warfare. Preparing for World War III  + (US Global military deployments, bases and command structure analysed as integral to an agenda aiming at total world hegemony)
  • File:Critical Technology Assessment.pdf  + (US Institute for Defense Analysis assessment of the technologies of Israel and NATO nations - including nuclear weapons capailities. Declassified in March 2015 with all but the Israeli sections remaining redacted.)
  • Document:Obama Should Release MH-17 Intel  + (US Intelligence Officials Demand that Obama Release MH-17 Intel)
  • Voice of America  + (US International public broadcaster)
  • Daniel Bruno  + (US Journalist who has published numerous articles about digital currencies and privacy protection. 911 dissident. Denied passport and re-entry to country by US government.)
  • Jack Sheinkman  + (US Labor leader, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Quill and Dagger)
  • George Stinson  + (US Lawyer businessman who went to the [[1978 Bilderberg]] as [[CEO of the National Steel Corporation]])
  • John Hamre  + (US MICC insider)
  • Richard Allen  + (US National Security Advisor, Cercle, Iran-Contra...)
  • Albert Calland  + (US Naval Special Warfare officer who was Deputy Director of the [[Central Intelligence Agency]] 2005-2006.)
  • David Duke  + (US Nazi / [[KKK]] leader and suspected [[CIA asset]] - endorsements from him are used to paint politicians negatively.)
  • John Foster  + (US Nuclear physicist who attended the first Bilderberg and two more.)
  • William McKinley  + (US President assassinated in 1901)
  • Jeannette Rankin  + (US Representative who voted against entry into BOTH [[WW1]] and [[WW2]], in [[1941]] as the sole member of Congress.)
  • Bob Dole  + (US Republican politician and presidential candidate)
  • John Kasich  + (US Republican politician who supported Biden over Trump)
  • Romas/COIN  + (US SIGINT program of mass surveillance and data mining operated against the Arab world through 2009-2011)
  • Chuck Hagel  + (US Secretary of Defense, Chairperson of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board)
  • W. Willard Wirtz  + (US Secretary of Labor between 1962 and 1969)
  • John Dunlop  + (US Secretary of Labor. Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard when attending [[1971 Bilderberg]])
  • William P. Rogers  + (US Secretary of State overshadowed by [[Henry Kissinger]])
  • Norman Mineta  + (US Secretary of Transportation whose revealing testimony to the 9-11 commission was covered up in their final report.)
  • Richard Danzig  + (US Secretary of the Navy 1998-2001)
  • US/Senate/Committee/Veterans' Affairs  + (US Senate Committee that eals with oversight of United States military veterans problems and issues.)
  • US/Senate/Committee/Indian Affairs  + (US Senate committee charged with oversight in matters related to the American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native peoples.)
  • US/Senate/Committee/Small Business and Entrepreneurship  + (US Senate committee with jurisdiction over the [[Small Business Administration]].)
  • Bill Bradley  + (US Senator from New Jersey)
  • John Heinz  + (US Senator who chaired review board that pUS Senator who chaired review board that probed the [[Iran-Contra affair]]. Both he and Senator [[John Tower]], who was investigating a variety of different [[CIA]] criminal activities and dirty dealings, died in two different plane accidents on the same day.different plane accidents on the same day.)
  • Estes Kefauver  + (US Senator who partially exposed organized crime - was at the same time blackmailed by the Chicago mob.)
  • Philip Hart  + (US Senator who was strong supporter of [[civil rights]], [[anti-trust legislation]] and consumer and environmental protection. Member of [[Church Committee]]. Died of cancer soon after.)
  • Document:Intrigues at Geneva 2  + (US Shenanigans at the Geneva 2 'peace' conference on Syria)
  • Joe Arpaio  + (US Sheriff who stated that the long-form birth certificate of [[Barack Obama]] was a computer-generated forgery.)
  • Michael Hayden  + (US Spook, [[NSA Director]] 1999-2005, [[CIA Director]] 2006-2009, News Guard advisory board)
  • Ohio  + (US State)
  • Miriam Camps  + (US State Department official and historian who attended the [[1972 Bilderberg|1972]] and the [[1974 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Harold Geisel  + (US State Department's temporary inspector general throughout [[Hillary Clinton]]'s four years at the head of the department.)
  • Neil Gorsuch  + (US Supreme Court Judge)
  • Rupert Blue  + (US Surgeon General of the United States during he [[Spanish flu]]. President of the [[Rockefeller]]-dominated [[American Medical Association]].)
  • Peter Jennings  + (US TV news anchor)
  • Irving Brown  + (US Trade unionist and and consigliere for the [[CIA]] who attended the [[1956 Bilderberg]])
  • Joe Biden/Pledges support for Yatsenyuk  + (US VP Joe Biden phones Arseniy Yatsenyuk to offer support and commend the Junta on its RESTRAINT - no kidding)
  • Kamala Harris  + (US VP. Famous in California for aiding prison-industrial complex and protecting paedophiles within the [[Catholic Church]].)
  • Walter Mondale  + (US Vice President 1977-81 under [[GHWB]])
  • Garret Hobart  + (US Vice President whose untimely death of heart disease fortuitously cleared the way for the man-of-destiny [[Theodore Roosevelt]].)
  • James Theberge  + (US [[Cold War]] diplomat to [[Latin America]])
  • William Proxmire  + (US [[Democrat]] senator from 1957 until 1989.)
  • Stephen Hadley  + (US [[Deputy National Security Advisor]] during [[George W. Bush]]'s first term)
  • Carla Hayden  + (US [[Librarian of Congress]])
  • Peter Lavoy  + (US [[MIC]] "terror expert".)
  • Tarun Chhabra  + (US [[National Security Council]] China expert)
  • Tom Hayden  + (US [[New Left]] activist and politician. Aligned with US foreign policy from a "human rights" angle.)
  • Philip Crowe  + (US [[OSS]] spook and diplomat)
  • John Kerry  + (US [[Skull and Bones]] [[DSO]], in [[Jeffrey Epstein's Black book]] ...)
  • Eric Schmidt  + (US [[billionaire]] who works for Alphabet (a.k.a [[Google]]). A [[1997 WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow]] with numerous other [[deep political]] connections.)
  • Albert Thornbrough  + (US [[businessman]] who pioneered multinational production chains who attended the [[1968 Bilderberg]].)
  • Joseph Spang  + (US [[businessman]] who ran [[Gillette]]. Part of [[Cold war]] [[Mutual Security Evaluation Project Group]]. Attended the 1st and 4th Bilderbergs)
  • Elon Musk  + (US [[businessman]], [[Paypal Mafia]] underboss, [[big tech]] kingpin, [[WEF YGL]] [[billionaire]])