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Agent Orange“Dr. Vernon Houk quickly comes to mind when I think of a patron of my escort service who may have fallen prey to blackmail. Houk was Director of the Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control, and also as the Assistant Surgeon General under both presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Although Houk lived in Atlanta...he was fond of holing up D.C. hotels with multiple bottles of booze and several escorts over the course of a weekend, and [likely CIA operative] Tony was also fully cognizant of the eminent doctor's bacchanal laced sprees.
In the 1980s, Congress tasked Houk with overseeing a study on the toxic effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans, who had been subjected to the carcinogenic chemical en masse. Houk, however, declared that the soldiers' records made it impossible to discern the extent of Vietnam veterans who were subjected to Agent Orange, and he put the kibosh on the study. But a former chief of Naval Operations, who was the Navy's top commander in Vietnam, told a House subcommittee that Houk "made it his mission to manipulate and prevent the true facts from being determined" in his quest to cover up the true carnage spawned by Agent Orange. If Houk had proceeded with the Agent Orange study, the Pentagon undoubtedly would've been liable for astronomical, class action lawsuits.”
2015Henry Vinson
Dries van Agt“Marcel van Dam had the for many plausible opinion that the Prince of the Netherlands should be handled by the Dutch State as every other citizen. So to be brought before trial. I, as Minister of Justice didn't think that was completely unreasonable.” 2005Dries van Agt
Saleyha Ahsan“In that first week there was a window and the UK Government went in a totally different direction to the rest of the world. It was about buying time for the NHS and a vaccine and they didn’t take it. Other countries were warning us and we didn’t listen. And we will pay the penalty with lives. I don’t want the public to be scared but a dose of reality is their best protection.” Saleyha Ahsan
Aktis Strategy

“Aktis Strategy, a major contractor for the United Kingdom's Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom (FCO) went into bankruptcy on March 14 leaving behind a trail of unfinished projects in Somaliland and around the world.

British media’s extensive coverage of Aktis Strategy’s spectacular implosion included gross financial mismanagement and £100,000 lavish parties complete with ladies swinging from poles.

Aktis Strategy has been established by two former British Diplomats, Dr Andrew Rathmell and Alex Martin, who knew their way around the Foreign Office and how and where it spent the money.”

23 April 2019
Madeleine Albright“There's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other” 2016Madeleine Albright
Madeleine AlbrightLesley Stahl: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?
Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price – we think the price is worth it.”
12 May 1996Madeleine Albright
Lesley Stahl
Madeleine Albright“We intentionally set the bar too high for the Serbs to comply. They need some bombing, and that’s what they are going to get” 2 June 1999Madeleine Albright
Administration official
Madeleine Albright

“President Clinton and I first met Putin before that when he was kind of acting president at, this was an APEC meeting in New Zealand, and at that stage Putin was trying to be very ingratiating and trying to make new friends - he was still cold - and the issue about him is he is very smart and in these meetings.

He did not have talking points and he took notes himself. He also is somebody I have to describe this because, they actually did kind of a jazz concert for President Clinton and President Clinton's driving around and Putin was sitting there like rhythm whatsoever.. and and (sic), but the thing that is interesting is how smart he really is and directed he was.

The thing that I speak to more is something that happened before, that in 91 when the Soviet Union had fallen apart I was running a think-tank and I was asked to participate in a big survey of all of Europe after the end of the Cold War, and we had questionnaires and focus groups and things like that, and the focus group I'll never forget, is one outside of Moscow where this man stands up and says "I'm so embarrassed we used to be a superpower and now we're Bangladesh with missiles". And what I think happened I write it not so easy not so difficult to really deduce this, is Putin identified himself with that person who felt that the dignity and the grandeur of Russia had been lost and he has is bound and determined to restore that in every single way.”

2018Madeleine Albright
Alexander Kielland“On the same day that TV-2 sold its first self-produced program on the international market, the editorial board who created this flagship program for Norway's most important commercial television station, is in reality decided dissolved and defunct... some Dokument 2 journalists are considering leaving the station. The head of the editorial board has called the decision "stupid and cynical", and many journalists will certainly agree with it, but the decision is first and foremost "strange".. Then the question remains: if the justifications given externally and internally should prove not to hold water, then what are the underlying motives? I feel like a fool for asking, because I'm pretty sure no one will answer.” Ola Lars Andresen
Algiers putsch of 1961“An insurrectionary power has established itself in Algeria by a military pronunciamento... This power has an appearance: a quartet of retired generals. It has a reality: a group of officers, partisan, ambitious and fanatical. This group and this quartet possess an expedient and limited knowledge of things. But they only see and understand the Nation and the world distorted by their delirium. Their enterprise leads directly towards a national disaster ... I forbid any Frenchman, and first of all any soldier, to execute a single one of their orders ... In the face of the misfortune which hangs over the country and the threat to the Republic, having taken advice from the Constitutional Council, the Prime Minister, the president of the Senate, the president of the National Assembly, I have decided to invoke article 16 of the Constitution [on the state of emergency and full special powers given to the head of state in case of a crisis]. Starting from this day, I will take, directly if the need arises, the measures which seem to me demanded by circumstances ... Frenchwomen, Frenchmen! Assist me!” 1961Charles de Gaulle
Tariq Ali“I find it interesting who does and does not get considered for the Nobel - the committee always has one eye on the need of the establishment. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, for example, no Russian has gotten the Nobel Prize for Literature2005Tariq Ali
Tariq Ali“and then the NGOs bought off many of the best people with the tacit understanding that they could not engage directly in politics if they wanted to receive funding or assistance. Unfortunately the NGOs have helped remove secular intellectuals from politics - their impact on intellectual life in the Muslim world needs to be tabulated,\.” 2005Tariq Ali
Ilham Aliyev“How do you assess what happened to Mr Assange? Is it a reflection of free media in your country?” 15 November 2020Ilham Aliyev
Salvador Allende“We are faced with forces that operate in the shadows, without a flag, with powerful weapons, positioned in the most varied places of influence....The aggression of the large capitalist companies aims to prevent the emancipation of the people. It represents a direct attack against the economic interests of the workers....We are facing a true frontal conflict between large corporations and states. Their fundamental decisions - political, economic and military - seem to be interfered with by global organizations that do not depend on any state and that, in the sum of their activities, do not respond to or are supervised by any Parliament, by any institution representing the collective interest. In a word, it is the entire political structure of the world that is being undermined.” December 1972Salvador Allende
Alliance for Securing Democracy“Create a real-time feed into the Sponsor with daily analysis on Russian disinformation, providing a constantly-updated narrative that could then be shared with Embassies, either via email or in another ready-made format they could then disseminate locally. [Note: it would be essential to ensure that this work did not duplicate that already done by e.g. Alliance for Securing Democracy).” 16 March 2018Victor Madeira
Sam Altman

“Both publicly and internally, leaders at Microsoft are cheering OpenAI's apparent return to normalcy following days of chaos. The ChatGPT creator, in which Microsoft has reportedly invested some $13 billion, has been on a roller-coaster ride that began Friday when its board abruptly fired Sam Altman as CEO and ended with his return and the appointment of a new board early Wednesday.

Following Altman's ouster, Microsoft swooped in to hire him along with OpenAI co-founder and president Greg Brockman — who quit OpenAI in protest over Altman's termination — to lead a new advanced AI research team at Microsoft, and also offered to hire any other OpenAI employees who wanted to leave. Sam Altman is returning to OpenAI as CEO after his ousting last week, and three board members that participated in his termination have been removed. At that point, Microsoft, already majority owner in OpenAI, was positioned to essentially "acquire" OpenAI by absorbing its talent, after nearly all the startup's 770 or so workers signed a letter saying they would take Microsoft up on the offer unless Altman was reinstated.

However, a deal was ultimately reached for Altman to return to OpenAI rather than allowing the $90 billion company to collapse, in what Fortune tech reporter David Meyer wrote is an outcome that "is pretty ideal for Microsoft."”

2023Fox News
Sam Altman
Breck Dumas
American Historical Association“During the past one hundred years any theory of history or historical evidence that falls outside a pattern established by the American Historical Association and the major foundations with their grantmaking power has been attacked or rejected - not on the basis of any evidence presented, but on the basis of the acceptability of the argument to the so-called Eastern Liberal Establishment and its official historical line.” 2002Antony Sutton
American fascism“If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful. Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends. They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead.” 9 April 1944Henry Agard Wallace
Idi Amin“There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee freedom after speech.” Idi Amin
Ancient Rome/Deep state“Commodus, like a number of other late Roman emperors and like Donald Trump was incompetent and consumed by his own vanity. He commissioned innumerable statues of himself as Hercules and had little interest in governance. He used his position as head of state to make himself the star of his own ongoing public show. He fought, victoriously, as a gladiator in the arena in fixed bouts. Power for Commodus, as it is for Trump, was primarily about catering to his bottomless narcissism, hedonism and lust for wealth. He sold public offices to the ancient equivalents of Betsy DeVos and Steve Mnuchin. He orchestrated a vast kleptocracy.” 2017Chris Hedges
Marcia Angell“No one knows the total amount provided by drug companies to physicians, but I estimate from the annual reports of the top 9 U.S.-based drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year in North America alone.By such means, the pharmaceutical industry has gained enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use its own products. Its extensive ties to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools, affect the results of research, the way medicine is practiced, and even the definition of what constitutes a disease.” 2009Marcia Angell
Frans van Anraat“When I was called into court I was with an intern of my lawyer. The lawyer was the son of the minister of justice Giuliano Vassalli. So I knew in advance that the earlier verdict (no rendition) would get cancelled. It was made clear to me that it was better to take a "vacation".” 2 March 2005Frans van Anraat
Answering Russia's Strategic Narratives

“Russia’s disinformation campaigns have enabled the Kremlin to sow divisions in Europe’s societies. Countering these actions requires the development of effective, multi-layered strategies, tactics and capabilities. HCSS organizes a conference on 22 June 2017 to bring together and expand upon a network of stakeholders involved in countering Russian societal interference in European countries.

Through the exchange of governmental responses used at the military and foreign policy level, and the experiences of societal bottom-up initiatives and fact-checking collaborative initiatives, we can begin to build an increasingly coherent response to Russia’s strategic narratives.

The explicit goal is to foster a self-sustaining network that can act as a dissemination point in countering Russian disinformation and other kinds of malign interference. Through the stimulation of debate, participants will produce a concise overview that will take stock of best practices and perspectives for action.”

Apollo program

“In a period spanning from 1968 to 1972, NASA claims to have landed 6 manned-missions on Earth's closest celestial object, the Moon. Due to irremediable safety hazards with even 21st century technology such a mission would be impossible without casualties to all crew members due to the solar wind which lies outside of Earth's magnetic field. The solar wind and by extension the Van Allen belts formed by the Earth's magnetic field lines are full of high speed energised particles including electrons, protons and neutrons and is analogous to a particle accelerator. Anatoli Bugorsky is the only known person to stand in the way of a particle accelerator and had a hole vaporised through the side of his head which destroyed his brain tissue and paralysed the left half of his face. Miraculously he survived and is proof of the danger of fast moving, high energy subatomic particles. Given this is a very precise beam and in space these kinds of particles would be flying in all directions at all times one could not hope to pass beyond the Van Allen belts and survive.

Because such particles are ionised they pass freely through matter, even lead shielding. The distance of Earth's 40,000 miles of electromagnetic shielding is only just enough to protect Earth from the harmful solar winds and Space Shuttle pilots who traveled to an altitude of 600KM began noticing intense effects of these ionised particles which presented itself as flickers in their retinas. This is known as 'astronauts eye' and is the result of energised particles exciting the nerve endings at the back of the eye. The Space Shuttle crew immediately lowered their orbit as it was feared prolonged exposure to this radiation, or traversing any further into the radiation could have dire consequences for the crew.

In 2016 the Orion space probe was sent into the Van Allen belts to gather radiation data for future space flight missions. When film-maker Bart Sibrel contacted NASA for the information from this mission they refused to release citing that it was classified. Bart Sibrel rebuked this as ridiculous, stating that "the temperature of the Sun or the composition of Jupiter's atmosphere are not classified but the radiation in Earth's magnetic field is?", and recieved no further comment from NASA. In many scientific circles this irrevocable problem facing space flight is known as the 'cosmic showstopper' and without solving it no manned-spaceflight mission beyond the Earth's magnetic field where the crew survives will ever occur. It is believed scientists at the time of the Apollo program realised this hard and fast fact and so early on decided along with the CIA that the manned-missions to the Moon would never happen and would simply be faked, so as not to embarrass themselves and disappoint the entire American public. The Moon landing hoax is one of the greatest, most widespread and longest lasting hoaxes perpetrated on the American public in recent history and if unveiled in massive scale would have dire complications for the continuation of NASA, the CIA and the American deep state.

A masterclass in film-making The Apollo Lunar Landings were faked using a variety of film-making methods which were perhaps no better showcased than by Stanley Kubrick in his movie 2001 a Space Odyssey. These methods included but are not limited to:

  • Rear screen projection
  • Scaled miniatures
  • Remote control vehicles
  • Stop motion animation
  • To-scale indoor sets
  • Artificial lighting
  • Exact recreations of the Lunar surface created according to photos by the Lunar Reconnaissance orbiter

The 'talk' video Perhaps the most damning evidence to fakery of the Apollo missions is a video sent to Bart Sibrel by NASA employees when he was making his film 'A funny thing happened on the way to the Moon'. They assumed he was looking for evidence of the moon landing missions being faked and did not know it existed up until he received it. He was flabbergasted when witnessing the footage for the first time and it was exactly when he realised the moon landing hoax was not a a possibility but a certainty. In it the crew of the Apollo 11 mission are speaking to NASA as if they are half way to the moon. At the start of the video is a message saying 'Not for the public'. Because the distance is so great the time for a radio signal to travel from the Earth to the Apollo module and back again would take over 4 seconds. If the crew responded more quickly than this it would call into question their real location. The damning and incriminating evidence comes in this video when a third party is heard over the intercom. The voice comes after a 2 second delay after NASA speaks to Apollo 11 and simply says one word 'talk'. This third party is an entirely different voice to the one coming from NASA, and is obviously the CIA, ensuring the Apollo 11 do not respond too quickly, waiting for proper amount of time to elapse. This voice is in a separate channel to the one between Apollo and NASA and is not heard in any of the official video or on the live broadcast.

In this same video the Apollo 11 is faking a shot of the Earth with a circular port hole window. Instead of being half way to the moon the Apollo 11 module is simply circling the Earth in low Earth orbit. The view of the Earth at this distance would fill up ones entire periphery. By turning off the lights and using a circular cut out of a piece of cardboard to simulated Earth's meridian line (where day becomes night) they can create a reasonably convincing image of the Earth upon a blacked-out starless sky. They repeat this again with the camera at the back of the craft before removing the objects blocking the light in the two other module windows revealing that the whole scene was indeed being shot with the camera in the middle and back of the craft instead of being pressed against the window like Neil Armstrong states and how it would had to have been had they were really filming the Earth half-way to the moon.

Fooling Houston For the CIA to pull off the Apollo moon landing hoaxes, as few as possible people would have to have been in the know of the real plan. This included the astronauts, the film crew and a limited number of CIA personnel themselves. This meant that they would have to fake every possible part of the mission that they could not achieve and complete every part that they could in reality. The Saturn V rocket (which in actuality was a modified Saturn 1B) did go up and did take three astronauts for the Apollo 11 mission for all the world to see. At this point the Apollo module separated from the Saturn V and begun its 7 day orbit around the Earth. Here the Apollo 11 crew and all previous and subsequent crews would fake radio comms and footage of the Earth. The location of the Apollo module was simulated with a satellite which was already previously orbiting the Moon. The CIA and Apollo crew broadcasted all of their communications to this satellite which then relayed them back to Earth. Certain staff of the Australian satellite dish at Honeysuckle creek were not convinced that the signals were really coming from the Moon and in fact filed complaints that they were being duped. Houston themselves were presented with flight data that was produced by computer simulation and staff there admit they could not tell the difference between a training simulation and the real thing.

'Reflectors' Many of those who fall for the moon landing hoax present the idea of reflectors being present on the lunar surface which reflect a laser light back to Earth as proof of the moon landings. One only needs to look at the Moon at night to realise that it has a highly-reflective surface on its own.

The Grand Prix video The other was the lunar rover which is 1/8 model RV and 1/8 model astronaut shot in a studio slowed down with rear screen projection. The reason a 1/8 model was used was for both costs and because the Moon's gravity is 1/6th of the Earth's and would shoot the lunar regolith much higher and in a 'rooster-tail' like fashion which is achieved simply with a smaller vehicle.

The colour of the Moon Contrary to popular belief the Moon is not grey but actually slightly brown. And the true colour of the soil is a caramel colour as opposed to a bluish grey as seen in the Apollo photos. One can observe the colour of the Moon by desaturating a colour photograph of it and noticing the contrast before and after. This is not due to the atmosphere of Earth as the different Lunar minerals have different colours and the colours range from greyish brown, to brown, red, purple and even green.

Astronauts on wires Astronauts were attached to harnesses with wires for the live television broadcast on the same cranes. Astronauts can be observed spinning on the spot and levitating on the ground with no other object holding them up.

Micro-meteorites and the radioactive Lunar surface Werner von Braun stated that the possibility of surviving on the Lunar surface was next to zero for the astronauts and even if they overcome all other challenges would have to hide in caves on the moon to protect themselves from micro-meteorites, which due to the Moon having no atmosphere or magnetic field would be travelling at extremely high speeds and pierce through the astronaut's space suits and immediately depressurise them, being instantly fatal. The Lunar surface is also extremely radioactive, comparable to Chernobyl's elephants foot, due to billions of years of unshielded exposure to the cosmic and solar radiation of space.

NASA astronauts admission Three astronauts including Dr. Kelly Smith talking about the Orion Mission and Col. Terry Virts amd Dr. Kathleen Rubin have talked on one occasion or another about going to the Moon and beyond low Earth orbit in a future tense.

"We must solve these challenges (the radiation) before we send humans through this region of space (the Van Allen belts)." -Dr. Kelly Smith

"To destinations beyond low-Earth orbit. Right now we can't go beyond low Earth orbit. That's the furthest we can go right now." -Col. Terry Virts

"This is really the beginning of human beings leaving low-Earth-orbit." -Dr. Kathleen Rubin

China 2020 landing China landed an unmanned lunar roving module and erected a chinese flag in 2020. This is the first national flag that has ever been placed on an extra-terrestrial object. In the photo of the flag you can clearly see the brown lunar surface as opposed to the grey-blue one in the Apollo missions.”

'Little Apostate'“when i google chemtrails everything that comes up is "debunking chemtrails" and "i spent a week with chemtrails conspiracy theorists" by twenty something "journalists" so i think its safe to say its probably all real” 'Little Apostate'
Ernesto Araújo“I’m not a great fan of the concept of the great reset. We don’t have anything against what’s in it […] but what’s not there — the concept of freedom and democracyMarch 2021Ernesto Araújo
Archer Daniels-Midland“The competitor is our friend and the customer is our enemy....There isn't one grain of anything in the world that is sold in a free market. Not one! The only place you see a free market is in the speeches of politicians. People who are not in the Midwest do not understand that this is a socialist country."” 1995Dwayne Andreas
Hannah ArendtEvil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.” Hannah Arendt
Nighat Arif“Will the covid vaccine affect my fertility? There is absolutely no evidence that Covid-19/Vaccines can affect the fertility of a woman or a man there is very strong data that shows that men and women have gone on to fall pregnant after having both doses of the vaccine there's no need to avoid pregnancy after vaccination as the vaccine cannot give your baby COVID-19. The British Fertility Society and the World Health Organization and the JCVI have all looked at the latest data and research and they say that the vaccines are safe and encourage everyone to please take the vaccine when you are offered.” 24 May 2021Nighat Arif
William Arkin“the signature style of Arkin and his Pentagon handlers [is] a sort of Orwellian double-speak where one can rest assured whatever bold statement is made, the truth is the exact opposite.” 1 September 2022Scott Ritter
William Arkin
Beatrix Armgard“The lie rules” Beatrix Armgard
Arms DealerThe media talk glibly of "arms dealers" as if private individuals and companies conduct business secretly and illegally. This is total nonsense. There are arms manufacturers and some middlemen or sales companies which are closely monitored by government. Occasionally there is news of some scandal which invariably involves some middleman or company disowned by his or its particular sponsor government due to embarrassment over policies and sales becoming public knowledge. It is true, however, that sometimes even elected Ministers do not know what is going on as the deals and policies are made by unelected unaccountable senior civil servants and intelligence and security officers. A typical case is the £2bn Pergau Dam related Malaysian defence deal. Secrecy is the road to corruption and the two are never far apart.” 2007Gerald James
Arms for LibyaLibya is the principal sponsor of terrorism. It finances terrorist acts, it trains terrorist groups, it supplies arms, ammunition, passports and other documents to terrorists, and it uses its embassies, so-called peoples' bureaus, as weapons store-houses and sanctuaries for terrorists. Recently, Libya has been escalating its involvement in terrorism.” 1986
Article 19

“Freedom of expression is the fundamental human right that enables us all to demand the highest attainable standard of health. Unlike any other year in recent history, 2020 has driven home just how vital access to accurate, reliable and timely information is, and continues to be, during a global health crisis.

When faced with such crises, governments have a fundamental duty to be transparent about their decisions, and a legal obligation to protect people’s lives. This means ensuring that health-care professionals have access to accurate global information about the disease, educating the public about the pandemic, and ensuring that health data is accessible to everyone – no exceptions. The Global Expression Report for 2021 reveals that rather than focusing on controlling the virus, protecting public health and improving access to information, governments have used the pandemic as an excuse to:

   Suppress critical information
   Implement states of emergency without proper limits 
   Place unreasonable and unnecessary restrictions on the media 

And by presenting a false choice between human rights and public health, governments have used a cunning tactic to shut down public discussion and any scrutiny of their decisions. In other words, they have wasted public money and valuable time using the pandemic to entrench their power. As a result, these actions have prolonged the pandemic and cost lives.”

Article 19
Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship“The New Voices Fellowship at the Aspen Institute uses communications, advocacy, and storytelling training to equip experts and advocates from countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America with skills to change public opinion and shift public policy.” 2023
Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship“New Voices is the catalyst that propels Fellows into positions of power and places of recognition. Following the modest yearlong investment, Fellows go on to scale their organizations and ideas, often reaching millions of people through governmental policy and direct service care innovations.” 2023
Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship

About the New Voices Fellowship

The Fellowship offers development experts from Africa, Asia, and Latin America a year-long program of media support, advocacy lessons, training, and writing under the guidance of experienced mentors and trainers. On average, Fellows devote 10% of their working time towards the Fellowship over the course of the year. The program helps Fellows sharpen their messages, elevate their stories, focus their media targets, and communicate their insights across a variety of media platforms – illuminating crucial perspectives for a broad worldwide audience in order to champion policy change. Fellows come from a variety of disciplines, ranging from public health to education to poverty alleviation, agriculture, and community activism. All Fellows are experts in their field with a deep understanding of broad development challenges and a passion for communicating their views.”

2022Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship
Julian Assange“I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” 19 July 2010Julian Assange
Julian Assange“[...] the most lucid man I know is now not capable of having a rational conversation is extremely alarming.” 31 May 2019Craig Murray
Julian Assange
Associated Press“Posts continue to circulate online falsely claiming that COVID-19 survivors don’t need vaccines because of natural immunity. In fact, that protection is variable and not long-lasting, so vaccines are still recommended.” 30 September 2021
Astroturfing“At some point, I realised something that I at first found to be a coincidence, then amusing, then slightly uncomfortable, and later on worrying. No matter where I worked, whether NGO, consultant, or international organisation, I was paid by one global health donor...I'm not saying that there is no independence in the global health sector...What I’m saying is that my own experience was that I realised at some point (naively, and very late) that I was not one of these people. If there’s one thing I’d like to tell my 20-year old self, it’s this: ask who pays for your job. And then keep your eye on this throughout your career. At least be aware of this. Twenty years later, I’m tired of being an astroturfer. I’m tired of calling myself an independent consultant or claim that I’m working for an independent NGO or organisation when I now know that’s neither true, and increasingly also not the direction I think global health should take.” 16 September 2022Katri Bertram
Jacques Attali“The real bourgeoisie running the world is about 1,000 people. They are running capitalism." He reconsiders: "Well, one might say it's 10,000, but no more than that. In a world population of 6.5 billion, that is not very many people” 2006Jacques Attali
Jacques Attali

“A major pandemic would raise awareness of the need for altruism, at least self-interested. History teaches us that humanity only evolves significantly when it is truly afraid: then it first sets up defense mechanisms; sometimes intolerable (scapegoats and totalitarianisms); sometimes futile (distraction); sometimes effective (therapeutic, if necessary setting aside all previous moral principles). Then, once the crisis has passed, it transforms these mechanisms to make them compatible with individual freedom and to include them in a democratic health policy.

The beginning of the pandemic could trigger one of these structuring fears.”
3 May 2009Jacques Attali
David Attenborough“We now know the disasters that continue to inflict the natural world have one element that connects them all… The unprecedented increase in the number of humans beings on the planet...It needs actions by governments. In my view, all countries should develop a population policy” 2011David Attenborough
David Attenborough“For the past 20 years I've never had any doubt that the source of the Earth's ills is overpopulation. I can't go on saying this sort of thing and then fail to put my head above the parapet..” 2009David Attenborough
David Attenborough“All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people and harder - and ultimately impossible to solve - with ever more people.” 2018David Attenborough
David Attenborough“I have no doubt that the fundamental source of all our problems, particularly our environmental problems, is population growth. I can’t think of a single problem that would be easier to solve if there were less people” January 2020David Attenborough
Attorney General for England and Wales“It’s not unusual for the attorney general to intervene in cases in order to represent the public interest. He has sought to intervene in this case because it raises important issues about the scope of the criminal law.” 2017
Australia“We should understand, Australia is part of the United States. It is part of this English-speaking empire, the center of gravity of which is the United States, the second center of which is the United Kingdom”...“Australia is a suburb in that arrangement. Our capital is Washington. The capital of Australia is DC. That’s the reality...That’s where the decisions are made.” Julian Assange
Australia/1975 coup d'état

“There were a number of points of tension between Whitlam's government and the United States intelligence apparatus. Whitlam had close ties with the United States, in 1964 receiving a "Leader" travel grant from the U.S. Department of State to spend three months studying under U.S. government and military officials. After coming to power, Whitlam quickly removed the last Australian troops from Vietnam. Whitlam government ministers criticised the US bombing of North Vietnam at the end of 1972. The US complained diplomatically about the criticism. In March 1973, US secretary of State William Rogers told Richard Nixon that "the leftists [within the Labor Party would] try to throw overboard all military alliances and eject our highly classified US defence space installations from Australia". In 1973, Whitlam ordered the Australian security organisation ASIS to close its operation in Chile, where it was working as a proxy for the CIA in opposition to Chile's president Salvador Allende. Whitlam's Attorney-General Lionel Murphy used the Australian Federal Police to conduct a raid on the headquarters of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) in March 1973. CIA Chief of Counter-Intelligence, James Angleton, later said Murphy had "barged in and tried to destroy the delicate mechanism of internal security".

Australian journalist Brian Toohey said that Angleton considered then Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam a "serious threat" to the US and was concerned after the 1973 raid on ASIO headquarters. In 1974, Angleton sought to instigate the removal of Whitlam from office by having CIA station chief in Canberra, John Walker, ask the director general of ASIO, Peter Barbour, to make a false declaration that Whitlam had lied about the raid in Parliament. Barbour refused to make the statement. In 1974, Whitlam ordered the head of ASIO, Peter Barbour, to sever all ties with the CIA. Barbour ignored Whitlam's order and contact between Australian and US security agencies was driven underground. Whitlam later established a royal commission into intelligence and security. Jim Cairns became Deputy Prime Minister after the 1974 election. He was viewed by US secretary of state Henry Kissinger and defence secretary James Schlesinger as "a radical with strong anti-American and pro-Chinese sympathies". The US administration was concerned that he would have access to classified United States intelligence.

Whitlam instantly dismissed ASIS chief WT Robinson in 1975 after discovering ASIS had assisted the Timorese Democratic Union in an attempted coup against the Portuguese administration in Timor, without informing Whitlam's government. Whitlam threatened to reveal the identities of CIA agents working in Australia. He also threatened not to renew the lease of the US spy base at Pine Gap, which was due to expire on 10 December 1975. The US was also concerned about Whitlam's intentions towards its spy base at Nurrungar.”
