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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Bilderberg Turkish diplomat". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 251 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Alexandre Lamfalussy  + (BIS manager, First President of the European Monetary Institute, 4 Bilderbergs)
  • Philipp Hildebrand  + (BIS, IMF, Quit as [[Swiss National Bank/Chair]] after details of his wife's currency trades emerged. Later vice chair of [[BlackRock]].)
  • Document:3 Years in Captivity  + (Babar Ahmad reflects on the third anniversary of his imprisonment without charge.)
  • Robert Menzies  + (Backed by a US-backed campaign against his opponent [[Ben Chifley]], whose government was considered "unsafe")
  • Document:Background to the Simulation Seminars  + (Background to and observation of two war Simulation Seminars)
  • Borzou Daragahi  + (Baghdad Chief 2005-07; Beirut Chief 2007-11. Later of interest by the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • Hugh Rodham  + (Bagman for his sister [[Hillary Clinton]] and [[Bill Clinton]].)
  • Bail  + (Bail is a set of pre-trial restrictions that are imposed on a [[suspect]] to ensure that they comply with the judicial process.)
  • Berufsverbot  + (Ban from public service jobs in Germany based on political convicitons - in 2021 also for "conspiracy ideologies".)
  • Pirate  + (Bandits at sea and on the Internet.)
  • Carsten Kengeter  + (Bank investigated for fraudulent manipulation. Later [[Bilderberger]].)
  • Norman Dodd  + (Bank manager and congressional investigatoBank manager and congressional investigator who exposed how [[tax-exempt foundations]] were subverting the United States Government by other than constitutional means. He then proceeded to show that this applied to the [[Ford Foundation]], [[Rockefeller Foundation]], and [[Carnegie Endowment]].[[Carnegie Endowment]].)
  • Lucas Papademos  + (Banker and [[economic hitman]] who on behalf of international finance implemented severe budget austerity in Greece to establish a [[debt trap]].)
  • Pedro Moreira Salles  + (Banker and heir to one of the biggest fortunes in Brazil. [[WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1998]].)
  • Stef Blok  + (Banker and parliamentary leader of [[Mark Rutte]]'s VVD party from [[2010]] to [[2012]]. Dutch Minister for Housing and the Central Government Sector in second Rutte-cabinet. [[Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs]] in third Rutte coalition.)
  • Marcus Wallenberg Jr  + (Banker businessman patriarch of the [[Wallenberg family]].)
  • Charles Dallara  + (Banker who attended the [[1989 Bilderberg]])
  • Henry Strakosch  + (Banker who paid [[Winston Churchill]]'s large debts "without asking anything in return". [[Chair of The Economist]] 1929-1943)
  • Alison Rose (banker)  + (Banker who resigned as NatWest Group CEO)
  • George Bowdoin  + (Banker with [[Drexel Morgan & Co]]. [[Corsair Club]])
  • C. Frits Karsten  + (Banker, Honorary Treasurer of the Bilderberg and a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.)
  • William Henry Draper Jr.  + (Banker, government official, and diplomat. Business connections to Germany both before and after WW2. Also known as the "Wall Street General" who sabotaged reform in [[Japan]]. Founder of the [[Population Crisis Committee]] in [[1965]].)
  • Lazard family  + (Banking dynasty)
  • Warburg family  + (Banking dynasty)
  • Léon Lambert  + (Banking heir and [[Bilderberg Steering Committee]] member and financier who suddenly died aged 58)
  • Khalid al-Mansour  + (Bankrolled Obama's time at Harvard)
  • US/House/Committee/Financial Services  + (Banks and financial institutions are normally very generous with their campaign contributions to committee members.)
  • Pedro Pablo Kuczynski  + (Bankster who attended the [[1988 Bilderberg]] as an ex Peruvian Minister of Energy and Mines. Later [[President of Peru]]. Resigned after certain videos were released.)
  • Mercer University  + (Baptist university in the state of Georgia, USA)
  • Military base  + (Bases with military.)
  • National Emergencies Act  + (Basis for later coup d'état legislation and CoG activation)
  • Markus Söder  + (Bavarian politician first out with hard lockdowns in 2020. "The [[CIA]]'s dream candidate". His campaign to create acceptance of [[COVID jabs]] included "an unheard-of public attack".)
  • Nestor Izquierdo  + (Bay of Pigs, may have been spotter for JFK assassination in Dallas)
  • Torquay  + (Beautiful town on the English Riviera. Hosted the [[1977 Bilderberg]].)
  • Elon Musk  + (Became CEO in 2008)
  • Bernard Looney  + (Became CEO of [[BP]] in February 2020. Attended the [[2022 Bilderberg]])
  • Peter Krogh  + (Became Dean of the [[Walsh School of Foreign Service]]Became Dean of the [[Walsh School of Foreign Service]] of [[Georgetown University]] at age 32, which provides the personnel backbone for the [[Central Intelligence Agency]], [[Department of Defense]],[[State Department]], and other organs of the national security state. Got job possibly after attending [[Bilderberg/1969]]. Also attended [[Bilderberg/1970]] and at end of career [[Bilderberg/1994]].[[Bilderberg/1994]].)
  • Frank Carlucci  + (Became Secretary of Defense on November 23, 1987)
  • Hubert de Besche  + (Became [[Ambassador of Sweden to the United States]] two years after being an observer at the [[1962 Bilderberg]].)
  • Alexander Bortnikov  + (Became [[Director of the Federal Security Service]] in 2008)
  • Jürgen Stock  + (Became [[Interpol's Secretary General]] in 2014)
  • Francis Collins  + (Became [[NIH Director]] in 2009. "I suggest going to [[FEMA]]’s new Coronavirus Rumor Control web site.")
  • Pedro M. Santana Lopes  + (Became [[Prime Minister of Portugal]] a month after attending the [[2004 Bilderberg]])
  • John Thornton  + (Became a [[Goldman Sachs]] partner at age 34. Barrick Gold Corporation, Bilderberg)
  • Jeff Arnold  + (Became a billionaire from aged 29. Co-founded [[Sharecare]] with a friend from the [[GLT/2000]] class, which was highly influential on shaping (and measuring) attitudes around [[COVID-19]].)
  • Ali Bozer  + (Became acting [[Prime Minister of Turkey]] for 9 days in 1989 after attending two Bilderbergs)
  • Leonid Nevzlin  + (Became rich on state assets in the 1990s.)
  • Keir Mather  + (Became the youngest MP in the [[House of Commons]] in 2023)
  • Coleen Rowley  + (Became whistleblower after [[911]])
  • Aligarh Muslim University  + (Before 1939, faculty members and students supported an all-India nationalist movement but after 1939, the university came to be a center of the Pakistan Movement.)
  • Bonn  + (Before Germany was re-united, this was the capital city of West Germany)
  • Leipzig University  + (Before [[WW1]] one of the centers of higher education for state administrations and elites of newly independent [[Balkan]] states.)
  • John Fredriksen  + (Before abandoning his Norwegian citizenship, he was Norway's richest man. Now Cypriot citizen.)
  • J. Michael Waller  + (Before that Vice President for Information Operations)
  • Jim Traficant  + (Began a grassroots campaign in July 2014 to, among other things, try to abolish the [[Federal Reserve]]. Died in September 2014.)
  • Rob Kall  + (Began a personal blog which developed into [[OpEdNews]])
  • Central Queensland University  + (Began as the Queensland Institute of Technology)
  • Claude Dansey  + (Began his career in intelligence in 1900, and remained active until his death in 1947.)
  • Document:The Hidden Government Group  + (Beginning from the [[assassination of JFK]], Peter Dale Scott reviews the [[Continuity of Government]] group's connections to the [[structural deep events]] - the [[Watergate coup]], [[October Surprise]] and [[9/11]])
  • Document:First Recorded Successful Novichok Synthesis was in 2016 – By Iran, in Cooperation with the OPCW  + (Beginning in late 2016, [[Iran]]Beginning in late 2016, [[Iran]]ian scientists succeeded in synthesising a number of [[Novichok]]s in full cooperation with the [[OPCW]]. This makes a complete nonsense of [[Theresa May]]’s “of a type developed by [[Russia]]” line, used to Parliament and the [[UN Security Council]].ecurity Council]].)
  • Transantlantic Leadership Network  + (Behind-the-scenes [[transatlantic]] think-tank)
  • Document:The New Silk Road Will Go Through Syria  + (Beijing is working non-stop for the Iran-Iraq-Syria triumvirate to become a key hub in the New Silk Road (OBOR). Any bets against a future, booming Shanghai-Latakia container route?)
  • Document:Tory in Charge of Entire Scottish Council Election Count  + (Being a software engineer myself, my firstBeing a software engineer myself, my first thought was - could this be easily used to print replacement [[postal vote]]s with the voters' ID and their signature, changing our vote for a different candidate while binning your [[postal vote]]? I had to conclude yes it could.[[postal vote]]? I had to conclude yes it could.)
  • Document:Publishing is not a Crime  + (Belated crocodile tears spilt by elements of the [[corporate media]] over [[Julian Assange]])
  • Joseph Fenton  + (Belfast man killed by the [[Provisional IRA]] (IRA) for acting as an informer for the [[Royal Ulster Constabulary]]'s (RUC) Special Branch)
  • Robert Close  + (Belgian Anti-Communist spook who attended [[Le Cercle]].)
  • Jean-François van Boxmeer  + (Belgian Bilderberg businessman, regular at [[WEF AGM]]s, [[Heineken CEO]] 2005-2020)
  • Théo Lefevre  + (Belgian Bilderberger politician, [[Prime Minister of Belgium]] 1961-65. Died in 1973, aged 59)
  • August Vanistendael  + (Belgian Catholic trade union leader who attended the [[1971 Bilderberg]])
  • Didier Reynders  + (Belgian FM/European Commissioner for Justice accused of corruption)
  • Gwendolyn Rutten  + (Belgian Flemish politician.)
  • Louis Camu  + (Belgian [[atlanticist]] banker and multi-Bilderberger. Proponent of European unification and creating a [[euro|single European currency]].)
  • Koenraad Debackere  + (Belgian academic interested in [[big data]] who went to his first [[Bilderberg in 2023]])
  • Auguste Cool  + (Belgian anti-communist labour leader and suspected deep state operative.)
  • Jan Sabbe  + (Belgian banker)
  • Maurice Lippens  + (Belgian banker who attended the [[2000 Bilderberg|2000]], [[2002 Bilderberg|2002]] and [[2006 Bilderberg]]s. [[Trilateral Commission]]. Relieved of his position when the bank he managed was sold in parts during the [[financial crisis of 2008]].)
  • Paul de Keersmaeker  + (Belgian businessman & politician)
  • Paul Janssen  + (Belgian businessman who founded [[Janssen Pharmaceutica]], which became a subsidiary of [[Johnson & Johnson]] in 1961)
  • Jan Huyghebaert  + (Belgian businessman, 11 Bilderbergs)
  • Brussels  + (Belgian capital, usually plays host to the [[Brussels Forum]])
  • Luc Coene  + (Belgian central banker)
  • Guy Quaden  + (Belgian central banker sitting on many boards)
  • Karel Verhoeven  + (Belgian corporate editor. [[Bilderberg/2024]].)
  • Étienne Davignon  + (Belgian deep politician, EU commissioner, Bilderberg chairman, Egmont Institute president)
  • Jean Godeaux  + (Belgian delegation to the [[IMF]], then [[Banque Lambert]] and Governor of the National Bank of Belgium)
  • Jules Guillaume  + (Belgian diplomat and single Bilderberger. Secretary for King Baudouin.)
  • Frans van Daele  + (Belgian diplomat and suspected deep state operative)
  • Philippe de Schoutheete de Tervarent  + (Belgian diplomat, Centre for European Policy Studies)
  • Edward Grandry  + (Belgian diplomat. Director of cabinet for [[Henri Fayat]].)
  • Isabel Albers  + (Belgian editor-in-chief)
  • François de Donnea  + (Belgian establishment politician. Attended the [[1997 Bilderberg]] as [[Mayor of Brussels]])
  • Belgium/Federal Election/2024  + (Belgian federal elections.)
  • Coudenberg group  + (Belgian federalist think tank,to defend the federal state against the demands of Flemish nationalists)
  • Armand de Decker  + (Belgian lawyer politician who attended [[Le Cercle]])
  • Yasmine Kherbache  + (Belgian lawyer with deep state connections)
  • Paul-Emile Janson  + (Belgian liberal politician and prime minister.)
  • Ferdinand Chafart  + (Belgian manager who held senior positions in many Belgian companies)
  • Jean Bricmont  + (Belgian physicist and essayist. Author of the book ''Humanitarian Imperialism'', describing how [[United States]] and its Western allies are pursuing [[imperialist]] goals under the pretext of defending [[human rights]].)
  • Leo Tindemans  + (Belgian politician)
  • Fernand Dehousse  + (Belgian politician active in the construction of what later would become the European Union. Attended 2 Bilderbergs in the [[1950s]])
  • Karel De Gucht  + (Belgian politician and 3 time Bilderberger)
  • Jean Rey  + (Belgian politician and Freemason, and [[President of the European Commission]] from 1967 to 1970)
  • Karl-Heinz Lambertz  + (Belgian politician from the German-speaking minority who president of the [[European Committee of the Regions]] 2010-2020.)
  • Roger Motz  + (Belgian politician who attended 4 Bilderberg meetings in the 1950s, including the first one.)
  • Cathy Berx  + (Belgian politician who attended [[Bilderberg/2018]]. As governor, [[lockdown|locked down]] the city of [[Antwerp]] during [[Covid]])
  • Etienne de la Vallee Poussin  + (Belgian politician who attended the [[first Bilderberg]] and three more in the 1950s)
  • Céline Fremault  + (Belgian politician who temporarily blocked [[5G]] on safety concerns.)
  • Mia de Vits  + (Belgian politician. Attended [[Bilderberg/1998|1998 Bilderberg meeting]] as Secretary-General of the [[General Labour Federation of Belgium]].)
  • Guy Spitaels  + (Belgian politician. He quit the Roman Catholic faith and became a Freemason.dedesc)
  • Maurice Brébart  + (Belgian right-wing newspaper owner who attended [[Le Cercle]] in the 1970s.)
  • Philippe Maria  + (Belgian royalty, regular Bilderberg)
  • Knokke  + (Belgian seaside town. Hosted the [[1972 Bilderberg]].)
  • Henri Fayat  + (Belgian socialist politician strongly promoting the rights of the Flemish-speakers. Also strongly anglophile.)
  • Jürgen Conings  + (Belgian soldier who threatened the Covid narrative and establishment in his country physically.)
  • Geert Vanden Bossche  + (Belgian vaccine developer who came out strongly against the [[Covid-jabs]] pushed by his former employer the [[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]])
  • Maurice Tempelsman  + (Belgian-American businessman and De Beers diamond millionaire. Former Chairman of the [[American Jewish Congress]], a [[Zionist]] pressure group that claims it "works closely with the [[Israel]]i military.")
  • Mathias Cormann  + (Belgian-born Australian politician, Secretary-General of the OECD.)
  • Frank Swaelen  + (Belgium poilitician)
  • Conspiracy belief  + (Belief of a "[[conspiracy theorist]]" in a "[[conspiracy theory]]")
  • Occultism  + (Believe in hidden forces that can be put to use for personal gain)
  • Ed Schultz  + (Believed he was fired for supporting [[Bernie Sanders]] over [[Hillary Clinton]].)
  • Christiane Hoffmann  + (Berlin correspondent for [[Der Spiegel]] who then became government spokesperson.)
  • User:Terje  + (Best English-language summary around)
  • David Attenborough  + (Best known as a nature documentary maker, his views on [[overpopulation]] are very influential in powerful circles.)
  • Leonard Lewin  + (Best known as the (ostensible?) author of ''[[Report from Iron Mountain]]'')
  • Simon Le Bon  + (Best known as the lead singer and lyricist of the band [[Duran Duran]]. He and his wife [[Yasmin Le Bon]] are mentioned in [[Jeffrey Epstein's black book]].)
  • Con Coughlin  + (Best known for receiving stories directly from [[MI6]])
  • Precautionary principle  + (Better safe than sorry)
  • Document:Trump said to deprecate Netanyahu's intention to bump off Assad  + (Better wait until my fundamentalist [[Mike Pence|VP]] is in place, [[Benjamin Netanyahu|Benny boy]]!)
  • Operation Bootstrap  + (Between 1930 and 1970, around one third of all women in the US territory of [[Puerto Rico]] were sterilized)
  • Peter Clarke  + (Between January 2000 and December 2007, Peter Clarke was the BBC's second most cited terror "expert")
  • Coca-Cola  + (Beverage company. It forces poor people to use them as replacement for polluted water supplies... that CC caused.)
  • Kristen Clarke  + (Biden Admin lawyer)
  • Victoria Nuland  + (Biden Administration)
  • Denver International Airport  + (Big Airport in the United States which has several "[[conspiracy theories]]" connected to it.)
  • Boston University  + (Big Boston university)
  • McMaster University  + (Big Canadian university in Hamilton, Ontario.)
  • Banca Nazionale del Lavoro  + (Big Italian bank)
  • Big League Politics  + (Big League Politics is a politically independent news website, reporting from a Pro-Trump point of view.)
  • Seven Sisters  + (Big Oil oligopoly)
  • Innovative Medicines Initiative  + (Big Pharma capture of EU policy making and budgets)
  • Janet Woodcock  + (Big Pharma civil servant responsible for the approval of opioid drugs, creating the [[United States opioid epidemic]] killing hundreds of thousands. In August 2021, responsible for giving permanent US approval of [[COVID-19 vaccines]].)
  • Crispin Davis  + (Big Pharma executive. Brother of former [[McKinsey & Company]] [[managing director]] [[Ian Davis (businessman)|Ian Davis]] and the Appeal Court judge Sir [[Nigel Davis]].)
  • Kaiser Family Foundation  + (Big Pharma front conducting market research for drug roll-outs.)
  • Document:Big Pharma pushes Cure for Holocaust Denial Syndrome  + (Big Pharma launches cure for 'Holocaust denial')
  • Judith Hippler Bello  + (Big Pharma lobbyist who was one of the founding members of the [[Australian American Leadership Dialogue]])
  • Vioxx  + (Big Pharma painkiller that might have killed 500.000 people in the United States alone, after the manufacturer [[Merck]] withheld evidence of its dangers.)
  • University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign  + (Big and prestigious public university in [[Illinois]])
  • Credit Suisse  + (Big bank and asset manager)
  • Copenhagen Business School  + (Big business school in Copenhagen,Denmark.)
  • DuPont  + (Big chemical company. Supplied large amounts of explosives to many US wars. Lots of chemical products and artificial fibers. Since the 1990s, focusing heavily on [[genetic manipulation]].)
  • Ylva Johansson  + (Big fan of Orwellian surveillance. Attended [[Bilderberg/2024]])
  • Israel/Defense Forces  + (Big force for a small country)
  • Henrik Ehrnrooth  + (Big money second generation [[Finnish Bilderberger]])
  • Lazard Ltd  + (Big money sponsor of the [[WEF/Young Global Leaders]])
  • Brian Gilvary  + (Big oil Bilderberg banker)
  • John Raisman  + (Big oil Bilderberger)
  • Rene Granier de Lilliac  + (Big oil exec present at the 1973 Bilderberg)
  • Tony Hayward  + (Big oil executive)
  • Emilio Collado  + (Big oil, [[World Bank]], Bilderberg Steering committee.)
  • Peter Löscher  + (Big pharma Bilderberger)
  • Anita Cicero  + (Big pharma lobbyist, public health planner and participant in Event 201)
  • Jürg Witmer  + (Big pharma single Bilderberg businessman)
  • Insys Therapeutics  + (Big pharma that promoted opioids)
  • Merck  + (Big pharma with a long rap sheet of unethical practices)
  • Frans van Anraat  + (Big supplier of [[Saddam Hussein]]. Rejected setting up a new deep state-front in [[Iraq]] during [[Iraq War]] and fled an [[AIVD]] safehouse. Only [[Dutch]] national to ever appear of [[FBI]] Ten most Wanted list. Jailed for 17 years.)
  • Alibaba  + (Biggest Asian Technology company)
  • Intel  + (Biggest US Tech company, its owner warned its main products would become a [[casus belli]] for [[WW3]].)
  • Shell  + (Biggest [[Dutch]] company. Caused trillions in damage due to [[fracking]] in [[Groningen]]. Convicted worldwide for crimes against locals. Employs hitmen and [[deep state operative]]s in [[African]] countries. Mislead shareholders for up to $1bn.)
  • University of Havana  + (Biggest and oldest university on Cuba)
  • De Telegraaf  + (Biggest newspaper of the [[Netherlands]]. A (very slightly) toned version of [[The Sun]].)
  • Sinking of the MS Estonia  + (Biggest sea disaster in modern Europe. Literally covered up by the Swedish government. 2020 documentary found smoking gun that it the official narrative was a total lie.)
  • University of South Carolina  + (Biggest university in [[South Carolina]])
  • Arthur Dunkel  + (Bilderberg)
  • Peter Voser  + (Bilderberg)
  • Risto Siilasmaa  + (Bilderberg)
  • Risto Siilasmaa  + (Bilderberg)
  • Torvild Aakvaag  + (Bilderberg)
  • Ben van Beurden  + (Bilderberg)
  • Patrick Pouyanné  + (Bilderberg)
  • Jacek Rostowski  + (Bilderberg)
  • Roger Ferguson  + (Bilderberg)
  • Zanny Minton Beddoes  + (Bilderberg)
  • Tidjane Thiam  + (Bilderberg)
  • Eric Rouleau  + (Bilderberg)
  • Eric Rouleau  + (Bilderberg)
  • John Sununu  + (Bilderberg)
  • Jan Brouwer  + (Bilderberg)
  • Christian Kind  + (Bilderberg 1979 and 1989)
  • Kåre Kristiansen  + (Bilderberg 1984)
  • Cem Boyner  + (Bilderberg 1995)
  • Andre-François Villeneuve  + (Bilderberg 1996)
  • Erkut Yücaoğlu  + (Bilderberg 1999, 2007)
  • Muharrem Kayhan  + (Bilderberg 2000)
  • Gerard J. Kleisterlee  + (Bilderberg 2002 and 2006)
  • Ümit Boyner  + (Bilderberg 2006, 2007)
  • Arzuhan Doğan Yalçındağ  + (Bilderberg 2007)
  • Tuncay Özilhan  + (Bilderberg 2010)
  • Haluk Dinçer  + (Bilderberg 2013)
  • Otto Wolff von Amerongen  + (Bilderberg Advisory Committee member, deep politician)
  • Jacek Szwajcowski  + (Bilderberg Big pharma exec owner of [[KIPF]], which was paid PLN 110,000,000 "to actively manage working capital needs across business lines in light of increased sales volatility caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.")
  • H. Ian Maconald  + (Bilderberg Canadian economist)
  • Saskia ten Asbroek  + (Bilderberg Executive Secretary)
  • Maja Banck-Polderman  + (Bilderberg Executive Secretary. Attended 7 Bilderbergs)
  • Bernard Kouchner  + (Bilderberg French politician, 3 times [[French Health minister]], founded [[Médecins Sans Frontières]] and [[Médecins du Monde]], attended 2005 [[pandemic planning]] exercise [[Atlantic Storm]])
  • Norbert Röttgen  + (Bilderberg German politician who blamed people who declined vaccines for a divided society)
  • William Odom  + (Bilderberg NSA director)
  • Winston Lord  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee)
  • Winston Lord  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee)
  • Hilmar Kopper  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee)
  • Josef Ackermann  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee)
  • Geir Hallgrímsson  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee)
  • Thomas Leysen  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee Member. Trilateral Commission.)
  • André Kudelski  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee businessman)
  • Robert Zoellick  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee member)
  • Suna Kıraç  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee paralysed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
  • Jens Christian Hauge  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee, Pivotal Norwegian deep politician post-WWII)
  • Bengt Gustafsson  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee, Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces)
  • Frank Cary  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee, attended the [[1978 Bilderberg]] as [[IBM CEO]])
  • Geir Hallgrímsson  + (Bilderberg Steering Committee. Died in office)
  • Robert Murphy  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Ulrik Federspiel  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Jessica Mathews  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Johannes Meynen  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Ulrik Federspiel  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Joseph Johnson  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Joseph Johnson  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Vittorio Valletta  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Donald MacDonald  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Donald MacDonald  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Rozanne Ridgway  + (Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Daniel Janssen  + (Bilderberg Steering committee Belgian business leader)
  • Conrad Oort  + (Bilderberg Steering committee Dutch banker)
  • Jack Bennett  + (Bilderberg Steering committee banker/businessman. Worked alongside his father in [[post-war Germany]] to reset the country's economy. Presidential advisor in the 1970 who dismantled U.S. controls over international capital flows.)
  • Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière  + (Bilderberg Steering committee billionaire businessman)
  • Tom Donilon  + (Bilderberg Steering committee member)
  • Tom Donilon  + (Bilderberg Steering committee member)
  • Percy Barnevik  + (Bilderberg Steering committee member in the [[Wallenberg Sphere]])
  • Murray Finley  + (Bilderberg Steering committee member labor leader)
  • Victor Umbricht  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, 15 Bilderbergs)
  • Jaakko Iloniemi  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, Finnish Ambassador to the US)
  • Stefano Silvestri  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, Italian deep state functionary.)
  • Henry Kissinger  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, Knights of Malta, Le Cercle...)
  • Paul Achleitner  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, Munich Security Conference Advisory Council)
  • Johannes Meynen  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, Netherlands Defence Minister)
  • José Manuel Barroso  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, President of the European Commission)
  • Kenneth Clarke  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, The Other Club, UK politician. When former child actor [[Ben Fellows]] went public with accusations that Clarke had assaulted him, Fellows was prosecuted for "attempting to pervert the course of justice".)
  • Kevin Warsh  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, [[US Federal Reserve]] governor)
  • Leif Höegh  + (Bilderberg Steering committee, as was his son)
  • Nicolas Baverez  + (Bilderberg Steering committee. French proponent of [[transatlantic]] [[neoliberal]] [[globalization]]. Believes that for the masses, "time freed up by shorter working hours means conjugal violence - and alcoholism on top of that.")
  • Egemen Bağış  + (Bilderberg Turkish politician. Former president of the [[Federation of Turkish American Associations]].)
  • Oliver Franks  + (Bilderberg UK Ambassador to the US, 'One of the founders of the postwar world'.)
  • Kristalina Georgieva  + (Bilderberg World Bank)
  • John Ruggie  + (Bilderberg academic)
  • Mario Draghi  + (Bilderberg bankster and "craven moneyman". In 2021 as Prime Minister of Italy, pushed [[mandatory vaccines]])
  • Darren Walker  + (Bilderberg bankster and manager of deep state funding foundations [[Rockefeller Foundation]] and [[Ford Foundation]], where he announced working to end [[fossil-fuel]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/2019]].)
  • Robert Day  + (Bilderberg billionaire businessman. [[Brookings Institution]].[[President's Intelligence Advisory Board]].)
  • J. W. Beyen  + (Bilderberg businessman)
  • David Orr  + (Bilderberg businessman)
  • Brayton Wilbur  + (Bilderberg businessman)
  • Ronald Lloyd  + (Bilderberg businessman)
  • Ekkehard Schulz  + (Bilderberg businessman)
  • Kurt Lauk  + (Bilderberg businessman and politician, advisor to [[Angela Merkel]], [[heavy Munich Security Conference habit]])
  • Carlo Ciampi  + (Bilderberg central banker president of Italy)
  • Delors committee  + (Bilderberg dominated committee to set up the Euro)
  • Anatole Kaletsky  + (Bilderberg economist journalist)
  • Selva Demiralp  + (Bilderberg economist who has extensive interactions with several central banks including the [[Federal Reserve]], [[European Central Bank]] and the [[Central Bank of Türkiye]]. Pushed [[COVAX]] in 2021.)
  • Michael Spence  + (Bilderberg economist who signed the ''[[Document:Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19]]'')
  • Colin Gubbins  + (Bilderberg invitee and spook)
  • Dominique Nora  + (Bilderberg journalist)
  • Charles Muller  + (Bilderberg manager, Ditchley/US, deep state functionary)
  • Ole Petter Ottersen  + (Bilderberg physician promoting [[COVID jabs]])
  • James Orbinksi  + (Bilderberg physician/health administrator busy with COVID research)
  • Theodore Hesburgh  + (Bilderberg priest)
  • James Vaupel  + (Bilderberg scientist)
  • Rupert L. Pennant-Rea  + (Bilderberg speaker, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, Königswinter/Speaker)
  • James Wolfensohn  + (Bilderberg steering committee member)
  • Marcus Agius  + (Bilderberg trustees, Chairman of Barclays and of the [[British Bankers Association]])
  • Thomas Donahue  + (Bilderberg, CFR)
  • Rockwell Schnabel  + (Bilderberg, CFR, US Ambassador to the EU)
  • Lane Kirkland  + (Bilderberg, Cercle, CFR, JCIT)
  • Robert Gascoyne-Cecil  + (Bilderberg, Le Cercle, The Other Club, Ditchley Governor)
  • Paul Martin Sr  + (Bilderberg, as was his son)
  • Marina von Neumann Whitman  + (Bilderberg/Steering committee, Trilateral Commission)
  • Hilmar Kopper  + (Bilderberg/Steering committee, chairman of Deutsche Bank)
  • Richard Holbrooke  + (Bilderberg/Steering committee, deep state operative)
  • Gordon Campbell  + (Bilderberger)
  • Robert McNamara  + (Bilderberger)
  • Willem A. Visser 't Hooft  + (Bilderberger)
  • Eivind Reiten  + (Bilderberger)
  • Peter Löscher  + (Bilderberger)
  • Arnold Hall  + (Bilderberger)
  • Egil Myklebust  + (Bilderberger)
  • Reginald Bartholomew  + (Bilderberger)
  • Reginald Bartholomew  + (Bilderberger)
  • Reginald Bartholomew  + (Bilderberger)
  • Reginald Bartholomew  + (Bilderberger)
  • Jørgen Schleimann  + (Bilderberger)
  • Jørgen Schleimann  + (Bilderberger)
  • Jørgen Schleimann  + (Bilderberger)
  • Jan Hommen  + (Bilderberger)
  • Joe Kaeser  + (Bilderberger)
  • Diederik Samsom  + (Bilderberger)
  • Svein Richard Brandtzæg  + (Bilderberger)
  • José Entrecanales  + (Bilderberger)
  • Jean-Pierre Jouyet  + (Bilderberger)
  • Jean-Pierre Jouyet  + (Bilderberger)
  • Domenico Siniscalco  + (Bilderberger)
  • Pieter Kuin  + (Bilderberger)
  • Hans-Peter Keitel  + (Bilderberger)
  • Paul Lendvai  + (Bilderberger)
  • Joseph Kraft  + (Bilderberger)
  • Mark Steyn  + (Bilderberger)
  • Herman Wijffels  + (Bilderberger)
  • Francis Wilcox  + (Bilderberger)
  • Francis Wilcox  + (Bilderberger)
  • John J. Deutsch  + (Bilderberger)
  • David McKay  + (Bilderberger)
  • Robert Dudley  + (Bilderberger BP CEO & MD)
  • Scott Malcomson  + (Bilderberger CFR "political-risk and communications consultant")
  • Michael Zantovsky  + (Bilderberger Czech diplomat)
  • Herve Alphand  + (Bilderberger French diplomat)
  • George Weidenfeld  + (Bilderberger Member of the House of Lords whose name appeared in [[Jeffrey Epstein's Black book]]. Suspected UK [[deep state operative]].)
  • Svenn Stray  + (Bilderberger Norwegian Foreign minister)
  • Christine Lagarde  + (Bilderberger President of the European Central Bank)
  • Pietro Supino  + (Bilderberger Swiss publisher)
  • António Guterres  + (Bilderberger US Secretary general, particularly aggressive promoter of [[COVID jab mandation]])
  • Vittorio Colao  + (Bilderberger Vodafone/CEO who was given charge of the [[Italian COVID Lockdown]])
  • Ursula von der Leyen  + (Bilderberger [[President of the European Commission]] promoting [[Vaccine passports]])
  • António Costa  + (Bilderberger [[Prime Minister of Portugal]] 2015-24. Resigned after corruption probe, then promoted to [[President of the European Council]].)
  • Simon Henry  + (Bilderberger [[Shell CFO]] who earlier had avoided any blame for the [[Shell reserves misreporting scandal]].)
  • James Billington  + (Bilderberger academic)
  • Mark Steyn  + (Bilderberger and keynote speaker at [[The Collapse of Europe Conference]])
  • Erich Hampel  + (Bilderberger banker)
  • François Fillon  + (Bilderberger billionaire fraudster, [[French PM]] from 2007-2012)
  • Kenneth Mehlman  + (Bilderberger businessman, [[George W. Bush administration]], CFR, [[Kohlberg Kravis Roberts]].)
  • Barbara Janom Steiner  + (Bilderberger businesswoman banker)
  • Daniel Bell  + (Bilderberger co-founder of neoconservatism.)
  • Antony Acland  + (Bilderberger diplomat)
  • Robert A. D. Ford  + (Bilderberger diplomat poet)
  • Megan McArdle  + (Bilderberger editor)
  • Kenneth Jacobs  + (Bilderberger financier)
  • Mary Kay Henry  + (Bilderberger labor leader)
  • Walter Reuther  + (Bilderberger labor leader, probably assassinated with a plane crash in 1970.)
  • Johan Jørgen Holst  + (Bilderberger who reportedly "worked himself to death with the peace process" as [[Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs]])
  • Johan Jørgen Holst  + (Bilderberger who reportedly worked himself to death with the peace process in office)
  • Paul Polman  + (Bilderberger who was made a member of the [[Lancet Commission on COVID-19]])
  • Richard Haass  + (Bilderberger, CFR President)
  • Josef Taus  + (Bilderberger, European Round Table of Industrialists)
  • Anthony Solomon  + (Bilderberger, Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission)
  • Paul-Henri Spaak  + (Bilderberger, President of the United Nations General Assembly, Secretary General of NATO, President of the European Movement International)
  • Charles Maynes  + (Bilderberger, Rhodes Scholar)
  • Dominic Barton  + (Bilderberger, businessman)
  • Anders Fogh Rasmussen  + (Bilderberger, ex Danish PM, ex-Secretary General of NATO.)
  • Javier Solana  + (Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO.)
  • George Robertson  + (Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO with unknown deep political connections.)
  • Jaap de Hoop Scheffer  + (Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of [[NATO]]. He held an "[[anti-terrorist exercise]]" in Madrid 3 days before the [[2004 Madrid train bombings]].)
  • Willy Claes  + (Bilderberger, fraudster, ex Secretary General of NATO.)
  • WHO/Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development  + (Bilderberger-packed [[WHO]] commission proposing a totalitarian takeover under the guise of "health", with a [[One Health]] policy and a global pandemic treaty.)
  • Robert Jeker  + (Bilderberger.)
  • Stefano Feltri  + (Bilderberger. Close to the influential fellow Bilderberger [[Lilli Gruber]].)
  • Hubert Ansiaux  + (Bilderberger. Resigned, after a conflict with the government?)
  • Ahmet Üzümcü  + (Bilderberger.As head of the [[OPCW]] responsible for the series of deeply crooked investigations of gas attacks in Syria)
  • Peter Corterier  + (Bilderbergs in 1972 & 1980)
  • Saarland University  + (Bilingual German university founded in 1948 in co-operation with [[France]])
  • University of Ottawa  + (Bilingual university in [[Ottawa]], [[Ontario]], Canada.)
  • Bill Fairclough  + (Bill Fairclough's biography)
  • Patty Stonesifer  + (Bill Gates crony)
  • Boris Nikolic  + (Bill Gates’ former science adviser, close to [[Jeffrey Epstein]])
  • Sylvia Burwell  + (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation executive and US Secretary Health, first [[Bilderberg]] meeting in [[2018 Bilderberg|2018]].)
  • David Rubenstein  + (Billionaire Bilderberger Brookings co-founder and Managing Director of the [[Carlyle Group]])
  • James Pattison  + (Billionaire Bilderberger businessman)
  • François-Henri Pinault  + (Billionaire Bilderberger businessman)
  • José Entrecanales  + (Billionaire Spanish businessman)
  • H. L. Hunt  + (Billionaire Texas oil tycoon who joined the [[US deep state]] through his involvement in the [[assassination of JFK]].)
  • Winthrop Rockefeller  + (Billionaire [[Rockefeller family]] who for some reason or other bought the position of [[Governor of Arkansas]].)
  • Daniel Lewin  + (Billionaire [[Sayeret Matkal]] agent fatally involved in [[9-11]].)
  • John Hay Whitney  + (Billionaire active investor, U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom 1957-61)
  • Robert Hersov  + (Billionaire banker in [[Epstein's black book]]. His father attended [[Le Cercle]])
  • Donald Trump  + (Billionaire businessman [[puppet leader]] who was [[US president]] 2017-2021)
  • Barry Diller  + (Billionaire businessman and media executive)
  • Pavel Durov  + (Billionaire businessman arrested in France as part of the 2024 crack down on [[free speech]])
  • Tom Golisano  + (Billionaire businessman donor to the [[Clinton Foundation]])
  • Roger Sant  + (Billionaire businessman international power company magnate)
  • Ron Perelman  + (Billionaire businessman name in [[Epstein's Black book]])
  • Lochlann Quinn  + (Billionaire businessman, [[Bilderberg 1997]])
  • Dustin Moskovitz  + (Billionaire co-founder of [[Facebook]])
  • Marc Rich  + (Billionaire commodities trader. He was best known for founding the commodities company Glencore, with deep ties to [[Mossad]]. [[US President]] [[Bill Clinton]] pardoned him in his last day in office.)
  • Steve Forbes  + (Billionaire editor-in-chief of ''Forbes'' magazine.)
  • Peter Thiel  + (Billionaire financier, Bilderberger)
  • Michael Ashcroft  + (Billionaire former deputy chairman of the Conservative Party)
  • Tobias Lütke  + (Billionaire founder and CEO of Shopify, invited to the [[2022 Bilderberg]])
  • Henry Jarecki  + (Billionaire in [[Epstein's Black book]])
  • Esther Dyson  + (Billionaire investor)
  • Robert Maxwell  + (Billionaire media mogul and [[deep state operative]] who reportedly fell overboard)
  • Al-Waleed bin Talal  + (Billionaire member of the Saudi royal family.)
  • Jerry Speyer  + (Billionaire pal of [[David Rockefeller]])
  • Hans-Adam II  + (Billionaire ruler of Liechtenstein.)
  • Denis O'Brien  + (Billionaire single Bilderberger)
  • Jeffrey Epstein  + (Billionaire who flew famous people on the Billionaire who flew famous people on the [[Lolita Express]] to lavish parties on one a private island, which the locals dubbed "Orgy Island" or "Padeophile Island". A compulsive pedophile, he was convicted in 2008, given a cushy plea deal by use of deep state pressure. However, after this declared illegal in February 2019, after which people attempted to distance themselves from him. Re-arrested in June 2019, he was reportedly found dead of a "suicide" in prison although questions remain about this.ison although questions remain about this.)
  • Mae-Wan Ho  + (Biochemist among the first warning against the dangers of genetic engineering)
  • Peter Singer  + (Bioethicist favored by Bill Gates. Wants to "break the taboo" surrounding [[overpopulation]].)
  • Corinna Lathan  + (Biomedical researcher who has worked extensively with the US military and [[DARPA]], working on human-robot interaction. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2006]])
  • Mark Fishman  + (Biotech researcher for [[Novartis]] who attended the [[2013 Bilderberg]].)
  • Ken Lisaius  + (Biotechnology industry lobbyist with experience as Deputy White House Press Secretary.)
  • Michelle Dipp  + (Biotechnology investor.)
  • Charles Gore  + (Bishop of Oxford, a friend of [[Herbert Asquith]])
  • Mircea Popescu  + (Bitcoin billionaire found dead in Jun 2021)
  • Lightening network  + (Bitcoin micropayment protocoll)
  • File:Tales of the Holohoax.pdf  + (Biting, cartoon-based satire on the official narrative of [[The Holocaust]])
  • Document:How Mandela sold out blacks  + (Bitter criticism of Nelson Mandela for capitulating to the apartheid regime and for failing to ensure that South Africa's mines, banks and minerals were "transferred to the ownership of the people as a whole" as required by the Freedom Charter.)
  • UK miners' strike (1984–85)  + (Bitter strike with a major victory for Thatcher and the Conservative Party, with the Thatcher government able to consolidate their neoliberal economic programme.)
  • Marion Barry  + (Black [[Washington DC]] mayor convicted of drug possession after intense, multi-year FBI sting operation.)
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Black-boxes/Arrival in UK  + (Black boxes delivered to the UK Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB), Farnborough)
  • Black helicopter  + (Black helicopters that have been spotted in different circumstances in the skies above the US, but also the UK.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • A.D. King  + (Black minister and civil rights activist who "drowned" a year after the assassination of his brother, [[Martin Luther King Jr.]])
  • Chokwe Lumumba  + (Black nationalist mayor of [[Jackson, Mississippi]]. Premature death in office "following complaints of a cold")
  • Ayo Kimathi  + (Black nationalist who argues for racial segregation.)
  • Black Project  + (Black projects are programs that are not sBlack projects are programs that are not supposed to leak to the general public. The projects are often utilized in [[structural deep events]]. They are funded by a [[black budget]]. While some become public - if not by limited hangouts - most are not meant to be discussed.outs - most are not meant to be discussed.)
  • Malcolm X  + (Black radical leader who advocated revolution in the US.)
  • Fred Hampton  + (Black rights activist, assassinated aged 21)
  • Black site  + (Black sites are places where a [[black project]]Black sites are places where a [[black project]] or [[covert operation]] is executed, organized, or held. Locations can vary from an [[air force]] or other [[military base]], plain library, a secret embassy wing to even a jet-[[plane]] itself. Some black sites do become known to the general public, although often as a [[modified limited hangout]].[[modified limited hangout]].)
  • Blackmail  + (Blackmail is the use of [[intimidation]] (such as the threat of violence or of disclosing secret information) as a means of control. The [[deep state]] uses this a covert means to control [[politician]]s.)
  • User:Robin  + (Blackmail pervades not only the political Blackmail pervades not only the political sphere, but also the highest level of the [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]]. This article may go some way to correcting the blindspot big media has in its presentation of stories about sexual indiscretions.ion of stories about sexual indiscretions.)
  • Earl Warren  + (Blackmailed to go along with The Cabal's [[Warren Commission]] cover up of the JFK assassination)
  • Blackwater  + (Blackwater was a huge US-based private military contractor infamous for a string of scandals.)
  • Liz Kendall  + (Blairite Labour party leadership contender in 2015, Member of Parliament for Leicester West)
  • George Daniels  + (Blamed 9/11 on Iran, but ruled that [[Saudi Arabia]] had "[[sovereign immunity]]" from prosecution.)
  • George Daniels  + (Blamed 9/11 on Iran, but ruled that [[Saudi Arabia]] had "[[sovereign immunity]]" from prosecution.)
  • Marinus van der Lubbe  + (Blamed for the [[Reichstag Fire]])
  • Kyle Seraphin  + (Blew the whistle on FBI “entrapment” operations against citizens.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • William McNeilly  + (Blew the whistle on manifold failures of the [[Trident]] nuclear weapons system. Arrested. Dishonourably discharged.)
  • Peter Buxtun  + (Blew the whistle on the [[Tuskegee syphilis experiment]].)
  • CBDC  + (Blockchain hosted replacement for cash, run by [[central bank]]s)
  • Vera Graziadei blog  + (Blog of Vera Graziadei)
  • File:Tapatalk - UndergroundSerbianCafe - Good selection of Far West Gulf articles - 1.pdf  + (Blog posts about Far West LTD)
  • Aangirfan  + (Blog that covers many aspects of deep state activities, especially [[VIPaedophile]] and [[Sexual Blackmail]].)
  • John Tighe  + (Blogger who investigated powerful sex abuse religious sect. When he published his findings, he was framed and convicted to 5 years jail.)
  • Robert Bonomo  + (Blogger, novelist and esotericist.)
  • International Rescue Committee/Directors and Overseers  + (Board and Overseers)
  • Truman National Security Project/Board  + (Board of the Truman National Security Project)
  • East Greenwich Academy  + (Boarding school in Rhode Island that closed in 1943.)
  • Gordonstoun School  + (Boarding school in Scotland popular with the aristocracy)
  • Bob Medell  + (Bob Medell was a top CIA operative during the 1960's when he joined BNDD/BUNCIN (DEA).)
  • Jorge Quiroga  + (Bolivian President close to all aspects of United States regional power, including [[cocaine|coca policies]], [[water |water privatization]], [[World Bank]] and [[IMF]])
  • Piazza della Loggia bombing  + (Bomb attack carried out by Ordine Nuovo as part of Operation Gladio. Killed 8, injured 102.)
  • Jerusalem  + (Bombed to the ground 2 times, besieged 23 times, captured by force 44 times and attacked 6 other times as well, Jerusalem surely proves there's no accounting for taste.)
  • Car bomb  + (Bombs in cars, called the deadliest weapon in the 20th century.)
  • Prescott Bush  + (Bonesman father of the Bush family)
  • Spycatcher  + (Book by disgruntled retired MI5 employee [[Peter Wright]]. Exposed many deep state activites)
  • EBook  + (Book-length documents available on Wikispooks)
  • Border  + (Borders are imaginary lines which separate the jurisdiction of [[nation state]]s. In most parts of the world, crossing these lines requires a wodge of [[establishment]] paperwork, such as passports and visas.)
  • Document:Dag Hammarskjöld's plane may have been shot down, ambassador warned  + (Borger describes a recently released diplomatic cable which casts fresh doubts on the theory that Dag Hammarskjöld died an accidental death.)
  • Cheng Li  + (Born in China, Cheng Li cames to US in 1985 and works for [[Brookings Institution]]. Triple Bilderberg)
  • Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg  + (Born with silver spoon as scion of the [[zu Guttenberg]] family, but blew his political career in 2011 after academic plagiarism was discovered. Since then has stayed in spooky think-tanks.)
  • Nader Mousavizadeh  + (Bosnia-Herzegovina, and in the office of UN Secretary-General [[Kofi Annan]])
  • Nebojsa Malic  + (Bosnian-Serbian writer focusing on geopolitics. His writings on the wars in the former [[Yugoslavia]] are of particular interest.)
  • Joaquín Guzmán  + (Boss of the [[Sinaloa cartel]] (official owner of the CIA's '[[Cocaine 2]]'), now imprisoned)
  • Allan MacEachen  + (Both [[Deputy Prime Minister of Canada]] and [[Canada/President of the Privy Council]] twice)
  • Marc Benioff  + (Both a [[WEF GLT]] and a [[WEF YGL]], US internet billionaire [[deep state functionary]], bought ''[[Time Magazine]]'')
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/2006  + (Both former US president [[Bill Clinton]] and [[Bill Gates]] pushed for [[public-private partnerships]]. Only a few of the over 2000 participants are known.)
  • DEA/Infiltration  + (Both insiders and commentators have claimed that the DEA is completely infiltrated)
  • Secret Society  + (Bought by the BBC, but at least one episode was never broadcast. This TV series lead to the [[Zircon Affair]].)
  • Des Browne  + (Bought nuclear missiles as UK Secretary of State for Defence, campaigns for nuclear disarmament after leaving power.)
  • RBGH  + (Bovine growth hormone to increase milk production. Bad for cows, not to great for humans either.)
  • Hampton Grammar School  + (Boys' day school in Hampton, Greater London. One of the top school rowing clubs in the country.)
  • Chris Quick  + (Branch chief in the cyberspace operations Branch, within the Army Operations Center (AOC))
  • Ernesto Araújo  + (Brazilian Foreign Affairs minister, "[[COVID]] conspiracy theorist")
  • Luiz Henrique Mandetta  + (Brazilian Health minister sacked after implementing the [[COVID-19 Lockdown]])
  • Nísia Trindade  + (Brazilian Minister of Health installed in 2023 to force children to inject [[Covid jabs]])
  • Ronaldo Lemos  + (Brazilian academic. Pro open internet, except when corporations like [[Facebook]] are doing the censorship. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders|WEF Young Global Leader 2015]],)
  • Ilona Szabó de Carvalho  + (Brazilian activist showered with attention and funding from "global leaders".)
  • André Esteves  + (Brazilian billionaire, [[WEF YGL 2008]], WEF AGMs)
  • Sabine Boghici  + (Brazilian model and heiress who reportedly committed suicide)
  • José Alberto Albano do Amarante  + (Brazilian nuclear physicist and officer assassinated in 1981 by Mossad and CIA with radioactive poisoning.)
  • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva  + (Brazilian president 2003-2010 who although out of office told Brazilians: "Get vaccinated, that's necessary.")
  • Luana Génot  + (Brazilian uncritical promoter of [[COVID-19 vaccines]])
  • Antonio Sanchez de Larragoiti  + (Brazilian visitor to a 1970 meeting of [[Le Cercle]])
  • Washington DC/Phone system breakdown  + (Breakdown of Washington D.C.'s telephone system for almost 1 hour (though Hoover's line remains fuctional?). ref. Conspiracy of Silence, p 71)
  • Hacking  + (Breaking and entering computer systems)
  • CRISPR gene editing  + (Breakthrough technology making gene editing easy and fast.)
  • The 61  + (Brian Crozier's private intelligence agency, which he used to oppose the nuclear disarmament movement.)
  • Brian Michael Jenkins  + (Brian Michael Jenkins is an "expert on terrorism". He played an important role in the redevelopment of the WTC after the 1993 bombing.)
  • Myron Brilliant  + (Bridge between the business world and the intelligence-connected organizations. Also lobbyist for free trade agreements.)
  • Document:Stench of Corruption  + (Brief introduction to a story of deep in-your-face corruption involving the US Vice President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky and the shale gas deposits of Eastern Ukraine)
  • Floyd Clarke  + (Briefly acting [[FBI Director]] under Bill Clinton.)
  • Walter Reid Wolf  + (Briefly and not very successfully CIA deputy director from [[1951]] to [[1953]].)
  • Benton K. Partin  + (Brigadier General Partin had over 25 years experience in explosives and ballistic weapons design and testing for the [[US Air Force]]. He was highly critical of the US government's [[official narrative]] about the [[Oklahoma City bombing]])
  • Economic Club of New York  + (Bringing business people, economists and others together for discussions of economic, social and other public issues. Lots of [[Bilderbergers]].)
  • The European House - Ambrosetti  + (Brings together more than 300 members fromBrings together more than 300 members from the top management of both national and multinational companies active in Italy. "We’ve called them elite, and we don’t think we’re wrong. A select group that thinks, discusses and develops an invaluable perspective which is then made available to all. For the good of the country"lable to all. For the good of the country")
  • Gordon Etherington-Smith  + (Brisish diplomat in many central)
  • Belmarsh Prison  + (Britain's Guantanamo Bay)
  • GB News  + (Britain's newest news channel.)
  • Document:HSBC and the sham of Guardian’s Scott Trust  + (Britain, we are told, is privileged to havBritain, we are told, is privileged to have two “liberal” media outlets, the [[BBC]] and ''[[The Guardian|Guardian]]'', that are seen either as neutral or as a leftwing counterbalance to the rightwing agenda of the rest of the media. Here are three illuminating articles and a short video that should help to dispel any such illusions. should help to dispel any such illusions.)
  • Document:Britain’s secret state  + (Britain’s secret state and the need for whistle-blowing explained by 2003 Iraq War [[whistleblower]] [[Katherine Gun]])
  • Humphrey Trevelyan  + (British Ambassador to Egypt, Iraq and the Soviet Union.)
  • Andrew Gilchrist  + (British Ambassador to Indonesia who helped arrange a military coup which organized death squads killing more than 500,000 people.)
  • Oliver Wright  + (British Ambassador to West Germany and the United States)
  • Patrick Dean  + (British Ambassador to the United States, connection to the intelligence apparatus.)
  • Anthony Browne  + (British Bankers' Association CEO, MP, ...)