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Roberto Calvi13 April 192017 June 1982An Italian banker dubbed "God's Banker" (Italian: Banchiere di Dio) by the press because of his close association with the Holy See. Found death, hanging from a bridge in London.
Al Capone17 January 189925 January 1947Infamous crime boss
Hugh Carey11 April 19197 August 2011
Margaret Carlisle28 March 2006Legislative aide to Iran-contra insider, James McClure. Le Cercle
Frank Carlucci18 October 19303 June 2018A Princeton roommate of his fellow US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.
Mark Carney16 March 1965Goldman Sachs Governor of the Bank of Canada then the Bank of England, G30, Triple citizenship, No shortage of Bilderbergs or WEF Annual Meetings
William Casey13 March 19136 May 1987Ronald Reagan's campaign manager, who was appointed Director of Central Intelligence.
Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti17 May 1971Dutch royalty
Jacques Chirac29 November 1932French PM. 2 year suspended sentence for embezzlement in 2011. His mayoral security assistant, Monique Garnier-Lançon, convened the French meetings of Le Cercle.
Hugo Chávez28 July 19545 March 201364th President of Venezuela - probably assassinated with cancer-causing drugs.
Benjamin Civiletti17 July 1935United States Attorney General during the Carter administration, from 1979 to 1981.
Greg Clark28 August 1967UK politician, WEF/Global Future Council/Cities of Tomorrow
William Colby4 January 192027 April 1996CIA boss who maybe became too loose-mouthed, died in suspicious circumstances
James Comey14 December 1960An insider who decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton
Maurene Comeyass. US attorney, Southern District of New York
Giuseppe Conte8 August 1964Former Italian Prime Minister
Mario Conti20 March 1934
Rafael Correa6 April 1963
Peter Cosgrove28 July 1947
Francesco Cossiga26 July 192817 August 2010An Italian politician who became outspoken towards the end of his life.
Andrew Cuomo6 December 1957Governor of New York. Like his father, Attorney General of New York. Did his part in the deep state plans to artificially increase deaths to give the impression of big pandemic.
Mario Cuomo15 June 19321 January 2015New York Democratic party politician
Javier Pérez de Cuéllar19 January 19204 March 2020Peruvian diplomat
John Dalberg-Acton10 January 183419 June 1902English Catholic historian, politician, and writer.
Richard M. Daley24 April 1942Mayor of Chicago, son of machine politician Richard J. Daley
John DeCamp6 July 194127 July 2017
Dennis DeConcini8 May 1937
Mike DeWine5 January 1947In 2006, Sibel Edmonds named Mike DeWine as one of her "Dirty Dozen"
Nirj Deva11 May 1948A member of the European Parliament
Ngo Dinh Diem3 January 19012 November 1963The 1st President of South Vietnam, assassinated by the CIA.
Viet Dinh22 February 1968As United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy a panelist for the discussion Have Civil Liberties Been Unnecessarily Eroded? at the 2002 Bilderberg. Chief architect of the USA PATRIOT Act and is a former member of the Board of Directors of News Corporation.
Christopher Dodd27 May 1944US lobbyist, lawyer and politician. MPAA CEO
Laurent Fabius20 August 1946French politician who attended the 1994 and 2016 Bilderbergs
Benita Ferrero-Waldner5 September 1948Austrian diplomat and politician
Matthew Festing30 November 194912 November 2021The 79th Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta, and the only one to have stepped down.
Andrea Fischer14 January 1960WEF backed German health minister turned pharma lobbyist
Peter F. Flaherty25 June 192418 April 2005
Tom Foley6 March 192918 October 2013Quad Bilderberger, CFR with US Deep state connections
Pim Fortuyn19 February 19486 May 2002An assassinated Dutch politician
Liam Fox22 September 1961UK politician
Francisco Franco4 December 189220 November 1975
Louis Freeh6 January 1950"A legacy of corruption..."
Alberto Fujimori26 July 193811 September 2024
Roger Garaudy17 July 191313 June 2012
Alcide De Gasperi3 April 188119 August 1954Prime Minister of Italy for over 7 years. Attended the First Bilderberg as President of the European Parliament.
Charles de Gaulle22 November 18909 November 1970
Licio Gelli21 April 191915 December 2015Fascist deep politician who ran Propaganda Due
Kirsten Gillibrand9 December 1966Replaced Hillary Clinton's seat as Senator from New York.
Newt Gingrich17 June 1943
Valery Giscard d'Estaing2 February 19262 December 2020President of France from 1974 to 1981, Bilderberger
Rudy Giuliani28 May 1944The mayor of New York on 9-11, who has made contradictory and unexplained statements about 9-11.
Laureano Gomez20 February 188913 July 1965President of Colombia, two of whose sons, Álvaro Gómez Hurtado and Enrique Gomez-Hurtado both were repeat visitors to Le Cercle.
Álvaro Gomez-Hurtado8 May 19192 November 1995Spooky Colombian diplomat who attended Le Cercle. Assassinated in 1995
Alberto Gonzales4 August 1955A "woefully incompetent" US Attorney General
Henry B. Gonzalez3 May 191628 November 2000
Paul Goodman17 November 1959
Damian Green17 January 1956
Aline Griffith22 May 192311 December 2017US born Spanish spook who was a regular attender at Le Cercle in the 1980s.
Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz4 November 1952WEF/Global Leader for Tomorrow 1994. President of the National Bank of Poland 1992-2001. As Mayor of Warsaw 206-2018, accused of being the main culprit in huge enrichment scheme.
António Guterres30 April 1949Bilderberger US Secretary general, particularly aggressive promoter of COVID jab mandation
Otto von Habsburg20 November 19124 July 2011Austrian deep politician, connected to Le Cercle, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta ...
Juvenal Habyarimana8 March 19376 April 1994President of Rwanda whose assassination reportedly helped spark the Rwandan genocide.
Ken Hackett1947United States Ambassador to the Vatican 2013-2017.
Alexander Haig2 December 192420 February 2010Attended the 1978 Bilderberg as SACEUR
Robert Hanssen18 April 1944
Mary Kay Henry1958Bilderberger labor leader
Theodore Hesburgh25 May 191726 February 2015Bilderberg priest
Meg Hillier14 February 1969British Labour and Co-operative politician
Damian Hinds27 November 1969UK Minister of State for Security and Borders
John Hume18 January 1937
Hans-Adam II14 February 1945Billionaire ruler of Liechtenstein.
H. John Heinz III23 October 19384 April 1991A US politician and Bilderberger who died in a small plane crash the day before a friend of his, John Tower also died in a plane crash.
José María Velasco Ibarra19 March 189330 March 1979Populist politician elected five times, removed from power by the army (with the help of the CIA) four times.
Manuel Fraga Iribarne23 November 192215 January 2012Member of both Le Cercle and the 1001 Club.
Bruce Ivins22 April 194629 July 2008A biodefense researcher at Fort Detrick, Maryland who, the FBI concluded, sent anthrax letters with crude anti-Zionist messages to the US politicians who were holding up the rollback of civil liberties in the wake of 9/11. After an investigation costing around $100,000,000 Ivins was declared to be a "lone nut" responsible for the crime shortly after he was found dead.
JFK29 May 191722 November 1963The last US president to effectively seek to promote the welfare of the US population.
Norman St John-Stevas18 June 19292 March 2012UK Conservative politician
Paul Johnson2 November 1928Influential author in US and British right-wing politics
Sijbren de JongA vocal strategic analyst for the IfS, vitally helped with the set-up of the Dutch Cluster of the II with his employer and the Dutch MOD.
Barnaby Joyce17 April 1967Rural conservative politician with some economic nationalist positions. Might have been toppled by dirt digging campaign.
Robert F. Wagner Jr20 April 191012 February 1991
William P. Clark Jr23 October 193110 August 2013A friend and aide to Ronald Reagan, US National Security Advisor, attended Le Cercle
Jean-Claude Juncker9 December 1954Former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission
Alain Juppé15 August 1945French PM, suspected deep state operative, Bilderberg, Le Cercle
Paul Kagame23 October 1957Has been leader of Rwanda since he took power in 1994
Charles Keating4 December 192331 March 2014Maybe the highest profile player who was jailed for his part in the Savings and loan fraud.
Frank Keating2 February 1944US lawyer who attended Operation Dark Winter as Governor of Oklahoma, a job he also held at the time of the Oklahoma City bombing
Paul Keating18 January 1944
Grace Kelly12 November 192914 September 1982
Raymond Kelly4 September 1941US deep state functionary, NYC Police Commissioner for over a decade.
Ruth Kelly9 May 1968Labour MP worked for Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, then over to HSBC.
Patrick Joseph Kennedy14 January 185818 May 1929
Ted Kennedy22 February 193225 August 2009US politician named in Jeffrey Epstein's Black book.
Bernard Kerik4 September 1955A criminal sidekick whom Rudy Giuliani appointed to New York City Police Commissioner and suggested for United States Secretary of Homeland Security.
John Kerry11 December 1943US Skull and Bones DSO, in Jeffrey Epstein's Black book ...
Kurt Georg Kiesinger6 April 19049 March 1988Five early Bilderbergs, German Chancellor. Possible tool of the BND
Helmut Kohl3 April 193016 June 2017Attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1980s. Chancellor of Germany 1982-1998
Mary Jo Kopechne26 July 194018 July 1969The victim of the Chappaquiddick incident which stymied Edward Kennedy's presidential ambitions
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer9 August 1962German Minister of Defence, potential future Chancellor
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski3 October 1938Bankster who attended the 1988 Bilderberg as an ex Peruvian Minister of Energy and Mines. Later President of Peru. Resigned after certain videos were released.