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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "A forerunner of the CIA, "staffed by reckless adventurers"". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 126 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • The Hand of Death  + (A cult which many serial killers in the US may have been connected to.)
  • Culture war  + (A culture war is a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices.)
  • AGT International  + (A data analysis company founded by [[Israeli]]-born billionaire spook/businessman [[Mati Kochavi]], including work on RFID and IOT)
  • Document:All UK Labour leadership candidates sign up to stepped up pro-Zionist witch-hunt  + (A day after posting the 10 points, the [[BoD]]A day after posting the 10 points, the [[BoD]] tweeted that pro-[[Jeremy Corbyn|Corbyn]] deputy leadership candidates [[Richard Burgon]] and [[Dawn Butler]] were “absent from the list of those who have signed the #TenPledges to tackle [[antisemitism]] in [[Labour Party|Labour]].”Labour Party|Labour]].”)
  • Kali Cook  + (A death of a 4 year old girl being used to promote the [[COVID-19/Vaccine]].)
  • File:DIA-287.pdf  + (A declassified DIA document which clearly demonstrates that the rise of ISIS in the Middle East was planned and facilitated by the US Government - as later admitted by [[DIA director]] [[Michael T. Flynn]].)
  • File:Swedish cables deconstructed.pdf  + (A deconstruction of the relevant US diplomatic cables into '''Sweden Wants - US Wants format'''; complete with copious links to relevant supporting information and commentary.)
  • File:Martin Bormann - Nazi In Exile.pdf  + (A deep history of transnational corporate ownership networks originating from the fascist junction of state and economic power in Germany before and during WWII)
  • Franz Josef Strauß  + (A deep politician and politician, a known attendee of Le Cercle, accused in connection with the Lockheed bribery scandals.)
  • Elliott Abrams  + (A deep politician heavily involved in the Iran-Contra affair, given a pardon by George H. W. Bush)
  • Peter Sutherland  + (A deep politician who held some key posts including Chairman of Goldman Sachs, WTO head, Attorney General of Ireland ...)
  • Jerome Hauer  + (A deep state actor with multiple connections to the [[9-11]] event who appeared on television to promote the [[9-11 official narrative]].)
  • Savoy Mafia  + (A deep state group tied to UK arms deals.)
  • Milner Group/Inner Circle  + (A deep state milieu of great importance around a century ago, when the [[Milner Group]] was the ''de facto'' [[UK Deep state]].)
  • British Council/Transatlantic Network 2020  + (A deep state recruitment network organized by the British Council)
  • Defoliant  + (A defoliant is any herbicidal chemical sprayed or dusted on plants to cause their leaves to fall off)
  • Shock doctrine  + (A deliberate strategy centering on the expA deliberate strategy centering on the exploitation of national crises (disasters or upheavals) to establish controversial and questionable policies, while citizens are too distracted (emotionally and physically) to engage and develop an adequate response, and resist effectively.adequate response, and resist effectively.)
  • Shock Doctrine  + (A deliberate strategy of "shock therapy". A deliberate strategy of "shock therapy". This centers on the exploitation of national crises (disasters or upheavals) to establish controversial and questionable policies, while citizens are too distracted (emotionally and physically) to engage and develop an adequate response, and resist effectively.adequate response, and resist effectively.)
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion  + (A deliberately botched attempt to invade [[Cuba]] by the CIA, devised as a way to entrap JFK into full scale military action against Cuba. Unsuccessful, since JFK however refused to be manipulated.)
  • Jews for justice for Germans  + (A deliberately tongue-in-cheek attention-gA deliberately tongue-in-cheek attention-grabbing name for a group that understands the gross injustices that Germany and Germans have been subjected to at the hands of Jewish-dominated interests for the greater part of the 20<sup>th</sup> century and especially over their alleged responsibility for both world wars and the horrors accompanying them.for both world wars and the horrors accompanying them.)
  • Jacobo Árbenz  + (A democratically elected [[President of Guatemala]] whom the CIA liquidated due to his land redistribution policy)
  • "Holocaust Denier"  + (A demonising epithet applied by the Establishment to anyone who publicly qestions any of the [[The_Holocaust#The three fundamental tennets|three fundamental tenets of 'The Holocaust']])
  • US/Department/The Army  + (A department within the [[United States Department of Defense]].)
  • Vince Foster  + (A deputy White House Counsel and Clinton confidante who died unexpectedly.)
  • Guy Liddell  + (A deputy head of MI5 for 6 years)
  • Anthony Simkins  + (A deputy head of MI5 for 6 years)
  • Sheeple  + (A derogatory portmanteau of "sheep" and "people", to emphasise the herd instinct of people)
  • Document:911 Truth and the MSM  + (A description of the changing response of the [[corporate media]] to the events of 9/11 over the 8 years since the event.)
  • Disarmed Enemy Forces  + (A designation applied to surrendering GermA designation applied to surrendering German forces by the WWII Allied authorities. Its purpose was to avoid having to adhere to the Geneva Convention provisions on "Protecting Power" access to prisoners, with particular reference to their treatment, and living condition which were expected be on a par with those of their captors.d be on a par with those of their captors.)
  • Document:The Moral Decoding of 9-11  + (A detailed 'tour-de-force' analysis of theA detailed 'tour-de-force' analysis of the motives, methodologies, organisations and individuals behind 9-11 from a leading moral philosopher and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. One of the ''most recommended'' summaries of what transpired on that epoch-defining day.hat transpired on that epoch-defining day.)
  • File:Secret Power.pdf  + (A detailed account of how the integration A detailed account of how the integration of New Zealand into the UKUSA global signals interception system was achieved with neither the knowledge not consent of the country's senior politicians - in particular Prime minister David Lange who wrote the foreword to this book. It also deals with the infamous Rainbow Warrior incident in detailnfamous Rainbow Warrior incident in detail)
  • File:K-suchomel-facebook.jpg  + (A detailed account of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting by Kimberly Suchomel via a public Facebook message.)
  • 2001 Anthrax attacks/Timeline  + (A detailed and revealing timeline about the Amerithrax attacks, deleted from Wikipedia in April 2014, recovered from an archive at Deletionpedia.)
  • Document:Serious Questions about the Integrity of the UN Report on Syria  + (A detailed and scholarly study of the evidA detailed and scholarly study of the evidence presented in the UN special report on the use of Chemical weapons in Ghouta, Syria on 21 August 2013 and a similar report by 'Human Rights Watch' based largely on it. It is a damning indictment of the manner in which UN reports on sensitive matters and the entire HRW organisation are effectively suborned to Western geo-political purposes.uborned to Western geo-political purposes.)
  • Document:Stephan Kock - Spook  + (A detailed look at the career of Stephan Adolphus Kock, one of the spooks at the centre of the Arms-to-Iraq and Pergau Dam scandals)
  • Document:Fifty Years of the Deep State  + (A detailed overview of the modern [[US deep state]] which names names, the most prominent of which, [[George H. W. Bush]], is [[GHWBE|exposed]] as the kingpin of the [[US Deep state]] and probable a key mover behind the [[9/11]] plot.)
  • File:InfiniteInjustice.pdf  + (A detailed report on the background and status of the convictions of Jawad Botmeh and Samar Alami following the rejection of their appeal in November 2001.)
  • John Crawford  + (A detective constable who played a leading part in investigating the sabotage of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie.)
  • Operation Gladio/B  + (A development of [[Operation Gladio]] to help roll out the "[[war on terror]]" by promoting US/NATO-sponsored [[false flag attacks]] to be blamed on "[[Muslim terrorists]]".)
  • Namibia  + (A diamond rich territory, formerly occupied by [[South Africa]])
  • Document:Reset This!  + (A diatribe against "The system" and those who believe mankind has any future in some kind of 'financially reset' version of it.)
  • Stefan Kirchner  + (A diplomat named as the "embassy contact" for [[the Netherlands]] in the [[II]])
  • Matthew Puttick  + (A diplomat named as the first "embassy contact" for [[the Netherlands]] in the [[II]])
  • Jean-François Deniau  + (A diplomat who wrote the foreword of the Treaty of Rome. Le Cercle)
  • HMS Defender Crimea controversy  + (A diplomatic military controversy between [[Russia]] and the [[UK]])
  • Brain-computer interface  + (A direct communication pathway between the brain's electrical activity and an external device)
  • Lionel Payne  + (A director general of MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service))
  • W. Veenstra  + (A director of the secretariat who was "in attendance" at the [[March 1955 Bilderberg]].)
  • Jacques van Ypersele de Strihou  + (A discrete person close to the royal family but well-known in Belgian and international political and economic circles.)
  • Deep Politics Forum  + (A discussion group on Deep Politics. It maintains an archive of related files and a YouTube video channel. It also has a presence on Facebook and Twitter.)
  • Document:World War and the Russia-China Veto  + (A discussion of the unrest in Syria. It goA discussion of the unrest in Syria. It goes on to detail the appalling and ongoing abuses of human rights in post-Gaddafi [[Libya]] - the direct result of the 2011 [[UNSCR 1973]], and the military action it was deemed by NATO to authorise. These abuses, carried out by [[NATO]] installed proxies, arguably worse than anything happening in [[Syria]], are a stark warning of what Syrians can expect should NATO succeed in its agenda of "Regime change". succeed in its agenda of "Regime change".)
  • Andrew Zimmerman  + (A doctor and autism researcher who testified that [[vaccines]] could ''not'' produce autism in children, only to later reverse his testimony in September 2018.)
  • Stephen Frost  + (A doctor who expressed his doubts about the [[official narrative]] of the [[David Kelly/Death|death]] of Dr [[David Kelly]].)
  • File:The United States is still a British Colony.pdf  + (A document about why the United States is still a British Colony.)
  • The Rwanda Document Project  + (A document archive pertaining to Rwanda from 1990 onwards)
  • Document:Notes from colleagues in the Baltic States who are monitoring Russia carefully  + (A document from the Integrity Initiative LA document from the Integrity Initiative Leak which asserts that "A criminal investigation [into the Skripal affair] alone will not throw these essential clues up, and is unlikely to yield sufficient judicial evidence We need to be looking at, and explaining, this attack from a political and military-intelligence perspective. That means educating our audience to understand how Russia sees this world as being at war."w Russia sees this world as being at war.")
  • File:Damage to the United Pentecostal Church during the 2023 Hawaii wildfires.pdf  + (A document that details very unusual damage to the United Pentecostal Church in Lahaina, Hawaii.)
  • David McGowan  + (A dogged researcher into the vast deceptions of power since well before 9-ll. McGowan has solid claim to being [[Document:The First 9-11 Sceptic|The First 9-11 Sceptic]])
  • UK/Council on Foreign Relations  + (A dormant limited company set up in 2010 by many of the same people who set up the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Westminster paedophile dossier  + (A dossier of allegations on paedophilia by senior UK establishment figures)
  • File:Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.pdf  + (A dossier of evidence purporting to demonsA dossier of evidence purporting to demonstrate that [[Donald Trump]] and his transition team members have a history of improper contact with the Russian government and that [[FSB|Russian Intelligence]] collected substantial compromising information on Trump during his [[Russia]]n business trips.[[Russia]]n business trips.)
  • Steele dossier  + (A dossier of smears concocted by [[Christopher Steele]] of [[Orbis Business Intelligence]].)
  • Podcast  + (A downloadable audio file. From the right person, these are fantastic sources of information.)
  • 1929 Wall Street Crash  + (A dramatic end to the "roaring [[1920s|twenties]]" - a huge wealth grab by the superrich)
  • Wall Street Crash  + (A dramatic end to the "roaring [[1920s|twenties]]" - a huge wealth grab by the superrich)
  • "Violent extremism"  + (A drop in replacement for "[[terrorism]]" that was followed by "[[non-violent extremism]]", a term used to frame the justification of violence towards the explicitly [[non-violent]].)
  • Jim Jones  + (A drug addicted religious leader with disputed CIA connections who lead a commune of almost 1000 people to Guyana, South America.)
  • Thalidomide  + (A drug that caused a very high number of birth defects and deaths.)
  • Bo Abbott  + (A drug trafficking pilot who attempted to blow the whistle on the [[CIA's illegal drug trafficking]] but who disappeared - i.e. was probably murdered by the [[cabal]])
  • "Iran-Contra"  + (A drug trafficking/weapons smuggling operation carried out in the 1980s with the approval of the top of the US government.)
  • Hüseyin Baybaşin  + (A druglord with close and acknowledged ties to Turkish government leaders, who also worked as an informer for UK Customs & Excise. Now in prison)
  • "Let's Go Brandon!"  + (A euphemismic slogan which arose from a failed corporate media attempt to censor anti-Biden sentiment)
  • 2002 Venezuelan coup attempt  + (A failed [[CIA]]-backed coup attempt against [[President of Venezuela]] [[Hugo Chávez]].)
  • Day X plot  + (A failed attack which appears to have been intended as a false flag to be blamed on [[Syria]].)
  • Borghese coup  + (A failed coup d'etat)
  • Marxist–Leninist Party of the Netherlands  + (A fake pro-China communist party in the NeA fake pro-China communist party in the Netherlands set up by the Dutch secret service BVD, to obtain intelligence from [[China]] and [[Albania]], obtain information about the communist movement in Europe, and to help split the communist movement in the Netherlands.the communist movement in the Netherlands.)
  • Patsy  + (A fall guy, set up to take the blame for the wrong doing of others.)
  • Operation Embarrass  + (A false flag bombing campaign MI6 carried out to try to stem Jewish immigration.)
  • Lavon Affair  + (A false flag bombing campaign carried out in Egypt against US, UK and Egyptian targets. Israel was caught and exposed - and officially admitted responsibility some ''51'' years later.)
  • Washington Institute for Near East Policy  + (A false flag connected subgroup of AIPAC)
  • Shelling of Mainila  + (A false flag used to launch the [[Winter War]].)
  • 'A Gay Girl In Damascus'  + (A false media personality to create a mood in Western liberal opinion for regime change in Syria)
  • Brittany Murphy  + (A famous [[Hollywood]] actress who died in December 2009 under odd circumstances. Who killed [[Brittany Murphy]]? Was it mold or [[murder]]?)
  • File:Animal Farm.pdf  + (A famous allegorical novel about the corruption of revolutionaries and subversion of revolutions.)
  • Felipe Vidal Santiago  + (A famous anti-Castro recruiter of assassins, who may have been implicated in the [[assassination of JFK]].)
  • 1972 Munich massacre  + (A famous attack on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics.)
  • Dorothy Kilgallen  + (A famous journalist who became interested in the [[JFK assassination]] and who died in highly suspicious circumstances of a drug overdose)
  • Langemann Papers  + (A famous leak of documents from Le Cercle by a respected senior BND officer.)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus  + (A fancy name for the common cold.)
  • Vlakplaas  + (A farm near Pretoria, South Africa, that was the headquarters of a South African Police counterinsurgency unit working for the apartheid government.)
  • Ordine Nuovo  + (A fascist group set up under the Italian Operation Gladio)
  • Buzzword  + (A fashionable type of jargon, that becomes so overused that it loses it's original meaning.)
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease  + (A fatal degenerative brain disorder. EarlyA fatal degenerative brain disorder. Early symptoms include memory problems, behavioral changes, poor coordination, and visual disturbances. Later symptoms include dementia, involuntary movements, blindness, weakness, and coma. About 70% of people die within a year of diagnosis. of people die within a year of diagnosis.)
  • Vint Cerf  + (A father of the [[internet]] as part of military research. Later evangelist for [[Google]].)
  • Document:Niklaus Pfluger letter to Bishop Williamson  + (A faux-humble example of self-important arrogance in a 'man of God'. A letter from a Catholic priest to his Bishop with an introduction by Michael Hoffman)
  • Chris Hedges  + (A fearless speaker of truth to power, ChriA fearless speaker of truth to power, Chris Hedges was a war correspondent for almost 20 years, when he quit and began a blistering series of books which challenge different aspects of corporate capitalism. In 2012 he filed suit contending that the NDAA's provision for indefinite detention without trial was unconstitutional. Unbowed, he remains a thorn in the side of the establishment. a thorn in the side of the establishment.)
  • Tara O'Toole  + (A fellow bioweapons expert stated 'she makes Dr. Strangelove seem sane'.)
  • Amalyah Hart  + (A fellow of the [[Institute for Statecraft]] whose speciality was listed as "Hybrid Warfare, Indo-Pacific Region" when the group took down their website)
  • Moby Prince  + (A ferry catastrophe during a military smuggling operation)
  • Sinking of MV Sewol  + (A ferry sinking which killed hundreds of schoolchildren. Officially, an accident, but information hidden and falsified in investigation.)
  • Daniel Ellsberg  + (A feted whistleblower who exposed some detA feted whistleblower who exposed some details of how the US government was waging the [[Vietnam War]]. The fact that he was not persecuted has lead several commentators to suggest that he may not in fact have been all he appears to be. Specifically, the Pentagon Papers may have been a [[limited hangout]].[[limited hangout]].)
  • John H. Reed  + (A fierce supporter of the [[war in Vietnam]] and very close to President [[Lyndon B. Johnson]])
  • Oxymoron  + (A figure of speech that juxtaposes concepts with contradictory meaning within a word or phrase.)
  • Control Factor  + (A film about [[psychotronic]] mind control.)
  • Victor Lewis-Smith  + (A film producer who has spoken out against the UK establishment.)
  • Zapruder film  + (A film shot of [[JFK]]'s assassination, taken by [[Abraham Zapruder]])
  • Financial Conduct Authority  + (A financial regulatory body in the United Kingdom.ti)
  • Carter Beese  + (A financier)
  • Michele Sindona  + (A financier and member of the [[Italian deep state]])
  • GPW  + (A firm of corporate investigators)
  • Mustard gas  + (A first generation chemical weapon)
  • Document:Exposed: Jeremy Corbyn’s hate factory  + (A fishing expedition co-ordinated by ''[[The Sunday Times]]'' which "uncovered more than 2,000 abusive messages" posted on 20 ''[[Facebook]]'' groups by mostly unidentified individuals who may or may not have been members of the [[Labour Party]].)
  • Agustín Carstens  + (A five year term)
  • United States Second Fleet  + (A fleet in the United States Navy responsible for the East Coast and North Atlantic Ocean)
  • Document:MH17 And Other Traps To Avoid  + (A follow-up to the author's article of 2 August 2015 on the same subject. The continuing propaganda and barefaced dishonesty of western politicians and media over the tragedy of MH17)
  • HSCA  + (A followup to the [[Church Committee]]. 21 people involved in the Coup who were subpoenaed to testify before the committee died under mysterious circumstances.)
  • Booz Allen Hamilton  + (A for-profit part of the US Deep State.)
  • George Papadopoulos  + (A foreign policy advisor to [[Donald Trump]].)
  • Labour Foreign Policy Group  + (A foreign policy think tank affiliated with the British [[Labour Party]].)
  • Document:British Interests in Ukraine  + (A forensic analysis of some of the British interests in Ukraine and - by inference, events leading up to and following the February 2014 coup)
  • Document:Pornography as a secret weapon  + (A forensic analysis of the domination of the US porn industry by Judaics with evidence of their reasoning and justification)
  • Document:Secret Justice  + (A forensic examination of the legal shenanA forensic examination of the legal shenanigans surrounding the 2012 trial of Asil Nadir. It clearly demonstrates how all branches of the Establishment can close ranks in defense of the indefensible. When gross illegalities on the part of government and its senior members must be hidden in the alleged Public or National Security interest, then the police, judges, ministers and senior civil servants can be relied upon to do whatever is necessary.e relied upon to do whatever is necessary.)
  • Document:The Israel lobby  + (A forensic examination of the power of the 'Israel Lobby' in the affairs of the USA, focusing most notably on its influence on US foreign policy and comprising an alliance of Jews, Christian Zionists and Neo-Cons)
  • File:SECRET-KFOR Dossier on Xhavit Haliti.pdf  + (A forensic report of the examination of a house in Burrel, Albania, alleged to have been used for the removal of human organs prior to the killing an burial of victims.)
  • File:UNMIK Forensic Report Organ Trafficking Kosovo.pdf  + (A forensic report of the examination of a house in Burrel, Albania, alleged to have been used for the removal of human organs prior to the killing an burial of victims.)
  • Forged 2022 Rand report  + (A forged paper paper allegedly produced by the Rand corporation.)
  • Do not resuscitate orders  + (A form of [[COVID-19/Euthanasia]])
  • Permanent war/Mentality  + (A form of [[paranoia]] associated with high [[stress]] and aggression, low empathy.)
  • "Democracy"  + (A form of government involving events called "[[elections]]", in which citizens often choose from a short list of [[deep state]] backed puppets)
  • Chemical substance  + (A form of matter that has a constant chemical composition)
  • Plastic waste  + (A form of pollution.)
  • Rod Stoner  + (A former British army corporal from the Parachute Regiment)
  • Daniel Mazuera  + (A former Colombian trade minister and [[Cercle]] visitor)
  • Daniel Mazuera  + (A former Colombian trade minister and [[Cercle]] visitor)
  • Mark Reckless  + (A former Conservative MP who defected to [[UK Independence Party]])
  • Celerino Castillo  + (A former DEA agent who exposed deep state involvement in drug trafficking.)
  • Robert Bonner  + (A former DEA head who charged the CIA with importing cocaine into USA.)
  • Robert Hannigan  + (A former Director of Intelligence and Security, running GCHQ since October 2014)
  • Christian Schwarz-Schilling  + (A former European [[Chairman of Le Cercle]])
  • Gloria De Piero  + (A former Labour MP.)
  • Bill Jeffrey  + (A former Security and Intelligence Co-ordinator)
  • Richard Mottram  + (A former Security and Intelligence Co-ordinator)
  • Douglas Carswell  + (A former Tory who was [[UKIP]]'s sole representative in Parliament before becoming an Independent MP)
  • Trowbridge Ford  + (A former US Army Counter Intelligence Corps analyst. He retired to live outside Stockholm.)
  • Paul Craig Roberts  + (A former US establishment insider who became an independent journalist)
  • South Africa  + (A former [[British]] and [[Dutch]] [[colony]])
  • Thomas Karamessines  + (A former [[CIA Deputy Director for Plans]] who suddenly died of a [[heart attack]] before he could testify to the [[HSCA]].)
  • Pierre Bérégovoy  + (A former [[French Prime Minister]] who supposedly committed [[suicide]].)
  • Liz Truss  + (A former [[Liberal Democrat|Lib Dem]] who lasted just 45 days as [[Tory]] PM)
  • Yugoslavia  + (A former country in [[Cold War]] [[Europe]] consisting of six constituent republics. The rise of the nationalistic division causing its final war has controversial origins.)
  • Gerry Warner  + (A former deputy director of MI6 and Co-ordinator for Intelligence and Security. No Wikipedia page as of 2020!)
  • Iain Lobban  + (A former head of GCHQ.)
  • Leonard Hooper  + (A former head of GCHQ.)
  • Arthur Bonsall  + (A former head of GCHQ.)
  • Brian Tovey  + (A former head of GCHQ.)
  • Peter Marychurch  + (A former head of GCHQ.)
  • David Omand  + (A former head of GCHQ.)
  • John Adye  + (A former head of [[GCHQ]].)
  • Kevin Tebbit  + (A former head of [[GCHQ]].)
  • Fiji Intelligence Service  + (A former intelligence agency of the Republic of the Fiji Islands)
  • Mark Huband  + (A former journalist who has moved into the work of corporate intelligence gathering.)
  • Peter Power  + (A former member of the anti-terrorism squad who volunteered the revelation that on [[7-7]] he was running a drill at "precisely" the same stations at the same time as the attacks took place.)
  • Azerbaijan  + (A former part of the USSR.)
  • Georgia  + (A former part of the USSR.)
  • Kyrgyzstan  + (A former part of the USSR.)
  • Kevin Ryan  + (A former site manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters Laboratories, who became interested in 9/11 and had the tenacity to keep asking questions. Did productive research on 9/11.)
  • Victor Ostrovsky  + (A former spook turned writer.)
  • Andrea Mayer  + (A former staff member for [[Bilderberg Steering committee]] member [[Rudolf Scholten]]. Attended [[Bilderberg 2017]] as cabinet director of the Presidential Chancellery.)
  • Gawker  + (A formerly highly popular website which helped expose [[The Deep State]]. In 2014 it published 3 important exposes by [[Mark Gorton]]. In 2015 it published parts of [[Epstein's black book]]. Closed in 2016 by harassment lawsuits.)
  • Indymedia  + (A formerly very active of global alternative news sites, but subject to attack by TPTB and now dormant in most countries.)
  • Association of Chief Police Officers  + (A forum for chief police officers to share ideas and coordinate their strategic operational responses. Unaccountable to Parliament or the public by virtue of its limited company status.)
  • Memory Hole Blog  + (A forum for news, criticism and commentary on sociopolitical issues and phenomena overlooked or misreported by corporate media)
  • US/National Security Council  + (A forum used by the President of the United States for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials.)
  • University of Namur  + (A founding member of the Académie Louvain, the association of French-speaking Catholic universities in Belgium.)
  • The Walsall Bomb Plot  + (A frame up of anarchists by the [[UK Police]].)
  • Michael Cohen  + (A fraudulent US [[lawyer]] "who came out of nowhere to occupy a prominent spot in [[Trump]]’s orbit," found dead in 2021.)
  • Great Oil Sniffer Hoax  + (A fraudulent scheme purporting to be able to detect oil by a new technology. Details remain rather obscure.)
  • Cold War Then and Now?  + (A free conference that appears to have been part of a broader campaign by the [[Institute for Statecraft]] to promote [[Cold War 2.0]].)
  • Saleyha Ahsan  + (A freelance reporter, film maker and A&A freelance reporter, film maker and A&E doctor with a Sandhurst background. She has traveled to conflict zones in North Africa and Asia and made films and news reports including Libya, Syria, Bosnia, Palestine, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. She appeared with "Dr Rola" in the controversial 2013 video shown on the BBC's Panorama news programme calling for humanitarian bombings of calling for humanitarian bombings of Syria.)
  • William P. Clark Jr  + (A friend and aide to Ronald Reagan, [[US National Security Advisor]], attended [[Le Cercle]])
  • Dave Halloway  + (A friend of Andy Straßmeir who flew him out of USA after the 1995 OKC Bombing.)
  • Grant Stockdale  + (A friend of JFK who died shortly after the Kennedy assassination)
  • Ibragim Todashev  + (A friend of [[Boston bombings]] "[[lone nut]]" [[Tamerlan Tsarnaev]] who was murdered during an FBI interview.)
  • Kay Griggs  + (A friend of [[White House]] correspondent [[Sarah McClendon]] who exposed the [[Deep State]].)
  • Robert Askin  + (A friend of organised crime)
  • Urban Moving Systems  + (A front company for the Mossad.)
  • Ron DeSantis  + (A frontrunner for the [[Republican Party]] Presidential nomination in [[2024]].)
  • Executive Order 12333  + (A fundamental document authorising the expansion of data collection activities.)
  • Freedom of speech  + (A fundamental freedom which is being rapidly curtailed by the so-called "War On Terror")
  • New world order  + (A fusion of Government, Trans-National Corporations, Banking & Organized Crime.)
  • Deepfake  + (A futuristic and dystopian technology to impersonate...anyone in a video, audio, picture or combined. Use in [[statecraft]] is probably already here.)
  • Hydroxychloroquine  + (A generic drug widely used to treat [[COVID-19]], generally safe, with potential to significantly reduce the [[case fatality rate]]. In 2020 made the subject of legal restrictions and the hit pieces in the scientific literature.)
  • Dystopia  + (A genre of fiction about negative futures.)
  • Anti-Covid air technology  + (A genuine response to [[COVID]], or just a cash grab?)
  • Document:Why there is no Russian military intervention in Ukraine  + (A geo-political analysis of the developingA geo-political analysis of the developing situation in Ukraine from the perspective of a Russian National who understands the conflicting nature of the tripartite global power block interests (US-Europe-Russia) that will ultimately decide Ukraine's futureat will ultimately decide Ukraine's future)
  • EWTN News  + (A global TV broadcasting and proselitysing organisation of the Catholic Church)
  • Russia Today  + (A global TV channel backed by the Russian government. Allows Western dissidents on air and some deep politics to be discussed. Putting a positive spin on the government, but not too bad coverage of Russia either.)
  • Sierra Leone  + (A global [[cocaine]] trafficking hub in West Africa)
  • BAE Systems  + (A global arms company, with interests also in civilian avionics and engineering. Its subsidiaries are also involved in providing intelligence, personnel and logistics support to US/UK military.)
  • Document:The Next Crisis – Part one  + (A global crisis of capitalism and governance began to manifest seriously in 2007-8. It is far from over)
  • Document:The Elite the Great Game and World War III  + (A global economic system erected on inhuman and predatory values, where a few possess more wealth than the billions of hungry put together, will end, but the end will be painful and bloody)
  • Wood Mackenzie  + (A global energy, chemicals, renewables, metals and mining research and consultancy group)
  • European Broadcasting Union  + (A global media organisation.)
  • "Bailout"  + (A globally organised shift of money from ordinary taxpayers to the already hyper-rich who control the banking and political systems.)
  • Document:Invasions of the Mind Snatchers  + (A good introduction to the current templatA good introduction to the current template and modus-operandi of US/NATO-sponsored "Regime-change" operations which began with the destruction of Yugoslavia and have been repeated in at least a dozen countries in so-called "colour revolutions" and the "Arab Spring" in the decade or so sincehe "Arab Spring" in the decade or so since)
  • Document:Who was the Maidan sniper mastermind?  + (A good overall introduction to the false-flag nature of the Kiev Maidan sniper events in February 2014 that triggered the flight of President Yanukovitch and the installation of the 22 February coup Junta)
  • User:Robin  + (A good start for understanding this group which appears to be a [[UK Deep state]] effort to promote Russophobia and attempting to kick of a [[New Cold War]].)
  • Deputy prime minister  + (A government minister who can take the position of acting prime minister when the prime minister is temporarily absent)
  • Zionist Occupied Government  + (A government which is heavily influenced by the Zionist world view. It can also denote Jewish membership of a government which is grossly out of proportion to the Jewish population of the country as a whole.)
  • Winston Churchill II  + (A grandson of [[Winston Churchill]], visited [[Le Cercle]])
  • Mark McGowan (Australian politician)  + (A gray politician who came to prominence during the COVID-19 deep event. The tyrannical Premier of Western Australia.)
  • Giannos Kranidiotis  + (A greek diplomat and politician who was killed together with his son in a "freak accident" 3 months after attending a Bilderberg meeting.)
  • John Pesmazoglou  + (A greek economist, member of the Bilderberg Steering committee who was repeatedly denied a passport by the Greek government.)
  • Operation Gladio (film)  + (A groundbreaking documentary which did more than any other to publicise the existence of [[Operation Gladio]] - [[NATO]]-sponsored [[False flag]] terrorism in Western Europe.)
  • The Reagan Method  + (A groundbreaking documentary which puts a huge amount of Cold War psychological warfare in context)
  • Global Commission on Drug Policy  + (A group critical of the "[[war on drugs]]", which "advocates decriminalizing [[drug]] use by those who do no harm to others.")
  • American Australian Association  + (A group designed to create a cadre of influential [[Australian]]s loyal to the [[United States]])
  • Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies  + (A group directed by [[Jelena Milić]] (of the [[Integrity Initiative]]))
  • "Independent Police Complaints Commission"  + (A group interested in complaints about the [[UK police]])
  • Lancet/COVID-19 Commission  + (A group lead by [[Peter Daszak]])
  • O'Connell Street Associates  + (A group of 20 prominent non-executive directors who share premises on the sixth level of Number 2 O'Connell Street in the heart of [[Sydney]]'s CBD)
  • 9-11/Israel did it/Dancing Israelis  + (A group of 5 Israelis, including Mossad agents, who were "documenting" the 9-11 event under cover of [[Urban Moving Systems]]. Arrested on the day after suspicious behaviour.)
  • Cornerstone Group  + (A group of Conservative MPs.)
  • Working Group on Syria Propaganda and Media  + (A group of UK academics that [[Piers Robinson]] convened due to a shared interest in [[Propaganda]] surrounding [[Syria]])
  • Team B  + (A group of hawks to talk up the Soviet threat.)
  • Society  + (A group of individuals with common interest and culture.)
  • American Committee for Peace in Chechnya  + (A group of neocon warmongers showing a touching concern for the Russian separatist province of Chechnya.)
  • Sam Adams Associates  + (A group of retired [[CIA]] officers who give an annual award to an intelligence professional who has taken a stand for integrity and ethics)
  • Birmingham Six  + (A group of six Irishmen sentenced in 1975 A group of six Irishmen sentenced in 1975 to life imprisonment for carrying out the [[Birmingham pub bombings]] who were freed 16 years later and had their convictions quashed after it emerged that police had forged incriminating evidence and suppressed exonerating evidence.dence and suppressed exonerating evidence.)
  • Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican  + (A group of wealthy people working with the Vatican...)
  • US/Senate/Watergate Committee  + (A group officially intended to investigate wrongdoing in connection to [[Watergate]].)
  • House October Surprise Task Force  + (A group tasked with creating an official narrative to explain away evidence of the October Surprise conspiracy.)
  • Howbadismybatch  + (A group that looked at the [[VAERS database]] and found that some batches of the "Covid 19 vaccine" are way more likely to cause harm than others.)
  • Hammarskjöld Commission  + (A group to report whether there was evidence enough to justify a reopening of the UN inquiry into the death of Dag Hammarskjöld. Their September 2013 verdict: '''Yes''')
  • Council for Democracy and Tolerance  + (A group which collaborated on the 2007 [[Collapse of Europe conference]].)
  • Document:The Integrity Initiative Guide to Countering Russian Disinformation  + (A guide to Russian disinformation, an ideological prep guide for dedicated II operatives)
  • File:Understanding 911 and 911 wars.pdf  + (A guide to understanding the events of 9-11 and the resulting wars for which it became the casus belli)
  • Jimi Hendrix  + (A guitarist and singer who died of a [[drug overdose]].)
  • Saifullah Paracha v. George W. Bush  + (A habeas corpus petition filed on behalf of a prisoner of [[Guantanamo Bay]].)
  • Aaron Swartz  + (A hacker who died a suspicious death after using his talents to promote freedom of information)
  • James Dolan  + (A hacker who was connected to [[Aaron Swartz]]A hacker who was connected to [[Aaron Swartz]] and who like Swartz, died by suicide. Some question the circumstances.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup><sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup>/a></sup>)
  • Document:The Network of Networks  + (A handbook for Integrity Initiative activities, including starting clusters)
  • File:Hasbara Handbook.pdf  + (A handbook for students on how to promote Israel in Universities)
  • File:Britain's Israeli Lobby.pdf  + (A hard look at the influence of Israel in the politics of the UK)
  • Document:Checkbook Journalism & Leaking to the Highest Bidders  + (A hard-hitting article on the Edward Snowden affair. Its author speaks with considerable authority on matters concerning intel/security whistle-blowing matters in the USA)
  • Document:Dishonesty and the Science-Policy Interface  + (A hard-hitting indictment of Western ScienA hard-hitting indictment of Western Scientific Establishments in glossing over the issue of nuclear safety, and attacking those, such as Busby, who are independently researching the effects of ionising radiation on human health. Powerful interests clearly feel threatened by Dr Busby's work and are seeking to suborn the scientific process to their own ends whatever the catastrophic effects on human health of disasters such as health of disasters such as Fukushima.)
  • File:Bloody Vengeance in Sirte.pdf  + (A harrowing report on the final days of [[Muammar Gaddafi]]A harrowing report on the final days of [[Muammar Gaddafi]], notable less for its background analysis of the 2011 [[NATO]] sponsored [[Libyan conflict]], or its recommendations which are standard fare but pointedly fail to even mention Foreign/NATO culpability which is assumed to have been legitimate, but rather for an authoritative account of just one small instance of the raw barbarity which NATO played such a major part in enabling - under the banner of '[[Humanitarian Intervention]]'.[[Humanitarian Intervention]]'.)
  • Document:The Simony of the German Bishops  + (A harsh and theologically unanswerable critique of the German '''Kirchensteuer''' tax which effectively bars German Catholics from Church sacraments should they decline to pay it.)
  • Free Syrian Police  + (A hastily re-branded Western proxy force in Syria.)
  • Committee for the Liberation of Iraq  + (A hawkish lobby group)