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TitleDateCause(s)Official StoryDescription
Beverly EckertThe outspoken wife of a 9/11 victim who refused to accept the 9-11/Compensation fund and forcefully stating "My silence cannot be bought".
Jeffrey EpsteinBillionaire who flew famous people on the Lolita Express to lavish parties on one a private island, which the locals dubbed "Orgy Island" or "Padeophile Island". A compulsive pedophile, he was convicted in 2008, given a cushy plea deal by use of deep state pressure. However, after this declared illegal in February 2019, after which people attempted to distance themselves from him. Re-arrested in June 2019, he was reportedly found dead of a "suicide" in prison although questions remain about this.
Pablo EscobarDrug kingpin who ran the Medellín drug cartel for the CIA.
Cats FalckSwedish journalist found dead after investigation arms trade. Lacklustre police investigation of death.
Franz FerdinandThe archduke whose assassination is widely cited as the proximate cause of World War I.
Mario FerraroItalian spook who was assassinated in 1995
Pat FinucaneCatholic Belfast solicitor killed by loyalist paramilitaries on 12 February 1989
Joseph FontanetAssociate of Antoine Pinay. Assassinated in 1980.
Daniel ForestierA DGSE agent who was assassinated in 2019
Pim FortuynAn assassinated Dutch politician
Francisco Ortiz FrancoMexican journalist assassinated within months of starting to write about drug trafficking.
Muammar Gaddafi
Jorge Eliécer GaitánColombian presidential candidate assassinated by the CIA in 1948
Daphne Caruana GaliziaThe Maltese journalist and blogger who exposed the Panama Papers. Assassinated in 2017 by a car bomb
Indira GandhiLe Cercle
James GarfieldA US president who was assassinated
Jeff GermanMurdered journalist in Las Vegas
Shukri Ghanem
Maurice GibsonJudge killed by the IRA.
Álvaro Gomez-HurtadoSpooky Colombian diplomat who attended Le Cercle. Assassinated in 1995
John Francis GreenA member of the North Armagh Brigade of the Provisional IRA killed by death squad with links to British state forces
Walter GuinnessLord Moyne. An Anglo-Irish politician and businessman. Was Minister of State in UN Mandate Palestine in 1944 when he was assassinated by members of Lehi
Jacob de HaanAn assassinated Dutch Zionist.
Fred HamptonBlack rights activist, assassinated aged 21
Philip HaneyA DOHS whistleblower who suddenly died in February 2020
Chris HaniFierce opponent of the South African apartheid government, assassinated on 10 April 1993.
Rafic Hariri
Michael HastingsAmerican journalist, author, contributing editor to Rolling Stone and reporter for BuzzFeed.
Frank HegartyIRA member recruited as British informer. Executed in 1986 with direct involvement of Martin McGuinness.
Alfred HerrhausenMulti Bilderberg, Chairman of Deutsche Bank. Promoted the cancellation of unpayable debt. Assassinated in 1989 "in a military operation of a complexity without precedent"
Roy Den HollanderA "crazed gunman" who reportedly shot at the son and husband of Esther Salas, killing the former.
Bill HunterA reported who investigated the JFK assassination. Shot dead by a policeman, reportedly accidentally.
Iccho ItohMayor of Nagasaki who denounced the use of nuclear weapons as a violation of international law in the Hague. Assassinated
JFKThe last US president to effectively seek to promote the welfare of the US population.
Kim Jae-gyuAs head of the KCIA he assassinated his boss, the South Korean president, Park Chung-hee
Natacha JaittAssassinated model who became a whistleblower for child sex abuse by Argentina's elite class
Barry JenningsA key 9/11 witness whose testimony contradicted the 9/11 report. He was reported dead without further explanation, aged 53. No death certificate is available on the internet, the cause of death is unknown & his entire family went missing without explanation at the same time.
Danny JowenkoControlled demolition expert who was famously interviewed about the destruction of WTC7, later suddenly died
Meir KahaneA cofounder of the Jewish Defense League and founder of the Israeli political party Kach, he was assassinated in New York in 1990.
Arjen KamphuisDutch IT-expert with a Wikileaks connection. He disappeared during a trip in Norway in 2018.
Liaquat Ali KhanPakistan's first and longest serving Prime Minister, murdered Afghan nationalist, or according to some theories, by the USA in order to facilitate their access to oil.
Jamal Khashoggiassassinated journalist
Dorothy KilgallenA famous journalist who became interested in the JFK assassination and who died in highly suspicious circumstances of a drug overdose
Paul KlebnikovUS journalist who was shot dead for his reporting in Russia.
Huseyin KocadağThe former Istanbul Deputy police Chief killed in the Susurluk car crash
Yoshio Kodama
Andrei KozlovOn the Friday before he was assassinated, stated at a banking conference that "Those who have been found out laundering criminal money should probably be barred from staying in the banking profession for life. Such people disgrace the banking system."
Kim KuAn assassinated Korean politician -possibly by the Counterintelligence Corps or their stooge Syngman Rhee.
Otakhon LatifiTajik Peace making politician. Assassinated in 1998
Maxim LazovskyNamed as suspect in the 1999 Russian apartment bombings. Shot by unknown assassins.
John LennonWorld famous musician who came out firmly against war and spoke out about the "insane" behaviour of government leaders.
Orlando LetelierA Chilean socialist politician and diplomat, assassinated in Washington D.C.
Walter LiggettAssassinated American journalist
Abraham LincolnA US president who stood up to the US deep state
Anna LindhSwedish Minister of Foreign Affairs assassinated 4 months after attending her first Bilderberg
Alexander LitvinenkoAn exiled Russian spook turned whistleblower who died of polonium poisoning in London.
Mark LombardiUS artist who became interested in graphing deep state networks
Huey Long
Allard LowensteinUS politician supportive of a reinvestigation of the RFK Assassination. Assassinated
Anton LubowskiNamibian anti-apartheid activist assassinated by South Africa's Civil Cooperation Bureau
Patrice LumumbaThe first democratically elected Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, abducted, tortured and murdered. Foreign intelligence service involvement is strongly suspected.
MLKMartin Luther King was a pastor and political activist whose moral stance in the US in the 1960s posed a serious challenge to the US deep state. Now feted by the US government, although the US legal process conceded in 1999 that he was assassinated by the same government.
Samora MachelMozambican President probably killed by South Africa in 1976
Sabeen MahmudPakistani YGL human rights activist assassinated in 2015
Mary MahoneyWhite House intern murdered randomly just as she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the Clinton White House
Salvatore Maranzano
Georgi MarkovA Bulgarian dissident writer who assassinated in 1978
John-Reier Martinsen
Rolando MasferrerOperation 40 member car bombed in Miami a week mafter he published a newspaper editorial arguing that car bombs were a justifiable tactic.
Ahmad Shah MassoudAhmad Massoud.jpg
Enrico MatteiChairman of ENI, the Italian state oil company which had challenged the oligopoly of the Seven Sisters. He died in a suspicious plane crash in 1962.
John McAfeeComputer scientist who announced a campaign against the US Deep State. Committed "suicide" in a jail in Spain after his wife had warned that the authorities wanted him dead.
William McKinleyUS President assassinated in 1901
Dawa Khan MenapalAfghanistan's top media official, who was assassinated in August 2021.
Adnan MenderesTurkish PM for 10 years. In this role he attended 2 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
Orlando Jorge MeraMinister shot dead in June 2022
Thomas MertonAn anti-war monk who referred to the US Deep state as "the unspeakable".
Harvey MilkThe first openly gay elected official in the history of California. Assassinated.
George de MohrenschildtLee Harvey Oswald's handler, found dead after attempting to share some of what he knew with the media.
Daniel Morgan
Aldo MoroItalian politician, former PM, assassinated by Operation Gladio
George MosconeMayor of San Francisco. Assassinated
Félix-Roland MoumiéAfrican political leader assassinated by French secret services
Louis MountbattenA man "of extremely low morals" according to an FBI file. Mentor to Charles Windsor. Assassinated
Aleksey Mozgovoy
Jovenel MoïsePresident of Haiti assassinated in 2021
Uğur MumcuTurkish journalist who "messed with the beehives" and was assassinated by (not mutually exclusive) the CIA, the [Turkey/Deep state
Hilda MurrellA senior UK spook turned anti-nuclear activist assassinated in 1984 on the day she had notified friends that she had some sensitive papers she was seeking to publish... Blamed in 2006 on a 16 year old "lone nut"
Nikolai MushegianCryptocurrency developer found dead after tweeting "CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death."
Niaz NaikForeign Secretary of Pakistan in the 1980s. Assassinated
Nematollah NassiriIranian spook who co-founded the Safari Club. Assassinated in 1979
Airey NeaveThatcher aide who may have been intent on tackling corruption. Assassinated, allegedly by a splinter Irish group.
Boris NemtsovA critic of the Russian government under Vladimir Putin. Assassinated
Anson NgA British reporter for the Financial Times who, similarly to Danny Casolaro was found dead in his bathtub after investigating the BCCI.
Karel Van NoppenA Belgian livestock inspector assassinated reportedly killed by the "hormone mafia".
Lee Harvey OswaldA patsy accused of the assassination of JFK and assassinated himself 2 days later by another "lone nut" gunman
Monte OveracreCIA spook who worked in Central America and with recurring foreign technology experts to spy for the U.S. Died in suspicious 1995 plane crash, after starting to talk too freely.
Deborah PalfreyRan an escort agency in Washington D.C. that was frequently used by Washington insiders, and was aware of some 9/11 insiders who let information slip before the event. Although promising not to commit suicde, she was found "hanged".
Olof PalmeLeader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 1969, and two-term Prime Minister, until his assassination in 1986.
Yann PiatAssassinated French politician
Anna PolitkovskayaA staunch opponent of the Second Chechen War who was assassinated.
Carlos PratsChilean army leader who defended the constitution and President Allende. His resignation opened for the September 11, 1973 coup. Assassinated in exile with bomb planted by the Chilean intelligence service.
Yevgeny PrigozhinFounder of Wagner
Vasily ProzorovEx-employee of the SBU who defected to Russia. Assassinated with car bomb in 2024.
Fidél PálffyHungarian agriculture minister, executed in 1946
RFKBrother of murdered US president John F. Kennedy, Robert had been his Attorney General and wanted to become US President himself so he could uncover his brothers killers. Assassinated.
Yitzhak RabinPrime Minister of Israel, assassinated in office in 1995
Gul RahmanKidnapped and tortured to death by the CIA.
Grigori RasputinRussian mystic with great influence on the last Czar and Czarina of Russian. Murdered by British agents in 1916.
Walther RathenauGerman Foreign Minister assassinated in office after signing the Treaty of Rapallo with the USSR.
Claro M. RectoFilipino politician possibly killed by the CIA
Haruo RemeliikThe 1st President of Palau, assassinated in 1985
William Remington
Walter ReutherBilderberger labor leader, probably assassinated with a plane crash in 1970.
Seth RichA Washington DC staffer who was murdered for unclear reasons, and whom Julian Assange hinted may have been a source for Wikileaks. The FBI claimed for 4 years they had no data on him, later admitting that they had thousands of pages of documents and his laptop.
Detlev RohwedderGerman politician, Bilderberg, assassinated.
Óscar RomeroSpoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations and torture. Assassinated while giving mass.
Ethel Rosenberg
Julius Rosenberg
Harold Wallace RosenthalAn influential jew who died reportedly from a "terrorist" attack 30 days after an interview about The Deep State
Erik van SabbenEngineer-recruited-spook that was responsible for installing Stuxnet in Iranian nuclear facilities. Found death 2 weeks later in a "motorcycle accident"
Anwar SadatAs a peace-making Egyptian leader, an obvious enemy of the MICC.
Ali Abdullah SalehPresident of Yemen 1990-2012, assassinated 2017
Thomas Sankara"Africa's Che Guevara"
Issam Sartawi
Hanns Martin Schleyer
René SchneiderThe commander-in-chief of the Chilean Army at the time of the 1970 Chilean presidential election, when he was assassinated during a botched kidnapping attempt.
Dutch Schultz
Barry SealAn ace pilot and drug smuggler for the US deep state who knew too much.
Dulcie SeptemberANC member, anti-apartheid activist, and political prisoner who went into exile in London. She was assassinated in Paris.
Tupac ShakurInternationally known rap musician. Assassinated
Arshad SharifPakistani journalist who supported Imran Khan, shot dead in October 2022
Lal Bahadur ShastriIndian Prime Minister possibly assassinated by the CIA.
Yuri ShchekochikhinA member of the ill-fated Kovalev Commission who was assassinated.
Sunny SheuAfter his home was fraudulently seized, he devoted himself to investigate how, following the leads up to Joseph Golia. Two days after announcing "Now I've got enough evidence to put Golia in Jail" he was found dead with head injuries.
Vitaly ShishovThe former head of the Belarusian House in Ukraine which helps people escape repression in Belarus. He was found hung. Suspected to be an assassination made look like a suicide.
Bugsy SiegelCrime boss assassinated in 1947
Władysław SikorskiDied in suspicious plane crash near Gibraltar
Karen SilkwoodThe assassinated US nuclear whistleblower whose case was taken up by the Christic Institute.
Michele SindonaA financier and member of the Italian deep state
Fernand SpaakSecond generation Belgian Bilderberger lawyer diplomat who was shot dead in 1981.
Ivan StambolićRetired Serbian politician killed for murky motives
Anton Surikov
Omar TorrijosLeader of Panama who refused to compromise the interests of the Panamanians. Assassinated
John TowerSenator who as Chairperson of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board died in a plane crash a day after a friend of his.
Boris Trajkovski
Carlo TrescaCommunist editor assassinated in New York in 1943
Rafael TrujilloPresident of the Dominican Republic - assassinated with weapons supplied by the CIA
Tamerlan TsarnaevOfficial perpetrator of the Boston Bombings, possibly an FBI double agent. Died after an encounter with US police custody.
Gene ViernesUS labor leader assassinated by Ferdinand Marcos, under surveillance by U.S. Naval Intelligence.
Denis VoronenkovA vocal critic of Vladimir Putin. Assassinated in 2017.
Peter R. de VriesA Dutch former army sergeant turned journalist, controversial as friend and associate of leading Dutch gatekeepers on conspiracy theories, criminal lawyers and criminals, including Klaas Bruinsma. Uncovered dozens of cases of corruptions or cover ups by criminals and the government, including on Mabel van Oranje and revealing Inlichtingen en Operatiën. Shot dead in 2021.
Buddy WalthersA JFK assassination related death
Richard WelchCIA station chief in Athens, Greece assassinated in December 1975, a month before George H. W. Bush was made CIA director.
Paul WellstoneAn outspoken critic of the Iraq War, most certainly killed by the cabal.
John WheelerEnterprise operative, presidential aide to the Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush administrations whose body was spotted in a landfill in 2010.
Malcolm XBlack radical leader who advocated revolution in the US.
Tomoyuki YamashitaJapanese general of "Yamashita's Gold" fame.
Sergei YushenkovA member of the ill-fated Kovalev Commission who was assassinated.
Alexander ZakharchenkoElected leader of the Donetsk People's Republic, assassinated in office in 2018
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
Fatin Rüştü ZorluTurkish diplomat and politician executed after the 1960 Turkish coup d'état, along with two other politicians.
Anwar al-AwlakiThe first assassination victim in modern times for whose death the US government has openly admitted responsibility.
Jacobo ÁrbenzA democratically elected President of Guatemala whom the CIA liquidated due to his land redistribution policy
Zoran ĐinđićPrime Minister of Serbia. Assassinated, not necessarily by his opponents: "the moor has done his duty. The moor can go"....