George Galloway

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Person.png George Galloway   Powerbase Sourcewatch Twitter Website WikiquoteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(politician, writer, speaker)
Born16 August 1954
Dundee, Scotland
Children • 3 daughters
• 3 sons
Spouse • Elaine Fyffe
• Amineh Abu-Zayyad
• Rima Husseini
• Putri Gayatri Pertiwi
Founder ofWorkers Party of Britain
Member ofAmerican Herald Tribune
InterestsSerena Shim Award
Interest of"Philip Cross"
PartyLabour (1967–2003), Respect (2004–2016), WPGB
Pro-Palestinian anti-Zionist Scottish politician

Employment.png Member of Parliament for Rochdale

In office
29 February 2024 - 30 May 2024

Employment.png Member of Parliament for Bradford West

In office
29 March 2012 - 30 March 2015

George Galloway is a British politician, broadcaster and writer, who stood as the Workers Party of Britain candidate in the 2024 Rochdale by-election.[1] On 29 February 2024, he was elected Member of Parliament for Rochdale after polling 12,335 votes, nearly 6,000 more than any other candidate.[2]

In the July 4th UK/General election/2024, Galloway was narrowly defeated by the Labour candidate Paul Waugh, with a majority of 1,440 votes. Within a fortnight, Galloway announced a file has been submitted to Greater Manchester Police alleging fraud at the Rochdale constituency in the General Election.[3]

GE2024 manifesto launch

On 19 June 2024, George Galloway launched the WPGB manifesto and undertook to use money allocated to the Trident nuclear program to fund the party's manifesto social policy commitments and predicted that within six months of a Keir Starmer prime ministership:

"We are potentially headed for Armaggedon.
"Britain will be at War. I don't mean a proxy war, I don't mean Special Forces dressed up as Arabs or Russians or Ukrainians.
"I mean an actual war with British forces deployed within 6 months of Keir Starmer becoming prime minister and then it's game over I'm afraid to say."[4]

Parliamentary career

Between the UK General Elections in 1987–2015, with a gap between 2010–12, he represented four constituencies as a Member of Parliament, elected as a candidate for the Labour Party and later the Respect Party. After becoming the youngest ever Chairman of the Scottish Labour Party in 1981, Galloway became General Secretary of the London-based charity War on Want in 1983, remaining in the post until he was elected as MP for Glasgow Hillhead (later Glasgow Kelvin) at the 1987 General Election.[5]

Forthright views

Early in his career, George Galloway was an opponent of Saddam Hussein, but he has been accused by David Aaronovitch and Christopher Hitchens of changing his mind about the Iraqi leader when it became Western policy not to support him. Galloway visited Iraq in 1994 and delivered a speech to Saddam Hussein, which ended with the statement:

"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."

George Galloway supports the Palestinian side in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, opposes Zionism, and was involved in the Viva Palestina aid convoys.[6]

Galloway presents the Mother Of All Talk Shows live on Rumble, Twitter and YouTube on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, delivering a monologue and interviewing guests. He claims each edition of MOATS regularly achieves an audience worldwide of over 1 million people.

Respect Party

Following his expulsion from the Labour Party, George Galloway became a member of "Respect–The Unity Coalition" in 2004, later known as the Respect Party (eventually becoming the party leader by late-2013). Having decided not to seek re-election for the Glasgow Kelvin constituency prior to the 2005 General Election, he then stood for the London constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow, defeating the sitting Labour MP, Oona King, and served for one parliamentary term.

He returned to the House of Commons at the Bradford West by-election in 2012, but lost his seat at the 2015 General Election. Galloway announced that he would stand in the election for the 2016 London mayoral election,[7][8] an intention he confirmed with a formal announcement, via his Twitter account, on 28 May.[9][10] but lost to the Labour's Sadiq Khan finishing in seventh place with 37,007 votes (1.4%). The Respect Party "voluntarily deregistered" itself at the Electoral Commission in August 2016.[11]

Testimony to US Senate

"An absolutely brilliant testimony by George Galloway."

On 17 May 2005, George Galloway testified to the United States Senate over its report alleging he had received illicit payments from the United Nations' Oil for Food Programme.[12]

In his testimony, Galloway made the following statements in response to the allegations against him:

"Senator, I am not now, nor have I ever been, an oil trader — and neither has anyone on my behalf. I have never seen a barrel of oil, owned one, bought one, sold one — and neither has anyone on my behalf.

"Now I know that standards have slipped in the last few years in Washington, but for a lawyer you are remarkably cavalier with any idea of justice.

"I am here today but last week you already found me guilty. You traduced my name around the world without ever having asked me a single question, without ever having contacted me, without ever having written to me or telephoned me, without any attempt to contact me whatsoever, and you call that justice."[13]

Returning to the Labour fold?

In October 2003, George Galloway was expelled from the Labour Party, having been found guilty by the party's National Executive Committee of four of the five charges of bringing the party into disrepute, including having called on Arabs to fight British troops. He was the only MP to be expelled from the Labour Party for his statements concerning the conflict.[14]

In December 2017, the Morning Star reported that Andrew Murray, chief of staff of Unite and former chairman of Stop the War Coalition, had called for the “vicious, illegal and disgraceful decision to expel George Galloway from the Labour Party” to be overturned. Murray praised Galloway for his role in “the leadership of that movement” which organised the largest march in Britain’s history against the Iraq war on 15 February 2003.[15]

Following Jeremy Corbyn's election as Leader of the Labour Party in 2015, Galloway has expressed a desire to return to the party and a petition calling for his reinstatement has received over 5,000 signatures.[16]

The Huffington Post revealed that "senior sources close to Jeremy Corbyn" had said that George Galloway could be allowed to re-join Labour - and even stand as an MP at the next General Election, if enough local members back him to return and the party’s ruling NEC approves the idea. However, the online journal considered that Galloway’s remarks about women and rape (when he declared that Julian Assange had been guilty of nothing more than “bad sexual etiquette”) might block any return.[17]

Deputy Labour leader and vice president of "Trade Union Friends of Israel", Tom Watson, and the "sociopath feminist" Jess Phillips, chair of the Women’s Parliamentary Labour Party (WPLP), who famously advocated stabbing Jeremy Corbyn "in the front", were expected to object strongly to Galloway's reinstatement in the Labour Party.[18]

Manchester Gorton constituency

On 21 March 2017, George Galloway confirmed he would stand as an Independent candidate in the 2017 Manchester Gorton by-election, saying the “all-Asian shortlist” selected by Labour was the latest in a long line of insults delivered by mainstream parties to local communities:[19]

"I have decided to enter the race to succeed my friend for thirty years, Sir Gerald Kaufman, as MP for Manchester Gorton. The “All-Asian short-list” hand-picked by Keith Vaz is just not good enough for the people of Gorton one of the most deprived constituencies in Britain. The short-listing, which excluded many better candidates, is the latest in a long line of insults delivered by mainstream parties to local communities. I will run as an Independent candidate and will write a regular by-election diary for Westmonster. This is my initial election statement.
"I have a long connection with the Manchester area – two of my children live here – and with the Gorton constituency in particular. The late Sir Gerald Kaufman was a friend of mine for over 30 years. Our friendship began before I was an MP, continued throughout my near 30 years with him in Parliament and afterwards. His appearance on my television show was his last big interview and will stand the test of time. Sir Gerald was a big figure in the House of Commons and was known far beyond it from Hollywood to Palestine and Kashmir. When he spoke people listened. I have decided to seek election for Manchester Gorton in the forthcoming by-election precisely because of my admiration for its late MP and I hope to persuade voters of every background that I am the best person to try to fill his shoes."[20]

The Manchester Gorton by-election was cancelled when Theresa May called a snap UK/2017 General Election. On 8 June 2017 Labour's Afzal Khan was elected as MP for Manchester Gorton with a 31,730 majority over the Conservative Shaden Jaradat. George Galloway (Independent) came third with 2,615 votes.[21]

Batley and Spen by-election

George Galloway stood as the Workers Party of Britain candidate in the 2021 Batley and Spen by-election on 1 July 2021 when Labour candidate Kim Leadbeater, sister of murdered MP Jo Cox, was elected with 13,296 votes. Conservative candidate Ryan Stephenson came second with 12,973 votes and former Labour and Respect MP George Galloway came third with 8,264 votes.[22]

Rochdale by-election

George Galloway: "This is for Gaza"

George Galloway won a remarkable victory in the 2024 Rochdale by-election and declared “a shifting of the tectonic plates” that caused the biggest ever by-election fall in Labour support.[23] Addressing Keir Starmer from the podium, Galloway said:

“This is going to spark a movement, a landslide, a shifting of the tectonic plates, a score of parliamentary constituencies, beginning here in the north-west, in the West Midlands, in London, from Ilford to Bethnal Green and Bow.
"It's true that every Muslim is bitterly angry at Keir Starmer and his misnamed 'Labour' party - but you would be very foolish if you didn't realise that millions of other citizens of our country are too.
Labour is on notice that they have lost the confidence of millions of their voters who loyally and traditionally voted for them generation after generation.
"Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are two cheeks of the same backside and they both got well and truly spanked tonight here in Rochdale."[24]


In November 2013, George Galloway with his wife Gayatri began presenting the "Sputnik" programme for the Russia Today (RT) network.[25] He was a regular contributor to RT's other programming, which included the Mother Of All Talk Shows.[26]

On 21 January 2016, BBC Newsnight presenter Evan Davis interviewed George Galloway on the results and implications of the report into the 2006 murder of Alexander Litvinenko which had just been published by the Litvinenko Inquiry chairman Sir Robert Owen. Galloway did not accept the report's conclusions that Russia's president Vladimir Putin was "probably" responsible, calling the Inquiry "another Whitehall farce" – the Hutton Inquiry all over again:

"We've been through Iraq and the murder of Dr David Kelly, the evidence for which is locked up for 70 years. I was at Yasser Arafat's bedside in France when he died of Polonium-210 poisoning."[27]


On 5 September 2009, in a radio interview conducted by telephone, George Galloway MP asked Frank Duggan, president of the US group Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc (VPAF103, Inc) about the credibility of the Lockerbie trial witness Tony Gauci. Duggan stated he believed Gauci to be "an honourable man just trying to do the right thing" despite his evidence being called into question by the SCCRC report. In which case, Galloway asked:

"Why was Gauci paid several million US dollars for his evidence?"

Duggan retorted: "No he wasn’t, who said that?"

George Galloway asserted it was a matter of public record that Gauci was paid, adding that Duggan seemed "not that familiar with what Gauci said" and "not very well versed on the evidence."

Frank Duggan emphasised that eight Judges had found Abdelbaset al-Megrahi guilty in a court of law (three at the 2000-2001 trial, five at the 2002 appeal). "Now you can choose to believe Robert Black, Dr Jim Swire and all of these other 'cranks' or you can believe the Judges," demonstrating the firm belief Duggan has in Megrahi’s guilt, based on his "in-depth" knowledge of the testimony, and any deviation from that official version is the work of 'cranks'.

One clear difference that shows here is the US relatives' consensus that Megrahi is guilty but - especially the VPAF103, Inc president - are largely unaware of the facts of the evidence and testimony, compared to those who have bothered to look at the evidence, witness testimony, court proceedings and independent research who are convinced of a miscarriage of justice. These 'cranks' include the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, Dr Jim Swire, Robert Black QC, Hans Köchler (UN Observer), Edwin Bollier (MEBO), John Ashton, Patrick Haseldine and many, many more.

George Galloway's short interview centered on Tony Gauci’s evidence, which Duggan called "reliable" and "natural," while admitting he didn't know what the man had actually said. The high point was Duggan loudly and repeatedly denying the $2 million reward for Gauci as a rumour with no substance. Frank Duggan then cut short the interview by hanging up on George Galloway.[28]

Suing and being sued

George Galloway: Leaked Labour report

In December 2004, George Galloway was awarded £150,000 libel damages, plus £1.2 million in costs, against The Telegraph newspaper which made seriously defamatory claims that Galloway was secretly receiving £375,000 a year from Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The newspaper also suggested he had diverted money from the oil-for-food programme, depriving the Iraqi people of food and medicines. It was inferred he had used his Mariam Appeal to personally enrich himself and that his actions had been tantamount to treason. Turning on the Government and its media supporters over the war in Iraq, Galloway said he would use the House of Commons to "ventilate" the issues raised in the trial, adding:

"I am glad and somewhat humbled to discover that there is at least one corner of the English field which remains uncorrupted and independent, and that corner is in this courtroom."[29]

In 2015 Galloway brought a case in the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, with Caroline Lucas‎ and Jenny Jones‎.[30]

On 27 January 2016, George Galloway was granted leave to sue Google over a "hate speech" broadcast on YouTube in 2014 by Willie Frazer, a loyalist campaigner in Belfast, who suggested the former Respect MP supported "terrorism".[31]

In June 2016, Aisha Ali-Khan, a former aide to George Galloway, accepted undisclosed damages from the Respect Party leader over claims that she conspired to run a dirty tricks campaign against him. Her solicitor Mark Lewis told Mr Justice Warby in London's High Court that Ms Ali-Khan had not been feeding disinformation or deceit to national newspapers or acting as a police agent.[32]

In January 2018, George Galloway threatened to sue David Baddiel and Jon Lansman for accusing him of being antisemitic, and to call Jeremy Corbyn as a witness:[33]

"I have launched a legal action through my solicitor KRW Law, against Jon Lansman in respect of his accusation that I am an anti-semite and that I should be dismissed from those broadcasters who employ me and that I should never be allowed reinstatement in the Labour Party for the reason above."[34]

On 18 February 2018, Galloway launched a crowd funding appeal for £25,000 to be raised within 30 days to pay for KRW Law's legal fees.[35]


"Philip Cross" made over 1700 edits to George Galloway's Wikipedia page.

Galloway's Wikipedia page is "semi-protected" and is tagged with:

This article may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may interest only a particular audience. (November 2018)

A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject. (June 2018)



Documents by George Galloway

TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
Document:Venezuela critics are just Blairites having a kick at Jeremy CorbynInterview7 August 2017Venezuela
Jeremy Corbyn
Hugo Chávez
Mike Pence
Nicolás Maduro
Abby Martin
National Constituent Assembly
Michael Prysner
For nineteen years the United States government and its secret agents have been trying to overthrow the Venezuela political process. Why might that be? Well, there are many reasons but the biggest among them has the smallest name: OIL.
Document:‘No slither of evidence’ against Russia over Skripal attack, George Galloway tells RTVideo28 March 2018Theresa May
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Skripal Affair
George Galloway concludes: "The OPCW, which is currently examining samples of the nerve agent used against the Skripals, will presumably be lent upon to obfuscate the outcome. No one will ever know the truth.”


Event Participated in

International Festival of Whistleblowing Dissent and Accountability8 May 20218 May 2021InternetWhistleblowing event held in 2021.


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Document:Batley and Spen by-election: Palestine becomes potential dealbreakerArticle18 June 2021Alex MacDonaldAccording to Coral, Galloway is currently on 50/1 odds to win, compared to 2/1 for Leadbeater and 2/5 for Conservative candidate Ryan Stephenson. William Hill has the Conservatives on 1/3, Labour at 5/2 and the WPGB at 33/1.
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  1. "Bookies slash Galloway Rochdale odds to 2/1"
  2. "Rochdale by-election: Landslide win for George Galloway"
  3. "Galloway fightback and call with Corbyn"
  4. "Workers Party of Britain Manifesto Launch with George Galloway"
  5. "Glasgow Kelvin (UK Parliament constituency)"
  6. "Biography: George Galloway"
  7. "Galloway: I Will Run For Mayor If MP Bid Fails", Sky News, 23 April 2015
  8. Adam Withnall "George Galloway 'will run to replace Boris Johnson as London Mayor' if he fails to get re-elected as Bradford West MP", The Independent, 23 April 2015
  9. "Galloway 4 London"
  10. Robin de Peyer "George Galloway announces plan to run for London Mayor", London Evening Standard, 28 May 2015
  11. "George Galloway's Respect Party deregisters, prompting speculation politician may rejoin Labour"
  12. "Oil-for-Food Programme"
  13. "George Galloway's Senate testimony in full"
  14. "Galloway expelled from Labour"
  15. "Murray: Time That 'Vicious' Galloway Bar Is Overturned"
  16. "Reinstate George Galloway's Labour Party Membership"
  17. "George Galloway Could Rejoin Labour If Local Members Want Him And Party Approves, Senior Source Confirms"
  18. "Sociopath Labour Feminist Jess Phillips' Stabbing Threat Towards Jeremy Corbyn"
  19. "George Galloway to stand in Manchester Gorton by-election"
  20. "George Galloway enters 'Mother of all by-elections' in Manchester Gorton"
  21. "General Election 8 June 2017"
  22. "Live reaction as Labour's Kim Leadbeater wins the Batley and Spen by-election by just 300 votes"
  23. "George Galloway’s Rochdale win is truly remarkable"
  24. "‘This is for Gaza’: George Galloway sweeps to victory in Rochdale byelection"
  25. Claire Armstrong "Bradford Respect MP George Galloway to be father again", Telegraph and Argus 3 January 2014
  26. Frances Perraudin "RT: Russia Today's six most memorable moments", The Guardian (London), 30 October 2014
  27. "George Galloway and Alex Goldfarb on Litvinenko Inquiry - BBC Newsnight"
  28. "George Galloway interviews Frank Duggan"
  29. "Galloway wins £150,000 damages as judge lambasts 'Daily Telegraph'"
  31. "Galloway wins permission to sue Google over terrorist comments"
  32. "George Galloway to pay out to former aide after he claimed she ran a dirty tricks campaign against him"
  33. "George Galloway threatens to call Labour leader Corbyn as witness in anti-Semitism spat"
  34. "I have launched a legal action through my solicitor KRW Law against Jon Lansman"
  35. "Galloway’s Gospel on Sunday (Ep 3)"