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ASK Query
[[Has objectClass::Document]] [[Has author::Integrity Initiative]]
SQL Query
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SQL Explain
1SIMPLEt5refs_id,o_id,p_id,s_id_2,s_id_3,o_id_2,o_id_3o_id_39const,const93Using temporary; Using filesort
1SIMPLEt2refs_id,o_id,p_id,s_id_2,s_id_3,o_id_2,o_id_3p_id8const,wikispooks.t5.s_id1Using where
1SIMPLEt0eq_refPRIMARY,smw_id,smw_iw,smw_iw_2PRIMARY4wikispooks.t5.s_id1Using where
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No auxilliary tables used.
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Errors and Warnings
TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
Document:5 July Seminar; Potential guest list for discussionspooky seminar invitation list26 February 2016Deep state
Integrity Initiative
Spooky seminar
Seminar with a mix of media, academics and lots of spooks
Document:ATA and YATA UK networks developmentassessment Greg Rowett and networking26 December 2018Atlantic Treaty Association
Greg Rowett
Greg Rowett explaining how II has developed personal connections with Atlantic Treaty Association and Young Atlantic Treaty Association leaders from other nations, and been recognised and ratified as the UK chapter for both
Document:An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018report26 December 2018An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018
Document:Appendix A Ukraine Indicators and WarningsUkrainan view of Russian/separatist tactics and strategy26 February 2016Russia
Ukrainian officers tells British colleagues their opinions
Document:Bid for MoD Funding 2017-2018project proposal14 March 2017Propaganda
Integrity Initiative
"Creation of a Europe-wide network of groups who understand the danger of Russian active measures and who can pass the message on to their own decision-makers and public, often using material which we initiate"
Document:Brief on Monitoring Moldovan 2019 ElectionsBriefing26 December 2018Moldova
Election monitoring
Maia Sandu
"As a conclusion, it is absolutely important for foreign missions and observers to start monitoring the Moldovan elections already now, since elections are made long before the voting date!"
Document:CND Gen list 2name list26 December 2018List of names and emails for CND Genlist of names and email addresses of what seems to be intelligence workers/assets (CND is short for Christopher Nigel Donnelly)
Document:CND Integrity Initiative visit to Oslo, 29-31 Aug 2016schedule26 December 2018Norway
Institute for Defence Studies
Northern Norway
Barents Observer
Donnelly's travel itinerary to Oslo + meeting how to create cell in Norway
Document:Chris Donnelly Recommendation for the Appointment or Extension of Tenure of an Honorary Colonel of a T/A Reserve Regional UnitRecommendation for Extension of Tenure of an Honorary Colonel26 December 2018Chris Donnelly
Specialist Group Military Intelligence
Recommendation for Extension of Tenure of an Honorary Colonel for Chris Donnelly working in Specialist Group Military Intelligence
Document:Chris Donnelly Washington DC Scheduleschedule26 December 2018Wikipedia
Washington DC
A schedule of c's meetings in Washington
Document:CyberGuardian Cyber Security Education Programme for Children and Young Peoplebrainwashing concept paper30 January 2016Hacking
Brainwashing of children
II puts lots of thought into how the military can train British children for cyberwarfare.
Document:DK15 2016 The Institute for Statecraft PCInvoice26 December 2018Hungarian invoice to The Institute for Statecraft Integrity Initiative
Document:DK6 2016 PC The Institute for StatecraftInvoice26 December 2018Hungarian invoice to The Institute for Statecraft Integrity Initiative
Document:Discernment: Why information statecraft mattersstrategy document26 December 2018Censorship
Information health
Musings on how to keep media dominance and control young minds
Document:Discussion with Artur Gherman re the situation in Moldova, 28 01 2017Discussion26 December 2018Freemasonry
Document:Donnelly Workshop Sept 19workshop participants26 December 2018List of email addresses
Document:Euan Grant ContributionsWikispooks Page8 May 2018Euan Grant ContributionsEuan Grant telling how he plans to offer completed packages of material to professional bodies, print and online press
Document:Executive Summary Cyber Security Education Programme for Children and Young Peoplebrainwashing concept paper executive summary26 February 2016Hacking
Brainwashing of children
II sums up its thought on how the military can train British children for cyberwarfare
Document:FCO Disinformation update: Salisbury and Syriareview26 December 2018Douma attack
Skripal Affair
"Russian Propaganda"
UK Foreign Office email, presumably to trusted pro-government journalists, with information as 'background for your own work'. Cliff notes on Douma, Skripal etc.
Document:FCO US Integrity Initiativesketching out a US II-network26 December 2018Request for US support
Document:Forward Thinking Report - The potential relevance of the Ukrainian National Reform Council to the Tunisian Transitionpolicy advice26 December 2018Ukraine
"Arab Spring"
making the Tunisian economy more like Ukraine's
Document:Greek Cluster Meetingcluster meeting25 June 2018The Greek cell ('cluster') conspires against the elected Syriza government.
Document:Greek Media and Information Literacy Weekmedia workshop28 November 2018The British covert propaganda outfit wants..."to familiarize readers/media users with basic principles and concepts so that they can judge and control...the online and printed content they read, share or create, so as to be able to distinguish news from misinformation, biased content, or propaganda".
Document:Gyori lorant acc invoice 00719-16-MFEPrepayment request26 December 2018Meeting loots of spooks/propagandists in Washington
Document:II Report Greek Diplomatic Expulsionspress summary28 November 2018Summary of Greek comments after expulsion of Russian diplomats "with the constant advice of the American embassy".
Document:Independent journalism in hostile places or How to report Repressive Regimes and survivereview of proposal of joint event with private (?) company26 December 2018A spooky company called Foreign Desk Ltd suggest a joint event with the Integrity Initiative. The proposal has comments from II's Victor Madeira
Document:Institute for Statecraft & Center for Naval Analyses Joint Workshopworkshop summary22 June 2018Sweden
Nuclear weapon
US/Marine Corps
Information Warfare
Information Warfare Study Day hosted by British Navy. Candid opinions (with a NATO-flavor) on lots of military issues.
Document:Institute for Statecraft Event Chinaevent plan26 December 2018China
Document:Institute for Statecraft Event Nigeriaevent planning26 December 2018Nigeria
77th Brigade
Donald Duke
A strict security round table discussion with Donald Duke, very likely to be a candidate in the next presidential elections in Nigeria
Document:Institute for Statecraft Production timetable March-June 2016list of Armenians suspected of being Russian propagandists26 December 2018Free University of Brussels
List of opponents
List of suspected Russian propagandists
Document:Integrity 2018 Moldova Cluster (1)strategy document26 December 2018Corporate media
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Moldova
Document:Integrity Francereport25 June 2018Propaganda
Integrity Initiative
a partial list of II-France members. For complete list, see Integrity Initiative/Cluster/France
Document:Integrity Initiative Budget for the 12 months ending 31 March 2019Budget and activity plan2 November 2018Propaganda
Integrity Initiative
Political warfare
Information Operation
Budget outlining how Integrity Initiative is going to control the information space, and influence policy-makers, specialists and media.
Document:Integrity Initiative Serbian Clusterbudget26 December 2018Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Serbiabudget and activities of an Integrity Initiative influence network in Serbia
Document:Integrity Initiative Staff Paymentspayment list26 December 2018Salaries of British intelligence workerssalaries etc. of II staff members
Document:Invoice Eduard Abrahamyaninvoice26 December 2018Eduard AbrahamyanInvoice from Eduard Abrahamyan for work performed
Document:Invoice for 2 articles by Dan Kaszetainvoice26 December 2018Integrity Initiative articlesInvoice for 2 articles written by Dan Kaszeta for Integrity Initiative “Poison gas” and "Nerve agents and treatment”
Document:Maritime Battle Staff Information Warfare (IW) Study Dayseminar description22 June 2018Netherlands
Information Warfare Study Day hosted by British Navy
Document:Meeting Note Moscow Stock Exchange Forumseminar description12 June 2017Gold
Russian economy
Economic warfare
Arkady Dvorkovich
Alexander Afanasiev
Pavel Grachev
Oleg Mukhamedshin
II, probably Victor Madeira or Perry Fawcett, attended a Russian business forum in London
Document:Meetings in Greece Feb 2017cluster meeting10 February 2017Greek II collaborators discussing how to reorient Greek public opinion.
Document:Moldova- suggested priorities for consideration by clusters and UK staff in light of recent and ongoing developmentsStrategy Document26 December 2018Moldova
Making and spreading of outputs
Document:Nationbuilder Peoplename list26 December 2018List of media peoplelist of Nationbuilder people, ie journalists mostly in large media corporations
Document:Notes from colleagues in the Baltic States who are monitoring Russia carefullyWikispooks Page18 March 2018Skripal Affair
A document from the Integrity Initiative Leak which asserts that "A criminal investigation [into the Skripal affair] alone will not throw these essential clues up, and is unlikely to yield sufficient judicial evidence We need to be looking at, and explaining, this attack from a political and military-intelligence perspective. That means educating our audience to understand how Russia sees this world as being at war."
Document:Outline Concept paper for IfS US programme v6 28 08 2017 (003)request for US support26 December 2018Integrity Initiative/Cluster
Document:Pitch for a long-Form TV series about Russia in the 1990smedia strategy planning26 December 2018Russia
Media strategy
Pitch for creating a long-Form TV series about Russia in the 1990s
Document:Post Trip Report Stratcom event 11-13th June 2018report26 December 2018Participants telling of several meeting with fellow information warriors in RigaParticipants telling of several meeting with fellow information warriors in Riga, esp. British and Dutch. Ad bureau Saatchi working for US State Dept.
Document:Private List for Chris. (Possible Funders in Swittzerland)name list26 December 2018List of cutoutsThis is a list of cutouts, seemingly 'independent' 'philanthropic' foundations financing intelligence work
Document:Private discussion with Gen Sir Richard Barronsreport26 December 2018Former leader of British forces Richard Barrons telling of his worries for Britain and the British forcesFormer leader of British forces Richard Barrons sketching out military needs. "The 1st offset in the 1950s was through nuclear weapons. The 2nd was precision munitions in the 1980s. The 3rd offset today is to use information technologies to build new capabilities".."The Army understands the importance of information warfare and 77 Brigade is right" ..So we should them [our allies], especially the US, to tell us what is expected of us."
Document:Production schedule 05 04 2016output report4 May 2016A list of written output from II staff, mostly for internal study use.
Document:Production timetable March-April 2016output planning report25 February 2016A list of planned written output from II staff, similar to Document:Production schedule 05 04 2016