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Anatoly Chubais“We created a virtual open shop for thievery at a national level and for capital flight in terms of hundreds of billions of dollars, and the raping of natural resources and industries on a scale which I doubt has ever taken place in human history.” Anatoly Chubais
E. Wayne Merry
Anatoly Chubais“From the 7 billion that will be reached this week, the world population should drop to two and a half or even one and a half billion people by the end of the century. A three-fold reduction in the population would be simply unthinkable, although serious scientists are talking about exactly this.” 2011Anatoly Chubais
Civil disobedience“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty.” Henry David Thoreau
Gregory Clark“Something happens to Australian officials posted to Washington. Many return to key positions in Canberra. Almost all seem to be completely in the US pocket. I see the same thing with Japanese or South Korean officials also sent to Washington.” 2007Gregory Clark
Wesley Clark“And what happened in 9/11 is we didn’t have a strategy, we didn’t have bipartisan agreement, we didn’t have American understanding of it and we had instead a policy coup in this country, a coup, a policy coup. Some hard nosed people took over the direction of American policy and they never bothered to inform the rest of us.” 2007Wesley Clark
Wesley Clark“In 2001, in the Pentagon, a general told me : ‘I just received a classified memo from the Secretary of Defense: we will take seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finally, Iran.’” 2 March 2007Wesley Clark
Patrick Clawson“One can combine other means of pressure with sanctions. I mentioned that explosion on August 17th. We could step up the pressure. I mean look people, Iranian submarines periodically go down, some day one of them might not come up, who would know why? We can do a variety of things if we wish to increase the pressure... We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians. We could get nastier.” September 2012Patrick Clawson
Max Cleland“As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before September 11 than it has ever admitted.” Max Cleland
Climate change/Preparation“There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19 (...) climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind.” 3 June 2020Klaus Schwab
Climate change/Preparation“Similarly, the Akkadian empire in Mesopotamia, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the Indus Valley civilization in India, and early societies in Palestine, Greece, and Crete all collapsed in a catastrophic drought and cooling of the atmosphere between 2300 and 2200 B.C.” 2003Didier Sornette
Climate change/Preparation“[...] and let me give you two examples for what could be driving our new global agenda. The first example is climate change. Climate change is the looming crisis behind Covid; and the loss of biodiversity is a main driver of today's and potentially future pandemics.” 19 February 2021Ursula von der Leyen
Club of Rome“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.” 1993Alexander King
Club of Rome
Bertrand Schneider
Coca-Cola“As part of its [[corporate propaganda]] campaign to deflect public attention away from the harmful health effects of its [[sweetened beverage|sugary drinks]], the Coca-Cola Company has funded [[front organization]]s. The company funded creation of the front organization the Global Energy Balance Network (GEBN) to address the growing evidence that the company's products are a leading cause of the epidemic of [[childhood obesity in the United States]] and the growing number of Americans, including children, with [[type 2 diabetes]]. GEBN designed its own studies to arrive at conclusions set in advance and [[cherry picking|cherry picked]] data to support its corporate public relations agenda. After an August 2015 investigative report exposed the GEBN as a Coca-Cola Company front organization, GEBN was shut down.<a href="#cite_note-Clifford_D._Conner_2020_pp._14-16-3">[3]</a>

Three years after the shutdown of GEBN, the company, together with several other [[junk food]] giants, was revealed to be behind an initiative in China called "Happy 10 Minutes," funded through a group called the [[International Life Sciences Institute]] (ILSI). The aim of the initiative was to address decades of research on diet-related diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes and [[hypertension]], by promoting physical [[exercise]] to the population but avoiding discussion of the link between such diseases and junk foods, including sugary drinks.<a href="#cite_note-Clifford_D._Conner_2020_pp._14-16-3">[3]</a><a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a> ILSI through the 1980s and 1990s had been promoting the [[tobacco industry]]'s agenda in Europe and the United States.<a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a>
Coefficients (dining club)“We must have an aristocracy - not of privilege, but of understanding and purpose - or mankind will fail. The solution does not lie in direct confrontation. We can defeat democracy because we understand the workings of the human mind, the mental hinterlands hidden behind the persona. I see human progress, not as the spontaneous product of crowds of raw minds swayed by elementary needs, but as a natural but elaborate result of intricate human interdependencies.” 1903Alfred Milner
Charles Cogan“In Afghanistan, the CIA had “funded the worst fellows right from the start, long before the Iranian revolution and long before the Soviet invasion.”” Charles Cogan
Roy Cohn“My idea of real power is not people who hold office. They're here today and gone tomorrow. Power means the ability to get things done. It stems from friendship in my case.” 1979Roy Cohn
William ColbyThis case is so much bigger than you think. It goes to the very highest levels; we have to keep pulling the strings.” William Colby
Cold War II“The United States remains the world’s leading power with global interests, and it cannot afford to choose between Europe and the Indo-Pacific. Instead, Washington and its allies should develop a defense strategy capable of deterring and, if necessary, defeating Russia and China at the same time.” 18 February 2022Atlantic Council
Matthew Kroenig
Ryan Cole

“I am NOT anti-vaccine. I am pro-good science. My body, my choice.

Step back and look at the data and forget the politics. A quick analysis of the situation without fear and media hype. We need to have courage and logic and approach this in a manner the preserves liberty and protects people.

It is criminal these mandates for our young people.

Leave the kids alone, they survived this 100%. We are seeing a 200% increase in heart damage in our young men after this. This damage is scarring the heart, that's long-term! This is unethical, and a violation of morality.

This new variant is a 'scariant'. This is turning into what all coronaviruses turn into - a common cold.

If you want to be a subject in an experiment and think it's going to be a benefit to you. Your body your choice, be fully informed about what your risks are. We shouldn't be coercing people into a shot where one of the potential side effects is DEATH!”

Ryan Cole
Francis Collins“Some folks are even making outrageous claims that the new coronavirus causing the pandemic was engineered in a lab and deliberately released to make people sick. A new study debunks such claims by providing scientific evidence that this novel coronavirus arose naturally... next time you come across something about COVID-19 online that disturbs or puzzles you, I suggest going to FEMA’s new Coronavirus Rumor Control web site. It may not have all the answers to your questions, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction in helping to distinguish rumors from facts.” 8 April 2020Francis Collins
Columbine“The truth is, I looked back and saw a third shooter, whom I and many others identified to law enforcement. No matter how many times I and countless others detailed the name and descriptions of that third shooter—who wasn’t even supposed to be at school that day—no one believed us. One of the most traumatic aftershocks of that day was the knowledge that law enforcement ignored the warnings, ignored the signs hanging in the windows, and that countless other students who survived know that at least one other person was out for our blood that day. He still roams free because the easy answer is that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were the only shooters. After all, they were dead, and the weapons used were found by their bodies. Only those of us that were there that day and those who knew what was happening and who participated in the shootings or helped to orchestrate the massacre know and speak out about this truth. The shooters were my friends. We were all the outcasts in that school, bullied because we didn’t fit the mold. I knew Eric and Dylan, I also knew the third shooter, which explains why I was able to clearly identify him to law enforcement. That fall semester before the shootings occurred, all my red flags were raised with this group of friends. They were obsessed with death and revenge and were clearly unstable. Although I wasn’t the most emotionally healthy person at that time, I knew the difference between right and wrong, and refused to participate in their “fantasies.” For this reason I intentionally distanced myself from that group during that fall semester and never looked back.” April 2019Kristen Krueger
Commission for Countering Extremism

“Engaging widely and openly on extremism and Britain’s values across the public sector, communities, civil society, and with legal and academic experts. We need to make the case for tackling extremism and the harms it causes, beyond terrorism, in our communities.

Producing a strategic assessment of the threat we face from extremism, and the current response. This will consider the prevalence, concentration and range of extremism that exists in this country, identify the drivers of extremism, and review the success of current approaches in tackling it.

Advising Ministers on the Commission’s future structures, work programme and the appointment of further commissioners. This advice will in part be informed by the Lead Commissioner’s engagement with stakeholders.”

25 January 2018
Commission for Countering Extremism

“the Commission will play a key role in the ongoing fight to counter extremism in the UK. It will:

  • Identify extremism and advise the Government on new policies to tackle extremism, including whether there is a need for new powers.
  • Support communities and the public sector in confronting extremism wherever it exists.
  • Promote British values and community cohesion – including ensuring women’s rights are upheld.”
25 January 2018
Committee of 300“Earlier generations, the men of the industrial boom, were able to make themselves conquistadors; in our time with the strengthening of organizations, they themselves seek to secure successors who are familiar with the methods of leadership that have been established, with the art of staffing that has become practice. They, the results of a dangerous economic experiment, of a self-actuated selection, do not want to repeat the experiment with others; they do not look at successors as such, but at successors in their vicinity, in their circle, their offspring. In the most impersonal, democratic field of work, that of economic management, where every foolish word can compromise, every failure can topple, where the sovereign audience of a shareholders' meeting decides by statute on appointment and dismissal, an oligarchy has formed in the course of an age, as closed as that of ancient Venice. Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, guide the economic destinies of the continent and seek their successors from their own milieu. The strange causes of this strange phenomenon, which throws a glimmer into the darkness of future social development, are not here for consideration. The first question to be answered here is who it is: it is the offspring of urban origin, of normal education, of middle-class status, in short, the second or third generation of earners and leaders.” 1912Walther Rathenau
Common Dreams“Similarly, "Thou shall get vaccinated." Any infringement of an individual's liberty by requiring safe and highly effective COVID-19 vaccination pales in comparison to the social benefits--and consequent economic benefits--of public health. It is a no-brainer to require all individuals, with only limited medical exemptions, to be vaccinated. While many governments appear to be too timid to impose this requirement, employers, schools, and social organizations--any organized activity that brings individuals into contact with others--should do so.” September 2021Joseph Stiglitz
Compartmentalisation“The most important thing for people to get is we're not even looking at one big investigation, all these agents working together. They were chopped up and divided, but because I worked in the central place... other agents were sending their material to me... I was in this position to see all the dots being connected... These agents, while I was there, because I was the central person, they started connecting the dots.” Sibel Edmonds
Consensus trance“Nine tenths of the news, as printed in the newspapers, is pseudo-news. Some days ten tenths. The ritual morning trance in which one scans columns of newsprint creates a peculiar form of generalised pseudo-attention to pseudo-reality... My own experience has been that renunciation of this self-hypnosis, of this particiption in this trance is not a sacrifice of reality.” 1968Thomas Merton
Conservative PartyThe Conservative Party is, in large part, a conspiracy against thinking about what conservatism means. So there is no point using words like ‘conservatism’ to think about Conservatism.” James Alexander
Conspiracy belief“[Conspiracy beliefs] are — almost by definition — not shared by the majority of people.” 2016Roland Imhoff
Pia Karoline Lamberty
Conspiracy belief“belief in conspiracy theories is positively associated with intuitive rather than analytic thinking. Consistently, higher education predicts lower conspiracy beliefs, a finding that is partly mediated by a tendency among the less educated to attribute agency and intentionality where it does not exist, and stronger analytic thinking skills among the higher educated.” 2018Jan-Willem van Prooijen
Karen Douglas
Conspiracy of Silence

“In 1993, a film crew from Yorkshire television in the U.K. led by producer Nick Grey and director Tim Tate went to Omaha, Nebraska in the U.S.A to make a documentary about an alleged paedophile ring.

Funded by the Discovery Channel in the U.S.A. their proposed film would first be broadcast in the U.K. and Ireland as part of Yorkshire television’s documentary series: “First Tuesday”. A U.S. broadcast would follow.

In Omaha the film crew discovered the machinations of a vast operation functioning throughout the country providing children to the wealthy and the political establishment for molestation, drug trafficking and blackmail.

Cover up

In 1994 Conspiracy of Silence was scheduled to air in the U.K. But – During final editing with first broadcast approaching – The Discovery Channel suddenly withdrew support without explanation and reimbursed Yorkshire television the half million dollars it cost to make. It remains ‘unaired’ via the commercially-controlled media.”
Conspiracy theories/Academic research/Projectionthey are emotional given that negative emotions and not rational deliberations cause conspiracy beliefs; and they are social as conspiracy beliefs are closely associated with psychological motivations underlying intergroup conflict” 2018Jan-Willem van Prooijen
Karen Douglas
Conspiracy theories/Academic research/Projection“conspiracy beliefs were found to be more prevalent among disadvantaged groups, who presumably have a stronger need to explain events beyond their control... conspiracy thinking reflects a “psychological need to explain events”, and may be sustained by willingness to impose implausible causal narratives on event sequences.” 2018Robbie Sutton
Reine C. van der Wal
Jens Lange
Joao P. N. Braga
Conspiracy theories/Academic research/Projection“[Conspiracy beliefs] are — almost by definition — not shared by the majority of people.” 2016Roland Imhoff
Pia Karoline Lamberty
Conspiracy/Public attitudes“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” 1913Woodrow Wilson
Consumerism“What if consumer products were fabricated to be actually disposable rather than just conceptually so?” 24 May 2019Alistair Dabbs
Contadora Island

“Surely you've heard the rumors about why Noriega was taken down and today rots in a U.S. prison."

"I've heard that he had cameras on Contadora Island." It was an infamous resort off Panama's coast, a "safe haven" where U.S. businessmen could treat politicians to every conceivable vice. I had visited—and used—Contadora several times during my EHM days.

"You heard who got caught by those cameras?"

"Rumors that George W. was photographed doing coke and having kinky sex during the time his father was president." There was a theory in Latin America that Noriega had used incriminating photos of the younger Bush and his cronies to convince the older Bush, the president, to side with the Panamanian administration on key issues. In retaliation, H. W. invaded Panama and hustled Noriega off to a Miami prison. The building housing Noriega's confidential files had been incinerated by bombs; as a side effect, more than two thousand innocent civilians were burned to death in Panama City that day in December 1989. Many people claimed that this theory offered the only logical explanation for violently attacking a nation without an army and that posed no threat to the United States.
Jose nodded. "From where I sit, those rumors ring awfully true. I've experienced things that take them out of the realm of fantasy." He cocked his head. "So have you." He paused, looking around. "And it terrifies me."

2007John Perkins
Control RisksControl Risks would continue the ISC's previous assistance to South Africa: in 1986, it set up a syndicate for British companies trading with South Africa. For a price of £1,500 per place, Control Risks informed the syndicate's members of "the activities of anti-apartheid groups in Europe, their relationship to terrorist groups and their intentions".” David Teacher
Jonathan Cook“It looks suspiciously like one scene in particular, of people with horrific burns, was staged.” 8 March 2017Jonathan Cook
Robin Cook“So long as the struggle against terrorism is perceived as a war that can be won by military means, it is doomed to fail. The more the West emphasises confrontation, the more it silences moderate voices in the Muslim world who want to speak up for cooperation.” 8 July 2005Robin Cook
Robert Cooper“The postmodern world has to start to get used to double standards. Among ourselves, we operate on the basis of laws and open cooperative security. But, when dealing with old-fashioned states outside the postmodern continent of Europe, we need to revert to the rougher methods of an earlier era--force, pre-emptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary. Among ourselves, we keep the law but when we are operating in the jungle, we must also use the laws of the jungle.” April 2002Robert Cooper
Robert Cooper“A system in which preventative action is required will be stable only under the condition that it is dominated by a single power or a concert of powers. The doctrine of prevention therefore needs to be complemented by a doctrine of enduring strategic superiority — and this is, in fact, the main theme of the US National Security Strategy.” Robert Cooper
William Cooper

“Read everything. Listen to everything. Don’t trust anything unless you can prove it with your own research.

If you think you're on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.

Learn to think for yourself. Learn to find the truth for yourself because that is the only salvation.”

William Cooper
William Cooper“Whatever they're going to blame on Usama bin Laden - don't you believe it...They will soon do something outlandish to gain the support of the Sheeple.” 28 June 2001William Cooper
Copper Green“If anyone still thinks that the only people who dreamt up the idea about torturing prisoners were just some privates and corporals at Abu Ghraib, this document should put that myth to rest.” 2004Tom Malinowski
Greg Coppola“I’ve just been coding since I was ten, I have a Ph.D., I have five years of experience at Google, and I just know how algorithms are. They don’t write themselves. We write them to make them do what we want them to do.” July 2019Greg Coppola
Coral affair“I remember that we were alerted to stop the investigation into the pedophile network 'Coral 'because of the personalities involved.” 1997Paul Barril
James Corbett“When there is a question mark in the headline, the answer is always no.” 22 October 2021James Corbett
Piers CorbynPiers Corbyn is a danger to our families, teams + to the people who believe the garbage he bangs on about. People may not agree with all their MP does but threatening to hammer us to death and burn down our offices is vile. Anonymous online trolls aren’t the major problem here.” 18 December 2021Piers Corbyn
Sarah Owen
Corporate media“[The] investigation based on Edmonds’ information was supposed to have four parts, but was inexplicably dropped. “The story was pulled half-way, suddenly, without any warning”, the journalist said. “I wasn’t party to the editorial decision to drop the story, but there was a belief in the office amongst several journalists who were part of the Insight investigative unit that the decision was made under pressure from the U.S. State Department, because the story might cause a diplomatic incident... The way the story was dropped was unusual, but the belief amongst my colleagues this happened under political pressure is plausible.” He cryptically described an “editorial mechanism, linked to the paper but not formally part of it, which could however exert control on stories when necessary, linked to certain interests.” When asked which interests, the journalist said, “I can’t say. I can’t talk about that.”” January 2008An unnamed "lead reporter" on Edwards' series at the Sunday Times.