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Thomas Selby Ellis III15 May 1940Judge
Deep state functionary
US judge who ruled that the NSA were not to be held legally accountable for their PRISM project
Reed Irvine29 September 192216 November 2004USEconomistFounded the conservative media censorship pressure group Accuracy in Media
Harry Lawson Johnston9 September 1979UKFinancierA member of the Institute for Statecraft's "Strategic Development" group
Ben Judah1988UKJournalist
Deep state functionary
Deep state functionary rotating between working think tanks like the Atlantic Council, and media outlets, where he gets access to high-profile interview objects.
Gerald Kaufman21 June 193026 February 2017PoliticianBritish Labour Party politician
Richard KeebleAuthor
John Kelly (Graphika)Started Graphika
Rashid Khalidi18 November 1948Academic
Marc LaLonde26 July 19296 May 2023CanadaPoliticianCanadian politician who attended the 1977 Bilderberg as Canada/Minister of National Health and Welfare
Léon Lambert2 July 192826 May 1987BelgiumFinancier
Belgian nobility
Banking heir and Bilderberg Steering Committee member and financier who suddenly died aged 58
John Laughland6 September 1963UKAuthor
Author of many great articles on regime changes, political trials and war propaganda
Franz Leibenfrost4 April 1938AustriaBusinesspersonAustrian business executive also working in the United States.
Christopher Liddell24 April 1958US
New Zealand?
Deep state functionary
New Zealander former Microsoft CFO who attended the 2017 Bilderberg as White House Director of Strategic Initiatives. Appointed to the White House Coronavirus Task Force in 2020
Julian Lindley-FrenchUKAcademic
Deep state operative
UK Deep state operative. Senior fellow at the Institute for Statecraft and directed their "Strategic Partnerships" project. Chatham House
Tom LloydFebruary 1952Police officerSenior UK policeman, Head of Security for the Institute of Statecraft and director of their drug policy reform group.
Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven12 November 1956GermnaDiplomat
Spook and diplomat. Part of the German cell of the Integrity Initiative. NATO's first chief of intelligence 2016-2019.
Margaret MacMillan23 December 1943CanadaAcademic
Canadian multi-Bilderberger historian
Nikita MalikJournalist
"Terror expert"
Directed the "Centre for the Response to Radicalisation and Terrorism" from 2017
Tom Malinowski23 September 1965USPolitician“If anyone still thinks that the only people who dreamt up the idea about torturing prisoners were just some privates and corporals at Abu Ghraib, this document should put that myth to rest.”
Keir Mather1998Researcher
Became the youngest MP in the House of Commons in 2023
Ian Maxwell1956UKSpook
Kevin Maxwell1959UKSpook
UK businessman and member of the spooky Maxwell family, in Epstein's Black Book
Sonia MedinaUKPhilanthropyClimate change expert, WEF/Young Global Leaders/2014
Jamie Metzl1 July 1968USWHO expert who noted in March 2021 that he had seen no evidence that COVID-19 emerged by a zoonotic jump
Susan Michie19 June 1955UKScientistCOVID 19 scientist. A promoter of the harshest of lockdown measures.
Gemma MortensenUKWEF/Young Global Leaders/2011, World Fellows Program/2015
Robert O'Neill6 November 1936AustraliaAcademic
Director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies for 5 years
Barbara von Ow-Freytag19 April 1957GermanSpook
German spook working with supporting NGOs in Russia.
Jason PackResearcher
John PageUSSenior fellow in the Global Economy and Development Program at the Brookings Institution, formerly of the World Bank.
Ilan Pappe1954IsraelActivist
"Israel's bravest, most principled, most incisive historian."
Morehead Patterson9 October 1897USDiplomat
CEO of American Machine and Foundry, which he made one of the pillars of the US military-industrial complex, hiring former CIA director Walter Bedell Smith as vice-chairman. Attended the February 1957 Bilderberg
Norman Holmes Pearson13 April 19095 November 1975USSpook
WW2 Office of Strategic Services. Following the war he helped organize the Central Intelligence Agency.
Gareth PeirceMarch 1940Author
Patrick Pichette1965CanadaBusinesspersonCanadian businessman, Google/CFO 2008-2015
Amanda Pritchard
June Raine1952Regulator
Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency who changed its purpose "from watchdog, to enabler."
Ben RobinsonUS
PhotographerFellow of the Institute for Statecraft with responsibility for the Integrity Network in Ukraine
Emma Rothschild16 May 1948UKHistorianPanelist on the discussion Is There Work For All? at the 1985 Bilderberg
Dean Rusk9 February 190920 December 1994USPoliticianVery long serving US Secretary of State, 5 visits to the Bilderberg
Pardis Sabeti25 December 1975IranBiologistIranian biologist, YGL 2012, Rhodes Scholar 1997, Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy
Enrique SacauSpain
Mark SandyUSCivil servantCareer official with the U.S. federal government. His education was funded by a number of national security scholarships.
Roger Savory27 January 192517 February 2022Canada
UK/Canadian Iranologist who attended the 1979 Bilderberg meeting, where one of the topics was The Implications Of Instability In The Middle East And Africa For The Western World. Special Operations Executive during WW2.
Phil ScanlanAustraliaDeep state operative
Australian businessman that is a leader in many organizations that bring together business and politics.
Jon SearleSoldier
Deep state operative
Little known IfS core team member.
Scott Shane22 May 1954USJournalistNew York Times security reporter who about a deep state false flag operation to throw an 2017 U.S. election, but did not report on on it.
Jack Sheinkman6 December 192629 January 2004USTrade unionistUS Labor leader, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Quill and Dagger
Clara Shih11 January 1982USBusinesspersonMarshall Scholar, Salesforce, Google, Microsoft, World Economic Forum
Andrew Shonfield10 August 191723 January 1981UKJournalist
UK economist and editor