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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Lyndon Johnson sworn in aboard Air Force One, then orders take off". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Bertil Lundin  + (Leader of [[Office for Special Acquisition]])
  • Matt Hepburn  + (Leader of [[Operation Warp Speed]] with conflict of interests)
  • Fleur Just  + (Leader of [[UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office]] sponsored NGO)
  • Lila Tretikov  + (Leader of [[Wikimedia Foundation]] 2014-16, when she had to quit. [[World Economic Forum]] Young Global Leader 2016. Corporate vice president at [[Microsoft]] from 2018.)
  • James C. King  + (Leader of the 13,000 employees and contractors in the [[National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency]])
  • Louis Stokes  + (Leader of the 1976 [[House Select Committee on Assassinations]])
  • Johann Biacsics  + (Leader of the Austrian Anti-vaxxer movement dies of [[COVID]]?)
  • Frank Church  + (Leader of the Church Committee, which probably did more than any other organisation to expose the activities of the US intelligence agencies.)
  • Jakob Ellemann-Jensen  + (Leader of the Danish party [[Venstre (Denmark)|Venstre]], like his father. [[Trilateral Commission]].)
  • Robert Brand  + (Leader of the Milner Group from 1940)
  • Ulf Kristersson  + (Leader of the Moderate Party, became PM of Sweden in 2022.)
  • Ola Teigen  + (Leader of the Norwegian Labour Party's youth wing, who resigned after it was revealed the youth wing received funding from the [[Central Intelligence Agency]].)
  • Hans Ringvold  + (Leader of the Norwegian section of [[Stay Behind]] for many years)
  • Yasser Arafat  + (Leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization for 35 years)
  • Mitch McConnell  + (Leader of the Republicans in the [[US Senate]])
  • Fernando I. Gonzalez Laxe  + (Leader of the Spanish province of [[Galicia]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/1989]] when it was held on [[La Toja Island]] in his province.)
  • Olof Palme  + (Leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 1969, and two-term Prime Minister, until his assassination in 1986.)
  • Martin Kragh  + (Leader of the Swedish cluster of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • Howling Laud Hope  + (Leader of the United Kingdom's Official Monster Raving Loony Party (OMRLP))
  • Robert Laycock  + (Leader of the [[British Commandos]] during the [[Second World War]].)
  • Vladimir Derer  + (Leader of the [[Campaign for Labour Party Democracy]], dedicated to making the UK Labour Party more accountable to its members.)
  • Pierre Poilievre  + (Leader of the [[Conservative Party of Canada]], and [[leader of the Official Opposition]], who refuses to address [[vaccine injuries]] and [[big pharma]]'s [[global genocide]], content to lead by following popular trends.)
  • Herbert Kickl  + (Leader of the [[Freedom Party of Austria]] who accused corporate media of spreading [[Covid]] fear and misinformation.)
  • Alf Roar Berg  + (Leader of the [[Norwegian Intelligence Service|Military Intelligence Service]] in the period 1988–1993.)
  • Henry Rowen  + (Leader of the [[RAND Corporation]])
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme  + (Leadership Programme which "cultivates the leaders of tomorrow". Founded by spooky deep state actor [[George Weidenfeld]].)
  • Blavatnik School of Government  + (Leadership cadre course with [[deep state]] ties)
  • Matthijs Veenendaal  + (Leading Dutch cyber-expert that helped with the first Dutch cyber-defence strategies. Suspected liaison of the [[Institute for Statecraft]] and helped setting up their [[Dutch cluster]]. Has a spooky interest in [[deepfakes]].)
  • Kevin McCarthy  + (Leading Republican politician in the US House)
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky  + (Leading Russian politician who died suddenly)
  • Willie McRae  + (Leading Scottish independence activist who died under mysterious circumstances. There has been speculation that he was investigating child sex abuse claims [[UK/VIPaedophile|against politicians in Westminister]].)
  • Gary Aguilar  + (Leading authority on the medical evidence in the [[assassination of John F. Kennedy]]. Member of [[Assassination Archives and Research Center]].)
  • Chris Quick  + (Leads a Government Coordination unit tackling mostly "[[radicalisation]]")
  • Document:Anatomy of a NATO-sponsored false flag operation  + (Leaked audio of high-level discussion of aLeaked audio of high-level discussion of a planned Turkish false flag operation. It is an example of classic military/intelligence deception tactics in furtherance of policy already decided upon - in this case the overthrow of the Syrian government of Bashar al Assad. the Syrian government of Bashar al Assad.)
  • Document:British govt funded plan for censorship of factual NATO criticism  + (Leaked documents reveal British intel contractor [[Zinc Network]] singled out [[The Grayzone]]’s [[Max Blumenthal]] for online [[censorship]], and seeks to redefine factual criticism of [[NATO]] as [[disinformation]])
  • Institute for Statecraft/Projection  + (Leaked materials from the [[Integrity Initiative]] reveal a lot of attention paid to "[[Russian Propaganda]]", with little or no serious effort to try to understand the truth or falsehood of what its pronouncements.)
  • Document:Leaked Putin-Bandar meeting report  + (Leaked report of a meeting between VladimiLeaked report of a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Bandar bin Sultan, then intelligence chief of Saudi Arabia, during which bin Sultan issues scarcely veiled threats against the Sochi winter Olympics if Russia continued to frustrate actions to depose President Assad of Syriaactions to depose President Assad of Syria)
  • Swiss Leaks  + (Leaked tax evasion scheme by HSBC. Possibly not as independent journalistic work as it is made out to be.)
  • Lana Vandenberghe  + (Leaked the truth about the [[killing of Jean Charles de Menezes]]. She was later sacked from the [[IPCC]].)
  • Leanne Mohamad  + (Leanne Mohamad nearly unseated [[Wes Streeting]] in the [[UK/General election/2024]])
  • Document:Is Oil Behind Washington’s Venezuela Coup Madness  + (Leaving aside whether or not [[Nicolás Maduro|Maduro]] is a saint, the decision by [[President Trump]] to back the [[John Bolton|Bolton]]-[[Mike Pence|Pence]] call for a US intervention in [[Venezuela]] may prove a fatal error for the Trump presidency.)
  • Najib Mikati  + (Lebanese [[Billionaire]]. Currently serving his third term as [[Prime Minister]].)
  • Charles Malik  + (Lebanese [[diplomat]] and [[philosopher]] suspected to have visited [[Le Cercle]].)
  • Ali al-Jarrah  + (Lebanese national and Israeli intelligence asset. First cousin of one of the hijacker patsies used during [[September 11]].)
  • Ghassan Hage  + (Lebanese-Australian academic working on racism, nationalism and multiculturalism.)
  • Muhammad Idrees Ahmad  + (Lecturer interested in the [[white helmets]] whom the [[UK Border Agency]] unsuccessfully tried to deport.)
  • James Kallstrom  + (Led "investigation" and cover-up of [[TWA Flight 800]] shoot down)
  • John Horan  + (Led Merck in becoming the largest [[Big Pharma|pharmaceutical company]] in the world)
  • Peter Wanless  + (Led a 'review' into [[UK/VIPaedophile]])
  • Zhao Zhendong  + (Led a technical support team for the research and development of COVID-19 vaccines.)
  • George S. Moore  + (Led an early effort by [[multinational corporations]] to open Latin America to them.)
  • Narcis Serra  + (Led deep state surveillance apparatus)
  • Minouche Shafik  + (Led the Fair and Effective Markets Review.)
  • Felix Rohatyn  + (Led the [[ French-American Foundation]], a recruitment network to control future French leaders.)
  • William Macpherson  + (Led the [[Macpherson Inquiry]] into the [[murder of Stephen Lawrence]].)
  • Avraham Ahituv  + (Led the [[Shin Bet]], Israel's internal security agency, from [[1974]] to [[1980]])
  • Paul Marcinkus  + (Led the [[Vatican Bank]] for many years, connected to several mysterious deaths, including [[Pope John Paul I]].)
  • Cars seen cruising motorcade area  + (Lee Bowers, a railway supervisor located iLee Bowers, a railway supervisor located in a tower behind the knoll fence, sees a 1959 Oldsmobile cruise the area. And at 12:20pm, a Black 1957 Ford also did the same and left. Then a third car, a 61 or 62 Chevrolet Impala entered the area, parked out of his sight near the decorative masonry wall, then reappeared immediately after the last shot. ref. Crossfire, pp 75-76er the last shot. ref. Crossfire, pp 75-76)
  • Oswald leaves TSBD and boards bus  + (Lee Harvey Oswald leaves Depository and boards bus. ref. W.C.)
  • George de Mohrenschildt  + (Lee Harvey Oswald's handler, found dead after attempting to share some of what he knew with the media.)
  • Oswald calls Ruth Paine  + (Lee Oswald calls Ruth Paine and asks her. Would you please call John Abt (Lawyer) in New York for me after 6:00 pm.)
  • Aaron Dykes  + (Left [[Infowars]] to pursue his own project, [[Truthstream Media]], with his wife [[Melissa Dykes]].)
  • Melanie Johnson  + (Left her post as UK Minister for Public Health in May 2005, and in March 2006 joined the Association of the [[British Pharmaceutical Industry]].)
  • Porter Goss  + (Left in acrimonious circumstances, which [[Daniel Hopsicker]] connects with '[[Cocaine One]]'.)
  • Peter Ricketts  + (Left one week before 9/11.)
  • Richard Lambert  + (Left the case to blow the whistle on the [[Amerithrax]] case)
  • Antony Duff  + (Left to become [[Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee]]. Later [[head of MI5]].)
  • Charles Farr  + (Left to take up the post of [[Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee]])
  • Die Linke  + (Left wing populist party in [[Germany]].)
  • Dennis Skinner  + (Left-wing British [[Labour Party]] politician known for his acerbic wit)
  • Document:Faiza Shaheen dropped by Labour for liking pro-BDS, Corbyn and Green Party posts  + (Left-wing [[Labour]] candidate [[Faiza Shaheen]] is deselected for 15 [[social media]] posts between 2014 and 2024 on issues from [[Islamophobia]] to [[Israel lobby|Israeli lobbying]], [[MEE]] has been informed.)
  • Arundhati Roy  + (Left-wing writer/activist with many dangerous enemies)
  • Alexander Cockburn  + (Leftist journalist with a sense of humor and diverse range of opinions. A great read.)
  • Elizabeth Wilmshurst  + (Legal Adviser at the [[Foreign and Commonwealth Office]] who resigned in the run-up to the [[2003 Invasion of Iraq]].)
  • Center for Constitutional Rights  + (Legal advocacy organization based in New York City focusing on [[civil liberties]] and human rights litigation, and activism)
  • File:ACSAgree.pdf  + (Legal agreement for purposes of a court order to release IP owner/user information)
  • NDAA 2012  + (Legal approval of imprisonment without legal process: "A landmark in American history")
  • Neil Eggleston  + (Legal counsel to various Democrats in legal trouble; [[White House Counsel]] under President [[Barack Obama]].)
  • Capital punishment  + (Legal state killing! Even killing the innocent! Especially in the US!)
  • Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty  + (Legally binding international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination.)
  • Crime  + (Legally forbidden behaviours.)
  • Margaret Carlisle  + (Legislative aide to [[Iran-contra]] insider, [[James McClure]]. [[Le Cercle]])
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship  + (Les Wexner's Young Leaders program)
  • Skull injury  + (Lethal injury that can happen to whistleblowers and others)
  • Luke Letlow  + (Letlow died with [[COVID]] within two months of being elected to [[Congress]].)
  • Document:Wilmshurst Resignation Letter  + (Letter of resignation from her position as a UK Foreign Office legal adviser over the issue of the legality of military action against Iraq in the absence of a specific UNSC resolution authorising it)
  • Julian Lewis  + (Lewis was co-founder.)
  • Jack Valenti  + (Liaison with the news media during President John F. Kennedy and VP Lyndon B. Johnson's November 22, 1963 visit to Dallas, Texas, then under LBJ.)
  • Hans Peter Haselsteiner  + (Liberal Austrian industrialist and politician)
  • Politiken  + (Liberal Danish newspaper with high Bilderberg attendance.)
  • Harper's Magazine  + (Liberal New York magazine)
  • Ole Myrvoll  + (Liberal Norwegian economist)
  • Grigory Yavlinsky  + (Liberal Russian politician picked as future favorite by Western powers in the 1990s.)
  • Juan Tomas de Salas  + (Liberal Spanish journalist and editor. His magazine was one of the most prestigious and widely read [[liberal]] publication in [[Spain]] during the [[Spanish Transition]] in the late 1970s.)
  • Franklin and Marshall College  + (Liberal arts college in Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
  • Bard College  + (Liberal arts college in New York State from 2021 funded by [[Open Society Foundations]])
  • New College of Florida  + (Liberal arts college in [[Florida]]. In [[2023]], the state government overhauled its board of trustees in an attempt to transform the school into a "beacon of [[conservative values]].")
  • Harvard Divinity School  + (Liberal theological seminary. Its academic programs attempt to balance theology and religious studies—that is, the "believer's" perspective on religion with the "secular" perspective on religion.)
  • Ellen Johnson Sirleaf  + (Liberian politician)
  • Libya  + (Libya has larger proven oil reserves than Libya has larger proven oil reserves than any other African nation, ranking 9th in the world. It was provided with a ''lot'' of bomb making equipment in the late [[1970s]] in the [[Arms for Libya]] clandestine weapons deal. [[NATO]] airstrikes killed 60,000 Libyan civilians in killed 60,000 Libyan civilians in 2011.)
  • Majid Giaka  + (Libya intelligence worker, became a [[CIA]] asset in 1988 and defected to the [[United States]] in 1991.)
  • Ali Treki  + (Libyan diplomat in [[Muammar Gaddafi]]'s government, later a senior official at the [[UN]].)
  • Hassan Assali  + (Libyan living in UK convicted in 1985 of constructing electronic timers in contravention of the Explosives Substances Act. Conviction quashed on appeal in December 2005.)
  • Mohamed Layas  + (Libyan saving funds manager fleeced by [[Goldman Sachs]])
  • Radwan Mortada  + (Libyan-Lebanese journalist and filmmaker.)
  • Torbert Macdonald  + (Life-time friend of [[JFK]])
  • Nicholas Murray Butler  + (Lifelong friend of [[Elihu Root]], [[President of the Pilgrims Society]] for 18 years, [[President of the Carnegie Endowment]] for 20 years, [[President of Columbia University]] for 43 years. Supported the [[Briand-Kellogg Pact]].)
  • John Overbey  + (Lifelong friend of [[GHWB]])
  • Aluminium  + (Lightweight, reactive, toxic metal.)
  • "Counter-extremism"  + (Like "[[counter-terrorism]]", supposedly a force to counter "[[extremism]]". In practice, such efforts deserve closer scrutiny, not least because of the [[plastic nature]] of the word "extremism".)
  • "Conspiracy theory/Academic research"  + (Like "[[terrorism research]]", this is long on assumptions and short on empirical investigation (especially of the historical record). It is part of a project to demonize any criticism of [[official narrative]]s and promote [[deep state denialism]].)
  • Pakistan  + (Like Afghanistan, former colony of the [[UK]]Like Afghanistan, former colony of the [[UK]] Pakistan is haunted by [[CIA]] [[drone]] attacks. Its [[nuclear weapons]] cache and border disputes with [[India]] also don't help. Supposedly [[Osama Bin Laden]] was killed here, in the rich, western city of Abbottabad., in the rich, western city of Abbottabad.)
  • Woodrow Wilson/Deep state control  + (Like [[Richard Nixon]], Woodrow Wilson took money and orders from [[financiers]] even as he publicly denounced them.)
  • TikTok  + (Like [[YouTube]] but videos have a duration from fifteen seconds to three minutes. The company is filled with "former" CIA spooks)
  • Marie-Josée Kravis  + (Like her husband, [[Henry Kravis]], a billionaire multi-Bilderberger)
  • Henry Kravis  + (Like his wife, [[Marie-Josée Kravis]], a billionaire multi-Bilderberger)
  • South Africa/Nuclear weapons  + (Like the [[South Africa/biological weapons|South African biological weapons program]]Like the [[South Africa/biological weapons|South African biological weapons program]], it was developed in close cooperation with the [[Israel/Samson Option|Israeli nuclear]] and [[Israel/Biological weapons|biological weapons]] programs. While officially destroyed in 1993, the bombs were in fact sold on the [[international black arms market]], with help from the [[British deep state]].[[British deep state]].)
  • "National security"  + (Like the idea of 'Patriotism', the notion Like the idea of 'Patriotism', the notion of 'National Security' is one designed to bind all members of a society together. By evoking [[fear]] of its opposite it creates a suitable psychological frame for the abdication of personal responsibility to the nation state. In the 21<sup>st</sup> century, the concept is repeated like a mantra in en effort to justify ever more opaqueness in the workings of governments tired of legal restrictions such as rights of their citizens.f legal restrictions such as rights of their citizens.)
  • Stephen Mathias  + (Likely Mathias is a [[US State Department]] apparatchik)
  • Michael Ancram  + (Likely took over from [[Norman Lamont]] as [[Le Cercle/Chairman (Europe)|European chair]] of [[Le Cercle]].)
  • Linh Dinh  + (Linh Dinh writes for [[The Unz Review]].)
  • Hilda Lini  + (Lini is a strong advocate for peace and nuclear disarmament.)
  • Panteion University  + (Linked to the development of social sciences in Greece.)
  • Rhodes Scholar  + (Links to the 112 Rhodes Scholars listed.)
  • Richard Doll  + (Lionized medical expert who received large consultancy fees from [[Monsanto]] and other [[Big Chemical|chemical companies]] for more than 20 years while "investigating" cancer risks in the industry.)
  • Pulmonary edema  + (Liquid in the lungs, may cause respiratory failure.)
  • Samuel Bronfman  + (Liquor producer who made it big during the US [[Prohibition]]. Kept [[mobster]] ties afterwards, even while going respectable as a businessman)
  • Document:Russian-propagandist  + (List of Armenians accused of being Russian propagandists)
  • VM-IfS Media Appearances & Commentary 2 (July 2017- )  + (List of Victor Madeira media appearances. The list is identical to Document; VM/IfS Media Appearances & Commentary (July 2017– ) but has a few extra entires)
  • Document:CIA Support of Death Squads  + (List of [[Death squad]]s that were supported by the CIA)
  • US/Bombing campaigns since 1945  + (List of countries the US has bombed from the air since 1945.)
  • File:The 911 Commission Report A 571-Page Lie.pdf  + (List of discrepancies and not addressed points in the 911 Comission report.)
  • Labour Party/Future Candidates Programme/2021 to 2022  + (List of people longlisted for Labour candiList of people longlisted for Labour candidacy for public office in [[2021]] and [[2022]]. Described as [[Keir Starmer]]’s Patsy Pipeline.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Bilderberg/Guests/Born  + (Lists of Bilderbergers by birth year)
  • Bilderberg/Guests/Visit count  + (Lists of Bilderbergers by number of visits)
  • Brussels Forum/Guests/Visit count  + (Lists of Brussels Forum visitors by number of visits)
  • Munich Security Conference/Guests/Visit count  + (Lists of Munich Security Conference guests by number of visits)
  • Munich Security Conference/Guests/Born  + (Lists of Munich Security Conference visitors by birth year)
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/Guests/Visit count  + (Lists of WEF annual meeting guests by number of visits)
  • Wall Street  + (Literally, a street in Lower Manhattan , NY, but generally used figuratively to refer to the US East Coast financial sector.)
  • Juozas Olekas  + (Lithuanian Defence Minister who reintroduced conscription)
  • Raimonda Murmokaitė  + (Lithuanian diplomat who was President of the [[United Nations Security Council]] in February 2014 and May 2015, and [[Chairman of the UNSC's Counter-Terrorism Committee]] 2014-2015.)
  • General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania  + (Lithuanian military academy)
  • Audrius Butkevičius  + (Lithuanian politician and fellow of the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Tomas Tauginas  + (Lithuanian soldier and member of the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Mykolas Romeris University  + (Lithuanian university)
  • Vilnius University  + (Lithuanian university with many disruptions during its history)
  • Howard Inman  + (Little documented member of the Institute for Statecraft)
  • Aristide Brunello  + (Little known [[Cercle]]Little known [[Cercle]] visitor. Vatican prelate and spy for the [[BND]] under [[Reinhard Gehlen]]. Attended a meeting of the [[Le Cercle]].<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup>)
  • J. Douglas Gibson  + (Little known Canadian banker who attended the [[1961 Bilderberg]])
  • William McLean  + (Little known Canadian double Bilderberger)
  • Jacques Rastoul  + (Little known Canadian visitor to the [[1979 Bilderberg|1979]] and [[1983 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Le Cercle/1988 (South Africa)  + (Little known Cercle meeting)
  • Le Cercle/1991 (South Africa)  + (Little known Cercle meeting)
  • Georges Morisot  + (Little known French visitor to the [[1959 Bilderberg]])
  • Hans Jörg Budischin  + (Little known German Bilderberger observer)
  • Thomas Hertz  + (Little known German single Bilderberger)
  • Jon Searle  + (Little known IfS core team member.)
  • Danilo Pastorboni  + (Little known Italian who represented Fiat in talks with the US. Special Forces in WW2. Attended the [[1957 October Bilderberg]])
  • Etienne Reuter  + (Little known Luxembourger "in attendance" at the 1981 Bilderberg.)
  • 'Raoul'  + (Little known Portuguese [[spook]] who worked for [[The Cabal]] as handler for [[James Earl Ray]].)
  • Jon Hazel  + (Little known SGMI, Institute for Statecraft operative)
  • Karl Casserini  + (Little known Swiss trade union leader and single Bilderberger)
  • Gerald Thompson  + (Little known UK single Bilderbeger (1974))
  • W. T. Wren  + (Little known UK single Bilderberger)
  • R. Henderson  + (Little known UK visitor to the [[1977 Bilderberg]])
  • Robert Grey  + (Little known US "in attendance" at the [[1959 Bilderberg]])
  • Guillermo Kirkpatrick  + (Little known [[Cercle]] visitor.)
  • Charles Hart  + (Little known [[Institute for Statecraft]] chairman)
  • Edward Littlejohn  + (Little known advertising executive and US organiser of the second and [[fourth Bilderberg]] meetings)
  • Patrick Walker  + (Little known head of [[MI5]].)
  • Charles Getchell  + (Little known member of the Bilderberg Steering committee who attended most of the meetings in the 1970s and 1980s)
  • James Duncan  + (Little known member of the [[Bilderberg Steering Committee]].)
  • Rafael Gude  + (Little known member of the [[Institute for Statecraft]].)
  • Jacky Sloane  + (Little known member of the [[Integrity Initiative]], possibly a film director.)
  • Jeffrey B. Gaynor  + (Little known regular of [[Le Cercle]])
  • Michael Ross  + (Little known visitor to the [[1958 Bilderberg]].)
  • Jo Bird  + (Liverpool councillor who was expelled from the [[Labour Party]] becomes [[Green Party]] candidate)
  • Labour Against The Witchhunt  + (Lobby group for pro [[Jeremy Corbyn]] supporters in UK Labour Party.)
  • European Movement International  + (Lobbying association that promotes European integration. In its first few decades it received massive funding and attention from the [[CIA]], and the personnel is intimately tied to the [[Bilderberg group]].)
  • Lobbying  + (Lobbying is to bribery as tax avoidance is to tax evasion.)
  • Maurice Fraser  + (Lobbyist)
  • Centreground Political Communications  + (Lobbyist firm built around a team of senior strategists who worked with Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]])
  • Meral Gezgin Eriş  + (Lobbyist for Turkish membership of the European Union.)
  • Peter Gummer  + (Lobbyist who arranged a land deal where Prime Minister [[David Cameron]] made up to £250,000.)
  • Ed Rogers  + (Lobbyist with hint of deep state ties.)
  • Margrit Markstaller  + (Local organiser of the [[1995 Bilderberg]])
  • Mary Alice Carroll  + (Local organizer of the 1996 Bilderberg.)
  • Locals  + (Locals is an [[Alt Tech]] platform.)
  • Matthijs Veenendaal  + (Located in [[The Hague]])
  • Katharine Klačanský  + (Location [[Prague]].)
  • La Toja Island  + (Location of 1989 Bilderberg)
  • Mark Drakeford  + (Lockdown loving First Minister of Wales)
  • Time Out  + (London and global cultural, entertainment guide magazine. By the [[1980s]], its former radicalism, where it exposed [[deep state]] activities, has all but vanished.)
  • Andrew Gilligan  + (London editor for the Sunday Telegraph)
  • Harrods  + (London luxury department store)
  • Westfield Shopping Centre  + (London shopping centre)
  • Brunel University  + (London university)
  • University of London  + (London university consisting of 17 largely independent member institutions, some of them very famous)
  • University of North London  + (London university merged in 2002 into the [[London Metropolitan University]].)
  • AstraZeneca  + (London-based British-Swedish multinational Big Pharma company that produced a [[COVID-19 jab]])
  • Poju Zabludowicz  + (London-based billionaire who has funded the [[Conservative Friends of Israel]])
  • Adam Smith International  + (London-based consultancy charged with overseeing the overseas work of the [[Adam Smith Institute]]. Used by British intelligence services to train puppet police forces in the [[Middle East]].)
  • Population Matters  + (London-based think tank seeking to reduce the number of live births globally in an effort to reduce human impact on the environment.)
  • Lewis Thompson Preston  + (London. Successful in the Eurobond market.)
  • Emanuel Piore  + (Long career as science manager for the [[US Navy]]. Attended [[Bilderberg 1967]] as Chief Scientist of [[IBM]].)
  • Phillips Academy  + (Long established Preparatory school for the US ruling class)
  • Office of Naval Intelligence  + (Long established US intelligence agency targeted on 9-11)
  • Scottish American Investment Company  + (Long established investment company)
  • Time Magazine  + (Long established part of the US [[corporate media]] [[establishment]])
  • Jackson Mthembu  + (Long running politician from South Africa, dies of Covid. His doctor has a fatal Helicopter crash the same day.)
  • Dalton School  + (Long seen as a bastion of privilege, Dalton is one of New York City’s most prestigious private schools. Also mysteriously hired an unqualified [[Jeffrey Epstein]].)
  • Bilderberg  + (Long subject to a strong media blackout (aLong subject to a strong media blackout (almost never reported in newspapers before around 2010), protected by national police, the Bilderberg group holds an annual meeting of approximately 130 bankers, political & military leaders, CEOs of multinational corporations, editors and royalty. Meetings are firmly off the record, although increasingly leaky.y off the record, although increasingly leaky.)
  • File:Not Guilty at Nuremberg.pdf  + (Long suppressed and ignored German defense evidence from the post-WWII Nuremberg trials. A very useful work of reference for those researching Victors' Justice in general and the Nuremberg Tribunals in particular)
  • Donald Kendall  + (Long term Pepsi CEO and Bilderberger)
  • Ghislaine Maxwell  + (Long term associate of Jeffrey Epstein. Disappeared in 2019. Arrested in July 2020. Sentenced 2022.)
  • Ray Buckton  + (Long term leader of ASLEF.)
  • Deep lobbying  + (Long term lobbying that mainly uses indirect methods)
  • Peter Peterson  + (Long time CFR chair)
  • Norman Lamont  + (Long time Chairman of Le Cercle, financier, politician and deep politician, involved in arms and financial deals.)
  • Ernest May  + (Long time associate [[Philip Zelikow]])
  • Charles Freeman  + (Long time president of the Middle East Policy Council. Close relations to Saudi Arabia and Iran. [[Le Cercle]], [[Bilderberg]])
  • Jerm Warfare  + (Long-format interviews on a number of subjects with a number of personalities, often dissidents in their field or independent analysts.)
  • Joseph Luns  + (Longest ever serving Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Serving with Johan Willem Beyen)
  • Joseph Luns  + (Longest ever serving Secretary General of NATO)
  • Elizabeth Windsor  + (Longest reigning monarch during her reign, during her time she befriended [[VIPedophile]]s [[Jimmy Saville]] and protected [[Prince Andrew]]. In the [[2000s]] remarked "there are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge".)
  • Theobald Mathew  + (Longest serving DPP)
  • Rick Perry  + (Longtime Governor of Texas, single Bilderberger)
  • Saudi Arabia  + (Longtime political ally of the USA, Saudi Arabia possesses larger easily accessible oil reserves than any other nation state.)
  • Margaret Hamburg  + (Loosened conflict of interest rules about FDA expert advisory panelists.)
  • Ralph Assheton  + (Lord Clitheroe, [[Chairman of the Conservative Party]] in the 1940s, attended 2 Bilderbergs in the [[1950s]].)
  • David Maxwell Fyfe  + (Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, Attorney General for England and Wales, Triple Bilderberg)
  • Walter Guinness  + (Lord Moyne. An Anglo-Irish politician and businessman. Was Minister of State in UN Mandate Palestine in 1944 when he was assassinated by members of [[Lehi]])
  • Stuart Polak  + (Lord Polak and [[Lord Pickles]]: [[CFI]]'s "Laurel & Hardy"<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • File:Victor Rothschild Soviet Spy.pdf  + (Lord Victor Rothschild’s connections to Soviet intelligence.)
  • Michael Manley  + (Lost 1980 election after CIA campaign to destabilize Jamaica and unseat him)
  • Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil  + (Lost his position after the [[1971 Turkish military memorandum]])
  • Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil  + (Lost his position in the [[1960 Turkish coup d'état]])
  • Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil  + (Lost his position in the [[1980 Turkish coup d'état]])
  • Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil  + (Lost his position in the [[1980 Turkish coup d'état]])
  • Christoph Franz  + (Lufthansa CEO, One Bilderberg, called for mandation of [[COVID-19 vaccines]] in April 2021.)
  • Forum Portugal Global  + (Lusophone subgroup of the [[Trilateral Commission]].)
  • The Bombers Affair (Luxembourg)  + (Luxembourg terrorist attacks by the local Gladio [[stay-behind network]])
  • Luxembourg/Ambassador  + (Luxembourgian ambassadors to other countries)
  • Gaston Thorn  + (Luxembourgish deep state functionary whose Bilderberger chief of staff was assassinated in 1981. [[President of the Liberal International]] for 12 years.)
  • Colette Flesch  + (Luxembourgish politician. 3 Bilderbergs)
  • Fairmont San Francisco  + (Luxury hotel in San Francisco, California. Hosted international statesmen for meetings which culminated in the 1945 creation of the [[United Nations]].)
  • Parallel Construction  + (Lying about the origins of a prosecution, so as to hide its true purposes or the fact that it was carried out illegally.)
  • Hans van Mierlo  + (Lying liason for [[US]]Lying liason for [[US]] [[nuclear weapons]] on [[Dutch]] soil. Helped eliminating [[Dries van Agt]] in [[1981 Dutch cabinet crisis]]. Tried to start a [[shadow government]] full of [[spooks]] and [[deep politicians]]. Received orders from the US to not arrest [[Surinam]] dictator [[Desi Bouterse]] for drug trading (while the [[CIA]] was busy with Bouterse). Single busy with Bouterse). Single Bilderberg.)
  • Mendacity  + (Lying.)
 (Lyndon Johnson sworn in aboard Air Force One, then orders take off)
  • Johnson sworn in aboard Air Force One  + (Lyndon Johnson sworn in aboard Air Force One, then orders take off.)
  • Charles Elwell  + (M15's "Witchfinder-General")
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/ATC lost contact confirmed  + (MAS confirms it received notification from Ukrainian ATC that it had lost contact with MH17)
  • Bryan Ardis  + (MD who's father in law died due to fatal hospital protocols.)
  • File:Update Marshall Investigation.pdf  + (MEDIA RELEASE)
  • Martina Anderson  + (MEP for Northern Ireland)
  • Barbara Spinelli  + (MEP, Second generation [[Bilderberger]])
  • Robert Evans  + (MEP, TLC)
  • MI5  + (MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5), is the United Kingdom's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency and is part of its core in the main British domestic intelligence service.)
  • William Skardon  + (MI5 counterintelligence expert who failed to catch Philby and many others)
  • Zinoviev Letter  + (MI5 fake letter published in the Daily Mail to destroy the 1924 Labour government)
  • Harry Newton  + (MI5 infiltrator of CND.)
  • Stephen Lander  + (MI5 took the lead role against the IRA from the Metropolitan Police on 1 October 1992.)
  • Richard Barrett  + (MI5/MI6 "terror expert" who writes for corporate media)
  • Stephen Hastings  + (MI6 agent member of [[Shield]])
  • John Rennie  + (MI6 chief who resigned)
  • Rory Stewart  + (MI6, Cercle, Bilderberg, UK DSO, Politician)
  • Harold Elletson  + (MI6, MP, Integrity Initiative, New Society Foundation)
  • Julian Amery  + (MI6, deep politician who chaired Le Cercle for several years.)
  • Harold Elletson  + (MI6, later Integrity Initiative)
  • Project MKNAOMI  + (MKDELTA focused on including biological warfare agents to store and diffuse materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject.)
  • Norman Baker  + (MP convinced that [[David Kelly]] was murdered.)
  • Trine Flockhart  + (MSC visitor)
  • Annie Machon  + (Machon quit together with fellow MI5 whistleblower David Shayler in 1996/7 to expose details of various illegal actions by the organisation. She is currently a political activist working to help other whistleblowers.)
  • University of Alaska  + (Made 2020 WTC7 study concluding that "fire did not cause the collapse" and that it was a "global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building")
  • Tassilo Broesigke  + (Made [[Austrian Court of Audit/President]] the year after attending the [[1979 Bilderberg]])
  • Tom Hurd  + (Made [[Director General of The Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism]] in January 2016, Directory General of the [[Joint Biosecurity Centre]] in 2020)
  • Mauricio Macri  + (Made [[President of Argentina]] in 2015 after attending the [[WEF 2015 meeting]], [[YGL 2016]])
  • James Cleverly  + (Made [[UK/Home Secretary]] in 2023)
  • Roy Cohn  + (Made his name in the 1950s during the McCarthy anti-communist hearings. Ran sexual blackmail operations that abused and exploited children. Close to both Democrat and Republican presidents.)
  • Maël de Calan  + (Made key decisions in French government "vaccination" campaign on behalf of his employer [[McKinsey]])
  • Maël de Calan  + (Made key decisions in French government "vaccination" campaign on behalf of his employer [[McKinsey]])
  • Arrigo Levi  + (Made programs for RAI until 1999)
  • Mishal Husain  + (Made propaganda documentations on [[Arab Spring]], [[Malala Yousafzai]] and [[Brexit]])
  • Maria Farmer  + (Made the first known criminal complaint to law enforcement, to the [[New York City Police Department]] and the [[FBI]], about Epstein, and termed the late [[Andy Stewart]] the "holy grail" of the [[Epstein affair]].)
  • Rolling Stone  + (Magazine which used to have independent reporting, although it has increasingly fallen under sway of [[Project Mockingbird]])
  • Main Core  + (Main Core is American government database containing information on several million people identified as be threats to "national security", to be detained or eliminated.)
  • University of Amsterdam  + (Main University of [[Dutch]] capital [[Amsterdam]]. Targeted for recruitment by the [[IfS]].)
  • The Hague University of Applied Sciences  + (Main [[university]] of [[Dutch]] political capital. It vets and trains students with intensive simulated [[UN]] debates.)
  • Channel 4/News  + (Main news programme on British television broadcaster Channel 4)
  • Bjarni Benediktsson  + (Main responsible for Iceland joining [[NATO]]Main responsible for Iceland joining [[NATO]] in 1949, against significant opposition, and for giving the [[United States Air Force]] a lease on [[Keflavík]] Airport. Prime Minister of Iceland for most of the 1960s. Died in 1970 from a fire soon after his 4th Bilderberg from a fire soon after his 4th Bilderberg)
  • University of Malta  + (Main university in Malta)
  • University of Dar es Salaam  + (Main university in Tanzania)
  • University of Salahaddin  + (Main university in the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region)
  • Susan Collins  + (Maine's Republican Senator)
  • Document:The Dominant Grand Narrative Of Our Time  + (Mainstream media spokesmen, journalists anMainstream media spokesmen, journalists and reporters are corralled into supporting and promoting the [[Establishment]] 'Dominant Grand-Narrative of our Time' while most appear blissfully unaware of the gross deceptions their careers are harnessed too - 'a man cannot see what his livelihood requires him NOT to see' - as the saying goesuires him NOT to see' - as the saying goes)
  • University of Antwerp  + (Major Belgian university located in the city of Antwerp)
  • Robin Brims  + (Major General, fellow of the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • CACI  + (Major MIC contractor; torture in [[Abu Ghraib]]. Often referred to as “Colonels and Captains, Inc.” to indicate the frequent [[revolving door]] of senior military personnel in the company. The company also has strong Israeli ties.)
  • Embassy  + (Major hub for deep state activities)
  • Emory University  + (Major research university, especially in medicine.)
  • Mungo Melvin  + (Major-General and "outstanding intellectual" at the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Our World in Data  + (Maker of interactive charts and maps, financed by the [[Gates Foundation]]. These charts are then used freely by [[corporate media]] and "policymakers" around the world.)
  • Andrei Nekrasov  + (Maker of the documentary film "The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes".)
  • Marcel Chirwa  + (Malawian soldier mentioned in a file of the [[Integrity Initiative Leak]], [[RUSI]].)
  • ATC tapes still missing  + (Malaysia New Strait Times reports the Ukrainian ATC tapes as "still missing")
  • Malaysia wants ATC tapes  + (Malaysia wants the ‘missing’ Ukrainian ATC tapes)
  • Roberta Metsola  + (Maltese MEP who was named a "reliable ally" of [[George Soros]]. She has been [[President of the European Parliament]] since January 2022.)
  • Mario N  + (Man who shot dead a cashier at a petrol station after a drunken argument over [[face masks]] in September 2021. Used evilly in corporate media propaganda: "All [[anti-vaxxer]]s are terrorists!")
  • ManTech International Corporation  + (ManTech is one of the U.S. government’s leading providers of technologies for "national security")
  • Robert Bartley  + (Managed the editorial page of ''[[The Wall Street Journal]]'' for over 30 years. 15 Bilderberg visits)
  • Dirk W. R. Hertzog  + (Manager in the tobacco and industrial conglomerate [[Rembrandt Group]])
  • Jacques Solvay  + (Manager of the family chemical corporation [[Solvay S.A.]] who connected his company to the US)
  • Nicolai Tangen  + (Manager of the huge Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund)
  • Erik Braathen  + (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Braathens.)
  • Pierre-Paul Schweitzer  + (Managing Director of the IMF for 10 years, multi Bilderberger as was his son)
  • Horst Köhler  + (Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, then (ceremonial) President of Germany, where he had to resign after supporting gunboat diplomacy.)
  • Nicolas Barré  + (Managing Editor, ''Les Echos'')
  • Graham Brookie  + (Managing director)
  • Roger Auboin  + (Managing director of the [[Bank for International Settlements]] between [[1938]] and [[1958]].)
  • Hamilton Fish Armstrong  + (Managing editor for 44 years of ''[[Foreign Affairs]]'', the journal of the [[Council on Foreign Relations]])
  • Scott Freidheim  + (Managing partner of Freidheim Capital. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2006]]. [[Council on Foreign Relations]]. [[Chatham House]].)
  • Sam Wheeler  + (Manchester Labour politician)
  • Phobia induction  + (Manipulative technique to foster suggestibility and a physical stress reaction)
  • Dominion voting systems  + (Manufacturer of voting machines.)
  • Crypto AG  + (Manufacturers of notoriously [[backdoor]]ed cryptographic communication systems, owned by the CIA.)
  • University of Haifa  + (Many Arab-Israeli students, very few among faculty.)
  • Australian National University  + (Many Deep State and military/intelligence ties)
  • JPMorgan Chase/Premature Deaths  + (Many JPMorgan Chase employees have died in suspicious circumstances, quite possibly in connection with investigations into malfeasance.)
  • Agah Uğur  + (Many [[WEF AGM]]s, One Bilderberg)
  • University of Idaho  + (Many alumni later move on to national prominence.)
  • Flexner Report  + (Many aspects of the present-day world medical profession stem from the Flexner Report and its aftermath.)
  • "Conservation movement"  + (Many billionaires are highly passionate about it.)
  • University of Turin  + (Many deep state operatives as alumni)
  • COVID-19/Regime change  + (Many if not all of the most outspoken governments who deviated from the [[Official COVID-19 story]] appear to have been targeted by organised efforts to unseat them.)
  • Millfield School  + (Many later deep state operatives)
  • Sciences Po  + (Many members of the French public service have studied at the institution.)
  • London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine  + (Many members of this School is at the center of the COVID-19 psy-op.)
  • COVID-19/Legislation  + (Many nation states have passed legislation rapidly advancing a [[police state]] with a titular connection to the coronavirus.)
  • Istanbul Technical University  + (Many of the graduates take role in the development of Turkey.)
  • Document:Assange Must Not Also Die in Jail  + (Many of the same people who are relieved by [[Jeffrey Epstein]]’s death would like to see [[Julian Assange]] dead too.)
  • Category:Websites  + (Many of these websites have provided source material and/or other inspiration for Wikispooks.)
  • User:Robin  + (Many people are of course making money from the "[[war on terror]]", but as this page details, those who created it had deeper plans, such as the removal of [[civil liberties]], increasing of [[censorship]] and [[mass surveillance]])
  • User:Robin  + (Many people are still unaware that things like this can happen. The CIA connected plane was later used for rendition. [[Porter Goss]] suddenly resigns as [[CIA Director]] for unstated reasons. Corporate media uninterested.)
  • 9-11/Premature death  + (Many people have been killed in an effort to suppress the truth about 9/11. Where convenient, deaths have been made to look accidental or illness related. Sometimes people have been "suicided", making it hard to know exactly how many were murdered.)
  • 9-11/Whistleblowers  + (Many people have sought to share important evidence about [[9/11]], using inside knowledge from a professional capacity.)
  • University of California/Berkeley/School of Law  + (Many prominent US lawyers and judges have studied here.)
  • Weather conditions  + (Map compiled from ICAO weather station data at 13:00 UTC)
  • Rene Gough  + (Marcell Rene “Gooch” Gough (left) — U.S. Navy SEAL (Class 8) and CIA Spook who died in 1965 during the Congolese Rebellion in the Congo, Africa, and given 84th CIA Memorial Star on Wall of Honor.)
  • Vigilant Guard 17  + (March 2017 [[military exercise]] held in [[Georgia (state)|Georgia]], practicing "any sort of catastrophic event". Also coinciding with [[Atlanta]] bridge collapse.)
  • Barents Sea  + (Marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean, located off the northern coasts of Norway and Russia)
  • Oswald still awake  + (Marina Oswald notices that her husband, LHO, is still awake.)
  • Marina de Larracoechea  + (Marina appealed to the five Scottish judgeMarina appealed to the five Scottish judges to conduct an independent review of the evidence on the grounds that the full truth behind the [[Pan Am Flight 103|Lockerbie bombing]] had been deliberately withheld. They rejected this request. She applied for permission to intervene and ask questions during the hearing of [[Abdelbaset al-Megrahi|Megrahi]]’s appeal. They rejected this application.’s appeal. They rejected this application.)
  • Viktoria Marinova  + (Marinova was an investigative journalist. Marinova was an investigative journalist. After an interesting segment on alleged [[fraud]] with [[EU]] funds by [[businessmen]] and [[politicians]] - promising to uncover more about those individuals next week - Marinova was murdered in the most popular place for joggers in the city of Ruse. Although deemed a [[rape]] and [[murder]], some of her belongings have never been found.e of her belongings have never been found.)
  • 9-11/Perpetrators  + (Mark Gorton suggests that the operation was planned by "the cabal", under the leadership of George H. W. Bush, with allies in Saudi Arabia. Deep state elements with the US government, the CIA and the Mossad all appear to be implicated.)
  • JFK/Assassination/Perpetrators  + (Mark Gorton terms this group "the cabal" and suggests that they are responsible for a large number of treasonous crimes up to the present day. The group includes two subsequent US presidents, Lyndon Johnson and George H. W. Bush.)
  • File:Mark Rutte-Klaus Schwab-letter.png  + (Mark Rutte's letter to Klaus Schwab, thanking him for sending a copy of the book ''"COVID-19: The Great Reset"''.)
  • Document:The War Prayer  + (Mark Twain's scathing indictment of war, aMark Twain's scathing indictment of war, and particularly of blind patriotic and religious fervor as motivations for war. The piece was left unpublished at his death, largely due to pressure from his family, who feared that it would be considered sacrilegious. Twain’s publisher and other friends also discouraged him from publishing it.s also discouraged him from publishing it.)
  • Fingerprint  + (Markers of human identity collected in huge government databases)
  • Water/Fluoridation  + (Marketed as an anti-tooth decay improvemenMarketed as an anti-tooth decay improvement, there is increasing evidence that the fluoridation of water may have a range of deleterious effects upon the brain (e.g. lowering IQ) and may actually not have much affect on tooth decay. The academic community was for a long time extremely hostile to anyone who challenged this practice.le to anyone who challenged this practice.)
  • Property:Equivalent URI  + (Marks a page in the wiki as having a well-known meaning beyond this wiki, in an external URI.)
  • University of Sassari  + (Marred by corruption allegations)
  • Wallis Simpson  + (Married [[King Edward VIII]] in 1936. Ties to Italian intelligence.)
  • René Boël  + (Married into the [[Big Chemical]] [[Solvay]] family, where he became director. Represented Belgium at the [[Bretton Woods Conference]]. After the war, he was involved with the [[European League of Economic Cooperation]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/1960]].)
  • Stella Moris  + (Married of [[Julian Assange]] in March 2022)
  • Barbara Amiel  + (Married to media tycoon [[Conrad Black]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/1993]].)
  • Barbara Amiel  + (Married to media tycoon [[Conrad Black]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/1993]].)
  • Stephen Kinnock  + (Married to the former Prime Minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning-Schmidt)
  • James Marshall-Cornwall  + (Marshall-Cornwall reportedly had a tendency to bypass existing arrangements.)
  • MLK  + (Martin Luther King was a pastor and politiMartin Luther King was a pastor and political activist whose moral stance in the US in the [[1960s]] posed a serious challenge to the [[US deep state]]. Now feted by the US government, although the US legal process conceded in 1999 that he was assassinated by the same government.e was assassinated by the same government.)
  • Martin Luther King  + (Martin Luther King was a pastor and politiMartin Luther King was a pastor and political activist whose moral stance in the US in the [[1960s]] posed a serious challenge to the institutionalised corruption at the heart of the US establishment. Now feted by the US government, although the US legal process conceded in 1999 that he was assassinated by the same government.e was assassinated by the same government.)
  • Richard Wolff  + (Marxian economist)
  • Ulla Jelpke  + (Marxist German journalist and politician asking inconvenient questions)
  • Prole Wiki  + (Marxist–Leninist wiki.)
  • Mary Lawrence sees Oswald  + (Mary Lawrence, head waitress at the Lucas B&B Restaurant - two doors down from the Vegas Club, says she is positive that LHO enters the restaurant and tells her and the night cashier that he is waiting for Jack Ruby.)
  • Project Pegasus revelations  + (Mass leak of info about Israel spyware)
  • Serial killer  + (Mass murderers, often presented as "[[lone nut]]s", without connection to [[deep state]] activities or [[mind control research]] projects.)
  • Plymouth shooting  + (Mass shooting in the south west of [[England]].)
  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute  + (Massachusetts engineering and technology university)
  • Amherst College  + (Massachusetts liberal arts college with many deep state-connected alumni.)
  • University of Massachusetts  + (Massachusetts public university with five largely independent campuses)
  • Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment  + (Massive role in [[Covid 19]]. Didn't support the usage of face masks.)
  • Harold Goulding  + (Master mariner, spook and commander of theMaster mariner, spook and commander of the Special Boat Unit Headquarters who carried out "very secret work". Interest centers on the final month of the war, when Goulding was purportedly posted to Cardiff. Died of meningitis in an Edinburgh hospital 3 months later after another unexpected posting to another unexpected posting to Scotland.)
  • Raymond Evershed  + (Master of the Rolls, President of the Pilgrims Society)
  • André Steur  + (Material Command)
  • Mati Kochavi  + (Mati Kochavi is a billionaire Israeli spook, since 9-11 a 'high-tech mogul'. CEO of many high tech companies specialising in cutting edge "cyber-security" and "public safety" technologies.)
  • Lockdown Files  + (Matt Hanchock has his WhatsApp messages leaked)
  • Caroline Cox  + (Maverick baroness in the British Parliament.)
  • Jack Maxey  + (Maxey wanted to release content of the Hunter Biden Laptop, but did not proceed since he did not get cover from local law enforcement.)
  • Eugenio Cefis  + (May have had a hand in the untimely demise of his predecessor [[Enrico Mattei]].)
  • Theodore Shackley  + (Maybe concurrent with being Vietnam Station Chief?)
  • Charles Keating  + (Maybe the highest profile player who was jailed for his part in the [[Savings and loan fraud]].)
  • Osman Olcay  + (Maybe the last NATO Deputy Secretary General to attend the Bilderberg group.)
  • Biden–Ukraine corruption scandal  + (Maybe this scandal would have swung the [[US/2020 Presidential election]] the other way if the [[media]] had reported on it?)
  • Marvin Rees  + (Mayor of Bristol who founded the The [[City Leadership Programme]])
  • Richard M. Daley  + (Mayor of Chicago, son of machine politician [[Richard J. Daley]])
  • Max Brauer  + (Mayor of Hamburg. One of a dozen men whom [[Józef Retinger]] consulted when setting up the [[Bilderberg]])
  • Iccho Itoh  + (Mayor of Nagasaki who denounced the use of nuclear weapons as a violation of international law in the Hague. Assassinated)
  • Fiorello LaGuardia  + (Mayor of New York City from 1934 to 1945.)
  • David Dinkins  + (Mayor of New York City from 1990 to 1993.)
  • Per Ditlev-Simonsen  + (Mayor of Oslo who resigned after revelations about his Swiss bank account.)
  • Kate Gallego  + (Mayor of Phoenix. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2020|WEF Young Global Leader 2020]]. As part of Covid propaganda, claimed city morgues were overflowing, when they were not.)
  • Ahmed Aboutaleb  + (Mayor of Rotterdam. Attended the [[2016 Bilderberg]])
  • George Moscone  + (Mayor of San Francisco. Assassinated)
  • Ed van Thijn  + (Mayor of [[Amsterdam]], shadow-cabinet founder, suspected paedophile in a underage sex-ring with [[Klaus-Georg von Amsberg|Prince Claus]] and [[Onno Ruding]].)
  • Joe Anderson  + (Mayor of [[Liverpool]] (2012 to 2021))
  • Tohá Morales  + (Mayor of the Chilean capital Santiago 2012-2016)
  • Bundy signs 1st draft of NSAM 273  + (McGeorge Bundy, then assistant to President Kennedy, signs the key first draft of NSAM 273, in contradiction to all previous Kennedy policy. ref. JFK, CIA Vietnam by Prouty, p xii)
  • Document:Meeting the Gaze of the Ghost in the Rubble  + (Meanwhile the ghost still looks out from the rubble of [[Gaza]]. Her stare searches across the ocean of our conscience like the beam of a lighthouse. The ghost in the rubble asks of us all: why can we not stop this madness and feed the people?)
  • Synthetic meat  + (Meat-like products created without animals. Supposedly good for the environment, and certainly for the investor's pockets. They can add "vaccines" to them too.)
  • Ronald Augustinovich  + (Meber of [[Interpen]])
  • Bloomberg  + (Media empire owned by billionaire [[Michael Bloomberg]].)
  • Kasia Kieli  + (Media executive for the American corporatiMedia executive for the American corporation [[Warner Bros|Warner Bros. Discovery]]. Runs it Polish operation, including news channel [[TVN24]], which the Polish government attempted to take the license from, citing [[foreign influence]] and national sovereignty issues. She attended [[Bilderberg/2023]][[Bilderberg/2023]])
  • Ruben Durante  + (Media researcher)
  • Independent media  + (Media that is not part of the corporate media system, mostly independently and tenuously funded.)
  • Euro 50 Group  + (Media-shy group of economic decision-makers and experts.)
  • Vernon Coleman  + (Medical doctor with decades of experience. His Wikipedia article received a complete re-write when he started to criticize the official narrative on Covid-19.)
  • Maryanne Demasi  + (Medical reporter laid off from the [[Australian Broadcasting Corporation]] for criticizing [[Big pharma]].)
  • John Bell  + (Medical researcher who attended the [[2013 Bilderberg]]. Appointed to the [[UK Vaccine Task Force]]. Became a center of attention when he stated that COVID-19 vaccines "are unlikely to completely sterilize a population".)
  • NATO/Defense College  + (Meeting place for policy makers and military officers.)
  • Document:Cluster Meeting Schedule Thessanoliki  + (Meeting with focus on Balkan countries and Greece)
  • University of South Africa  + (Mega university with over 400,000 students in South Africa)
  • Melbourne Grammar  + (Melbourne establishment school with influential old boys network that "opens up pathways.")
  • RMIT University  + (Melbourne university researching censorship implementation.)
  • Chris Donnelly  + (Member of PM Thatcher's Soviet advisory team)
  • Kate Green  + (Member of Parliament from the [[Labour Party]] and [[Shadow Secretary of State for Education]].)
  • Fred F. Fielding  + (Member of [[9-11/Commission]]. "World-class keeper of secrets".)
  • Alphons Horten  + (Member of [[Le Cercle]] and [[The Stauffenberg Service]])
  • Zbigniew Brzezinski  + (Member of [[Le Cercle]].)
  • Marc Grossman  + (Member of [[Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery]], attended the [[1998 Bilderberg|1998]] and [[2007 Bilderberg]]s.)
  • Richard M. Bissell  + (Member of [[The Georgetown Set]] strongly suspected of being [[involved in the JFK Assassination]])
  • Frank Vanderlip  + (Member of [[The Money Trust]])
  • Benjamin Strong  + (Member of [[The Money Trust]], [[Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York]] for the first 14 years of the Fed's existence)
  • Yehoshua Cohen  + (Member of a 3 man [[Stern Gang]]Member of a 3 man [[Stern Gang]] team dispatched by [[Yitzhak Shamir]] in September 1948 to kill [[Count Folke Bernadotte]]. He was the man who fired the fatal shots that killed both Folke Bernadotte and French Colonel [[Andre Serot]] who was travelling with him in the ambushed caras travelling with him in the ambushed car)
  • Manuel Fraga Iribarne  + (Member of both Le Cercle and the 1001 Club.)
  • Tom Pritzker  + (Member of one of the United States' richest families, the Chicago [[Pritzker family]].)
  • Lona Valmoro  + (Member of the 7th floor group and the "main scheduler" for [[Hillary Clinton]])
  • Svein Richard Brandtzæg  + (Member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.)
  • Sarah Bloom Raskin  + (Member of the Board of Governors of the [[Federal Reserve System]] and a former [[United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury]].)
  • Julia Neuberger  + (Member of the British [[House of Lords]])
  • Richard Howitt  + (Member of the European Parliament)
  • John Dutton  + (Member of the Executive Committee for the [[World Economic Forum]])
  • Maria Ramos  + (Member of the Executive Committee of the IMember of the Executive Committee of the International Business Council at the [[World Economic Forum]]. In 2021, she was appointed to the [[World Bank]]–[[International Monetary Fund]] High-Level Advisory Group (HLAG) on Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery and Growth, which sounds suspiciously like the [[Great Reset]].Great Reset]].)
  • H. C. Hansen  + (Member of the Folketing)
  • Miguel Forbes  + (Member of the Forbes publishing family.)
  • Daniel Finkelstein  + (Member of the House of Lords)
  • Sandra Nori  + (Member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly and on the Board of Advisors of the intelligence-linked [[Global Panel Foundation]].)
  • Ruth Metzler  + (Member of the Swiss Federal Council from 1999 to 2003. Vice President of Switzerland 1 January 2003-31 December 2003. [[WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/2002]])
  • Turgut Özal  + (Member of the Turkish Parliament)
  • Rod Blagojevich  + (Member of the U.S. House of Representatives 1997-2003. [[Donald Trump]] commuted his prison sentence from 14 to 8 years, stating that "I've might've met him a couple of times".)
  • Andrew Windsor  + (Member of the UK royal family who was close to [[Jeffrey Epstein]] and "provided zero cooperation" to US legal system in that regard.)
  • Samuel Dash  + (Member of the Watergate commission.)
  • Max Kohnstamm  + (Member of the [[Bilderberg Advisory Committee]], visited the Bilderberg 28 times. European chair of the [[CFR]])
  • Matthias Naß  + (Member of the [[Bilderberg steering committee]]; participated in every conference 1997-2012)
  • Walter Huddleston  + (Member of the [[Church Committee]], lost Senate seat in 1985 election.)
  • James David Zellerbach  + (Member of the [[Committee on the Present Danger]], US deep state functionary?)
  • Denmark  + (Member of the [[EU]], [[NATO]].)
  • Bruce Jones  + (Member of the [[II]]'s [[Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Journalists|UK journalist cluster]])
  • James Sherr  + (Member of the [[Institute for Statecraft]], [[Chatham House]], [[RUSI Director]])
  • Josh Arnold-Foster  + (Member of the [[Institute for Statecraft]]. Posts include "[[special adviser]]" to the [[UK defence secretary]].)
  • Helena Bennett  + (Member of the [[Institute for Statecraft]] in 2018.)
  • Marieluise Beck  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Germany|German Integrity Initiative]] who led the German Green party to a highly militaristic stance)
  • Jacopo Iacoboni  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • James Ball  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • Alina Mosendz  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]] and [[StopFake]])
  • Craig Oliphant  + (Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]]'s Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Inner Core)
  • Roy Hargraves  + (Member of the [[Interpen]], involved in training members of the [[anti-Castro]] groups funded by the [[Central Intelligence Agency]]. Maybe involved in the [[assassination of John F. Kennedy]].)
  • Patrick Duncan  + (Member of the [[Milner Group/Inner Circle]], sixth [[Governor-General of South Africa]])
  • Bruce George  + (Member of the [[Privy Council]] since 2001, MICC connected MP)
  • Lynn Forester de Rothschild  + (Member of the [[Rothschild family]] and leading member of [[deep state]] networks)
  • George Hickey  + (Member of the [[Secret Service]] who was in follow-up car, directly behind the presidential limousine, when [[Kennedy assassination|President John F. Kennedy was shot]] in 1963.)
  • Neil McLean  + (Member of the [[Special Operations Executive]] in [[World War II]] who attended several meetings of [[Le Cercle]] during the [[1980s]].)
  • John Perry Barlow  + (Member of the [[drug]]Member of the [[drug]]-promoting music band [[Grateful Dead]] and a founding member of the [[Electronic Frontier Foundation]] - and with strong ties to [[CIA]]. He may also have been involved in the conceptual origin that spawned CIA-connected entities such as [[Facebook]].[[Facebook]].)
  • Josef Korbel  + (Member of the exile government)
  • Committee on the Present Danger/Members  + (Members of Committee on the Present Danger, all four iterations)
  • Atlantic Council/Board  + (Members of the Atlantic Council Board of Directors and International Advisory Board per 2020)
  • Council on Foreign Relations/Members  + (Members of the Council on Foreign Relations per 2019)
  • Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3  + (Members of the Council on Foreign Relations per 2019)
  • Council on Foreign Relations/Members 2  + (Members of the Council on Foreign Relations per 2019, part 2)
  • Document:Only a failing US empire would be so blind as to cheer Netanyahu and his genocide  + (Members of the [[US Congress]]Members of the [[US Congress]] roared “[[USA]]!” to their satrap from [[Israel]], just as Roman senators once roared “Glory!” to generals whose victories they assumed would continue forever. Every empire falls. Its collapse becomes inevitable once its rulers lose all sense of how absurd and abhorrent they have absurd and abhorrent they have become.)
  • File:Spycatcher.pdf  + (Memoirs of former senior MI5 officer Peter Wright.)
  • Amnesia  + (Memory failure)
  • Per Hysing-Dahl  + (Mentioned as possible defense minister in 1981, at time of Bilderberg meeting. Instead appointed President of the Norwegian Parliament (Storting))
  • Memory hole  + (Mentioned in [[Nineteen Eighty-Four]] as a tool of [[censorship]], now used metaphorically to describe the fate of unpalatable truths.)
  • Bob Denard  + (Mercenary who performed various jobs in support of [[Françafrique]] — France's sphere of influence in its former colonies in Africa — for [[Jacques Foccart]] and President [[Charles de Gaulle]]. Also for [[MI6]] and [[CIA]].)
  • Elon Musk  + (Merged into Paypal)
  • University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology  + (Merged to the [[University of Manchester]] in 2004.)
  • Jérôme Heldring  + (Merged with NRC Handelsblad in 1970)
  • Meritocracy  + (Meritocracy literally means that those who have earned merit through achievement are legitimized to exercise power. There is a circularity in this definition, for what merit could be greater than that of belonging to the possessing and ruling class?)
  • Signal Messenger  + (Messaging service funded by the CIA, and about just as untrustable.)
  • WhatsApp  + (Messaging service owned by Facebook, and about just as untrustable.)
  •  + (Meta search engine)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster  + (Metastases from the [[IfS]]/[[II]]. Covert cells with a single leader, been used to exert clandestine influence from the London HQ, for example to promote particular opinions or to smear people it deems undesirable.)
  • Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary  + (Methodist seminary)
  • Metrojet Flight 9268  + (Metrojet Flight 9268 disappeared from radar at 31,000 feet, exploded and crashed killing everyone on board.)
  • Rodrigo Pérez-Alonso González  + (Mexican Green politician with interest in digital transformation)
  • Salomon Chertorivski Woldenberg  + (Mexican Health Minister. Selected a [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2014|Young Global Leader]] by the [[World Economic Forum]] in 2014.)
  • María Teresa Marú Mejía  + (Mexican Member of Parliament who reportedly died from [[COVID]].)
  • Alicia Bárcena Ibarra  + (Mexican biologist at the United Nations)
  • Francisco Ortiz Franco  + (Mexican journalist assassinated within months of starting to write about [[drug trafficking]].)