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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "The report concerns the financing of anti-Islamic groups in the US". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • UK/PMO  + (The office of the [[UK Prime Minister]])
  • Martin Bryant  + (The official "lone nut" perpetrator of the [[Port Arthur Massacre]], with an IQ of just 66.)
  • Abdelhamid Abaaoud  + (The official "mastermind" behind the [[mass murder in Paris]] - died conveniently in police shootout.)
  • Rescue Britain  + (The official UK Campaign to intervene and Rescue Britain from high utility prices, fuel costs, and an impossible cost of living!)
  • Nordic Council  + (The official body (some say talkshop) for formal inter-parliamentary Nordic cooperation.)
  • Syrian Civil Defense  + (The official civil defense organisation of [[Syria]], in existence since 1953. The name has been deceptively taken over by the propaganda construct the [[White Helmets]].)
  • File:BreivikIndictment.pdf  + (The official legal indictments of Brevik for the 22 July 2011 murders on Utoya Island and the planting of the Oslo bomb)
  • Cold War  + (The official narrative had 2 diametricallyThe official narrative had 2 diametrically opposed systems locked in combat with one another since soon after WW2. Each of the "superpowers" and its team of allies needed to outdo each other by creating ever more and deadlier weapons, creating a kind of perpetual war for perpetual peace, with the warring parties engaging mainly in covert/proxy wars. Deep state interests blossomed in the climate of fear and paranoia.somed in the climate of fear and paranoia.)
  • 9-11/Flight 93  + (The official narrative, that the plan crashed into soft earth and buried itself, explaining the complete lack of luggage, plane or body parts, was questioned by reporters at the time, but that coverage seems not to have been repeated.)
  • Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel  + (The official perpetrator of the Nice truck event)
  • Denmark/Ambassador/US  + (The official representative of the Government in Copenhagen to the Government of the United States)
  • Marco Polo incident  + (The official start of the Asian theatre of World War 2, and chronologically, World War 2 as a whole.)
  • Kremlin web site  + (The official website of the [[Russian President]].)
  • B'nai B'rith  + (The oldest Jewish service organization in the world)
  • Sogang University  + (The oldest [[Catholic]] and [[Jesuit]] institution of higher education in South Korea.)
  • University of Naples Federico II  + (The oldest academic institution in continuous operation.)
  • University of Latvia  + (The oldest and biggest university in Latvia)
  • Delft University of Technology  + (The oldest and largest Dutch public technical university)
  • University of Belgrade  + (The oldest and largest modern university in [[Serbia]])
  • University of Helsinki  + (The oldest and largest university in Finland)
  • Australian Club (Sydney)  + (The oldest establishment club in Australia)
  • National Technical University of Athens  + (The oldest higher education institutions of [[Greece]] and the most prestigious among engineering schools)
  • Oman  + (The oldest independent state in the [[Arab world]].)
  • US/Marshals Service  + (The oldest law enforcement body in the US.)
  • University of Georgia  + (The oldest public university in the [[United States]]. Public Ivy.)
  • Uppsala University  + (The oldest university in Sweden)
  • Bologna University  + (The oldest university in the world)
  • Alfred Broughton  + (The one missing MP vote that brought down the [[James Callaghan]] government in [[1979]], and led to [[Margaret Thatcher]] becoming Prime Minister)
  • US/2016 Presidential Election  + (The one time Russia managed to decide the American election; bypassing all intelligence agencies with a then 50 billion budget.)
  • Tomonori Yoshizaki  + (The only Asian member of [[The Alphen Group]] as of 2024)
  • Edith Cowan University  + (The only Australian university named after a woman)
  • John Kiriakou  + (The only CIA officer to go to prison for reasons connected to their torturing of suspects - the first whistleblower.)
  • Belize  + (The only Central American country which is a Commonwealth realm.)
  • Guyana  + (The only UK colony on the mainland on South America.)
  • Cuba  + (The only country in North America under the influence of the USSR during the cold war.)
  • Eritrea  + (The only country in the world without anyone "vaccinated" against "Coronavirus".)
  • Donald Trump  + (The only federal officeholder in American history to be impeached twice.)
  • Efraín Ríos Montt  + (The only head of a nation state to have been found guilty of genocide in his own country.)
  • Clay Shaw  + (The only person prosecuted in connection with the [[JFK assassination|assassination]] of [[John F. Kennedy]].)
  • Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 15  + (The only possible conclusion from yesterdaThe only possible conclusion from yesterday’s testimony is that the performance of the representative of the United States Government ([[James Lewis QC]]) was, in and of itself, full and sufficient evidence that there is no possibility that [[Julian Assange]] will receive fair consideration and treatment of his mental health issues within the [[United States]] system. The [[US Government]] has just demonstrated that to us, in open court, to perfection. that to us, in open court, to perfection.)
  • Jelle Zijlstra  + (The only president in the world to ever become chairman of the [[central bankers]].)
  • Jelle Zijlstra  + (The only president in the world to ever become president of the [[central bankers]].)
  • Pan Am Flight 103/Fatal Accident Inquiry  + (The only public hearing in Scotland of the facts about the [[Pan Am Flight 103|Lockerbie bombing]].)
  • Liberia  + (The only state in [[Africa]] never subjected to colonial rule and Africa's oldest republic.)
  • Document:The Incredible Disappearance of Shai Masot  + (The open attempt to stifle all criticism oThe open attempt to stifle all criticism of [[Israel]], and in effect to make adherence to [[zionism]] a pre-condition for membership of the [[Labour Party]] – or indeed acceptance in wider society – is a vicious form of authoritarianism that should have been repudiated robustly from day one.ave been repudiated robustly from day one.)
  • We the people  + (The opening three words of the preamble to the constitution of the United States of America.)
  • Hero image  + (The opposites of [[enemy images]])
  • Document:Commission for the Relief of Belgium 1  + (The organisation, promotion and diversion of Belgian 'relief funding' for the hidden but nonetheless express purpose of prolonging the war)
  • Document:Commission for the Relief of Belgium 2  + (The organisation, promotion and diversion of Belgian 'relief funding' for the hidden but nonetheless express purpose of prolonging WW1.)
  • Censorship  + (The organised suppression of information, The organised suppression of information, increasingly being resorted to by large hierarchical organisations such as the nation states intent on preserving public credulity in their official narratives, many of which are at ever greater variance with reality.are at ever greater variance with reality.)
  • FIFA  + (The organising body of the largest [[world]] [[sport]] since the [[1990s]]. It has attracted exorbitant amounts of corruption.)
  • Kalergi Plan  + (The original [[Great Replacement]] [[conspiracy theory]]?)
  • COVID-19/Origins  + (The origins of COVID-19 have become a [[third rail]] topic since about May 2020. The [[official narrative]] blames a "lone bat".)
  • Beverly Eckert  + (The outspoken wife of a 9/11 victim who refused to accept the [[9-11/Compensation fund]] and forcefully stating "My silence cannot be bought".)
  • Megalomania  + (The overestimation of one's own abilities and importance)
  • User:Robin  + (The page collects the evidence of a telling mistake by the "[[terrorists]]" employed by the [[French]] military. Corporate media quickly lost interest in the story.)
  • Document:From Pol Pot to ISIS: Anything that flies on everything that moves  + (The parallels between the rise to power of Cambodia's Khymer Rouge under Pol Pot in the 1970's and that of ISIS in the Iraq/Syria of 2014.)
  • Document:The Shoah as State Religion?  + (The paranoid sensitivities of the French establishment to any and all manifestations of ridicule and satire concerning the 'State Religion' of the Shoa or Holocaust)
  • European Parliament  + (The parliament of the [[EU]]. Does not have a lot of actual power.)
  • Marshall Memorial Fellowship/2017  + (The participants year 2017 of the [[Marshall Memorial Fellowship]] of the [[German Marshall Fund of the United States]])
  • Marshall Memorial Fellowship/2019-2020  + (The participants year 2019 and 2020 of the [[Marshall Memorial Fellowship]] of the [[German Marshall Fund of the United States]])
  • Document:Sharon took Brave Decisions for Peace says Agent Cameron  + (The passing of Ariel Sharon. With comment on the fawning eulogies of Western Establishment Figures (Especially UK PM David Cameron) to a man who, on any rational assessment of the evidence, was guilty of multiple war crimes.)
  • "Wikipedia/List of COVID-19 conspiracy theorists"  + (The people and groups that [[Wikipedia]] consider [[COVID-19]] [[conspiracy theorists]].)
  • BBC/People  + (The people that work at the [[BBC]])
  • Document:Manchester atrocity: UK government must come clean about its relationship with Libyan Islamists  + (The perpetrator of the [[2017 Manchester bombing|Manchester atrocity]]The perpetrator of the [[2017 Manchester bombing|Manchester atrocity]], British-born Libyan [[Salman al-Abedi]], 22, is largely the product of the policy pursued by successive British governments – [[Conservative Party|Conservative]] and [[Labour Party|Labour]] – towards [[Libya]].bya]].)
  • Focal Point Publications  + (The personal website and blog of British historian David Irving)
  • Streisand effect  + (The phenomenon of counterproductive efforts to remove material which is already online.)
  • "Bad apple"  + (The phrase "bad apple" is used by corporate media in cases of blatant corruption. This generally avoids enquiry into the systemic causes of corruption.)
  • User:Robin  + (The phrase "conspiracy theory", as this page demonstrates, was created by the CIA to tackle dissenting views about the culpability of [[Lee Harvey Oswald]]. It continues to try to equate scepticism in government with dangerous craziness.)
  • "Hate crime"  + (The phrase "hate crime" is a [[plastic phrase]] associated with the "[[hate speech]]" effort to stifle [[free speech]] on the [[internet]].)
  • "Security service"  + (The phrase "security service" is used to dThe phrase "security service" is used to describe groups which, often explicitly exempt from national laws, carry out not only intelligence gathering operations, but also [[assassinations]] and [[murders]]. This article clarifies why the phrase "security service" is not used in this way on this website." is not used in this way on this website.)
  • Hedges v. Obama  + (The plaintiffs challenged the 2012 NDAA coThe plaintiffs challenged the 2012 NDAA contending that indefinite detention on "suspicion of providing substantial support" to groups such as al-Qaeda and the Taliban was so vague as to allow unconstitutional, indefinite detention of civilians based on vague allegations. The Court of Appeals struck down an initial agreement, and the US Supreme Court concurred, arguing that the plaintiffs could not prove they would be affected by the law, so had no standing to contest it.the law, so had no standing to contest it.)
  • Document:Israel Goes to Court for the Crime of Genocide  + (The plan by [[America]]The plan by [[America]]’s [[Israel|“best friend” and “closest ally”]] to nuke the world even has a name: the “[[Samson Option]],” recalling how the Biblical strongman [ Samson] brought down the temple where the Philistines were mocking him, killing thousands of mocking him, killing thousands of them.)
  • Operation London Bridge  + (The plan for what will happen in the [[United Kingdom]] after the death of [[Queen Elizabeth II]].)
  • Document:Who has Committed the Recent Gas Attack in Syria  + (The plan to incriminate the Syrian governmThe plan to incriminate the Syrian government for the use of chemical weapons was finalised at a meeting in an [[Israel]]i army camp deep inside the occupied territory of the [[Golan Heights]] attended by leaders of a number of terrorist groups sponsored by [[Saudi Arabia]], [[Qatar]], [[Bahrain]], [[Turkey]], [[Israel]], [[France]], [[United Kingdom|UK]] and the [[United States]].[[United States]].)
  • Peak Oil  + (The point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production enters terminal decline.)
  • US/Police  + (The police in the United States of AmericaThe police in the United States of America have increasingly become a symbol for the militarization of the US. Their forces have often acted as middle-men for protecting, if not being used for [[SDS]] policies and is full with corruption due to political assignments.h corruption due to political assignments.)
  • Deep state/Policy  + (The policies of deep state)
  • Document:Worse Than You Can Imagine  + (The political class, across the [[Western world]]The political class, across the [[Western world]] and the [[Arab]] world, is utterly divorced from its people over [[Gaza]]. We are seeing worldwide repression, as peaceful conferences are stormed by police in [[Germany]], students are beaten by police on [[American]] campuses, and in the [[UK]] old white people like me suffer the kind of continual harassment long suffered by young [[Muslim]] men.[[Muslim]] men.)
  • Jan-Olof Bengtsson  + (The political editor of the Swedish newspaper Kvällsposten in Malmö.)
  • National Information Center (Chile)  + (The political police and intelligence body which functioned as an organ of persecution, kidnapping, torture, murder and disappearance of political opponents during the military dictatorship of [[Augusto Pinochet]] in [[Chile]]. Successor of [[DINA]].)
  • Moldova  + (The poorest country in [[Europe]])
  • Bulgaria  + (The poorest country in the [[European Union]].)
  • Document:Will Iran Kill the Petrodollar?  + (The possibility of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons is largely a smoke-screen used by the Western powers to obfuscate the real reasons for their escalating confrontation with Iran.)
  • Judaic power  + (The power of world Jewry and its national organisational subsidiaries including the nation state of Israel)
  • Espionage  + (The practice of [[spying]] or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain military or political information.)
  • Home education  + (The practice of educating children outside of schools, i.e. at home. In many countries, homeschooling is illegal, despite the general spectacular academic results.)
  • Euthanasia  + (The practice of intentionally ending life, may be a government policy more than people are aware of.)
  • Public Diplomacy Policy Department  + (The predecessor of the UK propagandist [[Public Diplomacy Board]].)
  • Public Diplomacy Strategy Board  + (The predecessor of the UK propagandist [[Public Diplomacy Board]].)
  • Document:Conjuring Hitler - Preface  + (The preface to Guido Preparata's seminal work of World War II historical revision - Conjuring Hitler)
  • Confirmation bias  + (The preference people have to avoid [[cognitive dissonance]] by homing in on information which meets their expectations)
  • File:MH17 preliminary report.pdf  + (The preliminary report by the Dutch Safety Board into the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on 17 July 2014)
  • The Mountbatten Report  + (The prequel to ''[[Op JB]]''. Difficulties in publication meant that it was published posthumously, and two competing versions exist.)
  • Document:The Next Crisis – Part three  + (The present crisis of financial capitalism and world governance is not over yet - towards a world turned upside-down)
  • Document:The Next Crisis – Part two  + (The present crisis of financial capitalism and world governance is not over yet - A manifesto for the continued supremacy of the 1%)
  • Document:Beware the Cult of Cadwalladr  + (The present libel trial between [[Arron Banks]]The present libel trial between [[Arron Banks]] and [[Carole Cadwalladr]] is therefore a struggle between two deeply unpleasant people. [[Carole Cadwalladr|Cadwalladr]]’s lies, in my view, are political and still come within the realm of free speech. I support her right to say it, just as I support my right to denounce and expose her as an utterly unprincipled and fraudulent tool of the [[security services]].security services]].)
  • George Merck  + (The president of [[Merck & Co.]] from 1925 to 1950. During [[World War II]], he led the [[War Research Service]], which initiated the [[U.S. biological weapons program]] with [[Frank Olson]].)
  • 2022 French presidential election  + (The presidential election in [[France]] was a referendum on [[Macron]].)
  • UK/Ministry of Defence/Press Office  + (The press office at the [[UK/Ministry of Defence]])
  • Police Scotland  + (The primary police service of Scotland)
  • Armenian National Academy of Sciences  + (The primary scientific body in Armenia)
  • Frederick Taylor Gates  + (The principal business and philanthropic advisor to the major oil industrialist [[John D. Rockefeller]], Sr.)
  • China/Military  + (The principal military force of the [[China|People's Republic of China]])
  • Crown Prosecution Service  + (The principal public prosecuting authority, a non-ministerial UK government department that conducts (almost) all criminal prosecutions in England and Wales.)
  • US/Federal Reserve  + (The privately held cartel which profits frThe privately held cartel which profits from the US$ monopoly. It was set up by [[The Money Trust]] on December 23, 1913 after the failure of earlier privatisations by stealth of the US money supply. The [[petrodollar]] allowed this system to reap profits globally during much of the 20<sup>th</sup> century.uring much of the 20<sup>th</sup> century.)
  • South African Reserve Bank  + (The privately owned central bank of South Africa)
  • Gentrification  + (The process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in displacing current inhabitants in the process.)
  • Smuggling  + (The prohibited transshipment of goods across borders. [[Drug smuggling]], in particular, is a major source of cash for [[deep state]] groups.)
  • Document:Labour Built the Bomb  + (The prompt for this short essay is not Labour's nuclear legacy: it is what took place in the [[UN General Assembly]] last Friday when the [[Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty]] passed into international law.)
  • Dumbing down  + (The purported phenomenon whereby people are adapting to modern life by being progressively less intellectually capable than their forebears.)
  • War on Terror/Purposes  + (The purposes of the "War On Terror" were lThe purposes of the "War On Terror" were little asked about in the immediate aftermath of [[9-11]]. If the criterion by which is should be measured is a reduction in "[[terrorism]]", the policy has been singularly unsuccessful. However, the project is by no means as one dimensional as the [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]] would suggest...[[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]] would suggest...)
  • Nazism/25 point program  + (The putative government program of the newly formed National Socialist German Workers Party ([[NSDAP]]). It was presented to an audience of about 2,000 at a Munich party rally on 24 February 1924)
  • Document:With Panorama's hatchet job on Labour antisemitism, BBC has become pro-Tory media  + (The question is why did the [[BBC]]The question is why did the [[BBC]]’s flagship political investigations show decide that the marginal problem of [[racism]] in [[Labour Party|Labour]] was a much more urgent matter than the provable and significant [[racism]] in the [[Conservative Party]]?Conservative Party]]?)
  • Document:Police Violence  + (The radical overhaul of how we view policiThe radical overhaul of how we view policing and law and order shouldn’t be contained within the prism of the appalling problem of male violence – but seen in the context of state violence, the repression of dissent and the growth of the surveillance state. and the growth of the surveillance state.)
  • Chief Constable  + (The rank used by the chief police officer of every territorial police force in the United Kingdom)
  • Document:The Massive PSYOP Employed against Ukraine by GCHQ and NSA  + (The rapidly developing internet and electroic communications-based PSYOPS capabilities of US-UK intelligence agencies and their targeted use against the government of the Ukraine)
  • Document:The real invasion of Africa is not news  + (The real character of renewed US and Western involvement in Africa)
  • Document:Programming Chaos: The Arab Spring  + (The reality of the so-called "Arab Spring" as illuminated by Michael Bay's film "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" and Christopher Brennan's book "Fall of the Arab Spring")
  • Congressional Record  + (The record of the proceedings, debates and other information of the US government.)
  • Property  + (The relationships used by SMW to connect pages together. This object mandated for the <big><font face="courier">property:</font></big> namespace.)
  • National park  + (The remote locations of national parks, protected by special laws and armed forces, make them ideal for covert activities.)
  • Nuclear disarmament  + (The removal of nuclear weapons, a topic which alarmed the MICC. Deep state groups, especially [[Le Cercle]], [[The 61]] and the [[ASC]] started groups to oppose this idea.)
  • Repeal of the 2002 AUMF  + (The repeal of Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 by the [[US/House]].)
  • File:BBC ECU Response about Dr Rola.pdf  + (The reponse from the BBC to the complaints about the veracity of the Dr Rola footage by Robert Stuart.)
 (The report concerns the financing of anti-Islamic groups in the US)
  • File:Islamophobia.pdf  + (The report concerns the financing of anti-Islamic groups in the US.)
  • User:Peter  + (The report makes a powerful, near conclusiThe report makes a powerful, near conclusive, case for [[COVID-19]] being a laboratory engineered virus. The case for its having originated in the Wuhan [[BSL4 facility|BSL4 laboratory]] and accidentally released is also strong but not conclusive. It is based on evidence that the lab was indeed heavily involved in coronovirus research, based on the career histories of two of its scientists [[Zhengli Shi]] and [[Xing-Yi Ge]], plausible pecuniary research motivation and the demonstrable fact that the Chinese authorities knew about the outbreak much earlier than admitted and are making strenuous attempts to hide/obliterate this evidence. </br></br>However, it does not rule out the possibility of the virus having been introduced by a third party for plausible but, as yet, entirely speculative motives which it may be useful to discuss on this talk page.ay be useful to discuss on this talk page.)
  • File:UN-Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.pdf  + (The report of the UN Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1.)
  • File:UN HRC Gaza Freedom Flotilla.pdf  + (The report of the international fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, resulting from the Israeli attacks on the flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian assistance)
  • File:A Tale of Three Atrocities.pdf  + (The report suggests that three ostensibly The report suggests that three ostensibly unconnected flight sabotages may in fact be connected. The main focus is the [[Pan American Airlines Flight 103]], downed over Lockerbie in December 1988. It suggested that the [[CIA]] facilitated the [[Pan Am Flight 103|Lockerbie atrocity]] by [[Iran]]ian operatives as a quid-pro-quo for the downing of [[Iran Air Flight 655|the Iranian airliner]] some 5 months earlier.[[Iran Air Flight 655|the Iranian airliner]] some 5 months earlier.)
  • Document:Press TV CEO response to Ofcom  + (The response by the CEO, Dr. Mohammad Sarafraz, to Ofcom's decision to ban Press TV from the UK air waves)
  • Document:Truth as an Issue  + (The responsibility of the well-meaning but deluded western Left for the catastrophic situation in Syria)
  • Document:FBI Fabrication Against Assange Falls Apart  + (The revelation that [[Sigi Thordarson]]The revelation that [[Sigi Thordarson]]’s allegations are fabricated – which everyone knew already, [[Vanessa Baraitser]] just pretended she didn’t – is just one more illegality that the [[Establishment]] will shimmy over in its continued persecution of [[Julian Assange]]. Assange]].)
  • CONTEST/2  + (The revised and expanded "counterterrorism" strategy of the [[United Kingdom]] from 2009)
  • Anders Povlsen  + (The richest Dane as of 2020. Three of his kids were killed at the Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo by the [[2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings]])
  • Brenninkmeijer family  + (The richest family in the Netherlands)
  • Antti Herlin  + (The richest man in Finland)
  • Document:The Impending Dangers of Nuclear War  + (The risk of a catastrophic use of nuclear weapons is increasing as the nine (known) nuclear weapons states continue to upgrade their vast nuclear arsenals and keep them in a high state of readiness.)
  • Document:Break the silence: a world war is beckoning  + (The risk that western sponsored events in Ukraine in Spring 2014 and persistent western lies about the situation, will lead to war with Russia)
  • Document:Lady Dorrian's Law  + (The ruinous determination of the [[Scottish Government]]The ruinous determination of the [[Scottish Government]] and the Scottish judicial system to put someone, anyone connected to [[Alex Salmond]] in jail out of the [[Nicola Sturgeon|First Minister]]’s demented paranoia and sheer malice has had many disastrous outcomes, for individuals, taxpayers and the country as a whole.als, taxpayers and the country as a whole.)
  • Aliyev family  + (The ruling family of [[Azerbaijan]].)
  • House of Hashim  + (The ruling family of [[Jordan]].)
  • House of Saud  + (The ruling family of [[Saudi Arabia]]. They are the richest royal family in the world.)
  • Swedish Social Democratic Party  + (The ruling party of [[Sweden]])
  • COVID-19/Vaccine/Safety  + (The safety of the [[COVID vaccine]].)
  • Document:Ukraine is the latest neocon disaster  + (The same [[neocons]]The same [[neocons]] who turned the [[Middle East]] into a disaster area are now creating a similar catastrophe in [[Ukraine]] – for [[Ukrainian]]s and for the rest of the world, argues [[Prof Jeffrey Sachs]]<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Meiji University  + (The school of political science and economics has sent many famous alumni to the Japanese political world)
  • Catholic University of America  + (The school stays closely connected with the Catholic Church and Catholic organizations.)
  • Psychology  + (The science of mind and behaviour.)
  • Washington DC  + (The seat of the federal government)
  • Bilderberg/1955 March  + (The second Bilderberg meeting, held in France. Just 42 guests, fewer than any other.)
  • Integrity Initiative/Leak/2  + (The second [[Integrity Initiative Leak]], 24 days after [[Integrity Initiative Leak 1]].)
  • Jan Šejna  + (The second highest-ranked officer to ever defect to the West from the Eastern Bloc.)
  • Vatican City  + (The second smallest nation state in the world (arguably after the [[BIS]]), housing the HQ of the [[Roman Catholic]] church.)
  • WW2  + (The second world war.)
  • George Tenet  + (The second-longest ever term as DCI, after Allen Dulles.)
  • College of William and Mary  + (The second-oldest institution of higher education in the United States)
  • University of Greenwich  + (The second-oldest polytechnic in the [[United Kingdom]])
  • DINA  + (The secret police of Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.)
  • The Troubles  + (The sectarian conflict in [[Northern Ireland]] which flared into serious sustained violence through the summer of 1969)
  • File:Osp8.pdf  + (The selection criteria and process for deciding on the selection of Intelligence records for declassification and inclusion in the National Archive)
  • Document:Why Starmer picked a controversial pro-Israel lobbyist for a safe seat  + (The self-proclaimed [[Zionist]] activist [[Luke Akehurst]] has called the [[UN]] '[[antisemitic]]' and backs [[Israeli]] settlements in the occupied [[West Bank]])
  • Petrodollar  + (The selling of the world's oil in U.S. dollars has been the backbone of U.S. dollar hegemony since the U.S. unilaterally terminated the rights of foreign central banks to convert dollars to gold in 1971.)
  • Document:The sharks circling around Corbyn scent blood  + (The sharks circling around [[Jeremy Corbyn]]The sharks circling around [[Jeremy Corbyn]] will not ignore the scent of his bloodied wounds; rather, it will send them into a feeding frenzy. As hard as it is to do when the elites so clearly want him destroyed, Corbyn must find his backbone and start to stand his backbone and start to stand his ground.)
  • U2 Incident  + (The shooting down of a US U-2 spy plane over USSR territory.)
  • Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine  + (The single dose makes it a popular vaccine to distribute to the homeless, prisoners, and refugee populations.)
  • Cheonan sinking  + (The sinking of the South Korean Corvette 'Cheonan' on 26 March 2010 with the loss of 46 South Korean sailors, quickly blamed on North Korea by the US and its allies.)
  • Gambia  + (The smallest country in mainland [[Africa]].)
  • Sonoma State University  + (The smallest members of the California university system.)
  • 2016 Investigatory Powers Act  + (The so-called "Snoopers' Charter", which effectively legalised [[universal surveillance]] by the [[UK Deep state]].)
  • Document:How to Keep Going During the Next Energy Crisis  + (The social chaos unwinding on your forecouThe social chaos unwinding on your forecourts and timelines is the long-term consequence of decades of [[privatisation]], core industries run for profiteering with no thinking about the socio-ecological consequence. As people face mass fuel poverty, the dark irony is that all of these “[[British]]” institutions were sold off by the [[Tories]], now desperate to defend the very concept of [[British]]ness they’ve sold.itish]]ness they’ve sold.)
  • Document:Is Ukraine drifting toward civil war and Great Power confrontation?  + (The solution to a 'problem' requires thatThe solution to a 'problem' requires that the nature of the problem be accurately diagnosed and understood; the mass of the worlds populations - especially in the West are uniformly miss and dis-informed about major issues rendering genuine 'solutions' impossible - it is the SOP of US-Western Powerssible - it is the SOP of US-Western Power)
  • Alexander Soros  + (The son of [[George Soros]] set to inherit his empire)
  • Alexander Butterfield  + (The spook who installed the taping system for Richard Nixon.)
  • Hand in Hand for Syria  + (The spooky organisation that "[[Dr Rola]]" was working for when she called for humanitarian bombing of Syria. Now renamed and operating also in Turkey and Jordan.)
  • Claude Dansey  + (The start and end dates are approximate.)
  • Christian Schwarz-Schilling  + (The start and end dates are conjecture, baThe start and end dates are conjecture, based on <sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup><sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup> and <sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a></sup>.;[3]</a></sup>.)
  • Jonathan Aitken  + (The start date is conjecture, based on <The start date is conjecture, based on <sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup><sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup> and <sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a></sup>t;[3]</a></sup>)
  • Hamar Greenwood  + (The start date may not be strictly accurate, but fits.)
  • Belteleradio  + (The state television and radio broadcasting service of [[Belarus]].)
  • Chevening Scholarship  + (The stated objective of the scheme is to build a network of friends of the UK, who will be future leaders in their countries.)
  • Celebrity  + (The statues of public notoriety and fame.)
  • Document:How top Labour officials plotted to bring down Jeremy Corbyn  + (The stench of [[cover-up]]The stench of [[cover-up]] is already in the air. [[Keir Starmer]]'s [[Labour Party|Labour]] needs to come clean and admit that its most senior officials defrauded hundreds of thousands of party members, and millions more supporters, who voted for a fairer, kinder [[Britain]].[[Britain]].)
  • File:Secret Agenda.pdf  + (The story of 'Operation Paperclip, a US covert program to recruit ex-NAZI scientists to work in the US on eugenics, chemical/bio warfare agents, mind control/hallucinogenics and other scientific programs and set up as World War II drew to a close)
  • File:What Happened to Pacifica.pdf  + (The story of Pacifica Radio is a cyclical saga of factional warfare, class and racial struggle, and the power of the self- preservation instinct.)
  • Document:Operation Black Dog  + (The story of a US covert, airborne biological weapons attack on Iraq during the first US-Iraq war of 1990)
  • Document:The Blood of Dresden  + (The story of a US prisoner of war who was in Dresden during the infamous allied firebombing raids of February 1945)
  • Document:The political trial of a caring man and the end of justice in America  + (The story of a particularly egregious example of the blind sanctimonious viciousness that the US judicial system reserves for Muslims deemed to have impeded US foreign policy objectives.)
  • Document:The Political Dominance of The Cabal  + (The story of an American political cabal so powerful that it has been able to repress knowledge of its existence for 50 years, and the hidden history of the political force that has dominated American politics for the last 50 years.)
  • File:Neonazis and Euromaidan.pdf  + (The story of events in Ukraine between autumn 2013 and June 2014 from the perspective of the dissenting Russian-speaking culture of the south-east.)
  • Document:Britain Bans Press TV  + (The story of the banning of Press TV from the UK '''Sky Platform channel 515''' that you will not see covered in the commercially controlled media.)
  • Document:The Imperial Empire: The Sun Never Sets but the Mote remains in the Emperor’s Eye  + (The structure and vulnerabilities of the US Empire)
  • Cryptography  + (The study of [[encryption]] and [[decryption]] of communications.)
  • Geography  + (The study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.)
  • Bioethics  + (The study of the ethical issues emerging fThe study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology, medicine and technologies. The field was marked by several treaties protecting individual rights, but during [[COVID-19]], bioethical academics surpassed each other in supporting blatantly unethical supporting blatantly unethical schemes.)
  • Historiography  + (The study of the methods and biases of historians)
  • COVID-19/Pathology  + (The study of the pathology of [[COVID-19]] is ongoing.)
  • US/1972 Presidential Election  + (The subject of [[Hunter S. Thompson]]'s ''Fear And Loathing On The Campaign Trail''.)
  • Milner Group/Society of the Elect  + (The subset of the Milner Group which managed the UK deep state around a century ago)
  • UN  + (The successor of the [[League of Nations]]The successor of the [[League of Nations]], the UN was founded after [[World War 2]] - purposely or not - couldn't be prevented by the LoN. Although the [[IGO]] officially claims to aim for [[Peace]], in particular the [[UN Security Council]] often rules against intervention often resulting in more casualties in controversial and prolonged conflicts. in controversial and prolonged conflicts.)
  • Wapiti Aviation Flight 402  + (The sudden plane crash which killed [[Alberta]] Opposition leader [[Grant Notley]] at the start of his burgeoning political career.)
  • Mark Felt  + (The supposed true identity of 'deep throat', who played a part in the Watergate Coup.)
  • Document:The Long Secret Alliance  + (The suppressed history of US sponsorship of the genocidal Pol Pot Khymer Rouge regime in Cambodia through the 1970-80's)
  • Federal Constitutional Court of Germany  + (The supreme constitutional court for Germany)
  • European Court of Justice  + (The supreme court of the European Union in matters of EU law.)
  • Switzerland/Supreme Court  + (The supreme court of the [[Swiss Confederation]])
  • Thane Eugene Cesar  + (The suspected assassin of [[RFK]], an armed security guard who got the job a week earlier.)
  • Document:USS Liberty - Government Betrayal and Cover-up  + (The sustained attack on the American surveillance vessel USS Liberty in June 1967 was deliberate and calculated as this article makes abundantly clear)
  • Black Wednesday  + (The swift transfer of over 3 billion pounds to financial speculators from UK taxpayers.)
  • Vietnam War/My Lai Massacre  + (The systematic, cold-blooded murder, butchery and rape of 504 Vietnamese civilians including 173 children by a company of 115 US army soldiers.)
  • File:The Secret Behind the Sanctions.pdf  + (The targeting of the water supply of Iraq by the sanctions following the war.)
  • Disaster/Preparation  + (The tendency in the 21st century is to institutionalize and roll over various local and international "states of emergency" making them suspiciously permanent.)
  • Document:Downing Street Minutes 23 July 2002  + (The text of a memo written by Matthew Rycroft, a Downing Street foreign policy aide in July 2002 and addressed to David Manning, then foreign policy advisor to Tony Blair who appointed him Ambassador to the US in 2003. Published on 1 May 2005)
  • Document:Paddies Join Global Spy Network  + (The text of an article that appeared in an Irish news magazine, "The Phoenix", dated May 5th 2000, claiming that Ireland has become part of the ECHELON organisation.)
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/2024  + (The theme for the invited "[[stakeholders]]" was "rebuilding trust in the international system". Who exactly were are to trust remains a secret, as 95% of the participants were not disclosed.)
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/2023  + (The theme of the meeting was "Cooperation in a Fragmented World")
  • Iron law of oligarchy  + (The theory that all complex organizations, regardless of how democratic they are when started, eventually develop into oligarchies.)
  • Berggruen Institute  + (The think tank paid for by the billionaire [[Nicolas Berggruen]], who has big ambitions.)
  • Bilderberg/1955 September  + (The third Bilderberg, in [[West Germany]]. The subject of a report by ''[[Der Spiegel]]'' which inspired a heavy blackout of subsequent meetings.)
  • University of Seville  + (The third Spanish university in number of students and the first in Andalusia.)
  • Lockerbie: What Really Happened  + (The third in the series of TV documentaries on the [[Lockerbie Bombing/Official Narrative|Lockerbie bombing]] by ''[[Al Jazeera]]'')
  • University of Bern  + (The third largest university in Switzerland.)
  • University of Florida  + (The third largest Florida university by student population)
  • Orinoco Basin  + (The third largest river basin in [[South America]], after the Amazon and the Platte river.)
  • Gunther Hashida  + (The third suicide of a [[Capitol Police]] Officer, who at the [[2021 Washington D.C. Riots|Capitol on January 6]].)
  • University of Pittsburgh  + (The third-largest recipient of federally sponsored health research)
  • NATO/ Civil Emergency Planning Committee  + (The top NATO advisory body for the the use of civil resources in support of NATO’s objectives. Connection to COVID-19 deep event.)
  • File:Foreign Funding of Think Tanks in America.pdf  + (The top foreign donors to the think tanks The top foreign donors to the think tanks analyzed were Norway ($27.6 million), the United Kingdom ($27.1 million) and the United Arab Emirates ($15.1 million). The UAE is particularly interesting, since it is the top non-democratic donor in the study. The “vast majority” of the UAE’s donations went to “the Aspen Institute, the Atlantic Council, and the Brookings Institution, all of which received at least $4 million from the UAE.”eceived at least $4 million from the UAE.”)
  • Military Commissions Act of 2006  + (The torture bill)
  • Document:Capitalism normalizes death: From COVID-19 to the threat of nuclear war  + (The total devaluation of human life, the iThe total devaluation of human life, the indifference to mass death in the [[COVID-19/Pandemic|pandemic]] and the recklessness with which American [[capitalism]] is rushing into conflict with [[Russia]], reflect the views and social character of the American ruling class. This parasitic oligarchy feasts upon the impoverishment and exploitation of the working population.nd exploitation of the working population.)
  • Document:MH17 Tribunal. The Trap Russia Avoided  + (The trap being set by the July 2015 UK-proposed UNSC resolution to establish a UN Tribunal to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner - by an author with coal-face experience of these things)
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty  + (The treaty concerning the spread of nuclear weapons technology)
  • Document:Eight activists go on trial for disrupting Israel’s weapons trade  + (The trial of the [[Elbit Eight]] takes place at a time when [[Israel]] is waging a [[genocidal]] war against [[Gaza]] – using weapons from [[Elbit Systems]] and several other British firms.)
  • Industry  + (The types of categories jobs can be in. A loosely defined term. Some industries have abnormal power on countries.)
  • University of Edinburgh  + (The university continues to have links to the British royal family)
  • University of Aberdeen  + (The university has produced leading figures in the UK, Scottish, and foreign governments.)
  • University of Jyväskylä  + (The university offers a wide range of study programmes for master's degree conducted in English, many of which are unique in Finland.)
  • University of Poznań  + (The university's prestige and large class size have enabled it to graduate a large number of distinguished alumni.)
  • "Cyberterrorism"  + (The use of computers by "terrorists" to cause disruption. This is an arena in which the determination of responsibility is particularly difficult, and therefore [[false flag]] attacks are that much more easy.)
  • SWAT  + (The use of extreme violence by police, which has effectively normalised the use of military equipment and methods)
  • Document:COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US  + (The varieties of [[COVID-19]] in [[Iran]] and [[Italy]] have been sequenced and declared to have no part of the variety that infected [[China]] and must, by definition, have originated elsewhere.)
  • Food/Industry  + (The very large industrial food producers and manufacturers.)
  • Nicole Shanahan  + (The vice presidential candidate of [[Robert F. Kennedy Jr]])
  • Mary Jo Kopechne  + (The victim of the [[Chappaquiddick incident]] which stymied [[Edward Kennedy]]'s presidential ambitions)
  • Document:Never Again  + (The virus [[SARS-COV-2]] has been used to create public panic and distrust in the world...The most important lesson we can all learn from this is to realise we have been had, and next time to say: “Never Again”.)
  • Afghanistan/2001 Invasion  + (The war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.)
  • Korean War  + (The war on the Korean peninsular between the China/Soviet-backed forces of the North and the US-backed South between 1951-53)
  • Document:The plot to keep Corbyn out of power  + (The weaponisation of [[anti-semitism]]The weaponisation of [[anti-semitism]] against [[Jeremy Corbyn|Corbyn]] has become so normal that, even while I was writing this post, a new nadir was reached. [[Jeremy Hunt]], the foreign secretary who hopes to defeat [[Boris Johnson]] in the upcoming Tory leadership race, as good as accused [[Jeremy Corbyn|Corbyn]] of being a new [[Hitler]], a man who as prime minister might allow [[Jews]] to be exterminated, just as occurred in the [[Nazi]] death camps.[[Nazi]] death camps.)
  • Brian Martin's website  + (The website of Professor [[Brian Martin]]The website of Professor [[Brian Martin]], dealing with attacks on dissenting views and individuals. "Suppression of dissent" here includes whistleblowing, free speech, systems of social control and related topics. The purpose of the site is to foster examination of these issues and foster action against suppression, on the assumption that openness and dialogue can help challenge unaccountable power.ue can help challenge unaccountable power.)
  • Thiemeworks  + (The website of Richard Thieme)