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TitleDescriptionDiedDeath causeDeath location
Juvenal HabyarimanaPresident of Rwanda whose assassination reportedly helped spark the Rwandan genocide.6 April 1994Rwanda
Jörg Haider11 October 2008
Thomas HamiltonA "lone nut" who shot a class of primary children and their teacher before turning the gun on himself.13 March 1996Dunblane school massacre
Dag HammarskjöldThe 2nd Secretary-General of the United Nations who died in highly suspicious circumstances while trying to make peace in the Congo.18 September 1961Ndola
Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Warren HardingDied under suspicious circumstances, as did a number of people around him.2 August 1923United States
San Francisco
Philip HartUS Senator who was strong supporter of civil rights, anti-trust legislation and consumer and environmental protection. Member of Church Committee. Died of cancer soon after.26 December 1976CancerWashington DC
Hiroshi HasegawaAn "exceptionally erudite" TV commentator who publicly urged caution about the claim that 9/11 was a Muslim led operation. His sudden death the next month was little reported by corporate media.15 October 2001FallingJapan
NHK broadcasting center
Faraj HassanA supporter of Aafia Siddiqui16 August 2010Car crash
Jan HeckerDies suddenly just 2 weeks after taking up Beijing ambassador post.6 September 2021China
Frederick HeinzeA copper baron bankrupted by the money trust4 November 1914New York
Jon HellevigFinnish lawyer and businessman who worked in Russia since the early 1990s.26 May 2020Heart attack
Ernest HemingwayAmerican author hounded by the FBI2 July 1961GunshotUnited States
Jimi HendrixA guitarist and singer who died of a drug overdose.18 September 1970Drug overdoseLondon
Ashley HenleyFormer state legislator15 June 2021MurderMississippi
Bill HicksA charismatic comedian and social critic with a pronounced interest in third rail topics such as the JFK Assassination.26 February 1994CancerUnited States
Little Rock
Hans von HofstenSwedish naval officer who instigated the 1985 "Officers' Revolt" against Prime Minister Olof Palme19 July 1992
Johan Jørgen HolstBilderberger who reportedly "worked himself to death with the peace process" as Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs13 January 1994
Harold HoltAustralian Prime Minister who disappeared in 1967. He was presumed drowned.Disappearance
Armoni HowardAmerican conservative activist who died from the COVID-19/Vaccine.July 2021"COVID-19/Vaccine"US
San Jose
Dorothy HuntSpook, wife of Watergate/JFK assassination conspirator, E. Howard Hunt. Killed in a plane suspicious crash.8 December 1972Air disasterUS
H. John Heinz IIIA US politician and Bilderberger who died in a small plane crash the day before a friend of his, John Tower also died in a plane crash.4 April 1991Air disasterPennsylvania
Lower Merion Township
Thomas Anthony Dooley IIIDoctor who was CIA operative. Collected intelligence under medical cover. After his death, it was discovered numerous descriptions of atrocities by the Viet Minh in his hugely influential book Deliver Us From Evil had been fabricated.18 January 1961Cancer
Bruce IvinsA biodefense researcher at Fort Detrick, Maryland who, the FBI concluded, sent anthrax letters with crude anti-Zionist messages to the US politicians who were holding up the rollback of civil liberties in the wake of 9/11. After an investigation costing around $100,000,000 Ivins was declared to be a "lone nut" responsible for the crime shortly after he was found dead.29 July 2008Drug overdoseUnited States
Frederick Memorial Hospital
Nestor IzquierdoBay of Pigs, may have been spotter for JFK assassination in Dallas10 June 1979Air disaster
Erik IzraelewiczEditor-in-chief in many newspapers27 November 2012Heart attackFrance
Barnaby JackHacker who died before he could give a presentation on how to hack pacemakers.25 July 2013
Robin Jackson30 May 1998
Jennifer JaynesUS author whose plotlines included "corruption inside the vaccine industry".25 November 2019Suicide
Thomas JendgesHead of a hospital in Chemnitz who died from a fall of his roof.November 2021Falling
Barry JenningsA key 9/11 witness whose testimony contradicted the 9/11 report. He was reported dead without further explanation, aged 53. No death certificate is available on the internet, the cause of death is unknown & his entire family went missing without explanation at the same time.19 August 2008Unknown
Tina Joemat-PetterssonScandal ridden ex-minister form South Africa who died suddenly5 June 2023UnknownSouth Africa
Kenneth JohannemannA janitor at the World Trade Centre who saw explosions and rescued someone from the base of the buliding who had been burned by one.31 August 2008Gunshot
Josefa JohnsonSister of Lyndon B. Johnson, premature death.25 December 1961Cerebral hemorrhage
John Jones (lawyer)Assange lawyer who jumped in front of train18 April 2016Struck by trainLondon
John F. Kennedy Jr.Another promising Kennedy with a tragic end16 July 1999Air disaster
Lech KaczyńskiPresident of Poland who was killed in the catastrophic Smolensk air disaster10 April 2010Air disaster
Kari KairamoA Finnish businessman who reportedly hung himself, something his company, Nokia initially lied about.11 December 1988Finland
Prasanna KalahasthiA 9/11 widow reported to have hung herself out of grief.19 October 2001Hanging
Steve KangasA spook turned whistleblower who was one of the first political campaigners on the internet. Probably murdered by the US Deep state.8 February 1999GunshotUS
Isaac KappyAn actor who died aged 42 after accusing former Hollywood friends of paedophilia.13 May 2019Car crash
Saak Karapetyan"Russian deputy attorney general" who reportedly died in a helicopter crash3 October 2018
Drąsius KedysStated in 2010 that he would "fight to the end" to expose paedophile activity that had affected his daughter.20 April 2010Lithuania
Jim KeithUS deep political researcher7 September 1999
Petr KellnerCzech businessman who made large fortune on privatization. Died in helicopter accident.27 March 2021Air disasterAlaska
Petra KellyOctober 1992
Néstor Kirchner27 October 2010Heart attackArgentina
Santa Cruz
El Calafate
Norman KirkThe 29th Prime Minister of New Zealand. An outspoken critic of US foreign policy, he died suddenly while in office, reportedly due to overwork.31 August 1974
Lori KlausutisAn intern for Joe Scarborough who in July 2001 was found dead at her desk aged 28, reportedly due to undiagnosed heart problems.19 July 2001US
Franz KleinGerman business leader and vocal lock-down critic21 November 2020
Mary Jo KopechneThe victim of the Chappaquiddick incident which stymied Edward Kennedy's presidential ambitions18 July 1969Drowning
Traffic accident
United States
Chappaquiddick Island
David KoreshA cult leader shot dead in the Waco siege.Gunshot
Igor KorobovRussian military officer21 November 2018
Giannos KranidiotisA greek diplomat and politician who was killed together with his son in a "freak accident" 3 months after attending a Bilderberg meeting.14 September 1999Air disasterRomania
Ivar KreugerSwedish match tycoon who was shot dead in a Paris hotel in 19321932GunshotFrance
Walter KrivitskyA spook and defector10 February 1941GunshotUS
Washington DC
Alan KruegerAlan Krueger reportedly killed himself in March 2019, in spite of having a new book due out in June.16 March 2019
George KrutilekWorked for Billie Sol Estes. Died in suspicious circumstances. It was ruled a suicide.4 April 1962
Stanley KubrickFilm director who touched on deep state subjects such as MKULTRA and the institutionalised power of secret VIPaedophile societies.7 March 1999United Kingdom
Perry Kucinich"Fell down dead six months after his brother Dennis Kucinich called for new 9/11 investigation and introduced a resolution to impeach Dick Cheney." His sister died a year later.19 December 2007Ohio
Tiantian Kullander
Otto LacisA member of the ill-fated Kovalev Commission who died in a car crash.3 November 2005Car crash
Osama bin LadenA CIA operative, heavily involved in CIA covert operations such as Operation Cyclone and Gladio plan B.December 2001Pakistan
Henri LafondFrench banker assassinated in 19636 March 1963Shooting
Léon LambertBanking heir and Bilderberg Steering Committee member and financier who suddenly died aged 5826 May 1987Brussels
Erasmus Hospital
Adrian LamoAmerican hacker who committed "suicide" in 2018.14 March 2018Drug overdose
Paul LatinusStarted the spooky Operation Gladio associated group, the Westland New Post. "Suicide"April 1984
Alexander LebedA military man who ran for Russian President in 1996. Died in 2002 in a helicopter crash.28 April 2002Air disaster
Ray Lemme2003
Luke LetlowLetlow died with COVID within two months of being elected to Congress.29 December 2020Heart attack
Daniel LewinBillionaire Sayeret Matkal agent fatally involved in 9-11.11 September 2001American Airlines Flight 11
Bing LiuAn assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead in his home in an apparent murder-suicideMay 2020GunshotUS
Gudrun LoftusVictim of an unusual death, reportedly dead after falling down a "steep spiral staircase".5 October 2010
Gordon LonsdaleA spook who organised the Portland Spy Ring. Died in suspicious circumstances in Moscow.14 October 1970
Dean LorichA US doctor who expressed dissatisfaction about the Clinton Foundation, found dead in with a knife in his chest, declared a suicide10 December 2017StabbingNew York
Albino LucianiPope John Paul I28 September 1978Heart attack
Vatican City
Apostolic Palace
Jeff LumpkinRaytheon director who was killed in a plane crash5 April 2023Air disasterFlorida
Venice Fishing Pier
Patty LumpkinWife of a Raytheon director who was killed in a plane crash5 April 2023Air disasterFlorida
Venice Fishing Pier
Chokwe LumumbaBlack nationalist mayor of Jackson, Mississippi. Premature death in office "following complaints of a cold"25 February 2014
Björn LundvallAs CEO of LM Ericsson, a part of the Wallenberg Sphere, Lundvall also represented the Wallenberg family as a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.14 September 1980Car crash
Gerald MacGuireThe front man for the Business Plot, reportedly died of pneumonia due to exhaustion the next year.March 1935
Darrell MacIntyreA US Lawyer found dead in suspicious circumstances after he had been working on the "Iran-Contra" case.27 December 1986GunshotUS
Los Angeles
Cameron MackenzieThe 14th South African MP to die from COVID.7 July 2021COVID-19South Africa
Maurice MacmillanUK MP, Son of UK PM Harold Macmillan, who attended the 1979 Bilderberg. Died suddenly in 1984 after an operation10 March 1984Heart operation
Sergei MagnitskyDied in a Moscow prison 8 days before he would have had to be released if he were not brought to trial.16 November 2009Russia
Matrosskaya Tishina Prison
John MagufuliPresident of Tanzania who refused to institute a Covid lockdown and rejected WHO advice. Died aged 61 after harsh criticism by western controlled media. A close friend of Pierre Nkurunziza, President of Burundi who took a similar policy and died suddenly in 2020.March 2021
Joyce MalulekeThe 15th South African MP to die from COVID.16 July 2021COVID-19South Africa
Christophe de MargerieA Total CEO who died in a plane crash in Moscow in 2014. WEF AGM regular20 October 2014Air disasterRussia
Bob MarleyA musician who died of cancer aged 36.11 May 1981CancerUS
Ashraf MarwanSpooky son-in-law of the late Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Fell to his death from the balcony of his London home.2 October 2007FallingLondon
Robert MaxwellBillionaire media mogul and deep state operative who reportedly fell overboard5 November 1991DrowningCanary Islands
Aubrey McClendonA US businessman who died in suspicious circumstances.2 March 2016Car crashOklahoma
Larry McDonaldA US congressman who placed legislative pressure on the CFR. Died in Korean Air Lines Flight 007.1 September 1983Soviet Union
Jim McDougalA witness to the Whitewater affair who reportedly died of a heart attack while in prison in Texas.8 March 1998United States
Fort Worth
Louis McFaddenU.S. politician who at the end of his career opposed the US Federal Reserve. Died unexpectedly of "intestinal flu" in 1936, after two previous attacks against his life.1 October 1936New York
David McGowanA dogged researcher into the vast deceptions of power since well before 9-ll. McGowan has solid claim to being The First 9-11 Sceptic23 November 2015Cancer
María Teresa Marú MejíaMexican Member of Parliament who reportedly died from COVID.3 August 2021Mexico
Mexico City
Alois MertesSpooky German who attended the Bilderberg and Le Cercle. Aide to German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher16 June 1985StrokeGermany
James Le MesurierA UK spook involved in various NATO interventions, including sin Syria where he started the White Helmets and the Mayday Rescue Foundation. He was found dead in Istanbul in November 2019, which was labelled a suicide, in spite of the evidence.11 November 2019FallingTurkey
Milagro de MierAn anti-GMO activist who reportedly drowned in 2018.April 2018DrowningWashington DC
Ron MillerOklahoma businessman who died under suspicious circumstances, possibly with anthrax, after getting tangled with the Clinton family.12 October 1997Anthrax?Oklahoma