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Page nameBornDiedNationalitySummaryDescription
Carter Beese4 June 19568 April 2007Banker
Deep state operative
A financier
Asher Ben-Natan15 February 192117 June 2014IsraelDiplomat
Deep state operative
"A central figure in Israel’s defense and diplomacy establishment" who spoke at the 1979 JCIT
Samantha de BendernNovember 1965UKJournalist
Deep state operative
UK deep state-connected polyglot "international civil servant" with a masters degree in Wealth Management, fellow of the Institute for Statecraft, associate fellow of Chatham House
Einar Benediktsson30 April 1931IcelandDiplomat
Deep state operative
Icelandic high ranking diplomat who attended the 1986 Bilderberg as Ambassador to NATO.
Dick Benschop5 November 1957NetherlandsDeep state operative
Attended the 2000 Bilderberg as Dutch State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Tafelronde/Chair, Trilateral Commission, Shell CEO, Schiphol Airport Director
Victor Cavendish Bentinck18 June 189730 July 1990UKDiplomat
Deep state operative
Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, diplomat, 7 Bilderbergs
Eivinn Berg31 July 193123 September 2013NorwayDiplomat
Deep state operative
Possible deep state operative, attended the 1985 Bilderberg as Permanent Representative of Norway to NATO. Died in a car crash
Gaby van den BergMarch 1983NetherlandsConsultant
Political science
Deep state operative
An extremely experienced and well-connected behavioural and communication scientist "very interested" in the IfS.
Sandy Berger28 October 19452 December 2015USLawyer
Deep state operative
A US National security advisor caught removing "terrorism"-related materials from the from the US national archives just prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission.
Isaiah Berlin6 June 19095 November 1997UKSpook
Deep state operative
Political theorist
UK spook, Milner Group/Outer Circle
Christoph Bertram3 September 1937GermanJournalist
Deep state operative
German journalist with a heavy Bilderberg habit
Laurent Bigorgne20 October 1974FranceDeep state operativeFrench deep state operative. Attended the 2015 Bilderberg
Henry Birchenough7 March 185312 May 1937UKDeep state operative
UK deep state operative
Cofer Black1950USSpook
Deep state operative
"Terror expert"
US deep state operative with a leading role in the CIA's kidnapping and torture
Louis Bloomfield8 August 190619 July 1984CanadaSpook
Deep state operative
Canadian Zionist and spook tied to the assassination of John F. Kennedy through the CIA front organization Permindex.
Howard BodySoldier
Deep state operative
A "senior executive at Porton Down" whose name appears on Document:CND Gen list 2, exposed by the Integrity Initiative/Leak/4.
Marcel Boiteux9 May 1922FranceEconomist
Deep state operative
President of Le Siècle who worked his whole career for Électricité de France and created French energy independence with nuclear power. Bilderberg/1973.
John Bolton20 November 1948USSpook
Deep state operative
Neocon US deep state operative who was Trump's National Security Advisor until September 2019
Robert Boothby12 February 190016 July 1986UKPolitician
Deep state operative
British politician and UK deep state operative, Clermont Set, Bilderberg
Valerio Borghese6 June 190626 August 1974ItalySpook
Deep state operative
Organized a failed coup in Italy and was exiled.
Luciana BorioUS
Deep state operativeCFR, Biodefense expert, named to Biden's Covid Task force, also on the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security/Working Group on Readying Populations for COVID-19 Vaccines
William BortrickApril 1973UKDeep state operative
Institute for Statecraft senior fellow whose name was removed from their website before 10 January 2019. Drafted a letter which claimed that Charles Windsor was "100% behind" a cash for citizenship and CBE case.
Pik Botha27 April 193212 October 2018South AfricaDiplomat
Deep state operative
South African deep state operative
Jeanne BourgaultUSDeep state operativePresident and CEO of the very spooky media organization Internews. WEF regular.
George Bowdoin25 September 183318 December 1913USBanker
Deep state operative
Banker with Drexel Morgan & Co. Corsair Club
Simon Bracey-LaneUKSpook
Deep state operative
A "highly improbable left wing firebrand" who worked for the Institute for Statecraft and whom they denied was a spook.
Rodric Braithwaite17 May 1932UKAuthor
Deep state operative
Last UK Ambassador to USSR, first to post-soviet Russia. Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee 1992-3. 1993 Bilderberg, became The Britain-Russia Centre and the British East-West Centre/Director in 1994
Franziska Brantner24 August 1979GermanPolitician
Deep state operative
German super-militarist Green politician.
Thomas Brassey11 February 183623 February 1918UKPolitician
Deep state operative
Max Brauer3 September 18872 February 1973GermanPolitician
Deep state operative
Mayor of Hamburg. One of a dozen men whom Józef Retinger consulted when setting up the Bilderberg
Ian Bremmer12 November 1969USAcademic
Deep state operative
President and founder of the Eurasia Group. Heavy MSC habit, CFR, TLC, YGL 2007, Bilderberg 2007
Børge Brende25 September 1965NorwayPolitician
Deep state operative
Bilderberg Steering Committee, President of the World Economic Forum 2017-
Ian BrzezinskiUSPolitician
Deep state operative
Son of Zbigniew Brzezinski, member of the Integrity Initiative's US Cluster.
Sedat Bucak31 October 1960TurkeyPolitician
Deep state operative
Survived the 1996 Susurluk car crash.
Alastair Buchan9 September 19184 February 1976UKAcademic
Deep state operative
Son of a spook, propagandist and UK deep state operative. Commandant of the Imperial Defence College, four Bilderbergs
John Buchan26 August 187511 February 1940UKSpook
Deep state operative
UK deep state operative. Member of the Outer Circle of the Milner Group and Governor General of Canada from 1935-1940.
Victor Bulmer-Thomas1948Spook
Deep state operative
UK academic and Latin America specialist. Director at Chatham House from 2001 until 2006.
Harvey Hollister Bundy30 March 18887 October 1963USLawyer
Deep state operative
Special Assistant on Atomic Matters under FDR. Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
R. Nicholas Burns28 January 1956Deep state operativeUS Ambassador to NATO 2001-2005, plenty of other deep state connected roles
Alistair Burt25 May 1955UKPolitician
Deep state operative
UK politician with deep state connections
Richard Burt3 February 1947USDiplomat
Deep state operative
US Deep state operative who took part in the discussion about "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Founded Diligence
Eugenio Burzaco22 January 1971ArgentinaSpook
Deep state operative
Argentinian politically connected spook with a large amount of dodgy dealings. WEF Young Global Leader 2006
Tor-Aksel Busch17 March 1950NorwayDeep state operativeNorway's Director of Public Prosecutions 1997-2011
Gerald Butts8 July 1971CanadaDeep state operativeOne of the deep state operatives behind Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
John Moors Cabot11 December 190124 February 1981Diplomat
Deep state operative
Cold War diplomat
Beth CameronUSBureaucrat
Deep state operative
American national security expert specializing in biosecurity, biodefense, and bioterrorism. Also participated in private pandemic exercises for Ted Turner's Nuclear Threat Initiative.
David Cameron9 October 1966UKDeep state operativeUK deep state operative, former UK PM
Guido Carli28 March 191423 April 1993ItalyCentral banker
Deep state operative
Pentabilderberger, Governor of the Bank of Italy for 15 years
Margaret Carlisle28 March 2006Spook
Deep state operative
Legislative aide to Iran-contra insider, James McClure. Le Cercle
Ebbe Carlsson28 September 19473 August 1992SwedenDeep state operativeHis semi-private investigation led the Palme assassination into a wild goose chase