Trilateral Commission

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Group.png Trilateral Commission  
(Deep state milieuNNDB Powerbase Sourcewatch WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
FormationJuly 1973
Founder• Zbigniew Brzezinski
• David Rockefeller
Typethink tank
Interest ofAtlantic Institute, Nicola Brewer, Robert Eringer, Forum Portugal Global, Jim Tucker
Member ofTrilateral Commission Task Force on Global Capitalism in Transition
Sponsored byHewlett Foundation
SubpageTrilateral Commission/Asia Pacific Chairman
Trilateral Commission/European Chairman
Trilateral Commission/Members
Trilateral Commission/North American Chair
Membership• Robert M. Kimmitt
• Richard N. Cooper
• Alan Greenspan
• Albert Shanker
• Alexander Haig
• Alfred von Oppenheim
• Anne-Marie Slaughter
• Antonio Madero Bracho
• Arnold Kanter
• Barbara Stymiest
• Bill Clinton
• Bill Graham
• Bruce Babbitt
• C. J. Silas
• Carla Hills
• Caspar Weinberger
• Charlene Barshefsky
• Charles Rangel
• Charles W. Robinson
• Charles W. Yost
• Cyrus Vance
• Daniel J. Evans
• Daniel Yergin
• David Gergen
• David Howell
• David J. O'Reilly
• David M. Rubenstein
• David Rockefeller
• David T. Kearns
• Dennis C. Blair
• Deryck Maughan
• Dianne Feinstein
• Dick Benschop
• Donald Graham
• Donna Shalala
• Edwin O. Reischauer
• Eliot A. Cohen
• Erik Seidenfaden
• Fareed Zakaria
• Franklin Raines
• François Bujon de l'Estang
• Fritz Stern
• Gaston Thorn
• George Vasiliou
• Georges Berthoin
• Gerhard Casper
• Graham Allison
• H. Onno Ruding
• Harald Norvik
• Harold Brown
• Harrison McCain
• Henri de Castries
• Henry A. McKinnell Jr
• Henry D. Owen
• Hideko Katsumata
• Howard Wolpe
• Indra Nooyi
• Jacob Wallenberg
• Jaime Serra Puche
• James A. Johnson
• James B. Steinberg
• James Dimon
• James F. Hoge Jr
• James R. Houghton
• James T. Hackett
• James Wolfensohn
• Janet L. Yellen
• Jay Rockefeller
• Jean-Claude Trichet
• Jeffrey E. Epstein
• Jeffrey W. Greenberg
• Jerry Levin
• Jessica P. Einhorn
• Jessica Tuchman Mathews
• Jimmy Carter
• Joan Spero
• John A. Thain
• John Brademas
• John C. Whitehead
• John D. Negroponte
• John H. Bryan
• John Huntsman
• John Kingman
• Josef Ackermann
• Josef Joffe
• Joseph S. Nye
• Joseph T. Gorman
• Juan Williams
• Karen Hastie Williams
• Karsten Dybvad
• Katharine Graham
• Ken Duberstein
• Kenneth S. Rogoff
• Kiichi Miyazawa
• Koh Boon Hwee
• Kurt L. Schmoke
• Lawrence H. Summers
• Lene Espersen
• Leon Brittan
• Lloyd Cutler
• Lorenzo H. Zambrano
• Louis V. Gerstner
• Lucio A. Noto
• Margrethe Vestager
• Marie-Josée Kravis
• Marina v.N. Whitman
• Mark Moody-Stuart
• Marshall A. Cohen
• Marta Dassù
• Martin Feldstein
• Maurice R. Greenberg
• Maurizio Bevilacqua
• Michael Armacost
• Michael Bloomberg
• Michael E. J. Phelps
• Michael J. Critelli
• Michel Oksenberg
• Mort Zuckerman
• Nan Keohane
• Neil Goldschmidt
• Niall FitzGerald
• Nicola Brewer
• Nicolas Beytout
• Oscar Fanjul
• Otto Grieg Tidemand
• Otto Lambsdorff
• Otto Wolff von Amerongen
• Paolo Magri
• Paul Allaire
• Paul Volcker
• Paul Wolfowitz
• Paul Wonnacott
• Peter Mandelson
• Peter Shore
• Peter Sutherland
• Pierre Lellouche
• R. Nicholas Burns
• Rand V. Araskog
• Raymond Chrétien
• Renato Ruggiero
• Richard Darman
• Richard N. Gardner
• Richard W. Fisher
• Riley P. Bechtel
• Robert A. Eckert
• Robert McNamara
• Robert N. Wilson
• Robert S. Ingersoll
• Robert S. Strauss
• Robert W. Lane
• Robert Zoellick
• Roger C. Altman
• Rona Ambrose
• Ronaldo H. Schmitz
• Rozanne L. Ridgway
• Shijuro Ogata
• Sidney Harman
• Silvio Scaglia
• Steen Riisgaard
• Stephen Friedman
• Stephen M. Wolf
• Stephen W. Bosworth
• Strobe Talbott
• Sturla Henriksen
• Sylvie Kauffmann
• Thomas Friedman
• Thorvald Stoltenberg
• Timothy C. Collins
• Tom Foley
• Tøger Seidenfaden
• Umberto Agnelli
• Vernon Jordan
• Viktor Orbán
• Vivienne Cox
• Walter Isaacson
• William Cohen
• William J. Crowe Jr
• William J. McDonough
• William J. Perry
• William Niskanen
• William T. Coleman III
• William T. Coleman Jr
• William T. Esrey
• William V. Roth Jr
• William W. Scranton
• Winston Lord
• Zbigniew Brzezinski
• Zoë Baird
• Ahmed Abdirahman
• Ahmed Aljarwan
• Akihiko Tanaka
• Akinari Horii
• Akio Okawara
• Akio Takahara
• Akira Kojima
• Alan Cranston
• Aleksandra Drecun
• Alesha Black
• Alexander Lambsdorff
• Alexandra Haas-Paciuc
• Alexandra Papalexopoulou
• Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer
• Alexia Bertrand
• Ali Wyne
• Allan Gyngell
• Anbu Varathan
• Andrea Mitchell
• Andreas Treichl
• Andrew Liveris
• Andrew Sweet
• Andrzej Olechowski
• André Desmarais
• Andy Karsner
• Andy Sieg
• Angelos Gregoriades
• Ann-Kristin Achleitner
• Anna Ekström
• Annahita Nikpour
• Anne Skovbro
• Annie Lööf
• Antonio Ortiz-Mena
• Arkadiusz Muś
• Arthur A. DeFehr
• Ash Carter
• Axel Weber
• Barbara Judge
• Bark Taeho
• Baron Jean-Pierre Berghmans
• Barry Desker
• Beat Hess
• Ben Nye
• Bertrand-Marc Allen
• Bhairavi Jani
• Bilahari Kausikan
• Bill Graham
• Bo Lidegaard
• Bodil Nyboe Andersen
• Borja Prado
• Bret Stephens
• Brian Gilvary
• Bruce Andrews
• C. Fred Bergsten
• Carl Bildt
• Carla A. Hills
• Carlo Messina
• Carlos Heredia
• Carlos Moedas
• Carole Taylor
• Caroline Daniel
• Catherine Bertini
• Cecilia Braggiotti
• Cecilia Malmström
• Cecilia Soto Gonzalez
• Chandrajit Banerjee
• Charles D. Lake II
• Chen Naiqing
• Cho Hyun Joon
• Christian Gut
• Christian Nordholtz
• Christian Vollmann
• Chuck Robb
• Chung Mong-Joon
• Claudia Nemat
• Claudia Parzani
• Corien Wortmann-Kool
• Cristina Garmendia
• Daniel Yergin
• Daniela Schwarzer
• Dato’ Sri Dr. Tahir
• David Abshire
• David Borcsok
• David Ignatius
• David Lipton
• David M. Rubenstein
• David Petraeus
• David R. Gergen
• David Sanger
• Dawn Farrell
• Denis Simonneau
• Diana Farrell
• Dick Benschop
• Diego del Alcázar
• Dita Přikrylová
• Donald Gogel
• Donald Graham
• Doug Beck
• Douglas Elmendorf
• Douglas N. Daft
• Edoardo Campanella
• Eduardo Costa
• Eijiro Katsu
• Eli Leenaars
• Elisa Lavore Fanjul
• Elisabeth Guigou
• Elsbeth Tronstad
• Emil Tedeschi
• Enrico Tommaso Cucchiani
• Eric Pelletier
• Eric Schmidt
• Esko Aho
• Estela Barbot
• Esther Brimmer
• Ewald Nowotny
• Fiona Hill
• Fouad M. T. Alghanim
• Fouad Makhzoumi
• Frances Fragos Townsend
• Frances Townsend
• Francis Maude
• Francisco de Lacerda
• Franjo Bobinac
• Franjo Luković
• Frans Van Daele
• Franz Fischler
• François Bujon de l'Estang
• Fred Langhammer
• G. Allen Andreas
• G. Richard Thoman
• Gary Doer
• Geoffrey T. Boisi
• Georges Berthoin
• Gerald Seib
• Giampaolo Di Paola
• Giampiero Massolo
• Gianfelice Rocca
• Gianluigi Castelli
• Gordon Giffin
• Graham Allison
• Grete Faremo
• Guillermo F. Vogel
• Guy Elliott
• György Surányi
• Gábor Kovács
• Güler Sabancı
• Han Sung-Joo
• Hans Wijers
• Harald Solberg
• Hassan Wirajuda
• Heather Munroe-Blum
• Heidi Crebo-Rediker
• Heinrich Christen
• Heinrich Weiss
• Helima Croft
• Henry A. Kissinger
• Herbjørn Hansson
• Herman Van Rompuy
• Herminio Blanco Mendoza
• Hervé Mariton
• Hiroaki Nakanishi
• Hirofumi Hamaguchi
• Hiroshi Watanabe
• Hitoshi Tanaka
• Hong Seok-Hyun
• Hugh Friel
• Håkon Haugli
• Ian Bremmer
• Ichiro Fujisaki
• Idar Kreutzer
• Ignacio Garralda
• Igor Yurgens
• Ilkka Salonen
• Indira Samarasekera
• István Stumpf
• Ivan Šramko
• Ivana Dragičević
• Izumi Kobayashi
• Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
• Jack Harris
• Jacob A. Frenkel
• Jacob Soetoyo
• Jacob Wallenberg
• Jacobo Roa-Vicens
• Jacques Aschenbroich
• Jaime Castellanos
• Jaime Serra
• Jake Sullivan
• Jakob Ellemann-Jensen
• James B. Steinberg
• James Manyika
• Jami Miscik
• Jamie S. Gorelick
• Jamshyd Godrej
• Jane Harman
• Jared Cohen
• Javier Arroyo
• Javier Paul Itchon Lao
• Jean Charest
• Jean Lemierre
• Jean-Claude Trichet
• Jean-Louis Bourlanges
• Jean-Louis Bruguière
• Jean-Pierre Roth
• Jeffrey Simpson
• Jens Ulltveit-Moe
• Jeroen van der Veer
• Jerzy Baczyński
• Jerzy Koźmiński
• Jessica Brandt
• Jessica Ji Eun Lee
• Jim Leach
• Joachim Pfeiffer
• John A. MacNaughton
• John A. Quelch
• John B.Hess
• John Bruton
• John Kingman
• John M. Deutch
• John Manley
• John R. Hewson
• Jon Riberas
• Joseph K. Hurd III
• Joseph S. Nye
• Joshua Berkowitz
• Joshua W. Walker
• Jovan Kovačić
• Joy Lo Dico
• Juan Gallardo
• Juan Pablo Zorrilla
• Judith A. McHale
• Julia Jäkel
• Juliette Kayyem
• Jung Ku-hyun
• Jusuf Wanandi
• Jürgen Fitschen
• Kanji Nishiura
• Karen Elliott
• Karim El Aynaoui
• Karsten Dybvad
• Keiko Tashiro
• Keir Starmer
• Keizo Takemi
• Ken Juster
• Kengo Sakurada
• Kenneth M. Duberstein
• Kerry Healey
• Kim Gunho
• Kim Kihwan
• Kiyoshi Tsugawa
• Klaas Knot
• Klaus Kleinfeld
• Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
• Klaus-Peter Müller
• Koichi Kawana
• Koji Nagai
• Kolinda Grabar Kitarović
• Kristin Skogen Lund
• Kuniharu Nakamura
• Kurt Lauk
• Ladislav Bartoníček
• Lael Brainard
• Lars Rohde
• Latham Saddler
• Laura McGee
• Laurent Bigorgne
• Lawrence Eagleburger
• Lawrence Lau
• Lee H. Hamilton
• Lee Hong Koo
• Lee Jay Y
• Lee Shin-wha
• Lee Sook-Jong
• Leonard Levie
• Levent Tuzun
• Li Zhaoxing
• Linda Hasenfratz
• Linda Koch Lorimer
• Liviu Tudor
• Lord Kerr of Kinlochard
• Lord Willetts
• Loren DeJonge Schulman
• Lori Esposito Murray
• Louis C. Camilleri
• Louis Vega
• Lourdes Melgar
• Lu Shumin
• Luc Frieden
• Lucas Papademos
• Ludovic Subran
• Luigi Gubitosi
• Luis Rubio
• Luis Téllez Kuenzler
• Luis de Carlos
• Luis de la Calle
• Lukito Wanandi
• Lykke Friis
• Magnus Schöldtz
• Maha Yahya
• Manfred Bischoff
• Manuel Falcó
• Manuel Muñiz
• Marc Puig
• Marco Tronchetti Provera
• Marco Veremis
• Marek Belka
• Margrethe Vestager
• Maria Rankka
• Marianne Lie
• Marie-Ange Debon
• Mario Monti
• Mark Boris Andrijanič
• Mark Brzezinski
• Mark FitzPatrick
• Marne Levine
• Marta Dassù
• Marta Guzzafame
• Masaaki Tsuya
• Matteo Villa
• Matthias Wissmann
• Maurizio Sella
• Meghan L. O’Sullivan
• Melanne Verveer
• Merit E. Janow
• Merja Ylä-Anttila
• Mia Kovačić
• John Risley
• Michael Beckerman
• Michael Bloomberg
• Michael Chertoff
• Michael Duffy
• Michael Fuchs
• Michael Inacker
• Michael Klein
• Michael Mullen
• Michael Olshan
• Michael Schaefer
• Michael Tiedemann
• Michael Wesley
• Michel David-Weill
• Michelle Nunn
• Mike Moore
• Minoru Makihara
• Mitsuomi Koizumi
• Mmusi Maimane
• Mohammad Keyhani
• Monica Maggioni
• Monika Ribar
• Monique Leroux
• Mugur Isarescu
• Na Kyung-Won
• Naoki Tanaka
• Natarajan Sivasamban
• Naushad Forbes
• Ngaire Woods
• Nicholas Kristof
• Nicola Brewer
• Nigel Higgins
• Nihal Chauhan
• Nikhil R. Meswani
• Nina Christina Halg
• Nobuo Tanaka
• Nobuyuki Hirano
• Nuno Amado
• Oliver Bäte
• Olli Rehn
• Ong Keng Yong
• Ornella Barra
• P. Thomas Jenkins
• Park Chul Hee
• Park Jaehan
• Patrick Buffet
• Patrick Combes
• Patrizia Grieco
• Paula J. Dobriansky
• Peter Andronov
• Peter Lukeš
• Peter Mitterbauer
• Peter S. Watson
• Peter Straarup
• Philip Ng
• Pietro Salini
• Piia-Noora Kauppi
• Quentin Grafton
• R. Nicholas Burns
• Raivo Vare
• Rajan Navani
• Rajiv Shah
• Rastam Mohd Isa
• Rastislav Káčer
• Rasvan Radu
• Raul Yzaguirre
• Raymond Chrétien
• Raymond Seitz
• Ren Ito
• Richard Conroy
• Richard Falkenrath
• Richard N. Cooper
• Ritt Bjerregaard
• Rob Jetten
• Robert Johnston
• Robert Zoellick
• Roberto F. de Ocampo
• Rolf Buch
• Rolf Dörig
• Rona Ambrose
• Rory Stewart
• Rosen Plevneliev
• Ross Garnaut
• Ruan Zongze
• Ryu Jin Roy
• Sakong Il
• Samantha Vinograd
• Samir Brikho
• Sanjay Kirloskar
• Santiago Levy
• Satoru Murase
• Satu Huber
• Scott Brison
• Scott Kleinman
• Scott Nathan
• Seamus FitzPatrick
• Sean O’Driscoll
• Shigemitsu Sugisaki
• Shigesuke Kashiwagi
• Shin Dong-Bin
• Shingo Tsuji
• Sigmar Gabriel
• Silvia Merler
• Simon Freakley
• Sinead Gorman
• Sio Chi Wai
• Sohn Jie-Ae
• Somkiat Tangkitvanich
• Staffan de Mistura
• Stanley Fischer
• Stefano Gandolfo
• Stella Rimington
• Stephanie Kusie
• Stephen Peel
• Steve Bunnell
• Steven MacKinnon
• Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
• Sung Kyung Kwan
• Sunil Misra
• Susan Molinari
• Susan Schwab
• Sven Burmester
• Sylvia Mathews Burwell
• Sylvie Kauffmann
• Sławomir Sikora
• Takeshi Kunibe
• Takuya Fujii
• Takuya Kitagawa
• Tania le Moigne
• Tarisa Watanagase
• Tarun Das
• Teh Kok Peng
• Teruo Asada
• Thierry Déau
• Thomas Dermine
• Thomas F. McLarty III
• Thomas G. Labrecque
• Thomas Leysen
• Thomas R. Pickering
• Timothy Collins
• Timothy Keating
• Tobby Simon
• Tom Kompas
• Tomasz Sielicki
• Tony Blinken
• Toomas Hendrik Ilves
• Tove Lifvendahl
• Toyoo Gyohten
• Trine Eilertsen
• Tzitzi Moran
• Ulysses Kyriacopoulos
• Ursula Plassnik
• Uwe Fröhlich
• Victor Massiah
• Vittorio Grilli
• Vivian Hunt
• Vivienne Cox
• Vladimír Dlouhý
• Vyara Ankova
• Wayne Safro
• Wendy Dobson
• Wendy Sherman
• William H. Gray
• Wolfgang Ischinger
• Wu Xinbo
• Yasmine Kherbache
• Yasuchika Hasegawa
• Yasuhiro Sato
• Yasuhisa Shiozaki
• Yohei Kiguchi
• Yoichi Funabashi
• Yoshihisa Suzuki
• Yotaro Kobayashi
• Yuen Pau Woo
• Yuko Kawamoto
• Yurina Takiguchi
• Yves-Louis Darricarrère
• Zhao Weiping
• Zhou Wenzhong
• Zita Schellekens
• Zivorad Vasic
• Árpád Kovács
• Žiga Vavpotič
A big money think tank with members drawn from US, Japan and Europe

The Trilateral Commission (TLC) was founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller in 1973. David Guyatt reports that it could be "said to be the Bilderberg group dressed in another frock"[1]. It is often mentioned together with the Bilderberg group and the Council On Foreign Relations. As of May 2019, it was still very poorly documented by this website, but its importance in the world of deep politics should not be underrated.

Continued relevance

Within ten days of assuming power, Barack Obama had appointed eleven members of the Trilateral Commission to top-level and key positions in his administration, some 12% of the TLC's entire US membership.[2]

Failed Call for Investigation

In 1980, congressman Larry McDonald introduced American Legion National Convention Resolution 773 to the House of Representatives calling for a comprehensive congressional investigation into the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission, but nothing came of it.[3] McDonald was killed in 1983 aboard Korean Air Lines Flight 007.


Related Quotations

Will Hutton“Along with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Conference, this (the World Economic Forum) is one of the key meetings of the year. No policy is made here; it is all talk, some of it banal and platitudinous. But the consensus established is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide”Will Hutton
Paul Volcker“In 1952, straight from the London School of Economics, Volcker joined the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as an economist. He stayed for five years, until 1957, at which time Volcker moved from Liberty Street to become an economist for Chase Manhattan Bank, where he stayed for four years, until 1961. In 1961, Volcker went to the Treasury Department in Washington, thus completing the first round of his three stop "revolving door." Appointed as Deputy Undersecretary for Monetary Affairs, he held that job just long enough to learn the ropes in Washington, and returned to New York, to Chase Manhattan Bank, as Vice President in charge of Planning. After three years in that post, Volcker left in 1969 to become Undersecretary for Monetary Affairs at the U. S. Treasury Department. After five years, Volcker completed the second round of his "revolving door" with an appointment as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Volcker is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller Foundation and the American Friends of the London School of Economics.

If Paul Volcker was a solitary phenomenon, we could make no case for Trilateral control of the Federal Reserve System. In fact, the Volcker phenomenon is one of a dozen parallel situations.”
Paul Volcker
Antony Sutton


Known members

419 of the 1417 of the members already have pages here:

David AbshireSpooky US diplomat with connections to "Iran-Contra"
Ann-Kristin AchleitnerDirector of Lazard Ltd and Lazard Group since April 2021. Married to Bilderberg Steering Committee Paul Achleitner
Josef AckermannChairman of Deutsche Bank, G30, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Alexandre AdlerFrench academic
Gianni AgnelliItalian industrialist, 37 Bilderbergs
Umberto AgnelliItalian business magnate with multiple deep state connections including the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Esko AhoAttended the 1994 Bilderberg as Prime Minister of Finland
Michel AlbertFrench economist, 1969 Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission Member
Paul AllaireBilderberg Steering Committee member and board of the Council on Foreign Relations who headed Rank Xerox
Graham AllisonAttended the Bilderberg in 2007 after a 33 year break. First attended, as a speaker, in 1970, aged 30. Multiple deep state connections.
Roger AltmanUS Banker, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Otto Wolff von AmerongenBilderberg Advisory Committee member, deep politician
Bodil Nyboe AndersenDanish central banker who pushed for introduction of the euro. Daughter of Bilderberger Poul Nyboe Andersen and attended 3 Bilderberg meetings herself. Trilateral Commission.
Poul Nyboe AndersenDanish economist and politician. Member of the Trilateral Commission. His daughter is former national bank director Bodil Nyboe Andersen.
Dwayne AndreasLarge political donor to both major US parties.
Michael ArmacostPresident of the Brookings Institution, Acting US Secretary of State for 5 days in 1989
Anne ArmstrongUnited States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Zoë BairdSpookily connected US lawyer
George BallUS deep politician who attended all 40 Bilderberg meetings up to his death, he helped make key decisions about post-WW2 Europe.
Patricia BarbizetProminent figure in the French business world
Estela BarbotPortuguese executive who is heavily involved in the Trilateral Commission and its Portuguese subgroup the Forum Portugal Global. She is a member of the The Club of Rome and attended Bilderberg for the first time in 2019.
Raymond BarreFrench PM, single Bilderberger
Piero BassettiDouble Bilderberg Italian politician
Michel BelangerCanadian businessman and banker. Trilateral, 1968 and 1989 Bilderbergs
Erik BelfrageSwedish diplomat and banker. Wallenberg associate. Attended the 2005 Bilderberg
Dick BenschopAttended the 2000 Bilderberg as Dutch State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Tafelronde/Chair, Trilateral Commission, Shell CEO, Schiphol Airport Director
C. Fred BergstenBrookings Institution, CFR, 5 Bilderbergs ...
Susan BerresfordPresident of the Ford Foundation
Nicolas BeytoutQuad Bilderberg French editor/journalist
Kurt BiedenkopfWest German politician "parachuted" into the former East Germany to lead the state of Saxony.
Laurent BigorgneFrench deep state operative. Attended the 2015 Bilderberg
Carl BildtSwedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
Kurt Birrenbach7 Bilderbergs, West German politician
Manfred BischoffMSC regular
Ritt BjerregaardDouble Bilderberg Danish politician. Georgetown Leadership Seminar, Trilateral Commission..
Conrad BlackFraudulent Bilderberg steering committee member
Robert BlackwillUS deep state connected diplomat
Dennis BlairRay McGovern wrote in 2010 that Blair was sacked as Director of National Intelligence because he "did not show the malleability"
Michael BloombergAmerican deep politician billionaire. The 16th richest person in the world. Mayor of New York 2002-2013
W. Michael BlumenthalUS/Secretary of the Treasury in the 1970s, Bilderberg, Le Cercle, CFR
Marcel BoiteuxPresident of Le Siècle who worked his whole career for Électricité de France and created French energy independence with nuclear power. Bilderberg/1973.
António BorgesPortuguese economist and banker. Managing Director and International Adviser of Goldman Sachs. Attended Bilderberg/1997 and Bilderberg/2002
Robert BowieUS deep state actor who wrote item one of the agenda of the 1966 Bilderberg on the need to reorganise NATO, and it was done. DDNI 1977-79.
John BrademasUS politician
Ian BremmerPresident and founder of the Eurasia Group. Heavy MSC habit, CFR, TLC, YGL 2007, Bilderberg 2007
Nicola BrewerBritish diplomat and university administrator
Andrew BrimmerAfrican-American economist who attended the 1972 Bilderberg as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Leon Brittanformer European Commissioner
Harold BrownUnited States Secretary of Defense.
Jean-Louis BruguièreFrench judge specialised in "counterterrorism", who attended the 2003 Bilderberg
... further results


Hewlett FoundationHuge foundation setting the agenda by funding lots of deep state projects.


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