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Group.png Greece   Sourcewatch WikiquoteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Flag of Greece.svg
Capital cityAthens
LeaderGreece/Prime Minister
TypeUnited Nations Members.svg nation state
Member ofEuropean Defence Union, European Union, Eurozone, International Criminal Court, International Energy Agency, La Francophonie, NATO, OECD, UN
Greece/Debt crisis
Greece/Deep state
Greece/Deputy Prime Minister
Greece/Justice movement
Greece/Leader of the Opposition
Greece/Member of Parliament
Greece/Minister of the Aegean
Greece/Permanent Representative to the UN
Greece/Prime Minister
Greece/Stay Behind
"In 2006... the third biggest arms importer after China and India."

Greece is a nation state on the Mediterranean Sea. "The fact that Greece, a relatively small and democratic country with not much in the way of global ambitions, should spend as much on its military as it does is perplexing. In 2006, as the financial crisis was looming, Greece was the third biggest arms importer after China and India."[1]


Full article: Stub class article Ancient Greece

Debt crisis

Full article: Stub class article Greece/Debt crisis

Jeff Schechtman wrote in 2017 that "After the world financial crisis of 2007/2008, Greece became the world’s Lehman Brothers."[2]

Deep political environment

Full article: Greece/Deep state

The Integrity Initiative had two Greek Clusters. The leaked document that revealed this introduces the section by reporting that "Greece is an especially sensitive country in which to operate, given its current political and economic challenges."[3]

Justice movement

Full article: Stub class article Greece/Justice movement

Some Greek citizens have been demanding that the government take their needs into account, rather than the wishes of the financial oligarchs.


An event carried out

2011 Attacks on LibyaLibya"Perhaps one of the most egregious examples of US military aggression and lawlessness in recent memory", carried out under a pretext of "humanitarian intervention".



Bilderberg/1993The 41st Bilderberg, held in Greece
Bilderberg/1995The 43rd Bilderberg. Held at the Burgenstock Hotel in Burgenstock, Switzerland.
Bilderberg/2009The 57th Bilderberg
Greece/Debt crisisThe crisis over Greek sovereign debt which came to a head with the election of the Syriza Party to office in January 2015 and its refusal to accept EU Commission and ECB demands for further dramatic austerity measure on an already desperately impoverished population.
TWA Flight 847A hijacking by two men who sought the release of 700 Shi'ite Muslims from Israeli custody.


Groups Headquartered Here

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki1925One of the top Greek universities
Athens University of Economics and Business1920Economics and Business University
CIA/European Division/Athens StationThe CIA's station covering activities in Greece
National Technical University of Athens1837The oldest higher education institutions of Greece and the most prestigious among engineering schools
Panteion University1927Linked to the development of social sciences in Greece.
University of Athens1837An integral part of the modern Greek academic and intellectual tradition
University of Macedonia1957Greek university connected to the integrity Initative


Jobs here

John MauryAthens Chief of StationDuring 1967 coup d'état
Richard WelchAthens Chief of Station197523 December 1975


Citizens of Greece on Wikispooks

Despina Afantouli
George Alogoskoufis17 October 1955Greek economist and minister Minister of Economy and Finance from 2004 to 2009, where is accounting tricks to increase debt led to the 2010 Greece/Debt crisis. He attended all Bilderberg meetings from 2005 until 2009.
Andreas Andrianopoulos1946Greek politician who attended the 1988 Bilderberg, then became Minister of Trade. Was along with fellow Bilderberger Stefanos Manos the main spokesman for the economic liberal tradition in Greece.
Eleni Antoniadou1988Deep state-connected greek
Takis ArapoglouFormer Chairman and CEO of the National Bank of Greece.
Stelios ArgyrosGreek businessman who attended the 1993 Bilderberg as Chairman of the Board and President of the Federation of Greek Industries
Charles Arliotis189516 July 1981Greek banker and Minister of Coordination. Bilderberg Steering committee member in the 1960s
Gerasimos Arsenis30 May 193119 April 2016Attended the 1994 Bilderberg as Greek Minister for National Defense
Dora Bakoyannis6 May 1954Double Bilderberg Greek politician
Maria Becket7 April 193129 October 2012On the report of the 1982 Bilderberg she is listed as "Greece, Former Advisor to Ministers of Coordination and Foreign Affairs"
Prodromos Bodosakis-Athanasiadis18911979Greek self-made businessman with top politicians in his pocket
Albert Bourla21 October 1961Chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer who termed the COVID jabs "weapons"
Angelos Canellopoulos4 June 193121 November 2009US-educated Greek businessman who attended the 1984 Bilderberg meeting.
Efthimios Christodoulou1932Greek Bilderberg businessman and central banker who attended Bilderberg/1990.
George Contogeorgis21 November 19129 November 2009Greek politician. Played an important role in the negotiations for Greek accession to the European Economic Community in 1981.
Yannis S. CostopoulosSingle Bilderberger Greek financier
Theodore Couloumbis1935Greek academic with close ties to the United States.
P. Nikiforos Diamandouros25 June 1942Greek academic, Ombudsman of the European Union 2003-2013
Anna Diamantopoulou26 February 1959Greek politician. Attended 5 Bilderbergs from 2004 to 2009.
Stephan Farrant1935Unknown organizer of the 1993 Bilderberg
Anastasios Giannitsis1944Greek economist and politician.
Gregory HadjieleftheriadisOctober 1938Greek shipping magnate who attended the 1993 Bilderberg
Gikas Hardouvelis8 October 1955US educated former Greek Minister of Finance. Bilderberg 2011, same year assisting Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos during talks with bondholders about debt and with the Troika on Greece’s second adjustment program.
John Ioannidis21 August 1965Greek-American physician-scientist who showed why "Most Published Research Findings Are False". Prominent opponent of lockdowns during Covid, but supported the jab.
Basil Kafiris193413 June 2008Greek economist with significant US ties. One of the founders of later governing party PASOK with PM Andreas Papandreou, who became his close friend. Bilderberg/1985.
Panagiotis Kanellopoulos13 December 190211 September 1986Attended the first Bilderberg as Greek Defence Minister and former Greek Prime Minister. Also attended the 1956 Bilderberg.
Kostas Karamanlis14 September 1956Attended the 1998 Bilderberg as Greece's Leader of the Opposition
Kostas Karras21 June 19366 May 2012Greek actor and politician. Bilderberg Steering committee, 19 Bilderbergs
Louka Katseli20 April 1952Greek economist and central banker who attended the 1984 Bilderberg aged 32.
Niki Kerameus18 July 1980up-and-coming Greek politician
Giannos Kranidiotis25 September 194714 September 1999A greek diplomat and politician who was killed together with his son in a "freak accident" 3 months after attending a Bilderberg meeting.
Ulysses Kyriacopoulos1952Greek double Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission
Panayotis LambriasAssistant Minister to the Office of the Greek Prime Minister
Tore LindemanA spooky whistleblower who appears in Shadowgate, whose credentials have been subsequently questioned.
George Livanos9 August 19261 June 1997Greek/US shipping magnate who who built up Greece’s largest merchant fleet in the 1980s and 1990s. He attended the 1982 and 1993 Bilderberg conferences.
John LyrasGreek shipping magnate
Stephanos Manos20 December 1939Greek politician who went to the 1986, 1993 and 2001 Bilderbergs
Alexandra Mitsotaki1956Mitsotakis family Greek Bilderberger, co-founder and president of the World Human Forum
Konstantinos Mitsotakis18 October 191829 May 2017Attended the 1993 Bilderberg as Prime Minister of Greece
Kyriakos Mitsotakis4 March 1968Double Bilderberger politician active in discriminating against non-recipients of COVID injections.
Stavros Niarchos3 July 190915 April 1996Greek shipping magnate. Worked closely with the CIA. Bilderberger.
Aristotle Onassis20 January 190615 March 1975Greek shipping magnate, married Jacqueline Kennedy
George PagoulatosRhodes Scholar market liberal, very europhile Greek economist who attended Bilderberg 2019. Believes Covid was a fantastic opportunity to implement digital systems and functions that would have otherwise taken years to implement.
John PaleocrassasMarch 1934Double Bilderberger Greek businessman
Paschalidis Panagiotis
Theodoros Pangalos17 August 1938Greek politician
George Papaconstantinou30 October 1961Double Bilderberg Greek Finance Minister
Lucas Papademos11 October 1947Banker and economic hitman who on behalf of international finance implemented severe budget austerity in Greece to establish a debt trap.
George Papadopoulos19 August 1987A foreign policy advisor to Donald Trump.
Alexis Papahelas1961Greek journalist and editor who has visited 5 Bilderberg meetings.
... further results


Related Documents

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Document:A Death Sentence for Greecearticle13 February 2012Mike WhitneyAn analysis and deconstruction of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Greek government and its creditors which secured Greek parliamentary approval amid scenes of unprecedented protests by the Greek population on 11 February 2012.
Document:Integrity initiative: Notes on discussions in Greecereport2017Chris Donnelly
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Greece
II looking hard for Russian influence. It "is insidious but everywhere, so it is difficult to pinpoint..Their funding is difficult to identify."
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Document:Reactions to the “Skripal case” in Greek newspaperspress monitoring28 November 2018Paschalidis PanagiotisAnalysis of headlines in Greek media about the Skripal-affair
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