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Kemal Derviş10 January 1949TurkeyPolitician
UNDP administrator, 4 times Bilderberger, Brookings
William Diebold19182002USSpook
CFR economist
Maurice Dobb24 July 190017 August 1976UKEconomistCommunist economist at Cambridge
Frank Dobson15 March 194011 November 2019UK politician
François Duchene17 February 192712 July 2005UK
Spooky key adviser to Jean Monnet
Bill DurodiéAcademic
"Terror expert"
Has regularly appeared on BBC as a "terrorism expert".
James Eayrs13 October 19266 February 2021CanadaHistorianCanadian historian of Canadian foreign policy who attended the 1967 Bilderberg
Nicholas Eberstadt20 December 1955USEconomist
Deep state actor
Involved in a lot of deep state think tanks and planning committees.
Rafi Eitan23 November 192623 March 2019Spook
Israeli intelligence agent, who led a large number of assassinations and other deep events. "All intelligence work is a partnership with crime. Morals are put aside"
Nima ElbagirJuly 1978UK
JournalistCorporate journalist for Reuters and CNN specializing in Africa.
Matthew Elliott12 February 1978Lobbyist
Otmar Emminger2 March 19113 August 1986GermanEconomist
Central banker
German economist. President of the German Bundesbank in the late 1970s
David Evennett3 June 1949PoliticianUK Conservative Government Whip 2012-2018
Norman Fenton1956UKMathematician
British mathematician and computer scientist who "challenges the global covid-19 narrative, exposing the use and abuse of statistics."
Stanley Fischer15 October 1943Israel
Central banker
Israeli/US central banker and quad Bilderberger
Laurie FlynnJuly 1946Journalist
Award-winning journalist and filmmaker
Barbara Follett25 December 1942UKBritish Labour Party politician
Adrian FortescueJune 1941August 2004UKDiplomat
Spooky UK panelist at the 2002 Bilderberg. Son-in-law of Winston Churchill. Died in 2004
Robert Fraser1904AustraliaEditorAn Australian who, in the United Kingdom, worked as a journalist, civil servant and as the first Director General of the British Independent Television Authority.
Lykke Friis27 October 1969DenmarkPoliticianFormer Danish minister for Climate and Energy, where she presided over the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference. Member of European Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission.
Jason Furman18 August 1970USAcademic
US Bilderberger economist
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi25 June 1972EngineerSon of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi
Mark GaleottiOctober 1965UKPropagandist
Institute for Statecraft propagandist
Alessandra Galloni1974ItalyJournalist
WEF YGL Italian journalist named editor in chief of Reuters in 2021.
Paul Girolami25 January 1926Italy
BusinesspersonSingle Bilderberger Glaxo CEO
Katharine GorkaUSU.S. think-tanker and "terror expert". Married to Sebastian Gorka.
Philip Gould30 March 19506 November 2011UKPolitical adviser
UK political adviser who attended the 2003 Bilderberg
Marc Grossman23 September 1951USDiplomat
Deep state functionary
Member of Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery, attended the 1998 and 2007 Bilderbergs.
Roy Gutman5 March 1944USJournalist
Emre Gönensay1937TurkeyPoliticianTechnocrat who privatized the Turkish economy, then Turkish Foreign Minister.
Tayyibe Gülek1968TurkeyPolitician
Turkish economist
Stephen Haseler9 January 194220 July 2017AcademicRight wing of the UK Labour Party, then the Social Democratic Party. Same political interests as certain US agencies.
Sasha HavlicekUKSpook
Deep state actor
CEO/Director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Jeremy Heywood31 December 19614 November 2018UKFormer Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service known as "Sir Cover-up".
Robert M. Hill25 September 1946AustraliaPolitician
Deep state operative
Karin von HippelFebruary 1965UKSpookDirector General of RUSI; author of Democracy by Force
James Hoare15 March 1971
Margaret Hodge8 September 1944UKPolitician
Leonard Hooper23 July 191419 February 1994SpookA former head of GCHQ.
Catherine HowarthUKActivistWorld Economic Forum Young Global Leader 2014. Member of the Scott Trust, owner of the Guardian Media Group.
Anniken Huitfeldt29 November 1969NorwayPoliticianWar hawk Norwegian FM. Letting her husband make $$$ on shares in arms companies she decides orders for.
Robert Hunter1940USDiplomat
Deep state actor
Has played a national policy role in eight U.S. presidential election campaigns and written speeches and articles for presidential candidates, three U.S. Presidents four Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State and Defense, Senators, Representatives and other political figures. As United States Ambassador to NATO during the Clinton Administration, he was principal architect and negotiator of the post-Cold War "new NATO" and of the NATO airstrike decisions in the Bosnian War.
Tsai Ing-wen31 August 1956Politician
Margot James28 August 1957UKPolitician
Deep state functionary
British digital minister saying the UK must "get over" privacy fears.
Aubrey Jones20 November 191110 April 2003UKSpook
Spooky UK politician who attended the 1974 Bilderberg
Tim Judah31 March 1962UKJournalistBritish writer, reporter and political analyst for The Economist
Nicholas Kaldor12 May 190830 September 1986UKEconomistHungarian/British economist with large influence on 1960-70 Labour governments
Syed Kamall15 February 1967PoliticianA member of the European Parliament
Elie Kedourie25 January 192629 June 1992UKHistorianVisitor to the Washington Conference on International Terrorism who wrote a paper for the 1982 Bilderberg
Ruth Kelly9 May 1968Politician
Labour MP worked for Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, then over to HSBC.