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|image_caption=The makeup of the new [[Bundestag]]
|occurred=26 September 2021
|occurred=26 September 2021
|description=Possibly the most important German election in decades.
|description=Possibly the most important [[German]] election in decades. Social media ruthlessly deleted charges of election fraud - which probably means there is something to it.
The [[2021 German parliamentary election]] will take place in 2021. [[Angela Merkel]] is leaving office as [[Chancellor of Germany]] and will be replaced. This election will be the first time in postwar history that the incumbent Chancellor is not seeking re-election.
The [[2021 German parliamentary election]] took place on Sunday 26 September 2021 to elect the members of the 20th Bundestag, while State elections in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were also held. [[Angela Merkel]] chose not to run again for election but remains [[Chancellor of Germany]] until a successor takes office.<ref>''[https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2021-german-election-results/ "German Election Results"]''</ref>
[[Germany]] is set for weeks or even months of protracted coalition talks after the race to succeed [[Angela Merkel]] failed to produce a clear winner, with the centre-left Social Democrats ([[SPD]]) just 10 seats ahead of the centre-right conservative alliance CDU/CSU, which failed to finish top for the first time in 16 years.<ref>''[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/26/germany-election-race-to-be-next-chancellor-going-to-wire-as-results-come-in "Germany election: SPD wins narrow victory as Merkel era ends in near-deadlock"]''</ref>
The election’s true winners may turn out to be third-placed [[Alliance 90/The Greens]] and the liberal Free Democrats ([[FDP]]) in 4th place, which will likely serve as the junior partners in either a “traffic light” (SPD-Greens-FDP) or “Jamaica” (CDU-Greens-FDP) coalition. Referring to the lack of common ground between the parties on Monday 27 September 2021, [[Alliance 90/The Greens|Greens]] chancellor candidate [[Annalena Baerbock]] joked:
:“I assume we all love to eat ice cream.”<ref>''[https://news.yahoo.com/german-elections-close-result-jockeying-190456545.html "German elections: After close result, jockeying to replace Merkel begins"]''</ref>
On 11 August 2021, the parties launched their election campaigns.<ref>https://www.euronews.com/2021/08/11/german-election-political-parties-kick-off-their-campaigns-ahead-of-pivotal-vote/</ref>
On 11 August 2021, the parties launched their election campaigns.<ref>https://www.euronews.com/2021/08/11/german-election-political-parties-kick-off-their-campaigns-ahead-of-pivotal-vote/</ref>
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On 3 September 2021, [[The Guardian]] reported that the contest is too close to call.<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/03/the-guardian-view-on-germanys-election-struggling-to-move-on-from-merkel</ref>
On 3 September 2021, [[The Guardian]] reported that the contest is too close to call.<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/03/the-guardian-view-on-germanys-election-struggling-to-move-on-from-merkel</ref>
==Campaign issues==
The main issue appears to be [[Climate change]].<ref>https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-election-2021-armin-laschet-green-targets-threaten-social-peace/</ref> After huge deadly floods in Germany, voters are urging for climate action.<ref>https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58550337</ref>
The main issue according to {{ccm}} appears to be [[Climate change]].<ref>https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-election-2021-armin-laschet-green-targets-threaten-social-peace/</ref> After huge deadly floods in Germany, voters are urging for climate action.<ref>https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58550337</ref> [[Euronews]] published six stories to outline the issues in the election.<ref>https://www.euronews.com/2021/09/21/german-election-mini-series-six-stories-to-explain-the-pivotal-vote</ref>
Other issues include:
Other issues include:
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*[[Open borders]]
*[[Open borders]]
==Candidates for Chancellor==
*[[Annalena Baerbock]]
*[[Annalena Baerbock]]
*[[Armin Laschet]]
*[[Armin Laschet]]
*[[Olaf Scholz]]
*[[Olaf Scholz]]
*[[Markus Söder]] (until 20th April [[2021]])<ref>https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/armin-laschet-reaktionen-soeder-war-erkennbar-der-kandidat-der-herzen-a-1bfe7ffa-99f6-46cf-bbbb-e4530b4c52ae</ref><ref>https://www.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/inhalt.nach-votum-des-cdu-vorstands-markus-soeder-zieht-kanzlerkandidatur-zurueck.e61eb3e2-3d7e-4d3d-9e4c-95694d1346df.html</ref>
*[[CDU]], the biggest bloc since [[2005]]
*[[SPD]], leading the polls in the runup
*[[FDP]], quite interesting, [[COVID]] sceptical
*[[Alliance 90/The Greens]], the party to watch, came in 6th place in 2017. The Greens took more big donations than the CDU.<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/07/german-greens-receive-more-large-donations-than-angela-merkels-party</ref>
*[[AFD]], the largest party outside the coalition, expected to win fewer seats than in [[2017]], [[COVID]] opposition
*[[Die Linke]], new leadership in 2021, polls predict a poor showing, just above 5%, the vote share necessary to win seats
*[[dieBasis]], "the anti Corona party" in Germany, [[Reiner Fuellmich]] as candidate for the chancellorship
[[Opinion polls]] have fluctuated over the course of the campaign.
[[Opinion polls]] have fluctuated over the course of the campaign. Social media companies like [[Facebook]] banned [[dieBasis]],{{cn}} a protest party against [[lockdowns]].
[[File:German elections-prior.jpg|thumb|400px|right|A screen from one of the main public broadcasters ([[ARD]]) two days before the elections, presenting 'first official predictions' for the outcome.<ref>https://reitschuster.de/post/peinliche-panne-ard-vermeldet-wahl-hochrechnung-zwei-tage-vor-wahl/</ref>]]
*Widespread use of [[postal voting]], leading to some claims of potential fraud, claims which were duly banned by [[social media corporations]].
*Two lists were rejected; Greens in Saarland and the AFD in Bremen
==The elephant in the room==
In the year before the election a huge chunk of the population - the "unvaccinated" - was systematically attacked, slandered and threatened by the established parties. According to the “vaccination percentage” this is almost 40% of the population. It cannot be assumed that this group of people would have voted for one of the parties that threaten to annihilate them. Furthermore, many had themselves "vaccinated" in order to regain some of the freedoms that had been taken from them, and not for health reasons. Here, too, not everyone would be happy with the established parties. Even among the happily “vaccinated”, some are likely to be very angry at the actions of the ruling parties.
Purely as an election strategy, it is strange that the established parties would behave in this way and continue the [[demonization]] of the unvaccinated, for then to get a result with 90% for the established parties. This is only the behavior of someone who knows for sure that his “party” will definitely win the election, regardless of the real circumstances.<ref>http://blauerbote.com/2021/09/22/die-herrschenden-parteien-rechnen-offenbar-fest-mit-wahlfaelschung/</ref>
In an opinion poll from the INSA institute, [[dieBasis]] got a double-digit percentage of the vote, although, thanks to a total blackout in the {{ccm}}, only one in two voters had heard about the party at all.<ref>https://apolut.net/pressemitteilung-insa-umfrage-sieht-diebasis-im-zweistelligen-bereich/</ref> The final official outcome, 1,35 %, is remarked upon by the [[Tagesspiegel Online]],<ref>https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/1-35-prozent-fuer-die-basis-ich-befuerchte-dass-man-den-zahlen-tatsaechlich-trauen-kann/27653576.html</ref> which is instrumental in towing the official line when it comes to corona legislation and badmouthing all who raise their voice against government overreach.
==Widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome==
[[Youtube]] stated it will censor anyone spreading "false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome' of this election. It is very conspicuous that YouTube specifically singled out "all past US presidential elections and the German federal election 2021" as targets for narrative control, without mentioning any other elections.<ref>https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/10835034?hl=en#zippy=%2Cvoter-suppression%2Celection-integrity saved via [http://web.archive.org/web/20211003221509/https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/10835034?hl=en%23zippy%3D%2Cvoter-suppression%2Celection-integrity Archive.org], saved via [https://archive.is/F4qOP Archive.is]</ref>
The state election in [[Berlin]] was dominated by chaos, with long queues in front of polling stations and wrong or too few ballot papers.<ref>https://www.t-online.de/region/berlin/news/id_90867686/wahlchaos-in-berlin-grundgesetz-mit-fuessen-getreten-wahl-muss-wiederholt-werden.html</ref> In Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, for example, where the ballots ran out early, all 22 electoral districts reported exactly the same preliminary official final result. Four days after the district election office published a remarkable statement: The outcome of the election was based on an <i>estimate</i> - that is, the distribution of the percentages between the parties was pure fiction. District Mayor [[Reinhard Naumann]] stated this was "normal" - and called criticism of this "groundless".<ref>https://checkpoint.tagesspiegel.de/langmeldung/3i3Bk7cAtvB2WgBbCB4L9H?utm_source=tagesspiegel&utm_medium=hp-teaser&utm_campaign=corona-verhandelbar-fuer-bezirksbuergermeister</ref> Voter turnout in Berlin-Reinickendorf was 150%, in Tempelhof-Schöneberg the turnout was even higher, at 159%.<ref>https://checkpoint.tagesspiegel.de/newsletter/4ANKPdA5pgvLf4o8vuB9OX</ref> Polling stations in which members of [[Die Partei]] ("The Party") went voting, declared zero votes for it afterwards.<ref>https://www.lto.de/recht/nachrichten/n/wahl-fehler-berlin-wahlpruefungsbeschwerde-die-partei-sonneborn-bundestagswahl-abgeordnetenhaus-verfassungsgericht/</ref>
The journalist [[Jens Bernert]] pointed out: "The electoral irregularities in the Berlin state elections, which takes place at the same time as the federal elections and which is allowed to be reported on [[YouTube]], could be conceived as a magic show-like diversionary maneuver in an [[election fraud]] scenario for the federal elections. A thought experiment: the viewers look spellbound at the show effect while the actual trick takes place in a completely different place."<ref>http://blauerbote.com/2021/10/02/wahlfaeschung-rekordwahlbeteiligung-in-berlin-reinickendorf-150-nur-in-tempelhof-schoeneberg-liegt-die-wahlbeteiligung-laut-offiziellen-zahlen-mit-159-noch-hoeher/</ref>.
==Election day==
[[image:SPD Germany 2021.png|thumb|300px|The new SPD parliamentarians lined up for a photo shoot. Only one of them wore a [[face mask]] (COVID prophet of doom [[Karl Lauterbach]]). At the same time school children in the country are forced to wear them all day.]]
[[Armin Laschet]] suffered an embarrassing blunder when casting his vote.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFwoqbg02yQ</ref>
Bundestag election, House of Representatives election, BVV election, expropriation referendum and Berlin marathon in one day: It has been known for several months that election Sunday will be a day of superlatives. Still, it seems like the capital wasn't prepared for it.
[[Olaf Scholz]] and his [[SPD]] has won the most seats. The worst results for the [[CDU]] since [[WW2]].
Bad for Russian-Western relations.<ref>https://www.rt.com/russia/535921-german-election-moscow-berlin/</ref>
===New MPs===
The election saw some significant firsts:
*[[Nyke Slawik]] and [[Tessa Ganserer]] (Grüne) became Germany's first [[transgender]] MPs.
*[[Adis Ahmetovic]] and [[Jasmina Hostert]] (SPD) became Germany's first MPs of Bosnian descent. They are advocates of [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]] joining the [[EU]] and [[NATO]].
*[[Ye-One Rhie]] (SPD) became the first Korean MP.<ref>https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/177_316182.html</ref>
*[[Awet Tesfaiesus]] (Grüne) became Germany's first black woman MP. Born in [[Eritrea]] she claimed asylum in Germany after her father became wanted by the authorities for support of Eritrean independence which overthrew the government of the Ethiopian Empire. She is an advocate of mass immigration into Europe to "change the image of 'Germanness".<ref>https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/05/world/europe/germany-black-woman-bundestag.html</ref>
*In whole there were 24 new MPs with Balkan roots. They all support the [[European Union]] expanding into countries like [[Serbia]], [[Croatia]], [[Albania]] and [[Kosovo]].<ref>https://balkaninsight.com/2021/09/27/german-parliament-gets-24-new-mps-with-balkan-roots/</ref>

Revision as of 14:22, 4 May 2022

Event.png 2021 German parliamentary election (Election) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
German elections.png
The makeup of the new Bundestag
Date26 September 2021
DescriptionPossibly the most important German election in decades. Social media ruthlessly deleted charges of election fraud - which probably means there is something to it.

The 2021 German parliamentary election took place on Sunday 26 September 2021 to elect the members of the 20th Bundestag, while State elections in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were also held. Angela Merkel chose not to run again for election but remains Chancellor of Germany until a successor takes office.[1]

Germany is set for weeks or even months of protracted coalition talks after the race to succeed Angela Merkel failed to produce a clear winner, with the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) just 10 seats ahead of the centre-right conservative alliance CDU/CSU, which failed to finish top for the first time in 16 years.[2]

The election’s true winners may turn out to be third-placed Alliance 90/The Greens and the liberal Free Democrats (FDP) in 4th place, which will likely serve as the junior partners in either a “traffic light” (SPD-Greens-FDP) or “Jamaica” (CDU-Greens-FDP) coalition. Referring to the lack of common ground between the parties on Monday 27 September 2021, Greens chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock joked:

“I assume we all love to eat ice cream.”[3]


On 11 August 2021, the parties launched their election campaigns.[4]

On 3 September 2021, The Guardian reported that the contest is too close to call.[5]

Campaign issues

The main issue according to commercially-controlled media appears to be Climate change.[6] After huge deadly floods in Germany, voters are urging for climate action.[7] Euronews published six stories to outline the issues in the election.[8]

Other issues include:

Candidates for Chancellor


  • CDU, the biggest bloc since 2005
  • SPD, leading the polls in the runup
  • FDP, quite interesting, COVID sceptical
  • Alliance 90/The Greens, the party to watch, came in 6th place in 2017. The Greens took more big donations than the CDU.[11]
  • AFD, the largest party outside the coalition, expected to win fewer seats than in 2017, COVID opposition
  • Die Linke, new leadership in 2021, polls predict a poor showing, just above 5%, the vote share necessary to win seats
  • dieBasis, "the anti Corona party" in Germany, Reiner Fuellmich as candidate for the chancellorship


Opinion polls have fluctuated over the course of the campaign. Social media companies like Facebook banned dieBasis,[citation needed] a protest party against lockdowns.


A screen from one of the main public broadcasters (ARD) two days before the elections, presenting 'first official predictions' for the outcome.[12]
  • Widespread use of postal voting, leading to some claims of potential fraud, claims which were duly banned by social media corporations.
  • Two lists were rejected; Greens in Saarland and the AFD in Bremen

The elephant in the room

In the year before the election a huge chunk of the population - the "unvaccinated" - was systematically attacked, slandered and threatened by the established parties. According to the “vaccination percentage” this is almost 40% of the population. It cannot be assumed that this group of people would have voted for one of the parties that threaten to annihilate them. Furthermore, many had themselves "vaccinated" in order to regain some of the freedoms that had been taken from them, and not for health reasons. Here, too, not everyone would be happy with the established parties. Even among the happily “vaccinated”, some are likely to be very angry at the actions of the ruling parties.

Purely as an election strategy, it is strange that the established parties would behave in this way and continue the demonization of the unvaccinated, for then to get a result with 90% for the established parties. This is only the behavior of someone who knows for sure that his “party” will definitely win the election, regardless of the real circumstances.[13]

In an opinion poll from the INSA institute, dieBasis got a double-digit percentage of the vote, although, thanks to a total blackout in the commercially-controlled media, only one in two voters had heard about the party at all.[14] The final official outcome, 1,35 %, is remarked upon by the Tagesspiegel Online,[15] which is instrumental in towing the official line when it comes to corona legislation and badmouthing all who raise their voice against government overreach.

Widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome

Youtube stated it will censor anyone spreading "false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome' of this election. It is very conspicuous that YouTube specifically singled out "all past US presidential elections and the German federal election 2021" as targets for narrative control, without mentioning any other elections.[16]

The state election in Berlin was dominated by chaos, with long queues in front of polling stations and wrong or too few ballot papers.[17] In Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, for example, where the ballots ran out early, all 22 electoral districts reported exactly the same preliminary official final result. Four days after the district election office published a remarkable statement: The outcome of the election was based on an estimate - that is, the distribution of the percentages between the parties was pure fiction. District Mayor Reinhard Naumann stated this was "normal" - and called criticism of this "groundless".[18] Voter turnout in Berlin-Reinickendorf was 150%, in Tempelhof-Schöneberg the turnout was even higher, at 159%.[19] Polling stations in which members of Die Partei ("The Party") went voting, declared zero votes for it afterwards.[20]

The journalist Jens Bernert pointed out: "The electoral irregularities in the Berlin state elections, which takes place at the same time as the federal elections and which is allowed to be reported on YouTube, could be conceived as a magic show-like diversionary maneuver in an election fraud scenario for the federal elections. A thought experiment: the viewers look spellbound at the show effect while the actual trick takes place in a completely different place."[21].

Election day

The new SPD parliamentarians lined up for a photo shoot. Only one of them wore a face mask (COVID prophet of doom Karl Lauterbach). At the same time school children in the country are forced to wear them all day.

Armin Laschet suffered an embarrassing blunder when casting his vote.[22]

Bundestag election, House of Representatives election, BVV election, expropriation referendum and Berlin marathon in one day: It has been known for several months that election Sunday will be a day of superlatives. Still, it seems like the capital wasn't prepared for it.


Olaf Scholz and his SPD has won the most seats. The worst results for the CDU since WW2.


Bad for Russian-Western relations.[23]

New MPs

The election saw some significant firsts:


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Why Angela Merkel has lasted so longArticle30 July 2021Wolfgang Streeck2 months before the September 2021 elections in which Angela Merkel will retire as Chancellor, a German economic sociologist writes as to why and how she has been able to hold onto power in Germany for so long after an unprecedented 16 years in power.
Document:Would-be German chancellor Scholz jumps the gun on EU expansion eastward, which may provoke more states to follow the UK and exitArticle15 August 2021Paul NuttallOlaf Scholz is a possible candidate for Chancellor of Germany at the September 2021 German parliamentary election. He has warned Russia to expect further European integration and expansion into Eastern Europe. Will this encourage more countries to follow the UK and leave the European Union?
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  1. "German Election Results"
  2. "Germany election: SPD wins narrow victory as Merkel era ends in near-deadlock"
  3. "German elections: After close result, jockeying to replace Merkel begins"
  4. https://www.euronews.com/2021/08/11/german-election-political-parties-kick-off-their-campaigns-ahead-of-pivotal-vote/
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/03/the-guardian-view-on-germanys-election-struggling-to-move-on-from-merkel
  6. https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-election-2021-armin-laschet-green-targets-threaten-social-peace/
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58550337
  8. https://www.euronews.com/2021/09/21/german-election-mini-series-six-stories-to-explain-the-pivotal-vote
  9. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/armin-laschet-reaktionen-soeder-war-erkennbar-der-kandidat-der-herzen-a-1bfe7ffa-99f6-46cf-bbbb-e4530b4c52ae
  10. https://www.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/inhalt.nach-votum-des-cdu-vorstands-markus-soeder-zieht-kanzlerkandidatur-zurueck.e61eb3e2-3d7e-4d3d-9e4c-95694d1346df.html
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/07/german-greens-receive-more-large-donations-than-angela-merkels-party
  12. https://reitschuster.de/post/peinliche-panne-ard-vermeldet-wahl-hochrechnung-zwei-tage-vor-wahl/
  13. http://blauerbote.com/2021/09/22/die-herrschenden-parteien-rechnen-offenbar-fest-mit-wahlfaelschung/
  14. https://apolut.net/pressemitteilung-insa-umfrage-sieht-diebasis-im-zweistelligen-bereich/
  15. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/1-35-prozent-fuer-die-basis-ich-befuerchte-dass-man-den-zahlen-tatsaechlich-trauen-kann/27653576.html
  16. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/10835034?hl=en#zippy=%2Cvoter-suppression%2Celection-integrity saved via Archive.org, saved via Archive.is
  17. https://www.t-online.de/region/berlin/news/id_90867686/wahlchaos-in-berlin-grundgesetz-mit-fuessen-getreten-wahl-muss-wiederholt-werden.html
  18. https://checkpoint.tagesspiegel.de/langmeldung/3i3Bk7cAtvB2WgBbCB4L9H?utm_source=tagesspiegel&utm_medium=hp-teaser&utm_campaign=corona-verhandelbar-fuer-bezirksbuergermeister
  19. https://checkpoint.tagesspiegel.de/newsletter/4ANKPdA5pgvLf4o8vuB9OX
  20. https://www.lto.de/recht/nachrichten/n/wahl-fehler-berlin-wahlpruefungsbeschwerde-die-partei-sonneborn-bundestagswahl-abgeordnetenhaus-verfassungsgericht/
  21. http://blauerbote.com/2021/10/02/wahlfaeschung-rekordwahlbeteiligung-in-berlin-reinickendorf-150-nur-in-tempelhof-schoeneberg-liegt-die-wahlbeteiligung-laut-offiziellen-zahlen-mit-159-noch-hoeher/
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFwoqbg02yQ
  23. https://www.rt.com/russia/535921-german-election-moscow-berlin/
  24. https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/177_316182.html
  25. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/05/world/europe/germany-black-woman-bundestag.html
  26. https://balkaninsight.com/2021/09/27/german-parliament-gets-24-new-mps-with-balkan-roots/