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Page nameBornDiedNationalitySummaryDescription
Thomas Bata17 September 19141 September 2008Czech RepublicBusinessperson"Shoemaker to the World", ran the Bata Shoe Company from the 1940s until the 1980s. 3 Bilderbergs from 1985 to 1990.
James Bath18 August 1936United States of AmericaSpook
A businessman with connections to BCCI, George H. W. Bush and the Saudi Arabian government
Ramy El Batrawi23 May 1961USSpook
John Battelle4 November 1965USBusinesspersonHelped launch Wired in the 1990s. Young Global Leaders. On the Advisory Board of the CIA-front NewsGuard
Makarem BatterjeeSaudi ArabiaBusinesspersonSaudi YGL businessman who worked with the Saudi government on COVID-19 as president of the Saudi German Hospitals Group
Werner Baumann3 October 1962GermanBusinesspersonAttended the 2017 Bilderberg as Bayer CEO
John Jacob BauschBusinessperson
David Bawtree1 October 1937UKBusinessperson
J. Clifford Baxter27 September 195825 January 2002USBusinesspersonEnron Corporation executive who resigned in May 2001 before allegedly "committing suicide" the following year. Prior to his death he had agreed to testify before Congress in the Enron scandal.
Uğur Bayar1 May 1957TurkeyFinancier
Turkish businessman and financier.
Erich Becker5 October 1941AustriaBusinesspersonAustrian Bilderberg businessman
Edward Beddington-Behrens2 February 189728 November 1968UKSpook
Deputy Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service for a year during WW2. Attended the 1958 Bilderberg.
Carter Beese4 June 19568 April 2007Banker
Deep state operative
A financier
Hamzah BehbehaniBusinessperson
Alfred Beit15 February 185316 July 1906UKBusinessperson
Michel Belanger10 September 19291 December 1997CanadaFinancier
Canadian businessman and banker. Trilateral, 1968 and 1989 Bilderbergs
Erik Belfrage13 April 194618 April 2020SwedenDiplomat
Swedish diplomat and banker. Wallenberg associate. Attended the 2005 Bilderberg
Monte BelgerSpook
Sir David Bell30 September 1946UKBusinesspersonFormer Chairman of the Financial Times
Tim Bell18 October 1941UKPropagandist
Chair of Bell Pottinger
Ari Ben-Menashe4 December 1951Author
Officer in Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate from 1977 to 1987 and an arms dealer. Important source for exposure of Israeli deep state activities.
Eliana BenadorBusinessperson
Samantha de BendernNovember 1965UKJournalist
Deep state operative
UK deep state-connected polyglot "international civil servant" with a masters degree in Wealth Management, fellow of the Institute for Statecraft, associate fellow of Chatham House
Rodolfo de Bendetti2 July 1961ItalyBusinesspersonDouble Bilderberg Italian deep state connected businessman
Carlo De Benedetti14 November 1934Italy
Media mogul
Marc Benioff25 September 1964USDeep state functionary
Both a WEF GLT and a WEF YGL, US internet billionaire deep state functionary, bought Time Magazine
René Benko20 May 1977AustriaBillionaire
Austrian billionaire businessman who attended the 2015-2017 Bilderbergs
Dick Benschop5 November 1957NetherlandsDeep state operative
Attended the 2000 Bilderberg as Dutch State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Tafelronde/Chair, Trilateral Commission, Shell CEO, Schiphol Airport Director
Victor Cavendish Bentinck18 June 189730 July 1990UKDiplomat
Deep state operative
Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, diplomat, 7 Bilderbergs
Walter Berchtold1 October 190623 January 1986SwitzerlandBusinesspersonSwiss businessman and double Bilderberger
Boris Berezovsky23 January 194623 March 2013Mathematician
Government official
A Russian billionaire oligarch who fell out with Vladimir Putin. Found dead in 2013 - the corner returned an open verdict.
Roland Berger22 November 1937Deep state actor
German entrepreneur and possible deep state actor
Finn Bergesen3 September 194511 September 2012NorwayBusinesspersonNorwegian deep state connected businessman
Nicolas Berggruen10 August 1961Germany
Sponsor of influential think-tanks
Maarten van den Bergh19 April 1942NetherlandsBusinesspersonDiscreet Dutch businessman named the most powerful businessman in Britain. Attended the 1997 Bilderberg
Jeff BergnerAcademic
Cercle attendee. Project for the New American Century. German Marshall Fund. Hudson Institute
Feyyaz Berker7 October 192522 August 2017TurkeyBusinesspersonspooky Turkish businessman, Turkish Industry and Business Association chair
Wayne Lee BermanUSDeep state functionary
US Businessman with deep political connections.
Franco Bernabè18 September 1948ItalyBanker
Italian banker and manager, Steering Committee of the Bilderberg
Anne Berner16 January 1964Switzerland
BusinesspersonSingle Bilderberger Finnish politician. Now works for the Wallenberg family.
John Rodney Francis BerryMarine commando
John Berry was imprisoned for "terrorism" offences. His conviction relied on the evidence of discredited 'expert witness' Alan Feraday. It was quashed following lengthy legal proceedings and after Berry had already served 4 years in prison.
Brian BesanceneyUSPropagandist
PR manager for President [[George W. Bush]], the [[Department of Homeland Security]], [[Walt Disney World]] and [[Walmart]].<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Ben van Beurden23 April 1958NetherlandsBusinesspersonPenta Bilderberger, attended the WEF/Annual Meeting/2020, Shell CEO, European Round Table of Industrialists
Selahattin Beyazit5 July 193121 January 2022TurkeyBusinesspersonOne of the biggest industrialists in Turkey and member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Jeff Bezos12 January 1964USDeep state functionary
World's richest man. Founded Amazon, grandson of a DARPA co-founder
Hunter Biden4 February 1970USLawyer
Second son of the deep state actor, Joe Biden.
John Bierwirth21 January 192426 May 2013USLawyer
Single Bilderberg CEO of armaments company Grumman, which in 1985 charged the Pentagon $659 for each of seven airplane ashtrays.
Steve Bing22 June 2020USBillionaire
Clinton body count
Clinton connected billionaire businessman who fell to his death in 2020.
Barry Bingham10 February 190615 August 1988USBusinesspersonKentucky media owner who collaborated with British Security Coordination. Attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1950s. Ran the Marshall Plan in France in 1949.
Brian Binley1 April 194225 December 2020UKPolitician
Ex-conservative MP. Le Cercle.